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C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Abelard to Barrès

Peter Abelard. 1079–1142 Héloïse d’Argenteuil. 1090?/1100?–1164. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Thomas Davidson
Letter of Héloïse to Abelard
Abelard’s Answer to Héloïse
The Vesper Hymn of Abelard
Edmond About. 1828–1885. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Capture
The Victim
The Man Without a Country
Accadian-Babylonian and Assyrian Literature. Critical Introduction by Crawford Howell Toy
Supplementary Note on the Literature of the Euphrates Valley by Frederick Augustus Vanderburgh
I. Theogony
II. Revolt of Tiamat
III. Fragments of a Descent to the Underworld
IV. The Flood
V. The Eagle and the Snake
VI. The Flight of Etana
VII. The God Zu
VIII. Adapa and the Southwind
IX. Penitential Psalms
X. Inscription of Sennacherib
XI. Invocation to the Goddess Beltis
XII. Oracles of Ishtar of Arbela
XIII. An Erechite’s Lament
Adam de Saint Victor. Twelfth Century. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Maurice Francis Egan
De Resurrectione Domine, with Translation
De Sancto Spiritu (On the Holy Spirit)
Abigail Adams. 1744–1818. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Lucia Gilbert Runkle
Letters—To her Husband
Selected Letters: To her Sister
Selected Letters: To her Niece
Henry Adams. 1838–1918. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Auspices of the War of 1812
What the War of 1812 Demonstrated
The Battle between the Constitution and the Guerrière
John Adams. 1735–1826. Critical and Biographical Introduction
At the French Court
The Character of Franklin
John Quincy Adams. 1767–1848. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Letter to his Father, at the Age of Ten
From the Memoirs, at the Age of Eighteen
From the Memoirs
The Mission of America
The Right of Petition
Sarah Flower Adams. 1805–1848. Critical and Biographical Introduction
He Sendeth Sun, He Sendeth Shower
Nearer, My God, to Thee
Joseph Addison. 1672–1719. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Hamilton Wright Mabie
Sir Roger de Coverley at the Play
A Visit to Sir Roger de Coverley
The Vanity of Human Life
An Essay on Fans
Hymn, ‘The Spacious Firmament
Claudius Ælianus. c. 175–c. 235. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Of Certain Notable Men that Made themselves Playfellowes with Children
Of a Certaine Sicilian whose Eyesight was Woonderfull Sharpe and Quick
The Lawe of the Lacedæmonians against Covetousness
That Sleep is the Brother of Death, and of Gorgias drawing to his End
Of the Voluntary and Willing Death of Calanus
Of Delicate Dinners, Sumptuous Suppers, and Prodigall Banqueting
Of Bestowing Time, and how Walking Up and Downe was not Allowable Among the Lacedæmonians
How Socrates Suppressed the Pryde and Hautinesse of Alcibiades
Of Certaine Wastgoodes and Spendthriftes
Æschines. 389–314 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Defense and an Attack
Æschylus. c. 525–456 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction by John Williams White
The Complaint of Prometheus
A Prayer to Artemis
The Defiance of Eteocles
The Vision of Cassandra
The Lament of the Old Nurse
The Decree of Athena
Æsop. c. 620–560 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Harry Thurston Peck
The Fox and the Lion
The Ass in the Lion’s Skin
The Ass Eating Thistles
The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The Countryman and the Snake
The Belly and the Members
The Satyr and the Traveler
The Lion and the Other Beasts
The Ass and the Little Dog
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
The Dog and the Wolf
Louis Agassiz. 1807–1873. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Silurian Beach
Formation of Coral Reefs
Agathias. c. 530–582. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Apostrophe to Plutarch
Grace Aguilar. 1816–1847. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Greatness of Friendship
The Order of Knighthood
The Culprit and the Judge
William Harrison Ainsworth. 1805–1882. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Students of Paris
Mark Akenside. 1721–1770. Critical and Biographical Introduction
From the Epistle to Curio
Aspirations after the Infinite
On a Sermon against Glory
Pedro Antonio de Alarcón. 1833–1891. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Woman Viewed from Without
How the Orphan Manuel Gained his Sobriquet
Alcæus. c. 620–c. 580 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Palace
A Banquet Song
An Invitation
The Storm
The Poor Fisherman
The State
Baltasar del Alcázar. 1530–1606. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Jovial Supper
Alciphron. Second Century. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Harry Thurston Peck
From a Mercenary Girl—Petala to Simalion
The Pleasures of Athens—Euthydicus to Epiphanio
