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lime, n.1

Brit. /lʌɪm/
U.S. /laɪm/
Forms:  OE lím, OE, ME liim, ME, 16 lim, ME–16 lym, ME–17 lyme, (ME liym), ME– lime.(Show Less)
Frequency (in current use): 
Etymology: Old English lím   strong masculine = Middle Dutch lîm   (masculine) (modern Dutch lijm   feminine), Old High German lîm   (Middle High German lîm  , modern German leim  ) masculine, Old Norse lím   neuter < Old Germanic *lîmo-   = Latin līmus   mud, < West Aryan root *lῑ-   in Latin li-nĕre   to smear; another grade of the root occurs in loam n., lair n.2

 a. A viscous sticky substance prepared from the bark of the holly and used for catching small birds; = bird-lime n.   Now only poet. (In Old English any adhesive substance, e.g. glue, paste.)

a700   Epinal Gloss. 133   Bitumen, lim.
a1000   in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 95   Ic beswice fugelas hwilon mid neton mid grinum mid lime.
c1000   Ælfric Gram. (Z.) 258   Swaswa lim gefæstnað fel to sumum brede.
a1250   O. & N. (Jesus Oxf.) 1056   Þe louerd..Lym [Cott. liim] and grune.. Sette and leyde þe for to lacche.
a1300   Cursor Mundi 29082   Mani man..perist was als fuxl in lime.
c1440   Promptorium Parvulorum 305/1   Lyme, to take wythe byrdys, viscus.
1565–6   Churchwardens' Accts. in T. North Chron. S. Martin in Leicester (1866) 166   For Lyme to catche ye sterlyngs in ye churche, vijd.
a1600   A. Montgomerie Misc. Poems xxi. 34   I fand My fethers in the lyme.
1697   Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics i, in tr. Virgil Wks. 55   Toils for Beasts, and Lime for Birds were found.  
1697   Philos. Trans. 1695–7 (Royal Soc.) 19 377   The Bark [of Holly] begins to be full of Lime.
a1850   Wordsworth in Webster's Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. (1890)    Like the lime That foolish birds are caught with.

a700—a1850(Hide quotations)


 b. in allusive phrases (cf. lime v.1 2, 3).

13..   K. Alis. 419   Heo bylevith in folie So in the lym doth the flye.
1477   T. Norton Ordinall of Alchimy v, in E. Ashmole Theatrum Chem. Britannicum (1652) 83   For Fier with Erth hath most concord of all; Because that siccitie is the lyme of heate.
1592   T. Lodge Euphues Shadow (1882) 20   Philamour that was first caught in the lime, was most of all tormented in his loue.
1604   W. Alexander Paraenesis to Prince sig. Bv   While fancies are not glu'de with pleasures lime.
a1616   Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) iii. ii. 68   You must lay Lime, to tangle her desires By walefull Sonnets.  
a1616   Shakespeare Tempest (1623) iv. i. 244   Monster, come put some Lime vpon your fingers, and away with the rest.  

13..—a1616(Hide quotations)


 2. Usually coupled with stone: Mortar or cement used in building. In quot. c1230   fig. Now Sc.

c725   Corpus Gloss. C 320   Cementum: liim, lapidum.
a1100   in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 314/23   Cementum, lim to wealle.
?c1200   Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 16285   Þatt draȝhenn swerd wass inn an hannd. & lim & stan inn oþerr.
c1230  (▸?a1200)    Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 117   Se feste ilimet wið lim of anred luue euch of ow to oþer.
c1275  (▸?a1200)    Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 7894   Ich habbe lim [c1300 Otho lym] & stan on leode nis betere nan.
a1300   Cursor Mundi 25468   Castel mad o lime and stane.
a1325  (▸c1250)    Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 2552   Ðo sette sundri hem to waken His tigel and lim and walles maken.
c1380   Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. II. 209   Þe churche is taken..for þe hous of liym and stoon, þat conteyneþ sich men.
a1400–50   Alexander 5088   Þar was a cite in þat side asisid all with gemmes, With-outen lyme or laire.
1488  (▸c1478)    Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) xii. l. 680   Mudwall werk withoutyn lym or stayn.
1597   Shakespeare Richard II iii. iii. 25   King Richard lies Within the limites of yon lime and stone.  
1745   J. Ware Wks. conc. Irel. I. 127   Those slender round Towers of Lime and Stone, which are seen spread through divers Parts of the Country.
1787   R. Burns Poems (new ed.) 73   Your ruin'd, formless bulk o' stane and lime.
1827   W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd i. 25   Throu' the thick stane and the lime, He slippit like a beam throu' glass.
1903   N.E.D. at Lime   Mod. Sc. A stane-an'-lime wa' is better nor a dry-stane dyke.

