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AIDS, Sexuality and History - Part 1

Posted by: carine on Wednesday, March 01, 2006 - 10:31 _PRINTPrinter friendly page  _EMAILFRIENDSend this story to a friend
Sexual Advice

By Adriana Sommer da Costa
Psychologist and Sexologist

Aids, Immune System Deficiency Syndrome, a small word by no means less meaningful in that a string of consequences, physical and emotional. Equally to conflicts involved in the psychosocial affect of bias and social discrimination.

History has it, that AIDS got official reports in the year of 1981, in the US, despite scientific survey that brought across as hypothesis, the idea that, in and around the 40's and the 50's, could have men been already infected. For those unaware, at the time, there had a relatively significant rate of gay men in for, in the city of New York, whose disease symptoms, similar to pneumonia and called Kaposi's sarcoma, would rendered their immune system quite frail, in other words, decrepit it.

And yet, no one could tell for sure, at what extent this disease, as unclassified, would be infectious, contagious and transmissible, and if it, not entirely understood its transmission vector was, which would provoke apprehension and fear.

Furthermore, in Brazil, for instance, the two first cases made public of patients with full-blown AIDS came in 1982.

In 1986, an international committee recommended, in the light of researches started out in 1983, whose researcher Luc-Montaigner due-merits successfully isolated the HIV virus from AIDS victim's breakthrough, the use of the HIV acronym. A sexually infectious disease capable of transmitting to others.

In face of such appalling news, laboratorial conclusions on transmission vectors were conducted, once again isolating the HIV virus, but from bodily secretions as saliva and urine instead.

Combine with findings on genotype confirms that the HIV virus only can be transmitted through bodily fluids, sexually or blood serum contact and vertical-(mother-to-baby).

According to the United Nations, its most widespread mode of transmission being unprotected sex between heterosexual,.

You certainly heard a good deal of risk groups, ding-dong-the witch is dead since it's no longer on I'm afraid.

All there is today is risky-behavioral, sexually speaking- hetero, epitomized by unprotected sex mostly.

Blood transmission comes next when needle sharing takes precedence.

Lastly, vertical transmission of mother to baby-to-be, placing the Sub-Saharan region at the top end of the infectious rate, largely by breast-feeding, in gestation and at childbed.


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