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| Jan 12, 2021
News Use Across Social Media Platforms in 2020

About half of U.S. adults say they get news from social media “often” or “sometimes,” and this use is spread out across a number of different sites. Facebook stands out as a regular source of news for about a third of Americans.

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Short Read | Dec 14, 2021
How Americans tweet about the news

Here is how the average adult Twitter user in the U.S. tweeted about the news in 2021, as well as how these patterns have changed since 2015.

Feature | Nov 8, 2021
News Platform Fact Sheet

Today an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices. Explore the patterns and trends that shape the platforms Americans turn to for news

Report | Sep 20, 2021
News Consumption Across Social Media in 2021

About half (48%) of U.S. adults say they get news from social media “often” or “sometimes,” a 5 percentage point decline compared with 2020. More than half of Twitter users get news on the site regularly.

Feature | Jul 27, 2021
Digital News Fact Sheet

In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online (either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets.

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