c725—1903(Hide quotations)


 a. The alkaline earth which is the chief constituent of mortar; calcium oxide (CaO). It is obtained by submitting limestone (carbonate of lime) to a red heat, by which the carbonic acid is driven off, leaving a brittle white solid, which is pure lime (or quicklime n.). It is powerfully caustic and combines readily with water, evolving great heat in the process, and forming hydrate of lime ( slaked lime).The designations carbonate of lime, phosphate of lime, etc., are still current in popular use, though in technical language they have given place to the more systematic terms calcium carbonate (or carbonate of calcium), etc. chloride of lime: see chloride n. 2.

a1000   in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 197/16   Calcis uiua, gebærnd lim.
1398   J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (1495) xvi. xxiii. 560   Whyle lyme is colde in handlyng it conteyneth preuely wythin fyre and grete hete.
c1400   Lanfranc's Cirurg. 122   Caste aboue þe wounde þe poudre of lym tofore seid.
c1450   Middle Eng. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 217   Tak arpment, & slekyd lyme, & argoyle.
1535   Bible (Coverdale) Isa. xxxiii. B   The people shalbe burnt like lyme.
1598   Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 ii. v. 123   You rogue, heeres lime in this sacke too.  
1622   R. Hawkins Observ. Voiage South Sea xliii. 103   Since the Spanish Sacks haue beene common in our Tauernes, which (for conservation) is mingled with Lyme in its making, our Nation complaineth of Calenturas, of the Stone [etc.].
1622   Bacon Hist. Raigne Henry VII 137   They were now (like Sand without Lyme), ill bound together.
1787   G. Winter New Syst. Husbandry 32   Lime, when properly and judiciously applied, ranks first amongst the class of manures.
1815   J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 488   Lime is detected most effectually by the oxalic acid, which..forms with it an insoluble precipitate.
1837   N. Whittock et al. Compl. Bk. Trades (1842) 130   Lime is found in chalk, marble, &c., and is the basis of animal bones.
1839   Penny Cycl. XIII. 489/1   Phosphate of lime has been recommended in rickets.

a1000—1839(Hide quotations)

?1593   Rites of Durham (Lawson MS. 1656) xxxix   Which pictures have been washed over wth Lime, and yet do appear through the Lime.

?1593—?1593(Hide quotations)


 c. lime and hair: a kind of plasterer's cement to which hair is added to bind the mixture closely together. Also attrib.

1626   in J. Barmby Churchwardens' Accts. Pittington (1888) 181   For lyme and haire for lymeinge the wyndowes, viijd.
1663   B. Gerbier Counsel to Builders 46   Lime and Haire Birdcage-like-Buildings.
1825   ‘J. Nicholson’ Operative Mechanic 640   Cements..used by plasterers for inside work. The first is called lime and hair, or coarse stuff.

1626—1825(Hide quotations)


d. oil of lime  [French huile de chaux] : an old name for the so-called ‘chloride of lime’ in a state of deliquescence.

1471   G. Ripley Compound of Alchymy Adm. vii. in E. Ashmole Theatrum Chem. Britannicum (1652) 191   Oyle of Lime [printed Lune] and water.
1742   Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 42 76.  
1800   tr. E. J. B. Bouillon-Lagrange Man. Course Chem. I. 275.  

1471—1800(Hide quotations)


 e. A vat containing a solution of lime for removing the hair from skins; the solution itself.

1885   C. T. Davis Manuf. Leather xxxii. 525   When sufficiently softened the skins are next placed in the ‘limes’... The goat-skins remain in the ‘limes’ about 14 days.
1903   L. A. Flemming Pract. Tanning 6   When vat room is scarce, it is good practice to haul the skins out after they have been in the lime a few days.
1946   J. W. Waterer Leather ii. ii. 137   The practice of passing the ‘packs’ of hides..through a series of liquors, commencing with an old or ‘mellow’ lime.
1969   T. C. Thorstensen Pract. Leather Technol. vi. 87   When the hide is introduced into the lime.

