March 2005 update

10 March 2005 saw the publication of the range of entries ovesting-Papua New Guinean in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • ovesting, n.
  • ovicaprid, n. and a.
  • ovicaprine, n. and a.
  • ovicide, n.3
  • ovigenesis, n.
  • oviglobulin, n.
  • Oviraptor, n.
  • oviraptorid, n. and a.
  • oviraptorosaur, n.
  • ovi-viviparity, n.
  • ovogonial, a.
  • ovogonium, n.
  • ovotesticular, a.
  • ovovitelline, a.
  • Ovula, n.
  • ovular, n.
  • ovularian, a.2
  • oware, n.
  • Owczarek, n.
  • Owenite, n.2 and a.2
  • owie, n.
  • ownable, a.
  • ownest, n.
  • Owsley, n.
  • oxalidaceous, a.
  • oxathiene, n.
  • oxathiin, n.
  • oxoglutarate, n.
  • oxoglutaric, a.
  • oxychlorination, n.
  • oxychloro, a.
  • oxycodone, n.
  • OxyContin, n.
  • oxy-fatty, a.
  • oxygenate, n.
  • -oxyl, comb. form
  • oxyphenbutazone, n.
  • oxyphilic, a.2
  • Oxytropis, n.
  • oy, int.1
  • oyabun, n.
  • oyakata, n.
  • oyamel, n.
  • Oz, n.3
  • ozeki, n.
  • Ozymandian, a.
  • Ozymandias, n.
  • Ozzie and Harriet, n. and a.
  • P2P, a.1 (n.)
  • P2P, a.2
  • p53, n.
  • Pa, n.4
  • pac-a-mac, n.
  • PACE, n.4
  • pace day, n.
  • pacemaking, a.
  • pace-setting, n.
  • pace tanti viri dixerim, phr.
  • paceway, n.
  • pachanga, n.
  • pachycephalosaur, n. and a.
  • pachycephalosaurid, n. and a.
  • Pachycephalosaurus, n.
  • pachydont, a.
  • Pacificward, adv. and a.
  • packeted, a.
  • packeting, n.
  • packetization, n.
  • packetize, v.
  • packetized, a.
  • packetizing, n.
  • packetizing, a.
  • packie, n.2
  • paclitaxel, n.
  • pad, int.
  • Padanian, n. and a.
  • Padaung, n. and a.
  • padayatra, n.
  • padder, n.3
  • padding, a.2
  • paddymelon, n.
  • padiddle, int. and n.
  • padloper, n.
  • Padouca, n. and a.
  • padrino, n.
  • Padroado, n.
  • padrona, n.
  • paedicatio, n.
  • paedo, a. and n.
  • paedodontic, a.
  • paedodontist, n.
  • paepae, n.2
  • paesano, n.
  • pagati, n.
  • pageanter, n.
  • page-like, a.2
  • pagetic, a.
  • pagetoid, a.
  • pahu, n.
  • paiban, n.
  • pain au chocolat, n.
  • pain de campagne, n.
  • pain de mie, n.
  • painly, a.
  • pain taker, n.
  • paint chip, n.
  • painterish, a.
  • paint sprayer, n.
  • paint-spraying, n.
  • pain-worthy, a.
  • pair-bond, v.
  • pair-bonded, a.
  • pairled, a.
  • pair trawl, n.
  • pair trawl, v.
  • pair trawler, n.
  • pair trawling, n.
  • paisleyed, a.
  • paitung, n.
  • Paixhan, n.
  • pakalolo, n.
  • Pakhto, n. and a.
  • Pakicetus, n.
  • pakul, n.
  • palacinka, n.
  • palacsinta, n.
  • paladar, n.
  • palaeencephalic, a.
  • palaeocon, n.
  • palaeo-conservative, a. and n.
  • palaeodemographic, a.
  • palaeodemography, n.
  • palaeoeconomic, a.
  • palaeoeconomy, n.
  • palaeoentomological, a.
  • palaeoentomologist, n.
  • palaeoentomology, n.
  • Palaeo-Eskimo, n. and a.
  • palaeoethnobotanical, a.
  • palaeoethnobotanist, n.
  • palaeoethnobotany, n.
  • palaeognathous, a.
  • palaeoichnologic, a.
  • palaeoichnological, a.
  • palaeoichnology, n.
  • palaeoliberal, n. and a.
  • Palaeologan, a.
  • Palaeologian, a.
  • palaeologic, a. and n.
  • palaeological, a.2
  • palaeomorphic, a.
  • palaeoneurological, a.
  • palaeoneurologist, n.
  • palaeoneurology, n.
  • palaeophysiological, a.
  • palaeophysiologist, n.
  • palaeophytologic, a.
  • palaeopsychological, a.
  • palaeosecular, a.
  • palaeosoil, n.
  • palaeotherium, n.
  • palaeothermometer, n.
  • palaeotropics, n.
  • palaeozoogeographical, a.
  • palaestrial, a.
  • palagi, n. and a.
  • palagonitization, n.
  • palagonitized, a.
  • palais, n.1
  • palak, n.
  • Palamedean, a.1
  • Palamism, n.
  • palatoglossus, n.
  • palatograph, n.
  • palatopharyngeus, n.
  • palaverous, a.
  • paleola, n.
  • paleta, n.
  • palichnology, n.
  • palichthyologist, n.
  • palilogia, n.
  • palingenesic, a.
  • palingenic, a.
  • palingeny, n.
  • palintocia, n.
  • palisading, a.
  • paliurus, n.
  • palladiumized, a.
  • palladiumizing, n.
  • pallado-, comb. form
  • palladous, a.
  • Pallas, n.
  • pallet, v.2
  • palleted, a.
  • palleting, n.2
  • pallidal, a.
  • pallido-, comb. form
  • pallidotomy, n.
  • pallidum, n.
  • pallion, n.2
  • Palliser triangle, n.
  • pallu, n.
  • pally, n.1
  • palmaria, n.
  • Palme d’Or, n.
  • palmella, n.
  • Palmer, n.5
  • palmiste, n.
  • palmitoyl, n.
  • palmy, v.
  • Palookaville, n.
  • Palouse, n. and a.
  • palting, n.
  • paludamentum, n.
  • palynomorph, n.
  • Pama-Nyungan, n. and a.
  • Pampangan, n. and a.
  • pamphletizing, a.
  • Pamphylian, n. and a.
  • pampinating, n.
  • pamplegy, n.
  • pamprodactyl, a.
  • Pamyat, n.
  • pan, n.8
  • pan, v.1
  • pan, prep.
  • pan, int. (and n.10)
  • panaché, a. (and n.2)
  • Panamax, n.
  • pan-Asian, a.
  • pan-Canadian, a.
  • pancarditis, n.
  • panchakarma, n.
  • Panchama Bandham, n.
  • panchromatism, n.
  • panda, n.2
  • pandani, n.
  • pandeiro, n.
  • pandemial, a.
  • pandemical, a.
  • pandemy, n.
  • pandereta, n.
  • pandero, n.
  • pandora, n.3
  • Pandora’s tub, n.
  • pandoro, n.
  • pandoura, n.
  • pan dulce, n.
  • pane, v.3
  • paneer, n.
  • panela, n.
  • panelized, a.
  • pan-ethnic, a.
  • pangamic, a.
  • pangamy, n.
  • Panglossianism, n.
  • panglot, a.
  • pangonia, n.
  • Panhellenian, a.
  • pani, n.
  • pan-Indian, a.
  • pan-Indianism, n.
  • paning, n.1
  • paning, n.2
  • panini, n.
  • paniolo, n.
  • pani puri, n.
  • panking, n.
  • panking, a.
  • panko, n.
  • pan-Latin, a.
  • pan-Latinism, n.
  • panleukopenia, n.
  • panlogist, n.
  • panna cotta, n.
  • panned, a.
  • panner, n.
  • panniculitis, n.
  • panniculus, n.
  • panniculus adiposus, n.
  • panniculus carnosus, n.
  • panning, a.
  • pannist, n.
  • Pano, n. and a.
  • Panoan, n. and a.
  • panoplia, n.
  • pan-out, n.
  • panphobia, n.
  • panselectionism, n.
  • panselectionist, n. and a.
  • pansophia, n.
  • pant, n.4
  • pantech, n.
  • panthenol, n.
  • pant-hoot, n.
  • pant-hoot, v.
  • pant-hooting, n.
  • panting, n.2
  • pantographed, a.
  • pantomimus, n.
  • Pantone, n.
  • pantothenol, n.
  • pantothere, n.
  • pantropic, a.1
  • pants, v.
  • pantsing, n.
  • pantsula, n.
  • Pan-Turkism, n.
  • Panurgic, a.1
  • panzanella, n.
  • panzerotto, n.
  • pap, a.
  • papad, n.
  • papa-in-law, n.
  • papalagi, n. and a.
  • paparazzi, n.
  • papasan, n.
  • papaveretum, n.
  • papaya, n.
  • paper bag, n.
  • paper-doll, v.
  • paper mache, a. and n.
  • paper-pusher, n.
  • paper-pushing, n.
  • paper-pushing, a.
  • pap-fed, a.
  • papilionid, n. and a.
  • papillectomized, a.
  • papillomavirus, n.
  • pap-in, n.2
  • papirosa, n.
  • papping, n.
  • pappling, n.
  • pappy, n.3
  • papri, n.