From an Anxious Mother—Phyllis to Thrasonides
From a Curious Youth—Philocomus to Thestylus
From a Professional Diner-out—Capnosphrantes to Aristomachus
Unlucky Luck—Chytrolictes to Patellocharon
Alcman. Seventh Century B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Louisa May Alcott. 1832–1888. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Night Ward
Amy’s Valley of Humiliation
Thoreau’s Flute
A Song from the Suds
Alcuin. 735–804. Critical and Biographical Introduction by William Henry Carpenter
On the Saints of the Church at York
Disputation between Pepin, the Most Noble and Royal Youth, and Albinus the Scholastic
A Letter from Alcuin to Charlemagne
Henry Mills Alden. 1836–1919. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Dedication—To My Beloved Wife
The Dove and the Serpent
Death and Sleep
The Parable of the Prodigal
Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 1836–1907. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Alec Yeaton’s Son
Sweetheart, Sigh No More
Broken Music
Sea Longings
A Shadow of the Night
Outward Bound
Père Antoine’s Date-Palm
Miss Mehetabel’s Son
Aleardo Aleardi. 1812–1878. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Harvesters
The Death of the Year
Jean le Rond d’Alembert. 1717–1783. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Vittorio Alfieri. 1749–1803. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Oscar Kuhns
Scenes from ‘Agamemnon
Alfonso X of Castile. 1221–1284. Critical and Biographical Introduction
What Meaneth a Tyrant, and How he Useth his Power in a Kingdom when he hath Obtained it
On the Turks, and Why they are So Called
To the Month of Mary
Alfred the Great. 849–899. Critical and Biographical Introduction
King Alfred on King-Craft
Alfred’s Preface to the Version of Pope Gregory’s ‘Pastoral Care
Blossom Gatherings from St. Augustine
Where to Find True Joy
A Sorrowful Fytte
Grant Allen. 1848–1899. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Coloration of Flowers
Among the Heather
The Heron’s Haunt
James Lane Allen. 1849–1925. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Courtship
Old King Solomon’s Coronation
William Allingham. 1824–1889. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Ruined Chapel
The Winter Pear
Song: ‘O Spirit of the Summer-time!’
The Bubble
St. Margaret’s Eve
The Fairies
Robin Redbreast
An Evening
Lovely Mary Donnelly
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. 1793–1866. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Characteristics of Cattle
A New Undine
God’s War
Johanna Ambrosius. 1854–1939. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Peasant’s Thoughts
Struggle and Peace
Do Thou Love, Too!
Henri Frédéric Amiel. 1821–1881. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Richard Burton
Extracts from Amiel’s Journal: Christ’s Real Message
Greeks vs. Moderns
Nature, and Teutonic and Scandinavian Poetry
Training of Children
Mozart and Beethoven
Wagner’s Music
Secret of Remaining Young
Results of Equality
View-Points of History
Introspection and Schopenhauer
Music and the Imagination
Love and the Sexes
Fundamentals of Religion
Dangers from Decay of Earnestness
Woman’s Ideal the Community’s Fate
French Self-Consciousness
Frivolous Art
Critical Ideals
The Best Art
The True Critic
Spring—Universal Religion
Introspective Meditations
Destiny (just before death)
Anacreon. 582–485 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Drinking I
The Epicure
The Grasshopper
The Swallow
The Poet’s Choice
Drinking II
A Lover’s Sigh
Hans Christian Andersen. 1805–1875. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Benjamin W. Wells
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
The Teapot
The Ugly Duckling
What the Moon Saw
The Lovers
The Snow Queen
The Nightingale
The Market Place at Odense (1836)
The Andersen Jubilee at Odense
Miserere’ in the Sixtine Chapel
Leonid Andreyev. 1871–1919. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Fred Newton Scott
The Eternal Question
Lorenzo’s Duel with Himself
After the Murder
The Last Journey
Aneirin. fl. Sixth Century. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Slaying of Owain
The Fate of Hoel, Son of the Great Cian
The Giant Gwrveling Falls at Last
Anglo-Saxon Literature. Critical Introduction by Robert Sharp
From ‘Beowulf
Deor’s Lament
From ‘The Wanderer
The Seafarer
The Fortunes of Men
From ‘Judith
The Fight at Maldon
Cædmon’s Inspiration
From the ‘Chronicle
Antar (Antarah ibn Shaddad). Sixth Century. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Edward Singleton Holden
The Valor of Antar
Apuleius. c. 125–c. 180. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Tale of Aristomenes, the Commercial Traveler
The Awakening of Cupid
Thomas Aquinas. 1225–1274. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Edward A. Pace
On the Value of Our Concepts of the Deity
How Can the Absolute be a Cause?
