Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 15, 1976 · Page 10
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Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico · Page 10

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Monday, November 15, 1976
Page 10
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A-10 ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL Monday, .November 15, 1976 UTAH ICOL0RADO r Captured U.S. Arms Bolster Vietnam Might for Strategic Studies with having 1,018 large and small surface combat vessels, 30 minesweepers and 400 support ships. (China is also believed to have 56 old submarines.) Other light weapons cap made under the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon disclosed that 940 ships and small naval craft were lost but did not give a breakdown. China, in comparison, is credited by the International Institute Stride Rite Scruffies are more than StG miTV A .rUou Spring yH' y$A 1 SJStvV0 I Par View Our children's shoe specialists tured included 90,000 .45 caliber pistols and 857,580 rifles in addition to the M-16s. U.S. officials have expressed surprise that the Vietnamese have not sold captured arras even though they have received offers. tough. Rite. Priced according to size. Color: Tan fit each foot perfectly. That's what makes it Stride if os'r I xnvsj 1 nooks will indicate how far the military intends to go to modernize its Army. The North Vietnamese did not have helicopters when they defeated the South Vietnamese who did. Former South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu once complained that getting American helicopters was the worst thing that ever happened to his infantry because his troops become reluctant to walk long patrols. If the new leadership of Vietnam does decide against melding the captured American helicopters into its army, the country's light infantry will still bealot harder-hitting in the future than during the war because of other captured arms. Captured U.S. weaponry ideally suited to a fast moving, light infantry includes 50,000, M-60 machine guns, 47,000 M-79 grenade launchers and 12,000 mortars. For heavier thursts, the Vietnamese have gained this American armor: 300, M-41 light and 250, M48 medium tanks; 1,200, M-113 armored personnel carriers. Vietnam's defenses against another nation's tanks and other armor received a boost from the capture of 63,000 U.S. light antitank weapons. Also captured were 48,000 U.S. military radios and 42,-000 trucks, according to the tally the Pentagon released in response to a request A Bicentennial Expeditioners Visit Navajo Guide's Hogan StrideRite LSRMIC ST YL SLCTIOM CP Ml Albuquerque-Coronado Center Santa Fe-De Vargas Center Montgomery Plaza when you need him?). Finally, I run into Bill Norton behind the hogan. "Bill," I ask. "What do I do? I don't want to offend anyone, but I can't eat this stew?" "Give it here, boy," he whispers. "I love the stuff." I grab my bedroll and climb the rocks opposite the hogan. The moon is such that I can count the heads of Ricky's sheep standing on the ledge above me. I reach level ground and turn to gaze upon the yard. The women are still cooking expeditioners are standing about with pieces of bread in their hands. I have an inkling that God is allowing his explorer-priests Domin-guez and Escalante to wander in the heavens this night. They are uncovering fabulous discoveries. Stars are falling behind Tamra, who is struggling loudly to pronounce the Navajo word "athe-e" (thank you). man evsrio sous you nwnsjfl w, USDA CHOICE SWIFT PROTEN USDA CHOICE SWIFT PROTEN Tender Timed Grade A Choice Proten Blade Cut CHUCK SIM Los Angeles Times Washington Post Service WASHINGTON -The fall of Saigon last year gave the Communist victors enough American planes, ships, armor and artillery to make Vietnam one of the foremost military powers in Asia, according to the Pentagon's final tally of what was lost. The North Vietnamese captured nine times as many Cessna A-37 light attack planes has neighboring Thailand has in its air force; gained enough American ships to make Vietnam's navy second only to China's numerically, and got more armored cars than India has for its army. In light arms, according to the Pentagon figures, Vietnam captured 1.6 million rifles, including 791,000 modern M-16s, and a mountain of ammunition weighing 130,-000 tons. The ammunition works out to more than 4 pounds for every person in what was North and South Vietnam. Also, the Communists captured giant American cannons