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The Official Source of Internationally-Comparable Education Data
Towards a New Generation of Internationally-Comparable Data
Data to Break the Barriers to Education
Tracking Literacy Skills among Children, Youth and Adults
Data to Help Close the Gap
Reducing Inequalities in Education by Improving the Measurement, Availability and Use of Data
From Teacher Training to Recruitment: Data to Improve the Quality of Education
Data for the Region Facing the Biggest Challenges
Data and Tools to Track Funding
Tracking Enrolment, Fields of Study and Destinations of Students Globally
Shedding Light on the Skills and Potential of Adults and Societies at Large
A Comprehensive Framework to Organize Education Programmes and Qualifications
Helping Countries Produce and Use High-Quality Data to Achieve their Goals
Enhancing Scientific Research
R&D Data for Countries at All Stages of Development
Building a Global Database
Data to Help Bridge the Gender Gap
Protecting the World’s Cultural and Natural Heritage
Measuring How Culture Contributes to Economic Development
Measuring the World’s Most Lucrative Cultural Industry
Tracking Trade Flows in the Digital Age
Measuring the Economic Contribution of Culture
Tracking Access to and Use of ICT in Classrooms

Latest News

New education data refresh In response to the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the education systems, our efforts to produce statistics supporting policy development have intensified in the last...
The UIS has launched its 2022 Survey of Formal Education for the reference year ending in 2021 to ensure the timely collection of data for the monitoring of SDG4. The questionnaires and the related...
The 2021 edition of the SDG 4 Data Digest, National SDG 4 Benchmarks: Fulfilling Our Neglected Commitment by the UIS and the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) presents the idea behind...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to education. Countries have been forced to find ways to adapt to these educational disruptions (such as school closures), by providing remote...

Data for Sustainable Development - UIS Blog

Silvia Montoya, Director, UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Manos Antoninis, Director, Global Education Monitoring Report The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) was...
Silvia Montoya, Director UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Martin Gustafssson, Research on Socio-Economic Policy (ReSEP), University of Stellenbosch The 2020 learning losses equal the gains made...
João Pedro Azevedo, Lead Economist, Education Global Practice, World Bank Group and Silvia Montoya, Director, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Our choice of a measure shapes our understanding...

Latest tweets

  • What percentage of each country’s teachers are trained? UIS’s new #education dashboard has data for over 200 countr… https://t.co/7e5DPQCuM2
  • How many children were out of school last year? And how has that figure changed in the last 2 decades? Find out in… https://t.co/Xox6tsQQ31
  • Looking for data on progress towards #SDG4? Check out our new data dashboard with information on all the SDG… https://t.co/KgcIB0JM11