
Beach, Rex Ellingwood
        Pardners 1905 (UK 1912)

Beaconsfield, Earl of
        See Disraeli

Beadle, John Hanson
        The undeveloped West; or, Five years in the Territories 1873
        Western wilds, and the men who redeem them 1878
—(another ed.) c 1882

Beadle, Muriel
        These ruins are inhabited 1961 (UK 1963)

Beale, Francis
        Biochimo’s (G.) Royall game of chesse play tr. 1656

Beale, Lionel S.
        On slight ailments 1880

Beale, Thomas
        The natural history of the sperm-whale 1839

Bean, Charles Edwin Woodrow
        TheDreadnoughtof the Darling 1911

Bean, William Jackson
        Trees and shrubs hardy in the British Isles vols. 1–2, 1914; vol. 3, 1933

Beard, Charles
        Port Royal: a contribution to the history of religion and literature in France 1861

Beard, John R.
        Lessons in English 1854

Beard, Thomas
        The theatre of God’s judgements 1597 (1612)

Beardsley, Aubrey
        Letters ed. H. Maas, J. L. Duncan, & W. G. Good 1971

Beaton, Cecil Walter Hardy
        The wandering years: diaries 1922–39 1961

Beatson, Robert
        Naval and military memoirs of Great Britain 1790

Beattie, George
        John o’ Arnha 1815 (1826, 1847)

Beattie, James
        Elements of moral science 1790–93 (1793)
        Essay on the nature and immutability of truth 1770 (1811)
        The hermit 1760
        The minstrel 1771, 1774
        Scoticisms 1787

Beattie, William
        Fruits of time parings 1801 (1813, 1873)

Beattie, William
        Life and letters of Thomas Campbell 3 vols. 1849

Beatty, Charles
        The journal of a two months tour 1766 (1768)

Beatty-Kingston, William
        Intemperance 1892
        Music and manners 1887

Beaty, Arthur David
        Cone of silence 1959
        Excellency 1977

‘Beauchamp, Philip’
        See Grote, G.

Beaufort, Henry C. F. Somerset, 8th Duke of, and Morris, M.
        Hunting 1885 (Badminton library)

Beaumont, Cyril William & Idzikowsky, Stanislas
        A manual of the theory and practice of classical theatrical dancing (méthode Cecchetti) 1922

Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, J.
        Comedies and tragedies (1647; 1679)
        Works (G. Darley 1839; A. Dyce 1843–46; Cambridge Eng. classics 1905–12)
        Bonduca 1614
        The coxcomb 1612
        Four plays in one c 1610
        A king and no king 1611
        The knight of the burning pestle 1609
        The little French lawyer 1619
        The maids tragedy 1611
        Philaster 1611
        The scornful lady 1610
        Wit without money 1614
        Woman hater 1607

Beaumont, Sir John
        Bosworth field a 1628 (1710)

Beaumont, John
        Considerations on Burnet’s Theory of the earth 1693

Beaumont, Joseph
        Complete poems 1615–99 (Grosart 1880)
        Psyche, or loves mystery 1648, a 1699 (1702, 1880)

Beaumont, Reginald Arthur
ed. Aeronautical engineering 1942

Beauties of England and Wales, The 1801–18

Beautiful British Columbia, land of new horizons 1959–

Beavan, Arthur H.
        Marlborough house 1896

Beaver (Winnipeg) 1920–

Beawes, Wyndham
        Lex mercatoria rediviva 1750 (1752)

Beccaria’s (Marquis) Essay on crimes and punishments tr. 1766 (1793)

Beck, Cave
        The universal character 1657

Beck, S. William
        The draper’s dictionary 1886

Beck’s Florist, fruitist and garden miscellany 1850–60

Becker, Stephen D.
tr. A. Schwarz-Bart’s The last of the just 1960 (UK 1961)

Becket, Abp. Thomas. Beket c 1290 (in S. E. Legendary, E.E.T.S. 1887)
        Life and martyrdom of T. Beket c 1300 (Percy Soc. 1845)
        Materials for the history of Thomas Becket 12.. (Rolls series 1875–85)

Beckett, Edmund
        See Denison, E. B.

Beckett, Samuel Barclay
        Eh Joe, and other writings 1967
        More pricks than kicks 1934
        Murphy 1938
        No’s knife: collected shorter prose 1967
        Proust 1931
        Stories and texts for nothing (tr. by Beckett of his Nouvelles et textes pour rien 1955) 1967
        Waiting for Godot (tr. by Beckett of his En attendant Godot 1953) 1954 (UK 1956)
        Whoroscope 1930

Beckford, Peter
        Familiar letters from Italy 1787 (1805, 1834)
        Thoughts on hunting 1781 (1803)

Beckford, William
        Dreams, waking thoughts and incidents in a series of letters (anon., ascribed to B.) 1783
        Excursion to monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha 1835
        Italy, with sketches of Spain and Portugal 1834
        Popular tales of the Germans (anon.) tr. 1791
        Recollections 1835
        Vathek tr. 1786 (1863, 1868)

Beckington, Thomas
        Official correspondence 14.. (Rolls series 1872)

Beckmann’s (J.) History of inventions and discoveries tr. 1846
See also Johnston, W.

