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Flow of goods

The blue flow of goods for unknown businesses: in principle, Dutch Customs performs checks at the border, based on risk selection and risk analysis.

The green flow of goods for proven reliable market participants: Dutch Customs makes observations - in principle outside the logistics process - in order to check the correctness of shipment details.

The yellow flow of goods for smart and secure logistics chains (smart secure trade lanes): Dutch Customs is working on making complete chains secure, partly based on the automated exchange of all forms of checking information within the entire logistics chain. Companies that meet Dutch Customs requirements can apply for a so-called AEO authorisation. The status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) is an important part of the Pushing Boundaries vision and offers companies advantages in international trade. The extent to which a company is given facilities for inspection depends on the type of authorisation.

There are two types of AEO authorisations:

  • AEO Customs Simplifications authorisation (AEO-C)
  • AEO Security and Safety authorisation (AEO-S)

Both authorisations may also be issued in combination.

The authorisations are valid throughout the European Union. Since the introduction of AEO authorisations, customs has had two flows of goods: those from authorized companies and those from non-authorized companies. The facilities associated with an AEO authorisation include:

  • fewer physical and documentation checks
  • priority at checks
  • the holder of a authorisation may request that a check be carried out at a particular location

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