1885—1969(Hide quotations)


 a. The calx n.   of metals. Obs.

1707   tr. P. Le Lorrain de Vallemont Curiosities in Husbandry & Gardening 225   Metals, after they are reduc'd into Lime.

1707—1707(Hide quotations)


 b. Used generically for: an alkaline earth. Obs.

1794   R. Kirwan Elements Mineral. (ed. 2) I. 5   When this [aerial, i.e. carbonic] acid is expelled, the earth..is then called lime, or common or calcareous lime, to distinguish it from other earths, which also form limes, when free from all combinations, viz. the Barytic and Scottish earths.

1794—1794(Hide quotations)



 C1. General attrib. Also lime-burner n., lime-fingered adj., lime-kiln n., limelight n., lime-pit n., lime-pot n., lime-rod n., limestone n., lime-twig n., lime-water n., lime-wort n.1, etc.

  lime-basket   n.

1838   Dickens Oliver Twist I. xviii. 306   Mr. Chitling..‘wished he might be busted if he wasn't as dry as a lime-basket’.

1838—1838(Hide quotations)


  lime-burn   n.

1879   St. George's Hosp. Rep. 9 538   The 2 lime-burns occurred in plasterers.

1879—1879(Hide quotations)


  lime-burning   v.

1860   J. S. C. Abbott South & North 196   [Slaves] employed..in lime-burning or fishing.

1860—1860(Hide quotations)


  lime-cask   n.

1865   H. B. Stowe House & Home Papers 94   Seating himself on a lime-cask which the plasterers had left.

1865—1865(Hide quotations)


lime-coop   n. Obs.

1691   J. Ray N. Country Words in Coll. Eng. Words (ed. 2) 17   A Lime-coop, a Cart or Wain made close with Boards, to carry any thing that otherwise would fall out.

1691—1691(Hide quotations)


  lime-crag   n.

1649   Burgh. Rec. Glasgow (1881) II. 177   Anent the coall and lymecraig it is ordourit [etc.].

1649—1649(Hide quotations)


lime-fat   n. Obs.

1494   Act 11 Hen. VII c. 19   Cussions, stuffed with horse here [etc.], which is wrought in lyme fattes.

1494—1494(Hide quotations)


  lime-grout   n.

1875   R. R. Brash Eccl. Archit. Ireland 8   The interior of the walls is filled with small stones and lime-grout.

1875—1875(Hide quotations)


  lime-hater   n.

1907   R. J. Farrer My Rock-garden x. 148   The plant [sc. Cenisia excisa]..is a real lime-hater.
1935   A. G. L. Hellyer Pract. Gardening xv. 112   The best plan is to set aside a portion of the rock-garden for lime-haters.

1907—1935(Hide quotations)


  lime-hating adj.

1935   A. G. L. Hellyer Pract. Gardening 284/1 (index)    Lime hating plants.
1971   Country Life 18 Feb. 368/1   For some reason, many of the lime-hating shrubs have only white flowers.

1935—1971(Hide quotations)


  lime-keeve   n.

1574   in Worth Tavistock Par. Acc. (1887) 30   For mending of the lyme Keve, vjd.

1574—1574(Hide quotations)


  lime-lover   n.

1907   R. J. Farrer My Rock-garden i. 12   At this point I will not embark on the awful question of lime-lovers and peat-lovers.
1971   Mrs. D. Underwood Grey & Silver Plants iv. 35   The root fibres of the lime-lovers will wrap themselves round individual [limestone] chippings.

1907—1971(Hide quotations)


  lime-loving adj.

1916   Nature 2 Nov. 172/2   It seems probable from the evidence now before us that some of Forrest's newly discovered Chinese rhododendrons..must be reckoned as lime-loving species.
1956   D. McClintock & R. S. R. Fitter Collins' Pocket Guide Wild Flowers 306   Limestone Polypody..is the lime-loving counterpart of the Oak Fern.
1974   Country Life 28 Nov. 1660/1   Used mushroom compost..is greatly appreciated by lime-loving cherries.

1916—1974(Hide quotations)


  lime-maker   n.

1573   J. Baret Aluearie L 441   A limemaker, calcarius.
1723   London Gaz. No. 6128/3   Edward Brent, Lime-maker.

1573—1723(Hide quotations)


  lime-man   n.

