Incoming exchange students

If you want to add an international dimension to your educational path by spending a mobility period abroad, the University of Bologna is pleased to welcome you. The University of Bologna takes part in many exchange programmes giving students from all over the world the opportunity to follow part of their educational programme at the University of Bologna.

Information for exchange students in the coronavirus emergency period

All general news concerning teaching activities, the services of the University of Bologna and other useful information on emergency management are notified via e-mail to the box. Check your Unibo account often.

Academic year 2019/20

Until the end of the second semester, lectures and exams will be guaranteed online according to the scheduled dates, times and sessions.

If you have left the University of Bologna, you can continue to attend lectures and you can take the exams on the set dates and times, because your student career has remained active, even if you have checked out.


Online lectures are available synchronously and are not recorded. You must therefore consider the time differences with respect to the Central European Time (CET).

In order to take the exams, you must have checked in.

When you finish your activities at the University of Bologna, to end the mobility period, you must write an email to the Exchange Student Desk in Bologna or to the International Relations Office of your Campus and:

  • send your travel document out of Italy to end your mobility period on site, if you have not checked out before returning to your country;
  • verify through AlmaRM that all your exams have been recorded and report any missing recording;
  • notify that you have finished your online activities and that you wish to receive the Transcript of Records.

The Transcript of Records will be made available on your personal AlmaRM Homepage and sent to your university in digital format. It will include:

  • the start and end dates of your on-site mobility that correspond to the Check-in and out dates, regardless of the dates on which you took the exams;
  • the list of exams along with the marks (or pass evaluation when prescribed) that you have taken;
  • the statement that since 2 March 2020, due to the Covid 19 emergency, the lessons and exams at the University of Bologna were carried out online.

It is up to your university to assess the duration of your exchange, based on the period you spent at the University of Bologna on-site and the activities you carried out online.

Stay up to date on the emergency situation in Italy and comply with the provisions of the Italian authorities.

Academic year 2020/21

For the first semester of the a.y. 2020-21, and in any case as long as Covid-19 related restrictive measures are enforced in Italy, online lectures and exams sessions are guaranteed. It will also be possible to attend courses in person, in compliance with the provisions from the Italian health and national authorities. A mixed teaching mode is therefore envisaged, in favour of exchange students as well. According to this mode, there will be, at the same time, some students attending lectures in person in the classrooms and other students attending online.

This page will be regularly updated. Please check it frequently.

Contacting offices

Read how to contact the Exchange Student Desk in Bologna during the coronavirus emergency period.

Read on the sites of the Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini Campuses how to contact the International Relations Offices in the coronavirus emergency period.

General info

Read carefully the information for all students who spend a mobility period at the University of Bologna under the Erasmus + programme or other exchange agreements.
Only if you are an Erasmus + ICM (Extra-UE Mobility) or Mobility CONFAP-ITALY (MCI Brazil) student, go directly to the Other mobility programs section.

The University of Bologna is a multicampus university. Please read the
following pages and, if your mobility period takes place in a Campus other than Bologna, find out more about CesenaForlìRavenna and Rimini Campuses.  




Published Before you come to the University of Bologna
What to do to spend a mobility period at the University of Bologna.
Published During the exchange period
How to find your way in a new university. The main steps to take, to make the most of your mobility period at the University of Bologna.
Published At the end of the exchange period
What to do to finish your mobility period at the University of Bologna.
Published Other mobility programmes
Information about some specific mobility programmes.
Published Information for partner universities
This page provides the main information for partner universities wishing to send exchange students to spend a mobility period at the University of Bologna.