Project:Support desk

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Welcome to the MediaWiki Support desk, where you can ask MediaWiki questions!

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  1. To help us answer your questions, please indicate which versions you are using, as found on your wiki's Special:Version page:
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    • PHP version
    • Database type and version
  2. Please include the web address (URL) to your wiki if possible. It's often easier for us to identify the source of the problem if we can see the error directly.
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Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: (curl error: no status set)

2003:D2:EF46:F900:2C55:8BE6:8E16:DD9F (talkcontribs)


I use mediawiki V 1.35.1 with PHP 7.4.11

I activated the VisualEditor in the installation screen, but everytime I want to edit or create a page with the "Edit" Button, i get the error "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: (curl error: no status set)".

I cannot find something on google with this exact error, I even reinstalled the mediawiki.

Is there anyone who can help me? This would be awesome.

Please tell me which logs or facts you need to know.

Many thanks!

Leon (talkcontribs)

Same problem, no idea what is wrong (talkcontribs)

Same error here and no idea.

It happens to me just on one specific hosting, maybe some hosting settings?

Reply to "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: (curl error: no status set)"

How to make a MediaWiki website more dynamic?

9 (talkcontribs)

For generally all users, my website is currently "static".

I wish to add some dynamicity.

Is there some documentation / some community guidelines / some tip-list here about how to make a website more dynamic?

I would theorize that this guide would have three chapters:

  1. How to make your homepage more dynamic
  2. How to make your non-homepage webpages more dynamic
  3. How to make all webpage more dynamic (global)

Chapter 1 example

  • Add an article counter
  • Display the last 5 new pages as with {{Special:NewPages/5}}
  • Display the last 5 most viewed categories of the month

Chapter 2 example

Chapter 3 example

  • Pop up some JavaScript


Well, you get the idea.

I feel a bit lost and need some guidance and help.

I feel like I am not getting the full potential of MediaWiki just because of that problem of being lost with how to make my website a bit more dynamic.

I need some inspiration.

Malyacko (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

That's fine, I like to code !

What I seek here is more of a guidance / "cookbook" / I did this. (talkcontribs)
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You can try to ask for specific problems and not a generic "how to make X more dynamic". (talkcontribs)

@Ciencia Al Poder indeed and I have done that but currently I just don't have any specific problems left :)

I just need some MW content development mentoring.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

What does "content development mentoring" mean? What does "dynamic" mean? What's the description of an actual non-abstract underlying problem to solve, instead of a rather unclear (buzz)word like "dynamic"? (talkcontribs)


Mentoring here means examples for dynamic content.

Dynamic (content) here means that the output of each backend load would generally be different.

I nicely reject the abstraction that each question here must be about an underlying problem to solve or at least that no exceptions would be allowed.

If I'm ought to define a problem, it's my personal lack of creativity on the matter :) (talkcontribs)

In each backend load, some of the peripheral content should be different.

Reply to "How to make a MediaWiki website more dynamic?"
Jukha (talkcontribs)


I have a wiki ( that I attempted to upgrade from 1.25 to 1.37.1. In the Web browser I am seeing the following. Can you suggest any next steps to clear this up and get it working?

Many thanks!

[YhMjCHHsmWjvwHIS0FQ48QAAABc] /opus/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading or after adding a new extension?

Please see and for more information.

Error 1146: Table 'chuckfurnace_com_4.opus_revision_comment_temp' doesn't exist (