1703   R. Neve City & Countrey Purchaser 208   Many Lime-men, (and some of those Bricklayers that are in Fee with 'em) may speak against this Practice.

1703—1703(Hide quotations)


  lime-merchant   n.

1710   London Gaz. No. 4789/4   William Ball,..Lyme-Merchant.

1710—1710(Hide quotations)


  lime-mortar   n.

1764   Coll. New-Hampsh. Hist. Soc. IX. 168   Capt. Walker's son came and made my lime mortar.
1839   A. Ure Dict. Arts 275   Smeared over with common lime mortar.

1764—1839(Hide quotations)


  lime-ooze   n.

1867   J. N. Edwards Shelby xxix. 498   He..disappeared for a moment beneath lime ooze, half tanned hides and the smell of a charnel house.

1867—1867(Hide quotations)


  lime-process   n.

1883   W. S. Gresley Gloss. Terms Coal Mining   Lime process, the method of getting coal by the use of the lime cartridge.
1888   New Sydenham Soc. Lexicon   Lime process of sewage purification.

1883—1888(Hide quotations)


lime quarrel   n. Obs.

1641   Sc. Acts Chas. I (1870) V. 452/1   To haue and win Lymestones in the lyme quarrells, pairtis and boundis of the Toune and Landis of Paistoun [etc.].

1641—1641(Hide quotations)


  lime quarrier   n.

1753   Scots Mag. 15 52/1   John Potty, a lime-quarrier.

1753—1753(Hide quotations)


  lime quarry   n.

a1649   W. Drummond Wks. (1711) 187   That Coal-Pits, Lime-Quarries, within Fourty Foots of the King's High-ways, be filled up.
1882   ‘Ouida’ In Maremma I. 34   The lime quarries of Alberese.

a1649—1882(Hide quotations)


  lime-salt   n.

1849   D. Campbell Pract. Text-bk. Inorg. Chem. 71   A salt of this acid gives, in lime salts, a semi-solid precipitate.

1849—1849(Hide quotations)


  lime-scow   n.

1823   J. F. Cooper Pioneers II. iv. 54   Did'ee ever see a ship, man? or any craft bigger than a lime-scow, or a wood-boat, on this here small bit of fresh water?

1823—1823(Hide quotations)


  lime-scuttle   n.

1865   F. Martin Life J. Clare 62   He sat down upon his lime~scuttle.

1865—1865(Hide quotations)


  lime-sifter   n.

1771   in Maryland Hist. Mag. 14 129   Give my service to Mr. Deards and desire Him to send 1 Coarse lime sifter.

1771—1771(Hide quotations)


lime tub   n. Obs.

1541   in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 176   Ane skep, ane schod schuill, with ane lym tub.

1541—1541(Hide quotations)


  lime-wagon   n.

1864   B. Taylor Hannah Thurston vi. 79   No one ever knew a lime-wagon or a woodsled to give an inch of road to a lighter vehicle.

1864—1864(Hide quotations)


  lime-daubed adj.

1861   W. F. Collier Hist. Eng. Lit. 105   As sorry makeshifts for scenery as the lime-daubed tinker who acted Wall.

1861—1861(Hide quotations)


  lime-dressed adj.

1899   J. W. Mackail Life W. Morris I. 279   The English lime~dressed vellum had been found almost useless for fine work.

1899—1899(Hide quotations)


  lime-free adj.

1935   A. G. L. Hellyer Pract. Gardening iii. 34   It is wise to make enquiry when ordering rock plants and shrubs as to whether any of those supplied are likely to require lime-free soil.
1974   Country Life 28 Nov. 1639/1   V[iburnum] furcatum.. needs a lime-free soil.

1935—1974(Hide quotations)


  lime-like adj.

1756   C. Lucas Ess. Waters i. 141   A salt taste, with something lime-like or lixivial.

1756—1756(Hide quotations)


  lime-ash   n. dial. a composition of ashes and lime used as a rough kind of flooring for kitchens, etc.

1808   C. Vancouver Gen. View Agric. Devon iii. 96   The lime ash-floor..costs 6d. in the square yard, tempering and laying down.
1893   ‘Q’ Delectable Duchy 195   Their clothes dripping pools of water on the sanded lime-ash.

1808—1893(Hide quotations)


  lime-ball   n. (also lime-ball light) limelight.

