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5 Web Design Tips for Beginners


Web design tips having an online presence is crucial if you want your business to succeed in the modern world. With so many companies having their own websites, there’s a great deal of competition out there, which means that yours needs to stand out among the rest in order to attract customers and create brand awareness. Fortunately, creating an attractive website doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive, especially if you know what web design tips to follow. Here are 5 web design tips for beginners to help you get started on the right foot.

1. Plan Out Your Site

Before you get started building your website, plan it out. Start with what you want your site to accomplish, and work backward from there. If you’re designing a personal portfolio site, begin by writing down your job goals and what kind of work you want to showcase.

2. Use Consistent Fonts

Consistency is key to good web design. You want your users to feel as if they can navigate your site with ease, and a major part of that is making sure everything feels familiar. The easiest way to do that is by using fonts consistently throughout your site and making sure those fonts are readable at all times (aside from highly stylized text). Remember: big font sizes aren’t always better.

3. Keep Things Simple

One common rookie mistake is to try to pack too much into a website. It’s better to start with a clean, simple design and add more information later than to over-complicate things right off the bat. If you’re interested in getting started with web design but aren’t sure where to begin, here are some quick tips

4. Use a Grid System

A grid system is essentially a tool that allows you to design with guidelines. Whether or not you know it, every website on the earth has been designed using one of these systems. The best part about grids? They give you a structure to work from and allow your content to be organized in an easily readable way. Even if you’re creating a portfolio site or simply want to organize your own bookmarks into categories, grids are essential for anyone who wants their site to look professionally designed.

5. Make your website mobile-friendly

It’s not only websites that need to be mobile-friendly these days—many businesses have adopted a responsive web design, meaning their website displays equally well on all devices, from desktop computer monitors to smartphones. More than half of Google searches are now made on smartphones and tablets; it makes sense to ensure your site is easy to navigate via smaller screens.


Web design is a broad field with lots of facets and this article touched on only the most basic elements of it. But hopefully, you have a better idea of where to start and how you can begin learning more about web design. There is so much to learn and so much opportunity for growth in this field, and if you’re willing to put in the hard work of learning and studying, you’ll find your efforts to be incredibly rewarding.

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