On the Production of Living Things
The Arabian Nights. Critical Introduction by Richard Gottheil
From ‘The Story of the City of Brass
From ‘The History of King Omar Ben Ennuman, and his Sons Sherkan and Zoulmekan
From ‘Sindbad the Seaman and Sindbad the Landsman
Conclusion of ‘The Thousand Nights and a Night
Arabic Literature. Critical Introduction by Richard Gottheil
Imr-al-Kais: Description of a Mountain Storm
Zuhéir: Lament for the Destruction of his Former Home
Tarafah ibn al ’Abd: A Rebuke to a Mischief-Maker
Labîd: A Lament for the Afflictions of his Tribe, the ’Âmir
Antar: A Fair Lady
Duraid, Son of as-Simmah: The Death of ’Abdallâh
Ash-Shanfarà of Azd: A Picture of Womanhood
’Umar ibn Rabí’a: Zeynab at the Ka’bah
’Umar ibn Rabí’a: The Unveiled Maid
Al-Nâbighah: Eulogy of the Men of Ghassân
Nusaib: The Slave-Mother Sold
al-Find: Vengeance
Ibrahîm, Son of Kunaif of Nabhan: Patience
Abu Sakhr: On a Lost Love
Abu l-’Ata of Sind: An Address to the Beloved
Ja’far ibn ’Ulbah: A Foray
Katari ibn al-Fujâ’ah, ibn Ma’zin: Fatality
Al-Fadl ibn al-Abbas, ibn Utbah: Implacability
Hittân ibn al-Mu’allà of Tayyi: Parental Affection
Sa’d, son of Malik, of the Kais Tribe: A Tribesman’s Valor
From George Sale’s Koran
al-Hariri: His Prayer
al-Hariri: The Words of Hareth ibn-Hammam
The Caliph Omar Bin Abd Al-Aziz and the Poets
François Arago. 1786–1853. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Edward Singleton Holden
John Arbuthnot. 1667–1735. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The True Characters of John Bull, Nic. Frog, and Hocus
How the Relations Reconciled John and his Sister Peg, and What Return Peg Made to John’s Message
Of the Rudiments of Martin’s Learning
The Argonautic Legend. Critical Introduction
The Victory of Orpheus
Lodovico Ariosto. 1474–1533. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Oscar Kuhns
The Friendship of Medoro and Cloridane
The Saving of Medoro
The Madness of Orlando
Aristophanes. c. 448–c. 388 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Paul Shorey
Origin of the Peloponnesian War
The Poet’s Apology
The Appeal of the Chorus
The Cloud Chorus
Grand Chorus of Birds
A Rainy Day on the Farm
The Harvest
The Call to the Nightingale
The Building of Cloud-Cuckoo-Town
Chorus of Women
Chorus of Mystæ in Hades
A Parody of Euripides’s Lyric Verse
The Prologues of Euripides
Aristotle. 384–322 B.C. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Thomas Davidson
The Nature of the Soul
On the Difference between History and Poetry, and How Historical Matter Should be Used in Poetry
On Philosophy
On Essences
On Community of Studies
Hymn to Virtue
Jón Árnason. 1819–1888. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Merman
The Fisherman of Götur
The Magic Scythe
The Man-Servant and the Water-Elves
The Crossways
Ernst Moritz Arndt. 1769–1860. Critical and Biographical Introduction
What is the German’s Fatherland?