Beckson, Karl & Ganz, Arthur
        A reader’s guide to literary terms 1960 (UK 1961)

Becon, Thomas
        Works 1560–64 (also Parker Soc. 1843–44)
        The actes of Christ and of Antichrist 1563
        A comparison betweene the Lords supper and the mass a 1564
        Davids harpe 1542
        The displaying of the Popish masse 1559
        The floure of godly prayers 1551
        A new catechisme 1560
        A pleasante newe nosegay 1542
        The pathwaye vnto prayer 1542
        The relikes of Rome 1553
        The sycke mans salue 1561

Beddoes, Thomas
        Contributions to physical and medical knowledge 179. (1799)
        Hygeia; or essays moral and medical 1802–03
        Letter to Dr. Darwin on a new method of treating pulmonary consumption 1793
        Observations on the nature and cure of calculus, sea-scurvy, consumption, catarrh and fever 1793
        Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence 1793

Beddoes, Thomas L.
        The bride’s tragedy 1822
        Poems and letters 1822–37 (1851)

‘Bede, Cuthbert’ (E. Bradley)
        The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green 1853–56
        The rook’s garden 1865

Bedell, Bp. William
        Letters 1624
        Life See Burnet, G.

Bedford, Arthur
        The temple of music 1706

Bedford, Frederick G. D.
        The sailor’s pocket-book 1874 (1875)

Bedford, Hilkiah
        A vindication of the church of England 1710

Bedford, Randolph
        True Eyes and the whirlwind 1903

Bedford, Thomas
        The sinne unto death 1621

Bedingfield, Thomas
        Machiavelli’s Florentine historie tr. 1594 (1595)

Bedloe, William
        Narrative of the horrid popish plot 1679

Bedoukian, Paul Z.
        Perfumery synthetics and isolates 1951

Bedwell, William
        The Arabian trudgman 1615
        Index assuratarum Muhammedici Alkorani 1615
        Mohammedis imposturæ 1615
        Of the nature of geometricall numbers 1614

‘Bee, Jon’
        See Badcock, J.

Beebe, Charles William
        Jungle peace 1918 (UK 1919)

Beecheno, Henry Oliver
        An introduction to business studies 1962

Beecher, Henry Ward
        Lectures on preaching 1872–74
        Sermons a 1887

Beechey, Sir Frederick W.
        Hydrography 1851–59 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)

Beer, Max
        A history of British socialism 2 vols. 1919–20

Beer, Stafford
        Cybernetics and management 1959
        Decision and control 1966

Beer, Thomas
        The mauve decade: American life at the end of the nineteenth century 1926

Beerbohm, Henry Maximilian
        And even now 1920
        Around theatres 2 vols. 1924 (in Collected works Vols. VIII & IX)
—(another ed.) 1 vol. 1953
        A Christmas garland 1912
        Letters to Reggie Turner ed. R. Hart-Davis 1964
        More 1899
        Observations 1925
        Seven men 1919
        A variety of things 1928 (in Collected works Vol. X)
        Zuleika Dobson; or, An Oxford love story 1911

Beerbohm, Julius
        Wanderings in Patagonia 1878 (1879)

Beet, William E.
        The rise of the papacy 1910

Beeton, Mrs. Isabella M.
        Book of household management 1861

Beevor, Antony
        The violent brink 1975

Begbie, Edward Harold
        Life of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army 2 vols. 1920

Behan, Brendan
        Borstal boy 1956

Behmen or Boehme, Jacob. The clavis or key; or an exposition of some principall matters and words in the writings of J. B. 1647
        40 questions concerning the soule..answered 1647
See also Ellistone, J.; Sparrow, J.

Behn, Mrs. Aphra
        City heiress 1682
        The feign’d curtizans 1679
        Novels 1671–96 (1718, 1722)

Behre, Frank
ed. Contributions to English syntax and philology 1962

Behrend, Arthur
        The Samarai affair 1973

Behrens’ (W. J.) The microscope in botany tr. 1885

Beil, Johann A.
        Technologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen, französischen und englischen Sprache 1853–55

See Becket

Belany, James Cockburn
        A treatise upon falconry 1841

Belfast Telegraph 1870–

Belgicke pismire, The
See Scott, Thomas

Belgravia: a London magazine 1866–

Belknap, Jeremy
        The history of New Hampshire 1784–92
        Tour to the White Mountains 1784 (1876)

Bell, Alexander G.
        Upon the production of sound by radiant energy 1881

Bell, Alexander Melville
        The principles of speech and vocal physiology 1863
        Visible speech: the science of universal alphabetics 1867

Bell, Sir Charles
        The hand 1833

Bell, Eric Temple
        The development of mathematics 1940
—(ed. 2) 1945

Bell, Francis J.
        Gegenbaur’s (C.) Elements of comparative anatomy tr. 1878

Bell, George J.
        Commentaries on the laws of Scotland 1810

Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian (1868–1926) Letters sel. and ed. Lady Bell 2 vols. 1927

Bell, Harold Sill
        American petroleum refining 1923
—(ed. 3) 1945

Bell, Henry
        Luther’s Colloquia mensalia tr. 1652

Bell, Hesketh J.
        Obeah; witchcraft in the West Indies 1889

Bell, James
        Walter Haddon against Osorius tr. 1581

Bell, James
        A system of popular and scientific geography 1832

Bell, John
        Bell’s British theatre 1776–78 (1797)