Function: MessageCache::loadFromDB(en)-small

Query: SELECT /*! STRAIGHT_JOIN */ rev_id,rev_page,rev_timestamp,rev_minor_edit,rev_deleted,rev_len,rev_parent_id,rev_sha1,comment_rev_comment.comment_text AS `rev_comment_text`,comment_rev_comment.comment_data AS `rev_comment_data`,comment_rev_comment.comment_id AS `rev_comment_cid`,actor_rev_user.actor_user AS `rev_user`,actor_rev_user.actor_name AS `rev_user_text`,temp_rev_user.revactor_actor AS `rev_actor`,page_namespace,page_title,page_id,page_latest,page_is_redirect,page_len FROM `opus_page` JOIN `opus_revision` ON ((page_id = rev_page)) JOIN `opus_revision_comment_temp` `temp_rev_comment` ON ((temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id)) JOIN `opus_comment` `comment_rev_comment` ON ((comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id)) JOIN `opus_revision_actor_temp` `temp_rev_user` ON ((temp_rev_user.revactor_rev = rev_id)) JOIN `opus_actor` `actor_rev_user` ON ((actor_rev_user.actor_id = temp_rev_user.revactor_actor)) WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 8 AND (page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' ESCAPE '`' ) AND (page_len <= 10000) AND (page_latest = rev_id)


from /home/chuckfurnace/

#0 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryException(string, integer, string, string)

#1 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryExceptionAndLog(string, integer, string, string)

#2 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportQueryError(string, integer, string, string, boolean)

#3 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->query(string, string, integer)

#4 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->select(array, array, array, string, array, array)

#5 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->__call(string, array)

#6 /home/chuckfurnace/ Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->select(array, array, array, string, array, array)

#7 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->loadFromDB(string, NULL)

#8 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->loadFromDBWithLock(string, array, NULL)

#9 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->load(string)

#10 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->getMsgFromNamespace(string, string)

#11 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->getMessageForLang(LanguageEn, string, boolean, array)

#12 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->getMessageFromFallbackChain(LanguageEn, string, boolean)

#13 /home/chuckfurnace/ MessageCache->get(string, boolean, LanguageEn)

#14 /home/chuckfurnace/ Message->fetchMessage()

#15 /home/chuckfurnace/ Message->format(string)

#16 /home/chuckfurnace/ Message->text()

#17 /home/chuckfurnace/ Title::newMainPage()

#18 /home/chuckfurnace/ MediaWiki->parseTitle()

#19 /home/chuckfurnace/ MediaWiki->getTitle()

#20 /home/chuckfurnace/ MediaWiki->main()

#21 /home/chuckfurnace/ MediaWiki->run()

#22 /home/chuckfurnace/ wfIndexMain()

#23 {main}

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Did you run update.php as the error message suggests?

Recent MediaWiki versions expect upgrades to jump from LTS or versions after the last LTS. If you are testing the upgrade or have a backup, I'd recommend upgrading to 1.35 first and then from that to 1.37

Jukha (talkcontribs)

I did, I got

Can not upgrade from versions older than 1.27, please upgrade to that version or later first.

so! how do I upgrade to 1.35?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You should upgrade to intermediate versions.

IIRC, you can upgrade from 1.25 to 1.35 in one step (you can download it from the main page here). Copy files and run update.php on the 1.35 installation!

And then, from 1.35 to 1.37 in another step. Run update.php again, this time from the 1.37 installation.

Reply to "Trouble with upgraded wiki"

Persistent TOC in Sidebar like Citizen Skin?

2 (talkcontribs)

How do I make the TOC persistent in the sidebar like the Citizen Skin does?

You can basically scroll up or down the entire page and have the TOC always in the left sidebar for fast easy access to the entire page headers. I'm new to Media Wiki, CSS and JS so if you have a completed code to do this that be amazing

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

By adjusting the CSS code of your favorite skin to behave like that, for example after investigating the Citizen skin how it does that. Or by using the Citizen Skin instead.

Reply to "Persistent TOC in Sidebar like Citizen Skin?" (talkcontribs)

Hi , As per compliance policy we need to update PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0. Kindly advise by when MediaWiki will be compatible with PHP 8.0

Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Reply to "PHP 8.0 support"

The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the filename. Please check whether you really want to upload this file.

2 (talkcontribs)

Dear Support,

I have an installation of mediawiki 1.37.1, on Centos 7 OS, with PHP 7.4.27.

