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As states continue to neglect their responsibilities towards migrants and asylum seekers, civil society is moving in to ensure those without papers do not go hungry on our streets, freeze to death in Alpine passes, or drown in the Mediterranean Sea. Anya Edmond-Pettitt, draws attention to the latest prosecution for a ‘crime of solidarity’. Norbert Valley, an evangelical pastor, from the Swiss Alpine city of Le Locle is accused of ‘facilitating illegal stay’. His crime – giving assistance, food and shelter, to a rejected asylum seeker from Togo.…/swiss-priest-prosecuted-for-helpin…/
The Institute of Race Relations is at the cutting edge of the research and analysis that inform the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally.

There’s a fight going on to preserve multicultural London as we know it. From Southall to Brixton, from Tottenham to Elephant & Castle, BAME communities are amongst those speaking out against the demolition of social housing and highlighting the threat redevelopment poses to ethnic businesses and community street markets, the mainstay of life for poor communities, particularly migrants, fast being priced out of the capital. To find out what it means to live through regeneration and to explore its race, class and gendered aspects, read our interview with north London resident and activist Tash Bonner, founder of the Temporary Accommodation Group (TAG) for Love Lane estate in Tottenham. 'THIS IS ‘GRENFELL BRITAIN’, WHERE IF A FIRE DOES NOT GET YOU, DEMOLITION WILL'…/this-is-grenfell-britain-where-if-…/

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