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Report | Nov 19, 2019
A Field Guide to Polling: Election 2020 Edition

While survey research in the United States is a year-round undertaking, the public’s focus on polling is never more intense than during the run-up to a presidential election.

Feature | Sep 5, 2019
How does a computer ‘see’ gender?

A computer can be trained to predict whether an image shows a man or a woman. Can you identify which parts of the face are most essential to the computer’s decision?

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Signature Reports

| Nov 19, 2019
A Field Guide to Polling: Election 2020 Edition

While survey research in the United States is a year-round undertaking, the public’s focus on polling is never more intense than during the run-up to a presidential election.

| Mar 31, 2017
Are Telephone Polls Understating Support for Trump?

An experiment comparing responses to 27 questions fielded on both a telephone and a web survey found no significant mode differences in overall opinion about Trump or many of his signature policy positions.


Feature | Jul 16, 2019
Methods 101 Video: How is polling done around the world?

International polling provides information about how people in different countries are thinking about issues like immigration, technology, religion, you name it. But polling in different parts of the world can be very challenging, because what works in one country may not work in a different country.

Feature | May 14, 2018
Video: Can we still trust polls?

Recent events – including the 2016 presidential election and Brexit – have rattled public confidence in polls. But this video explains why well-designed polls can still be trusted and remain an important way to measure public opinion.

Feature | Mar 21, 2018
Methods 101 Video: Survey Question Wording

The second video in Pew Research Center’s Methods 101 series helps explain question wording – a concept at the center of sound public opinion survey research – and why it’s important.

Feature | May 12, 2017
Methods 101 Video: Random Sampling

The first video in Pew Research Center’s Methods 101 series helps explain random sampling – a concept that lies at the heart of all probability-based survey research – and why it’s important.