The Song of the Field-Marshal
Patriotic Song
Bettina von Arnim. 1785–1859. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Dedication: To Goethe
Letter to Goethe
Bettina’s Last Meeting with Goethe
In Goethe’s Garden
Sir Edwin Arnold. 1832–1904. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Youth of Buddha
The Pure Sacrifice of Buddha
Faithfulness of Yudhisthira
He and She
After Death
Solomon and the Ant
The Afternoon
The Trumpet
Envoi to ‘The Light of Asia
Grishma; or The Season of Heat
Matthew Arnold. 1822–1888. Critical and Biographical Introduction by George Edward Woodberry
Intelligence and Genius
Sweetness and Light
To a Friend
Youth and Calm
Isolation—To Marguerite
Stanzas in Memory of the Author of ‘Obermann
Memorial Verses
The Sick King in Bokhara
Dover Beach
Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse
A Summer Night
The Better Part
The Last Word
The Arthurian Legends. Eighth to Twelfth Centuries. Critical Introduction by Richard Jones
From Geoffrey of Monmouth’s ‘Historia Britonum
The Holy Grail
The Death of Arthur
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen. 1812–1885. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Gudbrand of the Mountain-side
The Widow’s Son
Roger Ascham. 1515–1568. Critical and Biographical Introduction
On Gentleness in Education
On Study and Exercise
Athenæus of Naucratis. Second Century? Critical and Biographical Introduction
Why the Nile Overflows
How to Preserve the Health
An Account of Some Great Eaters
The Love of Animals for Man
Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom. 1790–1855. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Genius of the North
The Lily of the Valley
Svanhvit’s Colloquy
The Mermaid
Aucassin and Nicolette. Twelfth Century? Critical Introduction by Frederick Morris Warren
Tis of Aucassin and Nicolette
John James Audubon. 1785–1851. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Dangerous Adventure
Berthold Auerbach. 1812–1882. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The First Mass
The Peasant-Nurse and the Prince
The First False Step
The New Home and the Old One
The Court Physician’s Philosophy
In Countess Irma’s Diary
Émile Augier. 1820–1889. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Conversation with a Purpose
A Severe Young Judge
A Contented Idler
The Feelings of an Artist
A Contest of Wills
Saint Augustine. 354–430. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Samuel Hart
The Godly Sorrow that Worketh Repentance
The Foes of the City
The Praise of God
A Prayer
Jane Austen. 1775–1817. Critical and Biographical Introduction
An Offer of Marriage
Mother and Daughter
A Letter of Condolence
A Well-matched Sister and Brother
Family Doctors
Family Training
Private Theatricals
Fruitless Regrets and Apples of Sodom
Averroës. 1126–1198. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Avesta. c. Sixth Century B.C. Critical Introduction by A. V. Williams Jackson
An Appeal to Ahura Mazdah, the Lord, for Knowledge
The Angel of Divine Obedience
To the Fire
The Goddess of the Waters
Guardian Spirits
An Ancient Sindbad
The Wise Man
Invocation to Rain
A Prayer for Healing
Sir Robert Ayton. 1570–1638. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Inconstancy Upbraided
Lines to an Inconstant Mistress (with Burns’s Adaptation)
William Edmondstoune Aytoun. 1813–1865. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Burial March of Dundee
The Execution of Montrose
The Broken Pitcher
Sonnet to Britain. “By the Duke of Wellington
A Ball in the Upper Circles
A Highland Tramp
Massimo Taparelli d’Azeglio. 1798–1866. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Happy Childhood
The Priesthood
My First Venture in Romance
Babur. 1483–1530. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Edward Singleton Holden
From Babur’s ‘Memoirs
Babrius. c. Second Century A.D. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The North Wind and the Sun
Jupiter and the Monkey
The Mouse that Fell into the Pot
The Fox and the Grapes
The Carter and Hercules
The Young Cocks
The Arab and the Camel
The Nightingale and the Swallow
