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WŁokietek.JPGMikolaj Kopernik.jpgJan Kochanowski.pngIgnacy Krasicki 111.PNGThaddeus Kosciuszko.jpg

Stanisław Staszic.PNGEugène Delacroix - Frédéric Chopin - WGA06194.jpgIgnacy Lukasiewicz.jpgWieniawski Henryk 3.pngPrus 002.jpg
Malczewski Jacek Autoportret z paleta.jpgJoseph Conrad.PNG1908-kl-t-zamenhof.jpgMarie Curie 1903.jpgJozef Pilsudski1.jpg
Bronislawmalinowski.jpgMarian Rejewski 1932 small.jpgJosef Rotblat ID badge.png
Irena Sendlerowa 1942.jpg2007.09.16. Hilary Koprowski by Kubik 01.JPGSt Lem resize.jpg2008.04.22. Andrzej Wajda by Kubik 02.JPGAleksander Wolszczan (2007).jpg
瓦迪斯瓦夫一世·尼古拉·哥白尼·Jan Kochanowski·Ignacy Krasicki·塔德乌什·柯斯丘什科
Stanisław Staszic·弗雷德里克·肖邦·伊格納齊·武卡謝維奇·亨里克·维尼亚夫斯基·博莱斯瓦夫·普鲁斯
Jacek Malczewski·约瑟夫·康拉德·柴门霍夫·玛丽亚·斯克沃多夫斯卡-居里·约瑟夫·毕苏斯基
布罗尼斯拉夫·马林诺夫斯基·Władysław Tatarkiewicz·斯特凡·巴拿赫·马里安·雷耶夫斯基·Józef Rotblat

 英国估計超過 500,000[1][8]
其他地區1,145,000 (估計)[28]

波蘭人波蘭語Polacy ;單數為Polak)具有多個涵義,是指廣泛概念上之稱呼,在各種場合或立場上都有不同的界定。平常來說是一種住在波蘭的人或在波蘭出生的人簡稱波蘭人


  • 以「地理」概念界定:出生或居住在波蘭的人。
  • 以「人種」概念界定:主要具有歐洲波蘭民族血統的人,包括其他少數民族。
  • 以「國籍」或「法律」概念界定:只要是波蘭共和國公民都可被認定是波蘭人。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: „Polacy za granicą” (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)
  2. ^ Excel spreadsheet from Polish Central Statistical Office
  3. ^ 2006 Community Survey
  4. ^ Polish Society in Brazil
  5. ^ Passport thanks to a Polish grandmother, Warsaw at Y-net.co.il, March 16, 2007
  6. ^ (德文) Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund - Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus 2005 Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (German text about migrants in Germany) 886 KiBPDF.
  7. ^ 加拿大種族起源
  8. ^ (英文) Poles in the UK, Polish Express; source: British Office for National Statistics, see section: "Poles add up to profit for Craig." Retrieved from the Internet Archive, December 9, 2009
    ^ (英文) "UK lets in more Poles than there are in Warsaw", Steve Doughty, Daily Mail; see also: "Record numbers leave Britain as Poles head home - but new arrivals increase to half a million" by James Slack, Daily Mail, 27th November 2009. Please note: British Office for National Statistics recorded the number of Poles who have travelled to the UK in 2006 at over 2,000,000; they are not to be mistaken for permanent residents.
  9. ^ Poles in Argentina
  10. ^ Poles in Belarus
  11. ^ (波兰文) Michael Pieslak, Polonia na swiecie w liczbach → Francja 參看:Polonia in France英语Polonia#France
  12. ^ www.istat.it/../testo_integrale_20090226
  13. ^ Poles in Lithuania
  14. ^ Poles in Russia
  15. ^ Poles in AustraliaPDF (56.3 KiB)
  16. ^ Poles in Ukraine 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2006-11-26.
  17. ^ Aftenposten.no: - 120.000 polakker i Norge (Innenriks)
  18. ^ http://www.ine.es/prensa/np503.pdf
  19. ^ Poles in Ireland
  20. ^ CIA World Factbook
  21. ^ http://wtd.vlada.cz/files/rvk/rnm/zprava_mensiny_2001_en.pdfPDF (1.41 MiB)
  22. ^ Poles in Mexico[永久失效連結]
  23. ^ [1]PDF (87.2 KiB)
  24. ^ Poles in NetherlandsPDF (162 KiB)
  25. ^ Poles in AustriaPDF
  26. ^ Mannfjöldi eftir fæðingarlandi 1981-2008: Pólland
  27. ^ www.polonezkoy.com 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2007-01-16.
  28. ^ Poles around the World (>polonia > statystyka)