Wikidata Bridge/Get involved

Edit Wikidata’s data directly from your infobox

Participate to UX research & feedback loops[edit source]

We are regularly organizing user interviews and feedback loops. The incoming ones are be announced here.

How to get my Wikipedia community involved?[edit source]

In order to get your Wikipedia community involved, you can:

  • Help translating these documentation pages in your language
  • Create a Wikidata Wikiproject on your Wikipedia, if it's not already existing
  • Talk to your community about Wikidata Bridge and your current use of Wikidata infoboxes
  • Make sure to involve your local infobox/templates builders in the discussions
  • If you have questions to the development team, feel free to ask them on the talk page
  • The next step would be to engage your community in testing the tool at an early stage: see the section below

How to be part of the first tests?[edit source]

  • Make sure that the steps in the section above are completed
  • Make sure that you have the support of your Wikipedia community, for example by running a local community process
  • Leave a message on the talk page to start discussing with the development team about the next steps

See also[edit source]