1830   Drummond in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 120 391   The intensity of the lime~ball being therefore 264 times that of the Argand lamp.
1835   Edinb. Rev. 61 238   The lime-ball light of Lieutenant Drummond.

1830—1835(Hide quotations)


lime-bush   n. Obs. a bush dressed with birdlime; hence, a means of entanglement.

1575   G. Fenton Golden Epist. f. 51v   No other thinges are the riches of the world, but..a stumbling blocke for the wicked, a limebushe for the good.
a1634   J. Day Peregrinatio Scholastica (Sloane 3150) f. 13   Like a fishe in a net, or a selie Bird in a Limebushe.

1575—a1634(Hide quotations)


  lime-cartridge   n. (see quot.).

1883   W. S. Gresley Gloss. Terms Coal Mining   Lime cartridge, a charge or measured quantity of compressed dry caustic lime made up into a cartridge, and used instead of gunpowder and in a somewhat similar manner for breaking down coal.

1883—1883(Hide quotations)


  lime-cast   n. a covering or layer of lime mortar; also attrib.

1861   J. M. Neale Notes on Dalmatia 96   Here, much hidden by lime-cast, I made out the inscription.
1873   E. O'Curry Manners Anc. Irish III. 16   Many lofty lime-cast castles, built of limestone.

1861—1873(Hide quotations)


lime-chalk   n. Obs. quicklime.

1637   T. Heywood Anna & Phillis in Dial. in Wks. (1874) VI. 320   Water doth make the lime-chalk scortch with heat.

1637—1637(Hide quotations)


  lime-coal   n. (see quot.).

1883   W. S. Gresley Gloss. Terms Coal Mining   Lime coal, small coal suitable for lime burning.

1883—1883(Hide quotations)


lime-core   n. Obs. unslakable lumps in quick-lime.

1679   J. Moxon Mech. Exercises I. vii. 132   Good dry Earth, Lime-Core, Rubbish, &c.

1679—1679(Hide quotations)


  lime-cylinder   n. a cylinder of lime used in the production of limelight.

1871   tr. H. Schellen Spectrum Anal. ix. 64   Let the lime-cylinders then be raised to incandescence by means of the oxyhydrogen gas.

1871—1871(Hide quotations)


  lime-liniment   n. (see quot.).

1876   J. Harley Royle's Man. Materia Med. (ed. 6) 173   Lime Liniment is an emulsion of calcareous soap and free oil.

1876—1876(Hide quotations)


  lime-liquid   n. liquid grout of lime.

1776   G. Semple Treat. Building in Water 78   Filling..the inside with small Stones, and Lime-liquid.

1776—1776(Hide quotations)


  lime-marl   n. (see quot.).

1839   A. Ure Dict. Arts 772   This true limestone must not be confounded with the lime-marl, composed of calcareous matter and clay.

1839—1839(Hide quotations)


  lime-milk   n. milk of lime, slaked lime diffused in water.

1703   T. S. Art's Improv. i. 10   Whiten it Three or Four times together with Lime-Milk.

1703—1703(Hide quotations)


  lime ointment   n. an ointment consisting of slaked lime, lard, and olive oil ( New Sydenham Soc. Lexicon 1888).


  lime-phial   n. Hist. a phial filled with quicklime, fixed at the end of an arrow, used in mediæval warfare for the purpose of blinding the enemy (Hewitt Anc. Armour III. 759, Index; cf. Strutt Horda Angelcynnan I. 98).


  lime-putty   n.  (a) (see quot.);  (b) = lime-slab n.

1892   Labour Comm. Gloss.   Lime-putty, ordinary lime run through a fine sieve.

1892—1892(Hide quotations)


  lime-rock   n. limestone (? now N. Amer.).

1665   in Early Rec. Town of Providence (Rhode Island) (1893) III. 66   Those Lime Rocks about Hackletons lime Killne shal be perpetually Common.
1673   Early Rec. Town of Providence (Rhode Island) III. 229   To fetch for their use as much lime Rock from the rock..as they please.
1799   J. Robertson Gen. View Agric. Perth 547   A dry sharp soil to work upon mostly covering lime rock.
1969   Islander (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 22 June 7/1   He had to tow empty scows from the cement works to Tod Inlet and back with full scows of limerock for making cement.

