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System Requirements

Supported browsers

ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.23 supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome 96 or later
  • Edge 96 or later
  • Firefox 97 or later
  • Firefox 91 (ESR)
  • iOS Safari 14 or later
  • Safari 14 or later

For best performance and full functionality use the latest versions of the browsers listed above.

Only WebGL-enabled, 64-bit browsers are supported.

Minimum hardware requirements
  • Desktop browsers - at least 8 GB system memory.
  • Mobile devices - at least 4 GB system memory.

Working with memory-intensive applications might require better hardware including CPU, GPU and memory.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) - virtual machines need to meet the minimum hardware requirements listed above. It is also recommended that you use the client specifically designed for your VDI. You will need to test and potentially adjust the VDI configuration to get optimal visualization performance.

Feature-specific requirements

SceneView is not supported on displays with a resolution above 4K.

API classes and modules can have additional system requirements noted on a class by class basis in the API reference. For example, due to security considerations the Locate widget and Track widget don't work on insecure origins. The Fullscreen widget only works with browsers that implement the Fullscreen API. Thus, this feature is not supported on iOS Safari.

WebGL extensions

The API has the following features which require WebGL extensions that might not always be available in your browser:

To use these features with optimal visual quality, the following WebGL extensions are required:

  • On devices with WebGL2 support: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_texture_norm16 (only for visualizing voxels with data type INT16 or UINT16)
  • On devices with only WebGL1 support: OES_texture_float and WEBGL_color_buffer_float

To test if a device supports these WebGL extensions, open https://webglreport.com on the device's browser and check the extensions list.

About web servers

If developing a traditional web application that is to be accessed via the browser, the recommended approach is to deploy it to a web server and access it via http:// or https:// rather than file://.

In embedded scenarios, e.g. Microsoft PowerBI, Windows Store app, or Adobe Creative Cloud, a web server is not necessary for using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

Product Life Cycle

We recommend reviewing both the ArcGIS API for JavaScript's Product Life Cycle page and the Developer Technologies section in the Esri Product Life Cycle Support Policy document. They contain detailed information on specific API version release dates and the associated product life cycle phases.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.