With our "Guest & Performer Apps", you take that 1st über-important step in becoming 1 of the many invitees that have graced "the house of hardcore Asian fandom". "Guest & Performer Apps" are reviewed (on a consistent basis) by the Team TAKII "Guests & Performers" Coalition & submitted to Team TAKII Coordinators for final pre-approval. Afterwards, we will contact you to collaborate on your possible appearance at TAKII & hash out any mutual contractual agreements (if applicable or necessary). Once everything is finalized, you (or your group) could be announced as a guest (or performer), through a wide variety of new media syndications (at TAKII's disposal) that will be sure to capture the attention of Asian culture fanatics across the globe! Sounds good, ne? If so, fill out a "Guest & Performer Apps" form today o^_*o.