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Tag Archives: IVF

Gay dads top 7 tips for surrogacy

Sam Everingham, a gay dad via surrogacy, now spends most of his time educating intending parents about the ever-changing surrogacy options for family building "I became involved in surrogacy education over eight years ago when my partner and I experienced the heartache of a premature twin birth than resulted in Zac’s still-birth. Ben survived only…
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Extraordinary surrogacy journeys for gay dads

Increasingly both single gay men and gay couples are engaging in surrogacy to fulfill their dream of fatherhood. Sam Everingham profiles two extraordinary journeys from dads who will be at Families Through Surrogacy’s fifth conference for intended parents in March. “For gay men in particular international surrogacy is a fast moving minefield with many risks.…
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Finn Mackay is a feminist activist who doesn’t fit into society’s assumed gender codes. Her partner carried and gave birth to their son, now almost 2 years old. In her guest blog Finn explores her experience of motherhood as a lesbian parent Finn’s blog: finnmackay.wordpress.com It took me over three months to be able to…
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Improving success for IVF patients

IVF is a great way to start a family but it can be a stressful process. GENNET City Fertility clinic in London offers professional counselling to people going through IVF to reduce stress and improve their chances of conception For same-sex couples, single women and couples who have had difficulties conceiving naturally, IVF (in vitro…
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Alternative Family Week

Alternative Family Week gives advice to would-be mums and dads, and will help raise awareness of different families through a series of events run by fertility experts and parenting networks. Learn more about the legal aspects of having a family, meet experts in adoption, go on a trip to the Zoo and more. For day-by-day…
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Queer Journeys to Parenthood

Growing Families (formerly Families Through Surrogacy) are a not-for-profit organisation who work globally to promote safe and informed family building through surrogacy. They ran their first UK seminar back in 2014 and quickly gained momentum. Since then they have hosted 14 events in the UK and Ireland and many more abroad. The key to the…
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Getting fresh in the flesh: fresh sperm vs defrosted frozen sperm

Alice Ellerby and her lesbian partner want a family one day so they've started looking into their options. As an aerialist and performer Alice was inspired to create Mother Mother, a collaborative show about lesbians' experiences of becoming mothers. In part two of Alice's guest blog she gets a rare opportunity to see life being…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)

Tricia and Cathy were excited but daunted when they found out they were pregnant with multiple babies. Then they found out they had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)… After a difficult time finding a clinic they were happy with, and choosing donor sperm, the couple were delighted when they found out Cathy was pregnant. “Two weeks…
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Success after miscarriage: Erin & Katie’s journey

Katie donated her eggs to partner Erin; after surviving two miscarriages the couple finally welcomed their daughter Having kids was part of the package from the second date for Erin and Katie. Once their relationship was established they pushed ahead with plans to start a family. The couple are now the proud parents of a…
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