  • paprikahendl, n.
  • paprikash, n.
  • Papua New Guinean, a. and n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under owdacious, a. (and adv.))
    • owdaciousness
  • (Under Owenize, v.)
    • Owenized
  • (Under owl, n.)
    • owl glasses
    • owl pellet
    • owl’s clover
  • (Under owlet, n.)
    • owlet-nightjar
  • (Under own, a. and pron.)
    • own-account
    • own affair
  • (Under owner, n.)
    • owner’s manual
  • (Under ownership, n.)
    • ownership flat
  • (Under ox, n.)
    • ox-headed
  • (Under oxalo-, comb. form)
    • oxalaldehyde
  • (Under ox-eye, n.)
    • ox-eye cup
    • ox-eye window
  • (Under ox-eyed, a.)
    • ox-eyed daisy
  • (Under Oxford, n. and a.)
    • Oxford comma
    • Oxford pillowcase
    • Oxford Union
  • (Under oxidation, n.)
    • oxidational
  • (Under oxidative, a.)
    • oxidative stress
  • (Under oxidizing, a.)
    • oxidizing agent
  • (Under oxlip, n.)
    • oxlip primrose
  • (Under oxy-, comb. form2)
    • oxyhydroxide
  • (Under oxygen, n.)
    • oxygen bar
    • oxygen toxicity
  • (Under oxyhydric, a.)
    • oxyhydric light
  • (Under oyster, n. and a.)
    • oyster cap
    • oyster drill
    • oyster liquor
    • oyster roast
    • oyster toad
  • (Under ozaena, n.)
    • ozaenous
  • (Under ozone, n.)
    • ozone-benign
    • ozone-depleting
    • ozone depletion
    • ozone-destroying
    • ozone shield
  • (Under P)
    • P.
    • P45
    • P60
    • PA
    • P.A.C
    • PAF
    • PAH
    • PAHO
    • PAL
    • PB
    • PCA
    • pcm
    • PCMCIA
    • PCN
    • PCOS
    • PCP
    • PCR
    • PCS
    • PDA
    • PDE
    • PDF
    • PDGF
    • PDP
    • PEG
    • PETA
    • PETN
    • PFD
    • PFI
    • PGCE
    • PIA
    • PID
    • PIE
    • PIM
    • PIRA
    • PMS
    • PMT
    • POD
    • POP
    • POTS
    • POV
    • PPO
    • PPP
    • PPV
    • PrP
    • PRP
    • PSA
    • PSS
    • P.S.T.
    • P.T.
    • PV
    • pv.
    • p-n junction
  • (Under paan, n.)
    • paan masala
    • paan shop
  • (Under pace, n.1)
    • pace attack
    • pace car
    • pace lap
    • pace notes
  • (Under pace egg, n.)
    • pace egg play
  • (Under Pacific, a.2 and n.2)
    • Pacific diver
    • Pacific dogwood
    • Pacific Islander
    • Pacific loon
    • Pacific oyster
    • Pacific ridley
    • Pacific Rim
    • Pacific sardine
    • Pacific standard time
    • Pacific yew
  • (Under pacification, n.)
    • act of pacification
  • (Under pack, n.1)
    • packboard
    • pack journalism
    • pack journalist
    • pack rape
    • pack-rape
    • pack rapist
    • pack trip
    • pack-year
  • (Under package, n.)
    • package store
    • package ticket
  • (Under packet, n. and a.)
    • packet radio
    • packet sniffer
    • packet sniffing
  • (Under packing, n.1)
    • packing note
  • (Under pacy, a.)
    • pacily
  • (Under pad, n.2)
    • pad foundation
    • pad printing
  • (Under pad, n.3)
    • pad road
  • (Under padded, a.2)
    • padded bra
  • (Under paddle, n.1)
    • paddle brush
  • (Under paddo, n.)
    • paddo-stool
  • (Under paddy, n.2)
    • Paddyland
    • Paddy’s Day
    • Paddy’s pig
  • (Under page, n.2)
    • page break
    • page description language
    • page one
  • (Under pai gow, n.)
    • pai gow poker
  • (Under pain, n.1)
    • pain barrier
    • pain behaviour
    • pain clinic
    • pain management
    • pain pill
    • pain relief
    • pain reliever
  • (Under paint, n.)
    • paint film
    • paint gun
    • paint kettle
    • paint pad
    • paint program
    • paint scraper
    • paint stick
  • (Under painted, a.)
    • painted woman
    • painted trillium
    • painted vulture
  • (Under pair, n.1)
    • pair-feeding
    • pair-mated
    • pair work
  • (Under paired, a.)
    • paired reading
  • (Under Paki, n. and a.)
