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“It is thanks to my evening reading alone that I am still more or less sane.”

— W.G. Sebald, Vertigo

“Late August, by Margaret Atwood


Late August, by Margaret Atwood

Source: cigrette


“Behind every great fortune there is a crime.”

Honore de Balzac
French realist novelist (1799 - 1850) - The Quotations Page

“ “Somebody, your father or mine, should have told us that not many people have ever died of love. But multitudes have perished, and are perishing every hour–and in the oddest places!–for the lack of it.” – James Baldwin


Somebody, your father or mine, should have told us that not many people have ever died of love. But multitudes have perished, and are perishing every hour–and in the oddest places!–for the lack of it.” – James Baldwin


“Myths are stories about people who become too big for their lives temporarily, so that they crash into other lives or brush against the gods. In crisis, their souls are visible.”

— Anne Carson, “Tragedy: A Curious Art Form”.

Source: venuscomb


“Life is half spent before we know what it is.”

George Herbert


“In popular culture we have “the bachelor pad,” and “the bachelor lifestyle,” but no such phrases for women. Women who live alone are objects of fear or pity, witches in the forest or Cathy comics. Even the current cultural popularity of female friendship still speaks to how unwilling we all are to accept women without a social framework; a woman who’s “alone” is a woman who’s having brunch with a bunch of other women. When a woman is truly alone, it is the result of a crisis—she is grieving, has lost something, is a problem to be fixed. The family, that fundamental social unit, dwells within the female body and emanates from it. Women are the anchors of social labor, the glue pulling the family, and then the community, together with small talk and good manners and social niceties. Living alone as a woman is not just a luxury but a refusal to bend into the shape of patriarchal assumption and expectation.”

— Helena Fitzgerald, The Fierce Triumph of Loneliness (via womensrealm)

Source: catapult.co


“I am a drop of gold he would say I am molten matter returned from the core of earth to tell you interior things–”

— Anne Carson, The Autobiography of Red

““I think the more pessimistic I feel about life, the more optimistic the films should be. This is the way I think about it. Life is too sad to bear and there is no hope for anyone. So now, let us drink to happy endings.” Aki Kaurismäki


“I think the more pessimistic I feel about life, the more optimistic the films should be. This is the way I think about it. Life is too sad to bear and there is no hope for anyone. So now, let us drink to happy endings.”  Aki Kaurismäki

[o tiro sempre certeiro de Kaurismäki, como abordagem para a entrada do novo ano- qualquer que seja- ou mesmo para qualquer dia, hora, minuto. Deliciosamente seco!]