‘Bell, Josephine’ (Doris Bell Ball)
        Crime in our time 1962
        Murder in hospital 1937
        The Port of London murders 1938
        The seeing eye 1958

Bell, Louis
        The telescope 1922

Bell, Peter & Coombe, David
tr. Strasburger’s textbook of botany (tr. from 28th German ed., rewritten by R. Harder et al.) 1965
—(rev. ed. tr. from 30th German ed., rewritten by D. von Denffer et al.) 1976

Bell, Robert Ed.
        Ancient poems, ballads and songs of the peasantry of England 1857
        The annotated edition of the English poets 1854–57
        The life of Canning 1846

Bell, Robert
        Bell’s (W.) Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland 1882

Bell, Robert Charles
        Board and table games from many civilizations 2 vols. 1960–9

Bell, Thomas
        A Christian dialogue betweene Theophilus..and Remigius 1609
        The survey of Popery 1596

Bell, Thomas
        A history of British quadrupeds 1837
        A history of the British stalk-eyed crustacea 1853

Bell, William
        A dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland 1838
See also Bell, R.

Bell system technical journal 1922–

Bell’s life in London and sporting chronicle 1822–86

Bellairs, Angus d’Albini
        The life of reptiles 2 vols. 1969

Bellairs, George
        Death in High Provence 1957

Bellairs, Nona
        Wayside flora 1866

Bellamy, Edward
        Looking backward, 2000–1887 1888 (1889)

Bellamy, George Anne
        Apology for her life 1785

Bellamy, S.
        The betrayal 1838

Bellamy, Thomas
        The beggar-boy: a novel 1801

Bellanti, Joseph Alphonso
        Immunology 1971

Belle assemblée
See Haywood, Eliza

Bellenden, John
        Boece’s (Hector) History and chronicles of Scotland tr. 1536 (1821)
        Livy’s History of Rome 1533 (1822; S.T.S. 1901)

Belloc, Hilaire
        Cautionary tales for children 1907
        Charles the First, King of England 1933
        Essays of a Catholic layman in England 1931
        Hills and the sea 1906
        A history of England 4 vols. 1925–31
        Pongo and the bull 1910
        Verses and sonnets 1896

Bellon, Peter
        A new mystery in physick tr. 1681

Bellow, Saul
        The adventures of Augie March 1953
        Dangling man 1944
        Herzog 1964 (UK 1965)
        Seize the day 1956 (UK 1957)
        The victim 1947 (UK 1948)

Beloe, William
        The history of Herodotus tr. 1791
        The sexagenarian (anon.) 1817

Belsches, R.
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Stirling 1796

Belsham, William
        Essays, philosophical, historical and literary 1789–91

Benbrigge, John
        God’s fury, England’s fire 1646
        Vsura accommodata 1646

Benchley, Nathaniel Goddard
        Welcome to Xanadu 1968

Bender, Arnold Eric
        Dictionary of nutrition and food technology 1960

Beneden’s (P. J. van) Animal parasites and messmates tr. 1876

Benedict, St. Versions of the Benedictine rule orRule of St. Benet.
        Æthelwold’s c 960 (Schröer 1885)
        Caxton’s c 1490 (E.E.T.S. 1902)
        Interlinear a 1030 (E.E.T.S. 1888)
        Prose c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1902)
        Verse c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1902)
        Winteney c 1000 (Schröer 1888)

Benedict, Ruth (Fulton)
        The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese culture 1946 (UK 1947)
        Patterns of culture 1934 (UK 1935)

Benét, Stephen Vincent
        John Brown’s body 1928
        Thirteen o’clock 1937 (UK 1938)

Ben Israel, Manasseh
        Vindiciæ Judæorum 1656 (1708)

Benlowes, Edward
        Theophila, or love’s sacrifice 1652

Bennett, Agnes Maria
        The beggar girl and her benefactors 1797 (1813)
        Ellen, countess of Castle Howel 1794
        Juvenile indiscretions 1786

Bennett, Alfred W.
        Thomé’s (O. W.) Text-book of structural and physiological botany tr. 1877 (1885)

—— & Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T.
        Sachs’ (J. von) Text-book of botany tr. 1875

—— & Murray, G.
        A handbook of cryptogamic botany 1889

Bennett, Arnold
        See Bennett, Enoch Arnold

Bennett, Colin Noël
        The guide to kinematography 1917

——et al.
        The handbook of kinematography: the history, theory and practice of motion photography and projection 1911

Bennett, Edward T.
        The gardens and menagerie of the Zoological Society 1830

Bennett, Enoch Arnold
        Anna of the Five Towns 1902
        The card 1911
        Clayhanger 1910
        The Grand Babylon Hotel 1902
        A great man 1904
        The grim smile of the Five Towns 1907
        Hilda Lessways 1911
        Imperial Palace 1930
        Journals, 1896–1928 ed. N. Flower 3 vols. 1932–3
        Leonora 1903
        Letters ed. J. Hepburn 3 vols. 1966–70
        Lilian 1922
        The lion’s share 1916
        Lord Raingo 1926
        A man from the North 1898
        The matador of the Five Towns, and other stories 1912
        The old wives’ tale 1908
        The pretty lady 1918
        The Regent 1913
        Riceyman Steps 1923
        The roll-call 1918
        Tales of the Five Towns 1905
        These twain 1915 (UK 1916)
        The truth about an author 1903

