New words list September 2015

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses
New phrases

New word entries

  • anti-unionism, n.
  • athame, n.
  • belayer, n.
  • concelebrated, adj.
  • conceptor, n.
  • concertist, n.
  • heal, adj.
  • hoverboard, n.
  • ISA, n.2
  • lotless, adj.
  • pneumatologically, adv.
  • studerite, n.
  • take-back, n.
  • tellinid, n. and adj.
  • telly, n.1
  • unipolarly, adv.
  • uniport, n.
  • uniporter, n.
  • unitage, n.2
  • unitizing, n.
  • water blue, n. and adj.
  • water bomb, n.
  • water cycle, n.2
  • water equivalent, n.
  • water leat, n.
  • water sickness, n.
  • water source, n.
  • waterboard, v.
  • watercolouring | watercoloring, n.
  • water-cycle, n.1
  • water-cycle, v.
  • waterly, adj.
  • water-repellence, n.

New sub-entries

  • bat ray
  • bat stingray
  • Chinese water torture
  • concealed carry
  • concentration span
  • concept album
  • concept keyboard
  • concept map
  • concept mapping
  • concert band
  • concert director
  • concert musician
  • concert performance
  • concert pianist
  • concert promoter
  • concert series
  • concert singer
  • concert stage
  • concert tour
  • concert venue
  • concert version
  • concert violinist
  • concert-style
  • concession road
  • concession speech
  • conceptualizer
  • concertedly
  • dark matter
  • watercoursed
  • water-stressed
  • great water horsetail
  • lot attendant
  • lot number
  • lottery draw
  • lottery funding
  • lottery jackpot
  • lottery money
  • lottery number
  • lottery winner
  • lotus birth
  • Lotus Sutra
  • Morris open-field water maze
  • Morris water maze
  • St. Nicholas’ Day
  • student athlete
  • student council
  • student demonstration
  • student driver
  • student ghetto
  • student government
  • student movement
  • student newspaper
  • student of human nature
  • student organization
  • student protester
  • student radical
  • student uprising
  • student visa
  • student-at-law
  • student-centred
  • student-friendly
  • studio album
  • studio recording
  • studio system
  • study area
  • study guide
  • study hall
  • study period
  • study skills
  • take-off roll
  • takings clause
  • teller machine
  • telling machine
  • telly addict
  • to be taken up with
  • to feel out
  • to take a lot out of
  • to take a person out of himself (herself, <r>etc.</r>)
  • to take again ——
  • to take against ——
  • to take apart
  • to take away
  • to take back
  • to take down
  • to take it (<r>also</r> a lot, too much, <r>etc.</r>) out of (<r>a person</r>)
  • to take it out
  • to take it out in trade
  • to take it out of
  • to take it out of
  • to take it out on
  • to take off
  • to take off ——
  • to take on
  • to take out
  • to take out after
  • to take out of ——
  • to take out one’s bat
  • to take over
  • to take over from
  • to take through
  • to take through——
  • to take to ——
  • to take too much out of
  • to take up
  • to take up a book
  • to take up for
  • to take up for hawks
  • to take up for hawks’ meat
  • to take up house
  • to take up in
  • to take up one’s pen
  • to take up short
  • to take up the table
  • to take up with
  • to tell off
  • to tell out
  • underwater hockey
  • Unio pearl
  • union boss
  • union branch
  • union government
  • union hall
  • union label
  • union leader
  • union member
  • union membership
  • union movement
  • union official
  • union rep
  • union representative
  • Union Territory
  • union worker
  • union-made
  • unionwide
  • unit circle
  • unit commander
  • unit cube
  • unit factor
  • unit fraction
  • unit record
  • unit rule
  • unit sale
  • unit sphere
  • unit square
  • unit vector
  • Unitarian Universalism
  • unity gain
  • water aerobics
  • water arum
  • water baby
  • water balloon
  • water bean
  • water bicycle
  • water bike
  • water bill
  • water binding
  • water boiler
  • water cabbage
  • water calla
  • water chemistry
  • water chevrotain
  • water clover
  • water conditioner
  • water conservation
  • water consumption
  • water core
  • water culture
  • water damage
  • water dish
  • water droplet
  • water faucet
  • water festival
  • water filter
  • water filtration
  • water fir
  • water flux
  • water forget-me-not
  • water gladiole
  • water gladiolus
  • water gravy
  • water hare
  • water harvesting
  • water hawthorn
  • water hazard
  • water hickory
  • water horsetail
  • water hose
  • water intake
  • water ivy
  • water jumper
  • water licence
  • water lobelia
  • water maker
  • water maze
  • water meal
  • water merchant
  • water molecule
  • water mould
  • water omnibus
  • water pill
  • water pollution
  • water poplar
  • water poverty
  • water primrose
  • water purification
  • water purifier
  • water quality
  • water recycling
  • water rod
  • water safety
  • water scorpion-grass
  • water shelf
  • water shute
  • water sign
  • water skeeter
  • water slater
  • water snail
  • water spinach
  • water stick-insect
  • water tablet
  • water therapy
  • water toll
  • water toy
  • water transport
  • water tupelo
  • water walk
  • water war
  • water weight
  • water whimsey
  • water-absorbing
  • water-attracting
  • water-carrying
  • water-driven
  • water-efficient
  • watering system
  • water-jet propulsion
  • water-jet pump
  • watermark detector
  • water-permeable
  • water-powered
  • water-ram
  • water-repelling
  • water-saving
  • water-souched
  • water-swollen
  • water-tathing
  • water-tyrant
  • whole roasted
  • whole-brain
  • whole-cell
  • wholecrop
  • whole-genome
  • whole-grain mustard
  • whole-life
  • whole-time

New senses

  • belay, n.
  • hostage, n.1

New phrases

  • do you feel me?
  • to feel one’s age
  • to make oneself felt
  • feel free
  • to have feelings for
  • to have a feeling for
  • all over the lot
  • you can take (a person) out of ——, but you can’t take —— out of (a person)
  • to take (a thing) where one can find it
  • to take what one can get
  • take it away!
  • it takes two to ——
  • what took you (so long)?
  • (it) takes one to know one
  • that’s telling me
  • that’s me told
  • now he tells me
  • you tell me
  • I’m telling you
  • what did I tell you
  • that’s telling him
  • blood will tell
  • to tell the bees
  • to tell (a person) where to go
  • there’s no telling
  • united we stand divided we fall
  • to carry water for
  • to feel something in one’s water
  • to hole below the waterline