New words list June 2016

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • Afrofuturism, n.
  • Afrofuturist, adj.
  • agender, adj.
  • air punch, n.
  • air-punching, n.
  • Alpha Centaurian, n. and adj.
  • andragogy, n.
  • Ansar, n.
  • Ansbach, n.
  • anserine, n.
  • ansible, n.
  • answer book, n.
  • answered, adj.
  • bao, n.
  • bare-knuckle, adj. and adv.
  • base note, n.
  • basic wage, n.
  • big-arsed, adj.
  • binky, n.
  • bish bosh, int.2
  • bish-bash-bosh, int. (and n.)
  • bish-bosh, n. (and int.1)
  • bittem, n.
  • bodhi tree, n.
  • bosh, int.
  • bot, n.2
  • bot, n.3
  • botanica, n.
  • boteh, n.
  • bothan, n.
  • bothen, n.
  • bothered, adj.
  • botherer, n.
  • Bothnian, adj. and n.
  • Bothnic, adj.
  • botija, n.
  • botijo, n.
  • boto, n.
  • botrytis, n.
  • botrytized, adj.
  • botte secrète, n.
  • botte, n.2
  • botter, n.
  • bottle gas, n. and adj.
  • bottle trap, n.
  • bottle-cleaner, n.
  • bottom fish, v.
  • bottom liner, n.
  • bottom note, n.
  • bottom of the harbour | bottom of the harbor, n.
  • bottomness, n.
  • bottomonium, n.
  • bottomwards, adv.
  • botulinal, adj.
  • bovver, v. and int.
  • brass neck, n. and adj.
  • brass-necked, adj.
  • cent., adj.2
  • cent., n.3
  • Centaurus, n.
  • CENTCOM, n.
  • centering, n.
  • centesimo, n.2
  • centifolia, n.
  • centimillionaire, n.
  • centimorgan, n.
  • centipedal, adj.1
  • Central African, n. and adj.
  • central, n.2
  • centre part | center part, n.
  • centre parting | center parting, n.
  • centredness | centeredness, n.
  • centrel, n.
  • centreman | centerman, n.
  • centre-part | center-part, v.
  • centre-parted | center-parted, adj.
  • centrewards | centerwards, n., adv., and adj.
  • centre-weighted | center-weighted, adj.
  • Centrex, n.
  • centricipital, adj.
  • centriciput, n.
  • centrifugalism, n.
  • chargrill, n.
  • chargrill, v.
  • chargrilled, adj.
  • chop shop, n.
  • chronotype, n.
  • chyron, n.
  • cintern, n.
  • consessus, n.
  • conversate, adj.
  • conversate, v.
  • cooperativity, n.
  • corrido, n.
  • cough syrup, n.
  • CRISPR, n.
  • deferrable, adj.
  • deffo, int. and adv.
  • demonym, n.
  • diabatic, adj.
  • diabetologist, n.
  • diabetology, n.
  • diabolizing, adj.
  • diabolizing, n.
  • diabolus in musica, n.
  • diabolus, n.
  • divey, adj.
  • D-line, n.
  • doof, n.1
  • dopiaza, n.
  • dowfart, n. and adj.
  • dud, n.2
  • dudder, n.
  • duded-up, adj.
  • dudette, n.
  • dudgeoned, adj.
  • duergar, n.
  • duetting, n.
  • duffed, adj.1
  • eleventy, adj.
  • exosolar, adj.
  • explementary, adj.
  • explete, v.2
  • exploitational, adj.
  • exploitatively, adv.
  • exploitativeness, n.
  • exploiter, n.1
  • explore, n.
  • explosivity, n.
  • fixie, n.
  • flauta, n.
  • flowy, adj.
  • FODMAP, n.
  • folktronica, n.
  • freekeh, n.
  • fro-yo, n.
  • gabba, n.1
  • gabba, n.2
  • gank, v.
  • gianduja, n.
  • girolle, n.
  • glamp, v.2
  • glamper, n.
  • glamping, n.
  • graphene, n.
  • growbag, n.
  • guajillo, n.
  • Hitchcockian, adj.
  • jackalope, n.
  • javelina, n.
  • junkball, n.
  • kayfabe, n.