Bennett, Frederick D.
        Narrative of a whaling voyage 1840

Bennett, George
        Gatherings of a naturalist in Australia 1860
        Wanderings in New South Wales etc. 1834

Bennett, Ivy V. P.
        Delinquent and neurotic children 1960

Bennett, John Godolphin
        Witness 1962

Bennett, John H.
        Lectures on clinical medicine 1850–56

Bennett, Joseph and ‘Cavendish’
        Billiards 1873

Bennett, Louise
        Jamaican humour in dialect 1943

Bennett, Mary Montgomerie
        Christison of Lammermoor 1927

Bennison, George Mills & Wright, Alan Edward
        The geological history of the British Isles 1969

Benson, Arthur C.
        The thread of gold 1905

Benson, Edward F.
        The Challoners 1904 (1906)
        David Blaize 1916
        Dodo 1894
        The image in the sand 1905
        Mapp and Lucia 1931
        Thorley Weir 1913

Benson, Eugene Patrick
        The bulls of Ronda 1976

Benson, James W.
        Time and time-tellers 1875 (1902)

Bentham, Jeremy
        Works a 1832 (1838–43)
        Chrestomathia 1816
        Church of Englandism and its catechism examined 1818
        Defence of usury 1787
        Deontology a 1832 (1834)
        The elements of the art of packing 1810 (1821)
        A fragment on government 1776 (Wks. 1843 I)
        An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation 1780 (1789)
        Justice and codification of petitions 1829
        Official aptitude maximized 1810 (1830)
        Panopticon 1791
        Plan of parliamentary reform 1817
        A protest against law taxes a 1832 (1853)
        Rationale of judicial evidence 1802–12 (1827)
        The rationale of reward 1825
        Scotch reform considered 1808

Bentham, Joseph
        Two briefe but usefull treatises 1657

Benthamiana 1776–1817 (1835)

Bentley, Edmund Clerihew
        Trent’s last case 1913
        Trent’s own case 1936

Bentley, Richard
        Correspondence a 1742 (1842)
        A dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris 1697 (1699)
        The folly and unreasonableness of atheism demonstrated (Boyle lectures) 1692–93 (1735)
        Remarks on Collins’ Discourse of freethinking 1713
        Sermons a 1742

Bentley, Richard 1757
        SeeHentzner, P.

Bentley, Robert
        A manual of botany 1861 (also 1870, 1887)

—— & Trimen, Henry
        Medicinal Plants 4 vols. 1880

Bentley, Samuel
        Excerpta historica 1831

Bentley, Thomas
        The monument of matrones 1582

Bentley, William (1759–1819) Diary 4 vols. 1905–14

Bentley’s miscellany 1837–68

Benton, Kenneth Carter
        The red hen conspiracy 1977
        Spy in Chancery 1972

Benton, Thomas Hart
        Thirty years’ view; or, A history of the working of the American Government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850 2 vols. 1854–6

Benvenuto’s Passenger tr. 1612

Beowulf (E.E.T.S. 1882, Grein)

Bercher, William
        The nobility of women 1559 (Roxb. Club 1904)

Berckman, Evelyn
        The Victorian album 1973

Bereiter, Carl & Engelmann, Siegfried
        Teaching disadvantaged children in the preschool 1966

Beresford, James
        Bibliosophia; or book-wisdom 1810
        The miseries of human life 1806–07 (1826)

Beresford, Maurice
        The lost villages of England 1954

Berg, George Charles
        The unconscious significance of hair 1951

Berg, Leila
        Risinghill: death of a comprehensive school 1968

Berg, Paul C.
        A dictionary of new words in English 1953

Bergerac’s (S. C. de) Satyrical characters tr. 1658

Berget, Alphonse
        The conquest of the air: aeronautics, aviation; history, theory, practice 1909

Bergman, Andrew
        Hollywood and Le Vine 1975 (UK 1976)

Bergman’s (T.) Chemical essays tr. 1791

Berington, Joseph
        The history of the lives of Abeillard and Heloisa 1787
        A literary history of the middle ages 1814

Berington, Simon
        Memoirs of G. di Lucca 1737 (1738)

        Dominoes and solitaire 1890

Berkeley, Edmund Callis
        Giant brains, or machines that think 1949

—— & Wainwright, Lawrence
        Computers: their operation and applications 1956

Berkeley, Bp. George
        Works a 1753 (1871)
        Alciphron, or the minute philosopher 1732
        The analyst 1734
        Commonplace book 1705
        A defence of free-thinking in mathematics 1735
        An essay towards a new theory of vision 1709
        Farther thoughts on tar water 1752
        Journal of a tour in Italy 1717
        Letters a 1753 (in A. C. Fraser, Life 1871 IV)
        Passive obedience 1712
        The querist 1735
        Siris 1744
        Theory of vision vindicated 1733
        Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous 1713
        A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge 1710

Berkeley, Hon. George C. G. F.
        The English sportsman in the Western prairies 1861
        My life and recollections 1864–66

Berkeley, George Fitz-Hardinge & Berkeley, J.
        Italy in the making 3 vols. 1932–40

Berkeley, Miles J.
        Fungi 1836
        Hand-book of British mosses 1863
        Introduction to cryptogamic botany 1857
        Outlines of British fungology 1860

Berkenhead, John
        Sermon 1644

Berkman, Al
        Singers’ glossary of show business jargon 1961

Berks glossary (= A glossary of Berkshire words and phrases, by Major B. Lowsley, E.D.S. 1888)

Berkshire. A glossary of provincial words used in Berkshire (by J. Lousley) 1852
        Parish goods in Berkshire 1552 (1879)

Berlin, Isaiah
        Karl Marx, his life and environment 1939

Berlioz’ (Hector) On modern instrumentation tr. M. C. Clarke 1856

Bermant, Chaim Icyk
        Coming home 1976

Bernard, John (1756–1828) Retrospections of the stage ed. W. B. Bernard 2 vols. 1830

Bernard, Nicholas
        The life and death of Abp. Usher 1656

Bernard, Richard
        Commentary on the book of Ruth 1628 (1865)
        A guide to grand jurymen (with respect to witches) 1627
        The Isle of Man, or legal proceedings in Man-shire against sin 1626
        A short view of the prælaticall church of England (anon.) 1641
        Terence’s Comedies tr. 1598

Bernardus de cura rei famuliaris a 1500 (E.E.T.S. 1870)

Berners, John Bourchier, 2nd Baron
        The boke of duke Huon of Burdeux a 1533 (E.E.T.S. 1882–83)
        The firste volum (etc.) of syr John Froissart, of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce (etc.) 1523–25 (1812)
        The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius a 1533 (1546)
        The history of..Arthur of little Britain c 1530 (1814)

Berne(r)s, or Barnes, Juliana
        See Book of St. Albans

Bernstein, Julius
        The five senses of man 1876

Berrey, Lester V. & Van den Bark, Melvin
        The American thesaurus of slang 1942
—(ed. 2) US 1953, UK 1954

Berridge, John
        The Christian world unmasked 1773 (1812)

Berry, Frederic Aroyce, Bollay, E., & Beers, Norman R.
eds. Handbook of meteorology 1945

Berry, Miss Mary
        Social life in England and France from 1780 to 1830 1831

Berry, William
        Encyclopædia heraldica 1828–40

Berry, William Turner & Poole, Herbert Edmund
        Annals of printing 1966

Bert, Edmund
        An approved treatise of hawkes and hawking 1619

Bertin, Joseph
        The noble game of chess 1735

Berton, Pierre
        Klondike fever 1958

Bertram, James G.
        The harvest of the sea 1863

Bertram, James Munro
        The shadow of a war: a New Zealander in the Far East, 1939–1946 1947

Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club
        Proceedings 1837–

Berwickshire rhymes 1856

Beryn, The tale of c 1400 (Chaucer Soc. 1876; E.E.T.S. 1909)

Besant, Sir Walter
        All in a garden fair 1883
        All sorts and conditions of men 1882 (1884)
        Children of Gibeon 1886
        The demoniac 1890
        Dorothy Forster 1884
        A five years’ tryst, and other stories a 1901 (1902)
        The inner house 1888
        Katherine regina 1887
        The lady of Lynn 1901
        The orange girl 1898
        The revolt of man 1882 (1883)
        Westminster 1895
        The world went very well then 1887

—— & Rice, James
        By Celia’s arbour 1878
        The chaplain of the Fleet 1881
        The golden butterfly 1876
        My little girl 1873
        Ready-money Mortiboy 1871
        The seamy side 1880
        Sir Richard Whittington 1881
        This son of Vulcan 1876
        With harp and crown 1875 (1877)

Besant, William H.
        Treatise on hydromechanics 1867

Bessey, Charles E.
        Botany 1880

Bessey, Ernst Athearn
        Morphology and taxonomy of fungi 1950

Bessinger, Jess B. & Creed, Robert P.
eds. Medieval and linguistic studies in honor of F. P. Magoun 1965 (US ed. has title Franciplegius)

Best, Henry
        Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641. Being the farming and account books of H. Best 1641 (Surtees Soc. 1857)

Best (or Beste) Henry D.
        Four years in France 1826
        Italy as it is 1828
        Personal and literary memorials 1829

Best, Thomas
        A concise treatise on the art of angling 1787

Best one-act plays 1932–

Beste, Raymond Vernon
        Repeat the instructions 1968

Bestiary c 1220 (in O.E. Misc., E.E.T.S. 1872)

Betagh, William
        Voyage round the world 1728

Betham, Matilda
        A biographical dictionary of the celebrated women of every age and country 1804

Betham-Edwards, Matilda
        See Edwards

Bethel, Slingsby
        The providences of God observed through several ages toward this nation in introducing the true religion 1691 (1697)

Bethell, Nicholas & Burg, David
tr. A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Cancer ward 2 vols. 1968–9

Bethune, Alexander
        The Scottish peasant’s fire-side 1843

Betjeman, John
        Collected poems 1958
        Continual dew 1937
        A few late chrysanthemums 1954
        High and low 1966
        Mount Zion; or, In touch with the infinite 1931
        New bats in old belfries 1945
        Selected poems 1948
        Summoned by bells 1960

Bettelheim, Frederick A.
        Experimental physical chemistry 1971

Betterton, Thomas
        History of the English stage 1741

Between Trent and Ancholme (by Miss Eliz. Fowler) 1908

Beues of Hamtoun, The romance of Sir 13.. etc. (E.E.T.S. 1885–94)
See also Beves

Bevan, Edward
        The honey-bee 1827

Bevan, George P.
ed. British manufacturing industries 1876–77

Bevan, John Acton
ed. Essentials of pharmacology 1969

Beveridge, David
        Culross and Tulliallan 1885

Beveridge, Erskine
        North Uist 1911

Beveridge, Henry
        A comprehensive history of India 1862

Beveridge, William
        Works a 1708 (1729)
        Private thoughts upon religion (Private thoughts upon a Christian life) 1661 (1730)
        Sermons c 1680 (1729)
        Thesaurus theologicus; or a complete system of divinity a 1708 (1710–11)

Beverley, Thomas
        A chain of principles concerning the 1000 years kingdom 1691
        Conciliatory discourse on Dr. Crisp’s sermons 1692
        The grand apocalyptic question 1701
        Memorial of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ 1691
        The praise of the glory of grace 1701
        The thousand years kingdom of Christ etc. 1691
        The true state of gospel truth 1693

Beverly, Robert
        History of the present state of Virginia, by R. B. 1705 (1722)

Beves of Hamtoun, Sir (= Beues, Sir) c 1320 (Maitland Club 1838)

Bewick, Thomas
        The general history of quadrupeds 1790
        The history of British birds 1797–1804 (1847)

Bews, John William
        The world’s grasses 1929

Bhavnani, Enakshi
        The dance in India 1965

Bianchi, Michael A.
        Levity and sorrow, a German story tr. 1809

Bibbesworth (or Biblesworth), Walter de, The treatise of, c 1325 (in T. Wright, Vocabularies 1857)

Bible, Versions of the
(See alsoNew Testament)
        Wyclif’s 1382, 1388 (1850)
        Coverdale 1535
Matthews’ 1537
        Great or Cranmer’s 1539
        Becke’s ed. ofMatthews’ 1551
        Geneva 1560
        Bishops’ 1568
        Douay 1609–10
        Authorized 1611
        Revised; N.T. 1881; O.T. 1884; Apocrypha 1894
        New English Bible 3 vols. 1961–70

Bibliographical Society
        Transactions 1892–1919 (then merged with The Library)

Bibliotheca biblica
See Parker, S.

Bibliotheca fanatica 1660 (Harl. Misc.)

Bickel, Walter
tr. R. Hering’s Dictionary of classical and modern cookery 1958

‘Bickerdyke, John’ (C. H. Cook)
        Book of the all-round angler 1888
        Curiosities of ale and beer 1886

‘Bickerstaff, Isaac’ (J. Swift)
        Predictions for the year 1708 1708 (Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
        A vindication of I. B. against what is objected to him, by Mr. Partridge in his Almanack 1709 (Arber, Eng. Garner VI)

Bickerstaffe, Isaac
        Love in a village 1763

Bickersteth, Edward H.
        Yesterday, to-day, and for ever 1866

Bickley, Augustus C.
        Midst Surrey hills 1890

Bicknell, J. L.
        See ‘Collier, Joel’

Biddulph, William
        The travels of certaine Englishmen into Africa, Asia, etc. (ed. T. Lavender) 1609 (1612)

Biden, C. Leo
        Sea-angling fishes of the Cape 1930

Bierce, Ambrose
        In the midst of life 1892

Bieston, Roger
        The bayte and snare of Fortune c 1550 (at end of Lydgate’s Bochas c 1558)

Bigelow, Jacob
        Florula Bostoniensis: a collection of plants of Boston and its environs 1814

Bigg, Charles
        The origins of Christianity a 1908 (1909)

Biggs, Noah
        On the vanity of the craft of physic or a new dispensatory 1651

Bigod, Sir F.
        See Bygod

Billings, John Davis
        Hardtack and coffee 1887

Billings, John S.
        The national medical dictionary 1890

‘Billings, Josh’ (H. W. Shaw)
        Josh Billings, his sayings 1866
His book of sayings 1870

Billings, Marland Pratt
        Structural geology 1942
—(ed. 2) 1954
—(ed. 3) 1972

Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana) 1901–

Billingsley, Sir Henry
        The elements of geometrie of..Euclid tr. 1570

Billingsley, John
        General view of the agriculture in..Somerset 1794 (1797)

Billingsley, Nicholas
        or the infancy of the world 1658

Bilson, Bp. Thomas
        The perpetual gouernment of Christes church 1593

Bingham, John
        Xenophon’s Historie tr. 1623

Bingham, John Michael Ward, 7th Baron Clanmorris
        God’s defector 1976
        The marriage bureau murders 1977

Bingham, Joseph
        Origines ecclesiasticæ, or the antiquities of the Christian church 1710–22 (1840)

Bingley, William
        Animal biography 1802 (1813)

Binnell’s Description of the Thames 1758

Binning, Hugh
        Works a 1653 (1735, 1847)

Binns, Charles F.
        The story of the potter 1898 (1901)

