Wikisource:Community portal

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Community portal

Wikisource is an online library of free-content texts. Wikisource is maintained by a community of 3,108,995 registered users—407 of them have made edits in the last thirty days. If you want to join our community, just create an account and start editing.

Community pages
Chat: The following chat channels are bridged together:
Proofreading statistics
Page Status Count
Validated 621,035 (1,944 texts)
Proofread 1,190,054 (7,219 texts)
Problematic 43,504
Not proofread 1,056,022
Without text 240,274

This table shows the total numbers of pages currently in the five categories of the Page namespace.

The Monthly Challenge for January contains 74 works. You can help by reading the guide and contributing to the current challenge.
This month:
  • Pages processed: 2169 (72.3% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 114
  • Yesterday: 126

Last month:
  • Pages processed: 3738 (120.6% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 121

The current Proofread of the Month is Frenzied Fiction (1919) by Stephen Leacock.

Recent collaborations: Napoleon, Doom of the Great City, The Ocean and its Wonders, The Playboy of the Western World, Kutenai Tales, A History of Japanese Colour-Prints, O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1924, The Origin of the Bengali Script, Hoffmann's Strange Stories, Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia