New words list September 2017

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • abba, n.2
  • achcha, int.
  • afound, v.
  • afounded, adj.
  • ahoo, adv. and adj.
  • Anna, n.2
  • augered, adj.
  • aught, n.1
  • aught, n.2
  • augites, n.
  • augitite, n.
  • augmentee, n.
  • Augsburg, n.
  • auguring, n.
  • Aujeszky’s disease, n.
  • aula, n.
  • aulacogen, n.
  • auld ally, n.
  • aulos, n.
  • Aunt Tom, n.
  • aunterens, adv.
  • aunt-like, adj.
  • autrefois acquit, n.
  • autrefois convict, n.
  • bachcha, n.
  • back foot, n. and adj.
  • bada din, n.
  • bada, adj.
  • banco, adj.2
  • banco, n.2
  • bapu, n.
  • bas, int.
  • Belarusian, adj. and n.
  • Belon, n.
  • Belousov-Zhabotinsky, n.
  • below deck, adv., adj., and n.
  • below decks, adv., n., and adj.
  • below-average, adj.
  • below-mentioned, adj.
  • Belsnickel, n.
  • belsnickel, v.
  • belt size, adj. and n.
  • Beltane-cow, n.
  • belter, n.2
  • beltman, n.
  • Belton, n.
  • belukar, n.
  • belve, v.
  • Belvoir, n.
  • Belyando spew, n.
  • bench book, n.
  • bench, v.2
  • bhavan, n.
  • bhindi, n.
  • bird-eating, adj.
  • blonks, v.
  • bracketologist, n.
  • chacha, n.1
  • chakka jam, n.
  • chamcha, n.
  • chaudhuri, n.
  • cheeselog, n.
  • chhi-chhi, int.
  • chron, n.
  • chronozone, n.
  • chup, int. and adj.
  • cracks, n.
  • croggy, n.
  • curveballer, n.
  • curviness, n.
  • curvulate, adj.
  • dadagiri, n.
  • desh, n.
  • Devi, n.
  • didi, n.
  • dinlo, n. and adj.
  • disaccredit, v.
  • disaccustoming, n.
  • disaffiliate, n.
  • disaffiliated, adj.
  • disaggregated, adj.
  • disaggregative, adj.
  • disambiguated, adj.
  • disapplication, n.
  • disapply, v.
  • disassembling, n.
  • disassociative, adj.
  • diya, n.
  • dum, adj. and n.
  • en banc, adv. and adj.
  • exoplanet, n.
  • fallibilistic, adj.
  • falling-down, adj. and adv.
  • fallish, adj.
  • fatberg, n.
  • fauchie, adj.
  • Felliniesque, adj.
  • fellmonger, v.
  • fellow-craft, n.
  • ferrinho, n.
  • flâneuse, n.
  • fonio, n.
  • Fowler, n.2
  • Fowleresque, adj.
  • Fowlerian, adj.
  • funana, n.
  • funboard, n.
  • functionalistic, adj.
  • funda, n.
  • fundholding, adj.
  • fundholding, n.
  • fundi, n.2
  • fundible, n.
  • fundic, adj.
  • fundo, n.
  • fundoplication, n.
  • fundoscopic, adj.
  • fundoscopy, n.
  • fundoshi, n.
  • fundraise, v.
  • fundying, n.
  • fungee, n.
  • funhouse, n.
  • funk, n.3
  • funk, v.4
  • funked out, adj.1
  • funked out, adj.2
  • funked up, adj.
  • funked, adj.1
  • funked, adj.2
  • funker, n.1
  • funkified, adj.
  • funkify, v.
  • funkiness, n.1
  • funless, adj.
  • funsy, n. and adj.
  • gahmen, n.
  • gosht, n.
  • gulab jamun, n.
  • gully, n.4
  • haat, n.
  • half pants, n.
  • huh, n.
  • hydel, adj.
  • in banc, adv. and adj.
  • Jai, int.
  • Janner, n. and adj.
  • jasper, n.3
  • jhuggi, n.
  • ji, n.
  • jugaad, n.
  • keema, n.
  • kund, n.
  • maft, v.
  • mafted, adj.
  • mafting, adj. and adv.
  • maha, adv. and adj.2
  • market fundamentalism, n.
  • market fundamentalist, n. and adj.
  • mata, n.
  • mirch masala, n.
  • mirch, n.
  • m-learning, n.
  • monoazo, adj.
  • nagar, n.
  • nai, n.
  • namkeen, n.
  • nang, adj.
  • natak, n.
  • nivas, n.
  • oughts, adj., adv., and pron.
  • P2P, adj.2
  • qila, n.
  • ringtone, n.
  • sevak, n.
  • sevika, n.
  • slider, n.2
  • slummy, n.2
  • snided, adj.
  • snive, adj.
  • snived, adj.
  • soft Mick, n.
  • spring beetle, n.2
  • spring equinox, n.
  • spring festival, n.
  • spring gaiter, n.
  • spring weight, n. and adj.
  • squinny, n.2
  • subchron, n.
  • summer garden, n.
  • superchron, n.
  • surya namaskar, n.
  • tappa, n.
  • Throp’s wife, n.
  • through-smite, v.
  • timepass, n. and adj.
  • udyog, n.
  • vada, n.
  • waterzooi, n.
  • well-sprung, adj.
  • Western world, n.
  • wifty-wafty, adj.
  • winter cold, n.
  • winter dyke, n.
  • winter game, n.
  • winter hedge, n.
  • winter weed, n.1
  • winter weight, n. and adj.
  • winter, n.2
  • winterproof, v.
  • winterscape, n.
  • Winterval, n.
  • wors, n.
  • worst off, adv., adj., and n.
  • worstest, adj. and n.
  • yampy, adj.

New sub-entries

  • application blank
  • application development
  • application engineer
  • application engineering
  • application form
  • application letter
  • application service provider
  • applications development
  • applications engineer
  • applications engineering
  • auger worm
  • augmentative and alternative communication
  • augmented transition network
  • augmented transition net
  • Aunt Jemima
  • Austin disputations
  • autumn day
  • autumn gold
  • autumn red
  • autumn crocus
  • autumn equinox
  • autumn statement
  • autumn time
  • autumn wood
  • autumnal fever
  • autumnal moth
  • autumnal rustic
  • bail hostel
  • bare trust
  • below-cost
  • below-elbow
  • below-knee
  • below-market
  • belt speed
  • belt strength
  • belt tension
  • belt thickness
  • belt tightness
  • belt case
  • belt holster
  • belt pocket
  • belt pouch
  • belt purse
  • belt scabbard
  • belt sheath
  • belt wallet
  • belt beating
  • belt clip
  • belt colour
  • belt course
  • belt decoration
  • belt deterioration
  • belt failure
  • belt fastening
  • belt-fed
  • belt feed
  • belt feeding
  • belt gun
  • belt hole
  • belt hook
  • belt money
  • belt notch
  • belt pack
  • belt pistol
  • belt revolver
  • belt sanding
  • belt slippage
  • belt strap
  • belt wear
  • ‘belt-like
  • Belted Galloway
  • belted kingfisher
  • Belvedere Apollo
  • Belvedere Torso
  • benchboard
  • bench boss
  • bench-clearing
  • bench coach
  • bench dog
  • bench grinder
  • bench hand
  • bench lathe
  • bench-made
  • benchman
  • benchmate
  • bench minor
  • bench-mounted
  • bench penalty
  • bench player
  • bench saw
  • bench stone
  • bench strength
  • benchtop
  • bench trial
  • bench-type
  • bench wagon
  • benchwarm
  • benchwarming
  • benchmark crude
  • blank call
  • bodily function
  • booth capturing
  • bore well
  • cell tower
  • chicken dance
  • Chinese New Year
  • common assault
  • constitutive theory
  • corporation pop
  • cousin brother
  • cousin sister
  • curvaceously
  • curvaceousness
  • curvature tensor
  • curve of tangents
  • curve ruler
  • declaratory theory
  • demand draft
  • dis’anchored
  • disa’ssembler
  • disaster film
  • disaster novel