Binyon, Robert Laurence
        Collected poems 2 vols. 1931

Biochemical and biophysical research communications 1959–

Biochemical journal 1906–

Biochemistry (Easton, Pennsylvania) 1962–

Biochimica et biophysica acta 1947–

Biographia Britannica 1747–66

Biographia presbyteriana, containing the lives of A. Peden, J. Semple, J. Welwood, R. Cameron, D. Cargill and W. Smith, by P. Walker; of J. Renwick, by A. Shields (1827)

Biographical dictionary, A new and general 1761–62

Biological abstracts 1926–

Biological bulletin 1898–

Biological reviews and biological proceedings 1926– (from 1936 with title Biological reviews)

Bion, John
        An account of the torments the French protestants endure aboard the galleys 1708 (Arber, Eng. Garner VI)

Bion’s (N.) Construction and principal uses of mathematical instruments tr. 1723 (1758)

Birch, Mrs.
        Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic cookery 1846

Birch, Samuel
        History of ancient pottery and porcelain 1858

Birch, Thomas
        The court and times of Charles the first a 1766 (1848)
        The court and times of James the first a 1766 (1848)
        The history of the Royal Society of London 1756–57
        Life of the hon. Robert Boyle 1744 (in Boyle’s Works)
        Life of Milton 1738
        Sermons before the College of Physicians 1747

Birch, Walter de Gray
ed. Cartularium Saxonicum v.d. (1885–93)

Bird, Anthony & Hutton-Stott, Francis
        The veteran motor car pocketbook 1963

Bird, Golding
        Elements of natural philosophy 1839
        Urinary deposits 1844 (also 1857)

Bird, Miss Isabella L.
        The Hawaiian archipelago: six months among the palm groves..of the Sandwich Islands 1875
        Unbeaten tracks in Japan 1880

Bird, Kenneth
        Smash a glass image 1968

Bird, Robert Montgomery
        The Hawks of Hawk-Hollow 2 vols. 1835

Bird, William
        The magazine of honour 1642

Bird, William Richard
        Off-trail in Nova Scotia 1956
        These are the Maritimes 1959

Birdwood, Sir George
        The industrial arts of India 1880

Birkbeck, Morris
        Notes on a journey through France 1814 (Appendix, 1815)

Birkhoff, Garrett & MacLane, Saunders
        A survey of modern algebra 1941

Birmingham, Maisie Poynter
        The heat of the sun 1976

Birmingham News (Birmingham, Alabama) 1888–

Birmingham Post (title varies) 1857–

Birmingham Weekly Post (newspaper) 1857–

Birnbach, Lisa, et al.
        The official Preppy handbook 1980

Birnbaum, Henrik & Puhvel, Jaan
eds. Ancient Indo-European dialects: proceedings of the Conference on Indo-European Linguistics at U.C.L.A. in 1963 1966

Birnie, William
        The blame of kirk-buriall 1606 (1833)

Birrell, Augustine
        Obiter dicta 1884–87

Bischoff, James
        History of the woollen and worsted manufactures 1842
        Sketch of the history of Van Diemen’s Land 1832

Bishop, John
        Otto’s (J. A.) Treatise on the..violin tr. 1860 (1875)

Bishop, Mathew
        Life and adventures 1744

Bishop, Nathaniel H.
        Four months in a sneak-box 1880

Bishop, William H.
        The house of a merchant prince 1883 (1885)

Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. The records of St. Michael’s parish church, Bishop’s Stortford (ed. Glasscock 1882)

Bishton, J.
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Salop 1794

Bissell, Richard Pike
        High water 1954 (UK 1955)

Bithell, Richard
        A counting-house dictionary 1882

Bisset, Robert
        The life of Edmund Burke 1798 (1800)

Black, Charles C.
        Demmin’s (A.) Illustrated history of arms and armour tr. 1877
        Demmin’s (A.) Weapons of war; being a history of arms and armour tr. 1870

Black, David D.
        History of Brechin 1839 (1867)

Black, Francis
        Principles and practice of homæopathy 1842

‘Black, Gavin’ (Oswald Wynd)
        The bitter tea 1972 (UK 1973)
        The golden cockatrice 1974
        A time for pirates 1971
        You want to die, Johnny? 1966

Black, Jack
        You can’t win 1926

Black, John
        The falls of the Clyde 1806

Black, John
        Berzelius’ (J. J.) Attempt to establish a pure scientific system of mineralogy tr. 1814

Black, John
ed. The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder series of technical manuals 1902

‘Black, Lionel’ (Dudley Raymond Barker)
        Death has green fingers 1971
        A healthy way to die 1976
        Outbreak 1968

Black, Max
ed. The importance of language 1962
        The labyrinth of language 1968
        The nature of mathematics 1933
ed. Philosophy in America 1965

Black, Peter
        The biggest aspidistra in the world: a personal celebration of fifty years of the B.B.C. 1972

Black, Rhona M.
        The elements of palaeontology 1970

Black, William
        A daughter of Heth 1871 (1876)
        Green pastures and Piccadilly 1877
        Highland cousins 1894
        In far Lochaber 1888
        Macleod of Dare 1879
        Madcap Violet 1876
        A princess of Thule 1873
        Sabina Zembra 1887
        Shandon bells 1883
        Stand fast Craig Royston! 1890
        The strange adventures of a phaeton 1872
        Sunrise 1881
        Yolande 1883

