Liverpool have snared physio Lee Nobes from Premier League title rivals Manchester City.

The Reds have been looking to add to their medical department since the departure of long-serving head of physiotherapy Matt Konopinski last month.

Konopinski spent just under a decade at Anfield but left in order to take on a new challenge with the Football Association.

His replacement makes the move to Merseyside after 11 years with the reigning Premier League champions.

Since joining City from Oldham Athletic, Nobes has served under Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini, Manuel Pellegrini and Pep Guardiola.

The Jersey-born physio featured prominently in Amazon's 'All or Nothing', the documentary following City's journey to title success in 2017-18.

Liverpool have yet to confirm when Nobes will take up his new role.

Meanwhile, Virgil van Dijk insists Liverpool cannot afford to do anything but focus on themselves as they bid to keep pace with City in the title race.

(Getty Images)

“They are the champions and the best team in the league but we will try everything to be as good as we can.

“We don't have to look at others, we want to look at the games we have and the next challenge we have as Liverpool is Watford away, which is going to be tough.

“For us the challenge is to win or try to win every game that is ahead of us. The season is very long.

“They are not going to win every game 5-0 and are going to have tough games like everyone else.

“We need to look at what we have ahead of us and that is more important than looking at someone else. It is the only way forward."


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