  • keytar, n.
  • krewe, n.
  • krump, adj. and n.
  • krump, v.
  • krumping, n.
  • laird, v.
  • lamellophone, n.
  • leet, adj. and n.5
  • leetspeak, n.
  • left brain, n. and adj.
  • left justification, n.
  • left turn, int. and v.
  • left turn, n.
  • left turning, n.
  • left-centre | left-center, n. and adj.
  • left-justified, adj.
  • left-justify, v.
  • left-turning, adj.
  • leng, v.2
  • likeliest, n.
  • likembe, n.
  • listicle, n.
  • long trousers, n.
  • long, n.2
  • long, v.2
  • longboarding, n.
  • long-finned, adj.
  • long-running, adj.1
  • long-spined, adj.
  • longtitude, n.
  • longue durée, n.
  • loosie, n.
  • Lord Keeper, n.
  • mahalo, n. and int.
  • maitake, n.
  • matcha, n.
  • mecha, n.
  • micronation, n.
  • mofongo, n.
  • narcocorrido, n.
  • neti, n.
  • parmo, n.
  • pay-to-play, adj.
  • pimentón, n.
  • potjie, n.
  • potjiekos, n.
  • pourover, n. and adj.
  • power couple, n.
  • procursive, adj.1
  • pwn, v.
  • releet, n.
  • right-footer, n.
  • Scandi, adj. and n.
  • Scooby Snack, n.
  • self-harm, v.
  • self-identify, v.
  • self-selected, adj.
  • sencha, n.
  • shetar, n.
  • shishito, n.
  • slackline, n.
  • slacklining, n.
  • sleepsuit, n.
  • sneakerhead, n.
  • snus, n.
  • soju, n.
  • Sophie’s choice, n.
  • sparticle, n.
  • spesh, adj.
  • spesh, n.
  • spoach, v.
  • spot-up, adj. and n.
  • stalkerish, adj.
  • star sign, n.
  • star-blind, adj.2
  • starchitect, n.
  • stare-down, n.
  • stare-out, n.
  • starring, adj.
  • star-studded, adj.
  • start, adv.
  • startfulmood, adj.
  • startle reflex, n.
  • startle response, n.
  • straight-acting, adj.
  • straight-acting, n.
  • supercouple, n.
  • sweary, adj.
  • sweary, n.
  • test drive, n.
  • tink, v.4
  • top gun, n.
  • Twenty20, n.
  • voice over internet protocol, n.
  • vongole, n. and adj.
  • wifty, adj.
  • winster, adj. (and n.)

New sub-entries

  • ankle-slapper
  • answer key
  • answering system
  • assistant referee
  • assisted death
  • assisted dying
  • Atlantic spotted dolphin
  • attention-seeker
  • Australian Central Standard Time
  • Australian Central Time
  • Australian Western Standard Time
  • back bacon
  • battle of the sexes
  • beard lichen
  • beta-hydroxy acid
  • bot herder
  • botanic garden
  • botanic medicine
  • botanical garden
  • botanical medicine
  • botanical name
  • botch job
  • botched job
  • bothy ballad
  • botmaster
  • bottle and spoon
  • bottle bill
  • bottle bomb
  • bottle cage
  • bottle carrier
  • bottle club
  • bottle cooler
  • bottle garden
  • bottle kiln
  • bottle lamp
  • bottle oven
  • bottle service
  • bottle stink
  • bottle ticket
  • bottle vase
  • bottle warmer
  • bottle-aged
  • bottleneck slide guitar
  • bottlenose seal
  • bottle-nosed seal
  • bottling plant
  • bottom ash
  • bottom bracket
  • bottom dead centre
  • bottom fisherman
  • bottom rig
  • bottom round
  • bottom surgery
  • bottom time
  • bottom trawling
  • bottom turn
  • bottom-fermented
  • bottom-fermenting
  • bottoming out
  • bottomless pit
  • bottom-line profit
  • bottom-line question
  • bottom-rung
  • bottom-tree
  • BRB
  • breaking ball
  • bright spark
  • budgie smugglers
  • butt cheek
  • butt crack
  • butt plug
  • butt-naked
  • butt-ugly
  • calorie-controlled
  • CamelCase
  • carpet shampoo
  • castle doctrine
  • CBA
  • CBD
  • CBD
  • central angle
  • central banker
  • central belt
  • central body
  • central business district
  • Central Committee
  • central dogma
  • Central European Time
