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UNESCO Associated Schools Network

UNESCO associated Schools Network


Previous news
UNESCO Associated Schools X Futures of Education

From September 2020 until February 2021, UNESCO's Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) have mobilized over 2500 school leaders, teachers, students and their parents from across the globe to engage in joint reflections about education in the future: How can education promote sustainable development (ESD) and global citizenship (GCED), not only today but also tomorrow? How should what, how and where we learn evolve in the future? Learn more

Video message
Special message from Julie Saito, ASPnet International Coordinator: "What is transformative education?"
From our members
“Let's Change for the World"- a song composed and written by an ASPnet school, Indonesia

Distance learning! Are our Students Ready?!
Article by Jinan Karameh Shayya, Principal AlManar Modern School, Lebanon

"Solidarity France-Lebanon"​ Project​ partnership is between the Michel Chasles college in France and the Zahrat El Ishan school in Beirut 

​Qu​ality Education is necessary for all of us - a message from an ASPnet student, Japan

We are all Global Citizens" Initiative- ​Germ​an ASPnet schools and their partners stand together in times of COVID-19​​​​