including 80,175 mm self-propelled guns which can fire a shell 20 miles. They obtained 1,000, 105 mm and 250, 155 mm howitzers which American troops used in Vietnam for holding hilltop positions, blasting enemy infantry and protecting friendly patrols. The captured American equipment was worth about $5 billion. Vietnamese military leaders are expected to keep a large portion of the American arms lode, however, to give their infantry more firepower. U.S. military leaders have freely acknowl-edged that even without such modern weaponry the North Vietnamese infantry demonstrated during the Indo-China war that it was one of the best in the world. What Vietnam's leaders do with their captured American helicopters 430 UH-1 Hueysand36CH-47Chi- him. Ox to 9 noncarf in vs II W about to begin. EjT w Get your cocktail "(j ) fwearonLAY-A-WAY. k J lo) GLAD SANDWICH Dace 150 UHU4 CT. WITHOUT liOOO THRU Si 03D POWDERED FAB ncTtDrriiT utitnutni kino UWK&Gd TtMIYS ,JPe W j Reg., Light, Diet i ' 6-pack PEPSI COLA k i A, It ol plus dtp Zanios Grade A LARGE EGGS doun . Rainbo Bread LIGHT EARTH "v , i ' 14 lb. loaf I1C (Tie Domingvez-EscaJante Bicentennial Expedition is spending four months retracing the 1,800-mile-long Dominguez-Escalante Trail blazed 200 years ago. The Journal publishes periodic progress reports sent by Joseph Cerquooe, a member of the group. Here is one of his reports.) By JOSEPH CERQUONE NOV. 3, KAIBETO Creek, Navajo Reservation. We have come to the hogan, or home, of our Navajo guide Ricky. It is a low, circular structure made of earth and wood. Nearby, a brush shade house leans into the darkness and a gray, cinder block building squats determinedly. The building looks abandoned. Torn curtains hang in its windows. The corral for our horses is hidden in trees on the far side of Navajo Creek. Expeditioners file pass old women who sit by a fire in the yard cooking fried bread and mutton stew. Their hands move continually. An elderly man sits with the women. He says nothing. He has no teeth. The firelight cannot fill the wrinkles in his face. I think of him as I walk toward the creek, where mud threatens to suck off my boots. I return to the fire to dry my feet. I am offered a piece of fried bread and motioned to enter the shade house. I go. Inside are two rooms; a v-st, id' V'S biou- d'i of Vfj lfii)i"A" in Mr on vf Ofdf tr.r.dl (hrj pUrtt -..( tour SANK AMlllCAtD MAMtt CHAilOI. IKtCA Umiil DIMKiClLI o. ' AH ' III I WITHOUT COUPON 2 37 kitchen and a combination bed and store room. Corn and blankets cover the lat-ter's earthern floor. The kitchen is small. A white stove occupies most of it. Several younger women work around the stove. One of them, a neighbor named Margaret Lee, is very gracious and friendly. Her smile is punctuated by a broken front tooth. I take a container of mustard which is set upon a table, squirt my piece of bread and bite. Delicious! Margaret's smile broadens; her tooth juts forth. Only later do I discover that the mustard is for flavoring stew. More and more people ccme to the fire as night deepens. Tamra Weiss attempts to say a few Navajo words and becomes the expedition's diplomat. I worry that I may quickly destroy her charm. Iam holding a bowl of mutton stew that I cannot eat. Navajos seem to be encircling me. Desperately I search for Jake Meador (he eats ANYTHING; where is a fellow expeditioner pants tj j (jf ICMmM 90.00 i6 at Jordan's I Bl Aft' Ml ' OOOD THRU BHD NATURE VALLEY GRAN0LA rcDcm ieoz. BOX WITHOUT UOOO THRU Soft & Pretty BATHROOM TISSUE 4-pick Nice & Soft FACIAL TISSUES VXsll)bB!( 49c 20c 1 m . ttm FIRST PURCHASE WTMOQUPON 59 COUPON 79c 11-17-76 ( 38c 'ZJSSS? $J99 11-17-76 'SSSf 59 COUPON 92e 11-17-76 ,SVm',cS OoQQc hRUU e 30c 65' COUPON 9Sc 11-17-76 23c 69 i . "7 VfMi L w BETTY CROCKER BLUEBERRY MlirClUC 13V.OZ mwi i in Mix . . uatutm rr r-ru 3D KEEBLER PECAN eftunire 14 oz. HnUIKO PKG la WITHOUT IHAAJ IHHU PURE VEG. WESSON OILIV02 irw. If Ptoot that bImhw . . ymi and Vty Voun kru, aW Q loo nf orvy or lop m tvJf-tiad nj, iHfcg batow in g twd of pWi CMxau. n Stmu polywwr r-locfc. mooVa wvdry Wtm or lUd 5-13 U 96 ISOeounl Jenos FROZEN PIZZAS 13 OL All Grinds IV1JB COFFEE lb. CM Upton TEA BAGS 100 count fi 59 49 WW THRVMM7-7ft PANM-QUE TWO LOCATIONS 2120 CARLISLE N.E. AT THE FREEWAY 4200 CENTRAL S.W. AT ATRISCO 6309MENAUINE DAILY STORi HOURS 9:30 to 6 Avoid the rush . . . shop an your noiioay nseos on with us to-day and gsl LAY-A WAT nowl I Prices Effective thru 1M7-76' ' v T'

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