Black mask, The 1920–

Black panther 1969–

Black scholar 1969–

Black world 1970–

Blackadder, John
        Memoirs a 1686 (1824)

Blackall, Offspring
        Sermons 1700–16
        Works a 1716 (1723)

Blackburne, Francis
        The confessional, or a full and free inquiry into the right, utility..and success of establishing systematical confessions of faith and doctrine in protestant churches 1766

Blacker, Carlos Paton
        Eugenics: Galton and after 1952

Blackie, John Stuart
        Æschylus, The lyrical dramas of tr. 1850
        Four phases of morals, Socrates, Aristotle, christianity, utilitarianism 1871
        Homer and the Iliad 1866
        Lay sermons v.d. (1881)
        Lays of the Highlands 1872
        On self-culture 1874
        On the studying and teaching of languages 1852
        Songs of religion and life 1876
        The wise men of Greece 1877

Black-letter ballads and broadsides, A collection of seventy-nine 1559–97 (1867)

‘Blackmantle, Bernard’
        See Westmacott, C. M.

Blackmore, Sir Richard
        Alfred; an epick poem 1723
        Creation; a philosophical poem 1712 (1786)
        Prince Arthur; an heroic poem 1695
        A true and impartial history of the conspiracy against..William III in..1695 1723

Blackmore, Richard D.
        Christowell 1881
        Clara Vaughan 1864 (1872)
        Cradock Nowell 1866 (1883)
        Cripps the carrier 1877 (1887)
        Dariel 1897
        Erema 1877 (1880)
        Lorna Doone 1869
        The maid of Sker 1872
        Mary Anerley 1880
        Perlycross 1894
        Springhaven 1887

Blackshaw, Alan
        Mountaineering. From hill walking to Alpine climbing 1965
—(rev. ed.) 1970

Blackshaw, Harold & Brightman, Rainald
        Dictionary of dyeing and textile printing 1961

Blackstone, Sir William
        Commentaries on the laws of England 1765–69

Blackwall, Anthony
        The sacred classics defended 1725 (1727–31)

Blackwelder, Richard Eliot
        Taxonomy: a text and reference book 1967

Blackwell, Henry
        The English fencing master 1705

Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine 1817–

Blades, William
        Books in chains 1890 (1892)
        The life and typography of W. Caxton 1882 (ed. 2)

Blagrave, Joseph
        Astrological practice of physick 1671

Blaikie, Thomas
        Diary of a Scotch gardener at the French court at the end of the 18th century ed. F. Birrell 1931

Blaine, Delabere P.
        Encyclopædia of rural sports 1840

Blair, Hugh
        Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres 1783
        Sermons a 1800 (1777–1804)

Blair, Patrick
        Pharmaco-botanologia 1723–28

Blair, Robert
        Life, containing his autobiography from 1593 to 1636, with supplement, etc. by W. Row (Wodrow Soc. 1848)

Blair, Robert
        Poetical works a 1746 (1808)
        The grave 1743

Blair, William
        The soldier’s friend 1798

Blair & Ketchum’s country journal (Brattleboro, Vermont) 1974–

‘Blaisdell, Anne’ (Barbara Elizabeth Linington)
        Practice to deceive 1971

Blake, Charles C.
        Zoology for students 1875

Blake, Geoffrey Charles & Trott, John Richard
        Periodontology 1962

Blake, John
        A plan for regulating the marine system of Great Britain 1758

‘Blake, Nicholas’ (Cecil Day Lewis)
        The case of the abominable snowman 1941
        The deadly joker 1963
        The dreadful hollow 1953
        Malice in wonderland 1940
        A question of proof 1935
        The smiler with the knife 1939
        There’s trouble brewing 1937
        Thou shell of death 1936
        The whisper in the gloom 1954
See also: Lewis, Cecil Day

Blake, William
        Complete writings ed. G. Keynes 1966 (Oxford Standard Authors ed.; reprinted with corrections 1972)
        A descriptive catalogue of pictures, etc. 1809
        Poems a 1827
        Songs of innocence and experience 1789–94

Blakelee, George E.
        Industrial cyclopedia 1884

Blakey, Robert
        Free-will 1831 (1848)

Blamire, Susanna
        Poetical works a 1794 (1842)

Blanc’s (Louis) History of ten years 1830–40 tr. W. K. Kelly 1848

Blancard’s (S.) Physical dictionary tr. 1684 (1693)

Blanckley, Thomas R.
        A naval expositor 1750

Blancourt’s (F. Haudicquer de) Art of glass tr. 1699

Bland, David
        The illustration of books 1951

Bland, Francis
        The souldiers march to salvation 1647

Bland, Humphrey
        A treatise of military discipline 1727

Blane, William
        An account of the hunting excursions of Asoph Ul Doulah 1788
        Cynegetica; or essays on sporting, etc. 1781 (1788)

Blane, William N.
        An excursion through the United States and Canada 1824

Blaquiere, Edward
        Pananti’s (F.) Narrative of a residence in Algiers tr. 1818

Blaserna’s (P.) Theory of sound in relation to music tr. 1876

Blast: review of the great English vortex ed. P. Wyndham Lewis 1914–15

Blatherwick, Charles
        Uncle Pierce 1888

Blavatsky, Helena P.
        Isis unveiled 1877