Traditional Knowledge and the Commons: The Open Movement, Listening, and Learning

CC licenses and public domain tools help individuals, organisations, and public institutions better disseminate digital resources and data, breaking down the typical barriers associated with traditional “all rights reserved” copyright. At the same time, CC licenses can’t do everything for everyone. First, the licenses operate in the sphere of copyright and similar rights. They do … Read More “Traditional Knowledge and the Commons: The Open Movement, Listening, and Learning”

The European Commission should repeal extra rights for databases

In 1996 the European Union adopted the Database Directive, which aimed to harmonise the treatment of databases under copyright law and introduced the sui generis database right for non-original databases. Sui generis database rights are separate from copyright. They protect the “sweat of the brow” of the person who has made a substantial investment in obtaining, … Read More “The European Commission should repeal extra rights for databases”