1665—1969(Hide quotations)


  lime-rubbish   n. broken mortar from old walls, etc., used as a dressing for land.

1805   R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 270   Lime rubbish from the pulling down of old houses.
1884   Culture of Veg. & Flowers (Sutton & Sons) (1885) 88   Old gardens should be refreshed with a dressing of lime occasionally, or of lime rubbish from old buildings.

1805—1884(Hide quotations)


  lime-shells   n. burnt lime before it is slaked.

1793   J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. VI. 202   To strong land they give from 40 to 70 bolls of lime shells to the Scotch acre.

1793—1793(Hide quotations)


  lime-silicate adj. Geol. applied to a rock which was originally an impure limestone or dolomite and has been thermally metamorphosed, with the result that the lime has combined with silica present as impurities to form calcium silicates.

1888   J. J. H. Teall Brit. Petrogr. 464/2   Lime-silicate hornfels.
1902   A. Harker Petrol. (ed. 3) xx. 306   The carbonic acid is completely eliminated, and the whole converted into a lime-silicate-rock (the German ‘Kalksilikathornfels’ or ‘Kalkhornfels’).
1965   G. J. Williams Econ. Geol. N.Z. x. 153/1   Lime-silicate dyke rocks in the ultramafic rocks of southern Westland.

1888—1965(Hide quotations)


  lime-sink   n. a rounded depression in the earth found in limestone districts.

1837   J. L. Williams Territory of Florida 9   Ponds and lime sinks are numerous between the..rivers.
1845   C. Lyell Trav. N. Amer. I. 176   Lime-sinks or funnel-shaped cavities, are frequent in this country arising from natural tunnels and cavities in the subjacent limestone.

1837—1845(Hide quotations)


  lime-slab   n. a pasty smooth composition of slaked lime and water used in plastering.

1608–9   in H. J. F. Swayne Churchwardens' Accts. Sarum (1896) 305   Barrowefull lyme slabb 6d.

1608–9—1608–9(Hide quotations)


  lime soap   n. a mixture of insoluble calcium salts of fatty acids formed as a precipitate when soap is used in hard water and manufactured for various industrial purposes.

1857   W. A. Miller Elements Chem. III. vi. 373   The tallow is melted by injecting hot steam into the vat which contains it, and milk of lime is added... An insoluble lime soap is thus formed.
1884   W. S. B. McLaren Spinning (ed. 2) 28   The lime..unites with the oil and tallow, forming what is called an insoluble lime soap.
1918   C. M. Whittaker Applic. Coal Tar Dyestuffs iii. 36   Lime soaps may be removed by treatment with spirits of salts.
1952   R. E. Kirk & D. F. Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. VIII. 524   The use of lime-soap thickened lubricants for the wheels of chariots dates back as far as 1400 b.c... In modern times, however, the manufacture of lubricating greases—also by means of lime soaps—started about 1854.
1961   Cohen & Linton Chem. & Textiles for Laundry Industry iii. 46   Pure lime soap is more or less white when it is formed... If we accept a laundryman's concept of lime soap, on the other hand, we are talking about a dingy, gray, boardy impregnation that builds up in fabrics and defies all efforts to attain good whiteness.

1857—1961(Hide quotations)


  lime-soda   n. attrib. applied to a process for softening water by treatment with lime and sodium carbonate.

1930   Engineering 15 Aug. 219/1   It [sc. the base exchange method] gives rise to no precipitate whatever, and this avoids what in the lime-soda process is often a cause of difficulty.
1950   B. E. Hartsuch Introd. Textile Chem. iv. 92   The lime-soda method for softening water is the oldest and is still most used for very large softening plants.
1970   Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. (ed. 2) XXII. 98   The lime or lime-soda process is based upon precipitation of calcium as calcium carbonate and magnesium as magnesium hydroxide.

1930—1970(Hide quotations)


  lime-sour   n. = grey sour n. at grey adj. and n. Special uses 3a   ( Cent. Dict.).


  lime-sulphur   n. an insecticide and fungicide containing calcium polysulphides which is made by boiling lime and sulphur in water.