  • disaster zone
  • Fall Classic
  • fall equinox
  • fall fever
  • fall notch
  • fall-rope
  • fall time
  • fall tube
  • to fall behind ––
  • to fall over ––
  • fallboard
  • fall gate
  • fall-piece
  • fal-‘lalling
  • fallback position
  • fallen angel
  • falling over
  • falling board
  • falling door
  • falling gate
  • falling knife
  • falling ruff
  • falling table
  • fat quarter
  • fell pony
  • feller buncher
  • ‘felloed
  • fixed-term
  • foreign-returned
  • fun bag
  • funbook
  • funbox
  • fun-filled
  • fun run
  • fun time
  • function room
  • function-specific
  • function suite
  • function table
  • function theory
  • functional alcoholic
  • functional calculus
  • functional grammar
  • functional illiteracy
  • functional illiterate
  • functional literacy
  • functional notation
  • functional numeracy
  • functional programming
  • functional shift
  • functionally illiterate
  • functionally literate
  • fund management
  • fund manager
  • fund-monger
  • fundamental analysis
  • fundamental force
  • fundamental frequency
  • fundamental matrix
  • fundamental particle
  • funding agency
  • funding body
  • funeral cortège
  • funeral elegy
  • funeral mass
  • funeral ode
  • funeral procession
  • funeral rite
  • funeral wreath
  • ‘fungated
  • fungi’bility
  • ‘fungibly
  • fungus imperfectus
  • fungus beetle
  • funicular curve
  • funk music
  • funk money
  • funk pit
  • to funk up
  • to funk out
  • to funk out of ––
  • funky-ass
  • funky chicken
  • funky fresh
  • funny car
  • funny dope
  • funny face
  • gambler’s fallacy
  • giant huntsman spider
  • goliath bird-eater
  • goliath bird-eating spider
  • grade curve
  • grass vetchling
  • guilty knowledge
  • intangible property
  • interim injunction
  • interim judgment
  • involuntary manslaughter
  • irretrievable breakdown
  • Jacob’s Join
  • judicial comity
  • judicial immunity
  • LX
  • legally blind
  • Lent tide
  • Lenten rose
  • litigation friend
  • living instrument
  • lunch home
  • mandatory injunction
  • matrimonial proceeding
  • mobile application
  • mobile command
  • mobile health
  • mobile launcher
  • mobile learning
  • mobile number
  • mobile office
  • mobile operator
  • mobile phase
  • mobile radio
  • mobile reception
  • mobile signal
  • mobile telephone
  • mobile telephony
  • naked trust
  • natural disaster
  • notebook computer
  • notebook PC
  • notebook-size
  • notebook-sized
  • online dater
  • online gambler
  • online gamer
  • online gaming
  • online retailer
  • petrol bunk
  • probation hostel
  • session beer
  • silicone paper
  • simple trust
  • soul jazz
  • soul sleep
  • speed breaker
  • Spring and Autumn
  • spring pit
  • spring swamp
  • spring breaker
  • spring grass
  • spring lamb
  • spring suit
  • spring term
  • spring vegetable
  • spring-operated
  • spring-powered
  • spring brass
  • spring frame
  • spring-load
  • spring-loading
  • spring power
  • spring release
  • spring reverb
  • springside
  • spring steel
  • spring-tight
  • spring-type
  • spring work
  • springer spaniel
  • sprinkler head
  • sprinkler system
  • summer beaver
  • summer-board
  • summer camp
  • summer cottage
  • summer dim
  • summer fever
  • summer fishery
  • summer home
  • summer hotel
  • summer lodge
  • summer migrant
  • summer oil
  • Summer Olympic Games
  • Summer Olympics
  • summer range
  • summer session
  • summer wood
  • summer teal
  • summer whiting
  • tangible property