I have file_uploads = On in the PHP and $wgEnableUploads = true;

Until 15th February 2022 I was capable to upload images and files, but since 15th I cannot. The error message is the oune i the topic. I've tried different options by setting PHP upload_tmp_dir to a different path with writting permissions and it doen't work.

In 17th of Feb, I've added two parameters in LocalSettings.php

$wgMaxImageArea = 8.1e7;

$wgMaxShellMemory = 524288;

because some thubmnails were not displayed correctly. But nothing else as far as I remember...

This happens with any type of file, and I don't see any message on apache logs, neither in the wiki log...

Do you know what can I do to debut this error?

Thanks in advance, (talkcontribs)

I solved the issue. After doing some checks, I've realized that I didn't have free space on the disk, so after freeing some space I was capable to upload new files.


Hendrik Fritzen (talkcontribs)


we use wikimedia for internal documentation. We use an exchange server in the cloud as email server. We have already adjusted the SMTP settings. When we try to send confirmation emails the message appears:

authentication failure [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 421, response: 4.7.66 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported. Please upgrade/update your client to support TLS 1.2. Visit [FR0P281CA0010.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM])]


MediaWiki: 1.26.2

PHP: 5.5.30 (fpm-fcgi)

MySQL: 5.6.28

How can we fix that?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Looks like PHP 5.5 doesn't support TLS 1.2. You should upgrade PHP, and also MediaWiki, since MediaWiki 1.26 is really old and no longer supported.

Reply to "SMTP Server Online Exchange"

How to reagain access to mw if you're blocked as an administrator?

5 (talkcontribs)

I "inherited" a MW which wasn't updated for years. For security reasons the server administrators blocked all accounts - including the MW administrator's. Is there a way to regain access? I have access to the server and the database.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

sysops by default have the "unblockself" right, which makes them able to unblock themselves. Take a look at LocalSettings.php and see if this right has been revoked, and comment-out that line.

You should be able to unblock yourself after that, visiting the Special:BlockList page on your wiki and finding your name.

If the block prevents you from logging in, check if $wgBlockDisablesLogin has been set to true in LocalSettings.php and comment it out.

Bawolff (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately there is no entry in the LocalSettings.php that refers to a sysop.

Is it possible to set up a new sysop-account via LocalSettings.php or as an entry in the database?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Check Bawolff response for creating a new admin account

Reply to "How to reagain access to mw if you're blocked as an administrator?"

Recommended dumpBackup.php settings

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

What settings for Manual:dumpBackup.php would save the most data from the wiki?

I'm in the middle of experimenting and can't work out the relationship between these two. Should I use both or just --include-files?

  --uploads   Include upload records without files
  --include-files Include files within the XML stream

Also, can I use --full and --logs together?

 --full      Dump all revisions of every page.
 --logs      Dump all log events.


Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

It seems that --full gives the same result as either --full --include-files or --full --logs.

And --full --uploads adds details of uploads within <upload> tags (timestamp, contributor, comment, filename etc).

--full --uploads --include-files saves the biggest file of all so far.

Reply to "Recommended dumpBackup.php settings"

How to make a user read a set of rules in order to gain the role of "Editor"

Guillaume Taillefer (talkcontribs)

Hello all, I had asked a question not too long ago about how to create an "Editor" role (as I am a bit of a noob and didn't know you could create roles and restrict user rights). However now I want to know if there is a way to implement a system where if a user reads a certain page that lists rules for being an Editor, and they accept the rules, it would give them the Editor role and so give them access to editing and creating articles, etc. I would also like to note that I don't want one where instead it is implemented into the Sign-Up Process. I highly prefer that this process be separate from the Sign-Up process because as you know, people tend to not read things while signing-up. So I prefer it, again, to be a separate process. If anyone could help me I would be very grateful, thanks

Reply to "How to make a user read a set of rules in order to gain the role of "Editor""