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We champion everyone’s right to free knowledge online.

We protect users’ privacy and speech. We educate governments and policymakers about the importance of the free and open internet. Regardless of location or circumstance, everyone has the right to seek and share knowledge.

Protecting the right to speak and learn freely

We shape public policy that opens access to free online knowledge around the globe. Government imposed censorship and overzealous copyright laws should not stand in the way of international knowledge-sharing.

Defending free expression

Last year we received 684 takedown requests and granted zero. Governments and individuals often ask us to change project content or share information about our users. We push back when these requests could harm users’ rights. We tell you about these requests in our Transparency Report.

Standing up for our users

We help contributors respond to legal threats relating to their work on Wikimedia projects. We have joined legal efforts like the opposition to the 2017 US travel ban. We are suing the United States National Security Agency, challenging their mass surveillance of Wikimedia users and contributors.

Supporting community voices

Volunteer contributors take the lead on editorial decisions. Our public policy efforts and research initiatives focus on maintaining the legal protections that make that possible.

Speak up for free knowledge and access

Just 27% of internet users in Nigeria had heard of Wikipedia in 2016. Today, that number is up to 48%. Our organization is committed to increasing awareness of Wikipedia outside of North America and Europe, in order to expand global knowledge participation.

5 million

New articles in 2017


Takedown requests received in 2017

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News Noticias

Wikipedia needs local journalism and the open Web

Over the past couple of months, many who are interested in internet policy have been watching developments in Australia, where a proposed Mandatory Bargaining Code will force some internet platforms to pay for linking to content by news publishers and displaying snippets thereof. While it isn’t entirely clear yet what services will be covered by….

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Hong Kong skyline - December 2007

New Chinese national security law in Hong Kong could limit the privacy of Wikipedia users

The Wikimedia Foundation is extremely concerned about the national security law recently passed in China and implemented in Hong Kong that prohibits a broad range of speech and grants wide-ranging surveillance powers to authorities. This law may have serious implications for protection of the privacy of users on Wikipedia and other projects operated by the….

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