  • transition network
  • vernal point
  • voluntary manslaughter
  • to warsle down
  • to warsle on
  • wind-felled
  • winter of discontent
  • winter-growing
  • winter beaver
  • winter bed
  • winter blues
  • winter chill
  • winter egg
  • winterfall
  • winter holiday
  • winter ice
  • winter range
  • winter session
  • winter sleep
  • winter term
  • winter tyre
  • winter vacation
  • winter vegetable
  • winter vomiting bug
  • winter vomiting disease
  • winter white
  • winter wonderland
  • winter wheat
  • Winter Nelis
  • winter jasmine
  • winter purslane
  • winter rose
  • winter midge
  • winter snipe
  • worse-case
  • worst-hit
  • worsted weight
  • worsted yarn
  • wursom-mother
  • originating process
  • cell phone call
  • cell phone company
  • cell phone number
  • cell phone user
  • cell phone charger
  • cell phone network
  • cell phone tower
  • app store
  • mobile phone company
  • mobile phone number
  • mobile phone charger
  • mobile phone mast
  • mobile phone network
  • mobile phone operator
  • e-book reader
  • DVD burner
  • DVD drive
  • DVD machine
  • DVD reader
  • DVD recorder
  • DVD ripper
  • DVD writer
  • cell carrier
  • cell number
  • springerle mould
  • ‘bench presser
  • free-market fundamentalism
  • free-market fundamentalist
  • broadband Internet
  • smartphone app
  • ‘wintrified
  • disassembly line
  • functioning alcoholic
  • peer-to-peer lending
  • Beltway bandit

New senses

  • above, adv., prep., n., adj.
  • add, v.
  • application, n.
  • Augean, adj.
  • auger, n.1
  • aught, pron., adj., and adv.
  • augment, n.
  • augment, v.
  • augmentation, n.
  • augmentative, adj. and n.
  • augmented, adj.
  • augmenter, n.
  • augur, n.2
  • Augustal, adj. and n.
  • Augustine, adj. and n.
  • aulicism, n.
  • aunters, adv. and conj.
  • auntie, n.
  • au pair, adv., n., and adj.
  • autumn, n.
  • autumnal, adj.
  • belock, v.
  • belong, v.
  • belonger, n.
  • belonite, n.
  • belove, v.
  • below, adv., prep., n., adj.
  • belt, n.1
  • belt, n.4
  • belt, v.
  • belted, adj.
  • belting, n.
  • belting, adj.
  • beluga, n.
  • belying, n.
  • bench, n.
  • bench, v.1
  • bencher, n.
  • benching, n.
  • benchmark, n. and adj.
  • bench table, n.
  • best, adj., n.1, and adv.
  • better, adj., n.1, and adv.
  • bogie, n.
  • chicken, n.1
  • colony, n.
  • copy, n. and adj.
  • curval, adj.
  • curvant, adj.
  • curvative, adj.
  • curvature, n.
  • curve, adj. and n.
  • curve, v.
  • curved, adj.
  • curvilineal, n. and adj.
  • curvilinear, adj. and n.
  • difform, adj.
  • disadvantage, n.
  • disaffection, n.
  • disaffiliate, v.
  • disaffy, v.
  • disagree, v.
  • disagreeably, adv.
  • disagreed, adj.
  • disagreer, n.
  • disallowance, n.
  • disambiguation, n.
  • disannul, v.
  • disappear, v.
  • disappointed, adj.
  • disappointment, n.
  • disapprove, v.
  • disarm, v.
  • disarmament, n.
  • disarticulate, v.
  • disassemble, v.
  • disassociate, v.
  • disaster, n.
  • disastrous, adj.
  • disastrously, adv.
  • disauthentic, adj.
  • disavail, v.
  • dissociative, adj.
  • dongle, n.
  • door, n.
  • downfall, n.
  • element, n.
  • encounter, n.
  • fall, n.2
  • fall, v.
  • fallable, adj.
  • fallacious, adj.
  • fallaway, n. and adj.
  • fallback, adj. and n.
  • fall-down, adj. and n.
  • fallen, adj. and n.
  • faller, n.
  • fallibilism, n.
  • fallibilist, n. and adj.
  • fallow, n.1
  • fallow, adj.1 and n.2
  • fallow, v.2
  • fallow deer, n.