The Husbandman and the Stork
The Pine
The Woman and her Maid-Servants
The Lamp
The Tortoise and the Hare
Francis Bacon. 1561–1626. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Charlton Thomas Lewis
Of Truth
Of Revenge
Of Simulation and Dissimulation
Of Travel
Of Friendship
Defects of the Universities
To My Lord Treasurer Burghley
In Praise of Knowledge
To the Lord Chancellor, Touching the History of Britain
To Villiers on his Patent as a Viscount
Charge to Justice Hutton
A Prayer, or Psalm
From the ‘Apophthegms
Translation of the 137th Psalm
The World’s a Bubble
Walter Bagehot. 1826–1877. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Forrest Morgan
The Virtues of Stupidity
Review Writing
Lord Eldon
Causes of the Sterility of Literature
The Search for Happiness
On Early Reading
The Cavaliers
Morality and Fear
The Tyranny of Convention
How to Be an Influential Politician
Conditions of Cabinet Government
Why Early Societies Could not Be Free
Benefits of Free Discussion in Modern Times
Origin of Deposit Banking
Jens Baggesen. 1764–1826. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Cosmopolitan
Philosophy on the Heath
There Was a Time when I Was Very Little
Philip James Bailey. 1816–1902. Critical and Biographical Introduction
From ‘Festus
Joanna Baillie. 1762–1851. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Woo’d and Married and A
It Was on a Morn when we Were Thrang
Fy, Let us A’ to the Wedding
The Weary Pund o’ Tow
From ‘De Montfort’: A Tragedy
To Mrs. Siddons
A Scotch Song
Song, ‘Poverty Parts Good Company
The Kitten
Henry Martyn Baird. 1832–1906. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Battle of Ivry
Sir Samuel White Baker. 1821–1893. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Hunting in Abyssinia
The Sources of the Nile
Arthur James, Earl of Balfour. 1848–1930. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Carlton Joseph Huntley Hayes
The Pleasures of Reading
The Ballad. Critical Introduction by Francis Barton Gummere
Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne
The Hunting of the Cheviot
Johnie Cock
Sir Patrick Spens
The Bonny Earl of Murray
Mary Hamilton
Bonnie George Campbell
Bessie Bell and Mary Gray
The Three Ravens
Lord Randal
The Twa Brothers
Childe Maurice
The Wife of Usher’s Well
Sweet William’s Ghost
Honoré de Balzac. 1799–1850. Critical and Biographical Introduction by William Peterfield Trent
The Meeting in the Convent
An Episode Under the Terror
A Passion in the Desert
The Napoleon of the People
George Bancroft. 1800–1891. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Austin Scott
The Beginnings of Virginia
Men and Government in Early Massachusetts
King Philip’s War
The New Netherland
Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham
John Banim. 1798–1842. Michael Banim. 1796–1874. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Publican’s Dream
Soggarth Aroon
The Irish Maiden’s Song
Théodore de Banville. 1823–1891. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Le Café
Ballade on the Mysterious Hosts of the Forests
Aux Enfants Perdus
Ballade des Pendus
Anna Letitia Barbauld. 1743–1825. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Against Inconsistency in Our Expectations
A Dialogue of the Dead
Praise to God
Alexander Barclay. 1475?–1552. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Courtier’s Life
Richard Harris Barham (Thomas Ingoldsby). 1788–1845. Critical and Biographical Introduction
As I Laye A-Thynkynge
The Lay of St. Cuthbert, or, The Devil’s Dinner-Party
A Lay of St. Nicholas
Sabine Baring-Gould. 1834–1924. Critical and Biographical Introduction
St. Patrick’s Purgatory
The Cornish Wreckers
Jane Barlow. 1857–1917. Critical and Biographical Introduction
The Widow Joyce’s Cloak
Walled Out
Joel Barlow. 1754–1812. Critical and Biographical Introduction
A Feast
William Barnes. 1801–1886. Critical and Biographical Introduction
Blackmwore Maidens
Milken Time
Jessie Lee
The Turnstile
To the Water-Crowfoot
Zummer an’ Winter
Maurice Barrès. 1862–1923. Critical and Biographical Introduction by Pierre Dareutiere de Bâcourt