1907   Bull. Bureau Chem., U.S. Dept. Agric. No. 101. 12   The next set of experiments was to determine the composition of lime-sulphur mixtures boiled the same length of time.., but containing varying quantities of lime and sulphur.
1913   Jrnl. Royal Hort. Soc. 39 378   It appears unsafe to spray many varieties of gooseberries with either lime-sulphur or liver of sulphur.
1937   A. M. Massee Pests of Fruits & Hops xiv. 266   In the post-blossom sprays..lime-sulphur is used as an acaricide as well as a fungicide, and it is then used at a strength of 1 per cent..for the control of the Fruit Tree Red Spider and Apple Scab.
1968   R. Hay Gardening Year 472/3   Lime sulphur can also be used against big bud mites on black currants, American gooseberry mildew and peach leaf curl.

1907—1968(Hide quotations)


  lime-wash   n. and v.  (a) n. a mixture of lime and water, used for coating walls, etc.;  (b) v. to whitewash with such a mixture.

1823   J. Badcock Domest. Amusem. 168   Old Fruit Trees..may be restored..by the application of a good strong lime-wash.
1847   A. C. Smeaton Builder's Pocket Man. (new ed.) 126   In using lime-wash, it is better to put two thin coats on a wall than one thick one.
1869   E. A. Parkes Man. Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 305   The walls and ceilings are ordered to be lime~washed twice a-year.

1823—1869(Hide quotations)


  lime-white   v. (also lime-whiten) to lime-wash.

1777   J. Howard State of Prisons (1780) 359   It was scraped and lime-whited once a year.
1861   Englishwoman's Domest. Mag. 3 221   The walls were lime-whitened.

1777—1861(Hide quotations)


  lime-work   n.  (a) stucco (quot. 1589);  (b) a place where lime is made (also pl.).

1589   J. Rider Bibliotheca Scholastica 870   Lime-worke, albarium opus, albarium.
1692   London Gaz. No. 2819/1   Since the destroying of the Lime-Works by our Dragoons.
1808   J. Robertson Gen. View Agric. Inverness i. 41   A lime-work belonging to Sir James Grant of Grant.
1971   Country Life 1 Apr. 743/3   We struck east across the A515..to re-cross the road farther north by a limeworks.

1589—1971(Hide quotations)


lime-yard   n. Obs. = lime-twig n.

1377   Langland Piers Plowman B. ix. 179   Leccherye in likyng is lymeȝerde of helle.
c1440   Promptorium Parvulorum 305/1   Lyme ȝerde, viminarium, viscarium.

1377—c1440(Hide quotations)

 C3. In names of minerals, denoting the presence of lime or calcium, e.g. lime-marl, -slate.

  lime-epidote   n. zoisite.


  lime-feldspar   n. triclinic feldspar containing calcium.

1863   J. D. Dana Man. Geol. 56   Labradorite, or lime-feldspar.
1896   A. H. Chester Dict. Names Minerals 157   Lime-feldspar, a syn. of anorthite.

1863—1896(Hide quotations)


lime-harmotome   n. Obs. phillipsite.


  lime-malachite   n. an impure malachite containing calcite.


lime-mesotype   n. Obs. scolecite.


lime-uranite   n. Obs. autunite.


  lime-wavellite   n. ‘a variety of wavellite, supposed to contain lime as an essential ingredient’ (A. H. Chester Dict. Names Minerals 1896).

1811   J. Pinkerton Petralogy II. 192   Saussure has minutely described a singular transition from granite to limeslate.

1811—1811(Hide quotations)


Draft additions June 2015


  limescale   n. (as a mass noun) a hard whitish deposit that tends to accumulate on surfaces in contact with water, esp. heated water (as in kettles and pipes); (as a count noun) an individual piece or flake of this; = scale n.2 5c; cf. fur n.1 6c.It consists chiefly of calcium carbonate, which is present in hard water.

1841   Iron 21 Aug. 169/1   Its separated ends were covered with old lime scale.
1854   Jrnl. Franklin Inst. 58 357   On some parts of the bottom..of the boilers, I found heavy lime scales, which I judge to be between one-eighth and three-sixteenths of an inch thick.
1943   Sewage Wks. Jrnl. 15 1203   Trouble from lime scale and cloth blinding was reduced by 50 per cent.
2008   M. Monroe She had it Coming lii. 259   Thanks to him, I probably knew more about grout, lime scales, and rust stains than Mr. Clean.
2010   Ideal Home May 152/2   Blitz the loo with disinfectant, leaving to work its magic while you tackle limescale on the shower head.

1841—2010(Hide quotations)