Len Osberg


Old timer, serious TRUMPER, lover of peace & quiet, big border WALL supporter, hater of what the democrats are doing to the country!

Very near the southern border
Beigetreten August 2011


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  1. 14. Juli 2020

    Unfortunately, this is what taking vitamins is all about.

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  2. 6. Aug. 2017

    Pres. Donald TRUMP is trying to save YOUR country. YOU are doing absolutely nothing >>>

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  3. 6. Aug. 2017

    Jerry Brown, the Governor of Ca, is a clown. In fact all Democrats are clowns, just like Hillary Clinton !!!

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  4. 8. Juli 2017

    Just NOT very smart!

    Rückgängig machen
  5. 10. Nov. 2016

    The BOSS is an idiot!!!!!

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  6. 26. Okt. 2016

    "Megyn Kelly" She's just a SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!! What SHE has to say is ALWAYS more important than what the guest says. She's just a SHIT!!!

    Rückgängig machen
  7. 4. Okt. 2016

    "Tim Kaine" What an asshole >>>

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  8. 4. Okt. 2016

    "The Clinton Foundation" Crooked as HELL !!!

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  9. 7. Sept. 2016

    Amy Schumer Hillary & Bill have KILLED people that were going to the authorities! What the HELL is wrong with YOU ???

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  10. 2. Sept. 2016

    She's just a douche-bag .......what an idiot !! And a bunch of you want this criminal as your president? STUPID!!!

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  11. 2. Sept. 2016

    "Brock Turner" How low can you go scum-bag???????

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  12. 31. Aug. 2016

    I can't get out of my own way, what do I do next ??

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  13. 22. Aug. 2016

    Hillary is just an old douche bag !!!!! Throw her out, we're done with her !!!

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  14. 22. Aug. 2016

    How many more good people have to die under the Clintons? Screw the emails, string her up!!!

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  15. 31. Juli 2016

    Hillary SHOULD be in jail but you fools complain about Trump! She will get run over by Trump in a fair debate !!!

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  16. hat retweetet
    23. Apr. 2016

    RT if you have more energy or feel your health improved from our !

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  17. 27. Feb. 2016
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  18. 26. Feb. 2016

    It's just the best! How could anyone ever miss it ????

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  19. hat retweetet
    14. Feb. 2016

    Do you agree with what said at last night's ?

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  20. 12. Feb. 2016
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