  • central limit theorem
  • central locking
  • central locking mechanism
  • central locking system
  • central pawn
  • central planning
  • central processor
  • Central State
  • central tendency
  • central vacuum
  • central vacuum cleaning system
  • central vacuum system
  • centrally heated
  • Centre Court
  • centre fielder
  • centre half-forward
  • centre hole
  • centre ice
  • centre keel
  • centre mark
  • centre midfielder
  • centre of attention
  • centre of force
  • centre of learning
  • centre pawn
  • centre school
  • centre three-quarter
  • centre three-quarter back
  • centre-page
  • centrifugalized
  • centrifugal clutch
  • centrogenesis
  • centrogenetic
  • centroplasm
  • century year
  • ceramic hob
  • CGT
  • chainset
  • chequered flag
  • choirgirl
  • chromosome number
  • Cinderella story
  • cold caller
  • comfort blanket
  • Common Entrance
  • Common Entrance Exam
  • Common Entrance Examination
  • common spotted orchid
  • contact sheet
  • convenience store
  • core stability
  • corporate hospitality
  • cotton bud
  • coursework
  • craft beer
  • craft brew
  • crankset
  • cross burning
  • DD
  • DH
  • diabetic coma
  • dirty martini
  • dive bar
  • dowfing
  • dowfing bout
  • driver’s licence
  • driving licence
  • DS
  • dues-paying
  • DW
  • longboarder
  • spousely
  • spread-head
  • starfished
  • starvingly
  • ED
  • elimination diet
  • emissions trading
  • centrosomal
  • Lord Keepership
  • erectile dysfunction
  • evening class
  • explicability
  • explanatory variable
  • explant culture
  • expletive-laden
  • explicit definition
  • exploitation well
  • exploration licence
  • exploratory well
  • explosion crater
  • explosion wave
  • explosion-proof
  • explosive cyclogenesis
  • explosive ordnance disposal
  • fast-casual
  • FFS
  • for a long moment
  • foul trouble
  • fourth official
  • fun-size
  • fun-sized
  • FWIW
  • ghost chilli
  • ghost pepper
  • giant squid
  • gift certificate
  • Goldilocks economy
  • GOTV
  • growing bag
  • GTG
  • hanging basket
  • hearing loop
  • heat map
  • heath spotted orchid
  • hen do
  • hen night
  • hen of the woods
  • hen weekend
  • hockey mom
  • husband labour
  • husband-and-wife
  • husband-to-be
  • HVAC
  • ICT
  • IDC
  • IDK
  • IIRC
  • Indian star tortoise
  • IRL
  • JK
  • Kaffir work
  • kitchen bitch
  • K-pop
  • left corner-back
  • left corner-forward
  • left deviationism
  • left deviationist
  • left end
  • left guard
  • left half-forward
  • left side tool
  • left tackle
  • left-sidedness
  • left-wingy
  • left-eared
  • left-eye
  • left-hand lock
  • left-hand screw
  • left-handed mill
  • left-handed rope
  • left-to-right
  • leisure centre
  • letter of comfort
  • like-coloured
  • like-complexioned
  • like-sounding
  • limp-wristed
  • LMAO
  • LO
  • long axis
  • long barrow
  • long black
  • long corner
  • long iron
  • long lens
  • long lie
  • long moment
  • long press
  • long runner
  • Long Term Evolution
  • long track
  • long underwear
  • long vehicle
  • long waist
  • long-abandoned
  • long-accepted
  • long-anticipated
  • long-bladed
  • long-burning
  • long-cherished
  • long-cooked
  • long-defunct
  • long-discredited
  • long-dormant
  • long-sightedly
  • long-extinct
  • long-fingered
  • long-footed potoroo
  • long-form
  • long-hidden
  • long-horned owl
  • long-ignored
  • longirostrine
  • longitude clock
  • longitudinal axis
  • long-legged spider
  • long-neglected
  • long-nose pliers
