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openDemocracy projects, past and present

Investigative journalism and critical commentary challenging the exclusion of women's and LGBTIQ voices from public debates around the world.

Beyond Trafficking and Slavery explores the root causes of forced labour, trafficking and slavery with academic rigour and journalistic clarity.

We monitor the crisis in European democracy, looking across our borders to clarify the dangers and envision a different future.

Who is bankrolling British politics? We want to get past donor anonymity to find out the whole story.

A global platform that publishes voices influencing the debate on democracy, human rights and civil liberties in Latin America, Europe and beyond.

digitaLiberties is openDemocracy's debate on democracy, freedom, privacy and the digital age.


Analysis and reporting reflecting the vibrant diversity of voices, cultures and peoples in a region often reduced to a homogeneous whole.


Reportage, comment and analysis of the progressive agenda in Eurasia.

openDemocracyUK covers the unfolding crisis in Britain's democracy, its root causes and the injustices which stem from it.

The UK justice system is under threat. openJustice explores the impact on people, society and democracy.

openDemocracy's investigation into press freedom.

There are migrants of many different professions, ages, skin colours, languages and faiths. They are young and old, single and married, pregnant and not, able and disabled, healthy and ill, heterosexual and LGBTQ, rich and poor. Many are travelling to escape something, while all are travelling to find something.

Committed to a comprehensive, universal, publicly funded and owned National Health Service for the UK, breaking the stories other media miss.

UK investigative reporting on immigration detention and removal, deaths in state care or custody, prisons and child prisoners, outsourcing and austerity.

Transformation publishes great writing at the intersection of the personal and political, believing that deep change is possible where love meets social justice.

Putting people, planet and power at the centre of the debate about our economic future.

In 2017 a team came together in Barcelona to address the question: how can civil society help to renew our democracies?

digitaLiberties is openDemocracy's debate on democracy, freedom, privacy and the digital age.


Репортажи, комментарии и аналитика о событиях на пост-советском пространстве.

Una plataforma global que publica voces que influyen en el debate sobre la democracia, los derechos humanos y las libertades civiles en América Latina, Europa y más allá.

Beyond Trafficking and Slavery explores the root causes of forced labour, trafficking and slavery with academic rigour and journalistic clarity.

صفحة مختصة بتغطية وتحليل منطقة شمال افريقيا وغرب آسيا ومساحة للنقاش والتعبير تجمع أصوات مختلفة من المنطقة.

Uma plataforma global que publica vozes que influenciam o debate sobre democracia, direitos humanos e liberdades civis na América Latina, Europa e além.

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