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The proliferation of QR code check-ins is a 'dog's breakfast'. Is there a better way?

By James Purtill
Customer scanning QR code.
Epidemiologists say the national patchwork of QR code check-in systems could make it hard for contact tracers.(Getty)

In the space of a few months, the focus of COVID-19 contact tracing has quietly shifted from the national COVIDSafe app to a patchwork of QR code venue check-in systems.

The now-familiar act of scanning a chequered box and entering personal details in order to grab a beer at a pub or a meal at a restaurant has become so ubiquitous it's easy to forget how rapidly the system appeared.

Most of these check-in services are being managed by the private sector, but recently the states have got on board too.

New South Wales, the ACT, South Australia and Victoria have either developed or are in the process of developing their own check-in systems. QR code check-ins will be mandatory in NSW from Monday.

But what happens to the collected data is often unclear. Privacy advocates warn that some private companies operating check-in systems may be vacuuming up huge numbers of names, emails and phone numbers.

The result, said Justin Warren, from privacy and digital rights group Electronic Frontier Australia (EFA), is a "dog's breakfast" of privacy issues.

"It would have been nice to have a coordinated plan between the states and the Federal Government," he said.

A contact tracing QR code at a Melbourne cafe
A contact tracing QR code at a Melbourne cafe.(Getty)

Then there are questions over how this national jigsaw of systems and databases will affect the capacity of contact tracers. As Australians travel for the summer holidays, coronavirus infections may piggyback across state and territory borders, said UNSW Professor of Epidemiology Marylouise McLaws.

"The virus will travel," she said.

"The system needs to be linked up so that the pattern of exposures and infections is easy to follow across borders."

So how did we end up with a mix of government and private QR code check-in services, and a different system in each state and territory?

The COVIDSafe app has 'floundered'

Eight months ago the Federal Government unveiled COVIDSafe, a brand new national app that provided an automated, centralised contact tracing service.

COVIDSafe is many times more sophisticated than any QR code check-in system; using a phone's bluetooth to continually trace a user's exposure to other users.

Authorities have been reluctant to give away much information about how it's working. The app has been downloaded about seven million times, but it's unclear how many of these downloads are active users.

In its first five months, it uncovered 17 contacts not found by contact tracing teams around the country.

Earlier this month, South Australian Police spoke out against the app, saying it had been of no "material benefit" to local health authorities.

Dr Trent Yarwood, an infectious diseases physician in Queensland, said COVIDSafe had been a "terrible waste of money".

"I think it's performed very poorly," he said.

"I think people who understood the technology predicted that."

A few months ago, Professor Seth Lazar, who leads the Humanising Machine Intelligence project at the Australian National University and has followed COVIDSafe since inception, said it was too early to tell how the app was performing.

It's now clear that it has "floundered", he said.

But it would be misleading to think of QR code check-ins as a substitute.

What is clear, Professor Lazar said, is that the states and territories have chosen to not rely on the Federal Government to roll out a QR code check-in system. Instead, they've either relied on the private sector and, in some cases, developed their own.

"In an ideal world, these things [COVIDSafe and QR codes] would be complementary," Dr Lazar said.

"The use of the QR codes is a way of reinforcing and empowering manual contact tracing."

"This is quite different from the ethos of [COVIDSafe], which is fundamentally automated."

Instructions and QR code for SafeEntry contact tracing at a park in Singapore
Instructions and QR code for SafeEntry contact tracing at a park in Singapore on Monday, July 6, 2020.(Getty)

'A national system that works like an Opal Card'

Singapore, which inspired COVIDSafe and sold Australia the code for the app, has its own national QR code check-in system — 'SafeEntry' — which rolled out in May, the month that COVIDSafe launched here.

Both the UK and New Zealand also have national QR code check-in systems.

For both systems, the information is stored locally on a person's device and only accessed if the person tests positive to COVID-19.

Authorities would then issue a public health alert about that person's movements, which other users can then, through the app, check against their own 'diary' of locations.

Under this decentralised model, authorities don't have access to the sensitive personal data (unless a person tests test positive).

Australia, so far, has taken a different approach: when a person tests positive for COVID-19, contact tracers request from the venue the list of all the customers and staff who have been there.

Professor McLaws, who also advises the World Health Organisation on infectious diseases and health emergencies, said a national system would standardise what information is collected by QR code check-ins, how it is stored, and how it can be accessed by contact tracers.

Australian states and territories have different rules for what data is collected: Queensland requires businesses to keep the email address and mobile number of guests and staff for 56 days, while NSW only requires the phone or the email address for half that time.

Until recently, South Australia only required real estate agents, wedding and funeral businesses to collect personal information from customers.

"It would be good to have a national system that worked like an Opal Card [used for public transport in Sydney]," Professor McLaws said.

"You could tap on and tap off without entering new information, and the data would belong to the government.

"That would provide a lot of information for contact tracers."

Dr Yarwood said a single system giving data in one format would be of huge help for interstate contact tracing.

That risk has been mitigated to some extent by state borders being closed," he said.

"If we go back to open movement across states that is going to be a challenge."

'Trust in contact tracing systems is a public health issue'

Questions around the use of data submitted to private companies operating QR code check-in services is a public health issue, Dr Yarwood said.

If people lose faith in the intentions and security of these systems, they could enter false information.

"People will call themselves Joe Blogs of Nowhere Street," he said.

A recent ABC Investigation found that some of the companies running these COVID registration platforms deal in collecting and selling personal data.

In effect, phone numbers, email addresses and other user data provided for the purpose of contact tracing can be bundled up and sold to populate marketing lists, and provide information on an individual's consumer behaviour.

"If you start to get significant players in the market that are able to monitor check-ins of people at a number of venues across the state or the country, then the kinds of information provided could be useful," Dr Seth Lazar said.

The Australian privacy watchdog, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), said it's had relatively few complaints about the collection of information by venues: about 10, compared to a total of 2,673 complaints in 2019/20.

It said it's working with state and territory health departments to agree on nationally consistent guidelines for business and venues to collect personal information for contact tracing. It's also written to some digital check-in services to "bring the relevant privacy obligations to their attention," a spokesperson said.

"This is also an opportunity for consumers to talk about privacy issues with venues like cafes and restaurants," the spokesperson said.

"If it doesn't feel right, don't proceed."

Samantha Floreani, a campaigns officer with privacy advocates Digital Rights Watch, said data brokers were taking advantage of small businesses' inexperience with privacy and the scramble to reopen and comply with check-in rules

"They're in a hurry and using often free software that has things built into its terms of service that they haven't looked at or don't understand," she said.

"These venues are not technical experts, they're not used to handling a lot of personal information.

Federal privacy laws (which are under review) only cover private entities if they have an annual turnover of $3 million or more, so many bars, cafes and restaurants are exempt.

"If people start giving fake info then that defeats the whole purpose," she said.

"And people will if they don't trust the system."


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