  • fauch, v.
  • feed, n.
  • fell, adj.2 and n.4
  • fell, adj.1, adv., and n.2
  • fella, n.
  • felled, adj.1
  • fellow, n.
  • fellow, v.
  • frost, n.
  • fun, n. and adj.
  • fun, v.
  • function, n.
  • functional, adj. and n.
  • functionalism, n.
  • functionalist, n. and adj.
  • functionalize, v.
  • functionally, adv.
  • functor, n.
  • fund, n.
  • fund, v.
  • fundable, adj.
  • fundal, adj.
  • fundamental, adj. and n.
  • fundamentalism, n.
  • funded, adj.
  • fundiform, adj.
  • funding, n.
  • fundus, n.
  • funeral, adj. and n.
  • funeralize, v.
  • funerally, adv.
  • fungin, n.
  • fungoid, n. and adj.
  • funicular, adj. and n.
  • funk, n.2
  • funk, v.1
  • funk, v.3
  • funk, v.2
  • funky, adj.1
  • funny, adj., n.2, and adv.
  • goke, n.
  • hand, n.
  • hotel, n.
  • Lenten, n. and adj.
  • light, adj.2
  • liquid, adj. and n.
  • loot, v.
  • mobile, n.5
  • mobile, adj.1
  • notebook, n.
  • online, adj. and adv.
  • penetrating, adj.
  • people, n.
  • pot, n.1
  • reducer, n.
  • riser, n.
  • sangha, n.2
  • shuttler, n.
  • sprenge, v.
  • spring, n.1
  • spring, v.1
  • springboard, n.
  • springish, adj.
  • springwort, n.
  • springy, adj.
  • sprinkle, n.1
  • sprinkle, v.2
  • sprinkle, v.1
  • sprinkled, adj. and n.
  • sprinkler, n.
  • sprung, adj.1 and int.
  • standard, n. and adj.
  • strut, v.1
  • submission, n.
  • summer, n.1 and adj.
  • summer, v.2
  • summer game, n.
  • summerland, n.
  • summerling, n.
  • summertime, n.
  • underground, adj. and n.
  • wagon | waggon, n.
  • warsle, v.
  • webbed, adj.
  • wetware, n.
  • winter, n.1
  • winterberry, n.
  • winter day, n.
  • wintered, adj.
  • wintergreen, n.
  • winterling, n.
  • wintertime, n.
  • winterward, n. and adv.
  • worse, adj. and n.
  • worse, adv.
  • worser, v.
  • worship, n.
  • worship, v.
  • worshipable, adj. and n.
  • worshipping | worshiping, adj.
  • worst, adj. and n.
  • worst, adv.
  • cell phone, n.
  • ek dum, adv.
  • app, n.
  • beltline, n.
  • bench press, n.
  • benchrest, n.
  • e-commerce, n.
  • mobile phone, n.
  • e-book, n.
  • DVD, n.
  • fungo, n.2
  • cell, n.3
  • broadband, adj. and n.
  • smartphone, n.
  • au pair, v.
  • disappointingly, adv.
  • auger, v.
  • fellate, v.
  • functionality, n.
  • fundholder, n.
  • below stairs, adv., n., and adj.
  • fundamentalist, n. and adj.
  • auld-farrant, adj.
  • laptop, n. and adj.
  • fungus, v.
  • below ground, adv., adj., and n.
  • functionalized, adj.
  • functionalization, n.
  • fundraiser, n.
  • winterlong, adj. and adv.
  • peer-to-peer, adj. and n.
  • summer-long, adj. and adv.
  • summer weight, adj. and n.
  • curvilinearity, n.
  • spring-jack, n.
  • winter rot, n.
  • spring point, n.
  • winter bud, n.
  • fallen star, n.
  • fall-front, adj. and n.
  • fellmongery, n.
  • spring bow, n.
  • worse half, n.
  • spring line, n.
  • spring-fall, n.1
  • spring bed, n.
  • spring box, n.
  • belt-tightener, n.
  • belt-tightening, adj.
  • inclined plane, n.