Time, labor, and social domination : a reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory (Book, 2006) [WorldCat.org]
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Time, labor, and social domination : a reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory

Author: Moishe Postone
Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : 1. paperback ed., reprinted with corrections, digital printingView all editions and formats

A thoughtful reinterpretation of Marx's mature socioeconomic theory.


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Named Person: Karl Marx; David Ricardo; Jürgen Habermas
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Moishe Postone
ISBN: 9780521565400 0521565405
OCLC Number: 475188205
Notes: Originalår: 1993
Description: xii, 424 s
Contents: Part I. A Critique of Traditional Marxism: 1. Rethinking Marx's critique of capitalism; 2. Presuppositions of traditional Marxism; 3. The limits of traditional Marxism and the pessimistic turn of Critical Theory; Part II. Toward a Reconstruction of the Marxian Critique: The Commodity 4. Abstract labor; 5. Abstract time; 6. Habermas's critique of Marx; Part III. Toward a Reconstruction of the Marxian Critique: capital; 7. Toward a theory of capital; 8. The dialectic of labor and time; 9. The trajectory of production; 10. Concluding considerations.
Responsibility: Moishe Postone


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'Postone has produced the best analysis of Marx's mature socioeconomic theory since David Harvey's The Limits to Capital (1982). It is obviously the fruit of long years of research and lengthy Read more...

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