  • long-nosed bat
  • long-nosed pliers
  • long-nosed potoroo
  • long-nosed skate
  • long-planned
  • long-podded
  • long-priced
  • long-promised
  • long-serving
  • longshore drift
  • long-simmering
  • long-sought-after
  • long-spined sea urchin
  • long-stalled
  • long-tail blue
  • long-tailed macaque
  • long-vanished
  • long-waited-for
  • long-wheelbase
  • long-whiskered
  • Lord Lyon
  • Lord Lyon King of (<r>also</r> at) arms
  • Lord Mayor’s Banquet
  • Lord of Erection
  • Lord of the Isles
  • loss adjuster
  • ltr
  • paddy-straw mushroom
  • pantropical spotted dolphin
  • scouring pad
  • secret shopper
  • set menu
  • shock and awe
  • short tennis
  • shortboard
  • shortboard
  • shortboarder
  • shortboarding
  • shot on goal
  • sick note
  • silver nitrate
  • singer-songwriter
  • size queen
  • skill set
  • SLES
  • slotted spoon
  • SLS
  • SMH
  • snow globe
  • sodium dodecyl sulphate
  • sodium laureth sulphate
  • sodium lauryl sulphate
  • solar eclipse
  • solar farm
  • soy milk
  • speed dial
  • speed dialling
  • speed-dial
  • speed-dial button
  • speed-dial function
  • splash pad
  • splash park
  • spoacher
  • spot card
  • spot colour
  • spot fire
  • spot inspection
  • spot metering
  • spot month
  • spot prize
  • spot remover
  • spot starter
  • spotted dolphin
  • spotted hemlock
  • spotted knapweed
  • spotted laurel
  • spotted orchid
  • spotted pardalote
  • spotted sea trout
  • spousal rape
  • spray tan
  • spread chord
  • spread collar
  • spread formation
  • spread spectrum
  • spreader dam
  • stag do
  • stag weekend
  • star drill
  • star jasmine
  • star jump
  • star magnolia
  • star press
  • star prize
  • star projector
  • star quilt
  • star rating
  • star sight
  • star stitch
  • star tortoise
  • star trail
  • starbase
  • starbirth
  • starboard watch
  • starch content
  • starch molecule
  • starch wheat
  • starch-based
  • starch-containing
  • starch-rich
  • stardrive
  • staring contest
  • staring-stock
  • star-making
  • star-mapper
  • starn-chamber
  • starspot
  • start cold
  • start date
  • starter back
  • starter culture
  • starter marriage
  • starter up
  • starting box
  • starting stalls
  • starting torque
  • straw mushroom
  • stress test
  • stress testing
  • stress-test
  • suicide net
  • SYS
  • TBH
  • thousand-mile stare
  • thousand-yard stare
  • thread vein
  • tl;dr
  • to answer up
  • to bottom out
  • to start off
  • to start on ——
  • to start out
  • to start up
  • to take the chequered flag
  • top note
  • top surgery
  • trafficky
  • travel card
  • treemap
  • trout pout
  • TTYL
  • vampire squid
  • varsity jacket
  • vena comes
  • vena comitans
  • VoIP
  • wake-up call
  • washing liquid
  • wave farm
  • wedding planner
  • wedding tackle
  • wheels of steel
  • wife sale
  • wild swimming
  • wow factor
  • Yazidism

New senses

  • bark, n.1
  • bo, adj. (and pron.)
  • break, v.
  • breaking, adj.
  • candy, n.1
  • chop, n.1
  • core, n.1
  • craft, n.
  • dead, adj., n., and adv.
  • dig, v.
  • dust, n.1
  • emission, n.
  • futurism, n.
  • gilet, n.
  • goldilocks, n.
  • gulper, n.
  • hang, v.
  • help, n.
  • hike, n.
  • hike, v.
  • holy, adj. and n.
  • implicit, adj.
  • lipstick, n.
  • sharp, adj. and n.1
  • shoot, v.
  • sister, n.
  • sleep, v.
  • snap-back, n.
  • stracciatella, n.
  • stressy, adj.
  • tackle, n.
  • top, n.1
  • trick, n.
  • turd, n.
  • wearable, adj. and n.
  • wearable, adj. and n.
  • wraparound, n. and adj.