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On the Tax Administration website we use cookies to make the website more user friendly and to analyse site visits. The cookies we use do not record any personal data.

What are cookies?

Many of the websites you view place small text files in the memory of your computer, phone or tablet. This allows these websites to recognise you during your visit and any later visits. We call these files 'cookies'.

What do cookies do?

There are 3 types of cookies.

  1. Essential cookies
    Certain cookies are needed to remember settings or preferences during a visit to the website or a later visit. Suppose you decide you do not want to receive any cookies from a certain website. That website can 'remember' this by placing a cookie. Without cookies, you will be asked the same questions every time you visit.
  2. Website usage analysis cookies
    These cookies tell the website which pages you view, in what order, and for how long. This makes it possible to collect web statistics that tailor the website closer to the visitors' needs. Similar cookies are used to conduct online surveys, for example.
  3. Cookies from third-party websites
    Certain parts of a website place cookies on the websites of other organisations. This includes extras such as a YouTube clip, the option to share something on social media, or an interactive Google map. If you use these extras, the website of that other organisation may place cookies on your tablet, computer or phone. We have no influence over what these parties do with their cookies.

Do you want to refuse all cookies?

For this you can change the settings of your browser (internet program). You can do so via your web browser settings. For more information about cookies and deactivating cookies, go to the website veiliginternetten.nl (only available in  Dutch). For professionals: Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (Dutch website).

Our cookies do not record any personal data

According to the cookie clause in the Dutch Telecommunications Act (the 'Cookie Act'), a website must inform visitors about cookies and ask for consent to place them. The law makes an exception for cookies that are not privacy sensitive. The cookies we use at belastingdienst.nl are type 2 cookies only, which are cookies for analysing website use. We ensure that the data stored by these cookies cannot be traced back to personal data. We do this by our web statistics programmes which either delete every IP address completely or anonymize it to an adequate extent. The recorded data can in no way be traced back to a person. With these measures we also comply with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We collect the following data in our web statistics programs:

  • equipment and software used (devices, browsers, operating system)
  • links used to acces sour website
  • links used within the website
  • search terms used in the search engine on the website itself
  • when and for how long visitors visit belastingdienst.nl
  • which pages visitors view on belastingdienst.nl

Which cookies does belastingdienst.nl place on your computer?

Below, we have set out which cookies we place on your computer ourselves. Those are type 2 cookies only.





until the end of your visit

Determines whether the browser is technically capable of accepting cookies.


until the end of your visit

Determines whether the browser is technically capable of accepting cookies.


until the end of your visit

Determines whether the browser is technically capable of accepting cookies.

s_ecid 2 years Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
AMCV_6B4320E8637BE4D40A495FD6%40AdobeOrg 2 years Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
AMCVS_6B4320E8637BE4D40A495FD6%40AdobeOrg session Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
s_cc session Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
s_sq session Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
s_vi 2 years Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.
s_fid 2 years Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.


until the end of your visit

Registers whether you switch between different domains of belastingdienst.nl.


until the end of your visit

Registers whether you switch between different domains of belastingdienst.nl.


until the end of your visit

Registers whether you switch between different domains of belastingdienst.nl.


until the end of your visit

Registers whether you switch between different domains of belastingdienst.nl.

We occasionally carry out online user surveys. We use the results to further improve our website. Cookies are needed to store data. But also to remember whether you want to participate in such surveys. When processing the data from a survey, we comply with the privacy legislation (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR). This means that the data we use cannot be traced back to your personal data.

These concern the following cookies:




bldBTWEC-Logout-MBD 3 months Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 3 months.


6 months

Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 6 months.


3 months

Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 3 months.


3 months

Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 3 months.


180 days

Survey payroll taxes.


1 hour

Ensures that an evaluation request is shown.


1 hour

Ensures that an evaluation request is shown.


4 weeks

Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 4 weeks.


4 weeks

Ensures that an evaluation request is not shown for 4 weeks.


100 days

Ensures that no superfluous popup is shown for 100 days.

Feedback.(URL page)

365 days

Ensures that the InPageFeedback form 'Did this information help you?' is no longer displayed if the visitor of the page in question has already sent a reply.


13 months

Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.


until the end of your visit

Registers visits to web pages for web usage analysis tool.

Cookies of third-party websites (type 3)

If you make use of extras on our website that originate from YouTube, Google, Facebook or X, for example, those websites will place a cookie on your computer. We have no influence over what parties do with their cookies. You can refuse these cookies. See: 'Do you want to refuse all cookies?'.

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