    • Paki shop
  • (Under palaeo-, comb. form)
    • palaeo-Christian
    • palaeocommunity
    • palaeohydrology
    • paleokarst
    • palaeolake
  • (Under palaeo-conservative, a. and n.)
    • paleo-conservatism
  • (Under palaeoherpetology, n.)
    • palaeoherpetological
  • (Under palaeoliberal, n. and a.)
    • palaeoliberalism
  • (Under palatal, a. and n.)
    • palatal bone
    • palatal index
    • palatal tooth
  • (Under palate, v.)
    • palating
  • (Under palatial, a.2)
    • palatialness
  • (Under palatinate, n. and a.)
    • palatinate purple
  • (Under palatine, a.2 and n.2)
    • palatine index
  • (Under palatomaxillary, a.)
    • palatomaxillary index
  • (Under palaver, n.)
    • palaver sauce
  • (Under pale, a.)
    • pale bark
    • pale laurel
    • pale persicaria
    • pale smartweed
    • pale clouded yellow
    • pale November moth
    • pale tussock
  • (Under Palestine, n.)
    • Palestine Liberation Organization
  • (Under palette knife, n.)
    • palette-knifed
  • (Under palichnology, n.)
    • palichnologist
  • (Under paling, n.1)
    • paling-hammer
  • (Under Palladian, a.2 and n.)
    • Palladian window
  • (Under palladium, n.2)
    • palladium black
  • (Under pallet, n.3)
    • pallet-fish
    • pallet stone
  • (Under pallial, a.)
    • pallial chamber
  • (Under palliative, a. and n.)
    • palliative care
  • (Under pallid, a.)
    • pallid bat
    • pallid cuckoo
    • pallid harrier
    • pallid sturgeon
  • (Under pallio-, comb. form)
    • palliovisceral
  • (Under palm, n.1)
    • palm cockatoo
    • Palm fair
  • (Under palm, n.2)
    • palm card
    • Palm Pilot
    • palm rest
    • palm sander
    • palm swell
  • (Under palmate, a.)
    • palmate newt
  • (Under palmated, a.)
    • palmated newt
  • (Under palmato-, comb. form)
    • palmato-lobate
  • (Under palmer, n.1)
    • palmered
  • (Under palmetto, n.)
    • palmetto banner
    • palmetto bug
  • (Under palynomorph, n.)
    • palynomorphic
  • (Under pan, n.1)
    • pan bread
    • pan drippings
    • pan-roasted
    • pan-seared
    • pan tuner
    • pan yard
  • (Under pan, n.2)
    • pan-piece
    • pan-tree
  • (Under pan, n.7)
    • pan-and-scan
  • (Under pan-, comb. form)
    • panteleologism
    • pancultural
    • pandialectal
    • panosteitis
    • pansclerotic
  • (Under pan-Africanist, a. and n.)
    • Pan-Africanist Congress
  • (Under Panama, n.)
    • Panama weave
  • (Under Panathenaic, a. and n.)
    • Panathenaic amphora
    • Panathenaic vase
  • (Under pancake, n.)
    • pancake breakfast
    • pancake house
    • pancake turner
  • (Under pancreato-, comb. form)
    • pancreatoduodenal
    • pancreatotomy
  • (Under panel, n.1)
    • panel-box
    • panel-crib
    • panel girth
    • panel joint
  • (Under panic, a. and n.2)
    • panic attack
    • panic disorder
    • panic selling
  • (Under panic, v.)
    • panicking
  • (Under pannam, n.)
    • pannam-fencer
    • pannam stall
    • pannam-time
  • (Under pantherish, a.)
    • pantherishly
  • (Under panties, n.)
    • panty line
    • panty liner
  • (Under pantomime, n. and a.)
    • pantomime dame
    • pantomime horse
    • pantomime season
  • (Under pants, n.)
    • pants leg
    • pants role
  • (Under papal, a. and n.)
    • Papal State
  • (Under paper, n. and a.)
    • paper aeroplane
    • paper airplane
    • paper carriage
    • paper carrier
    • paper electrophoresis
    • papergirl
    • paper park
    • paper parking
    • paper piddock
    • paper plane
    • paper shuffler
    • paper-shuffling
    • paper trail
    • paper yabber
  • (Under paperback, n. and a.)
    • paperbacker

Out-of-sequence new entries

10 March 2005 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • abortionism, n.
  • aloo, n.
  • aloo chaat, n.
  • amapakati, n.
  • Amazonian, a.2 and n.2
  • antimitotic, a. and n.
  • apotropaism, n.
  • bake-off, n.
  • batty, n.1
  • bawheid, n.
  • bean-eater, n.
  • beaner, n.
  • Beantown, n.
  • Belauan, n. and a.
  • blooter, n.
  • blooter, v.
  • blootered, a.
  • bok choy, n.
  • bricolage, n.
  • bricoleur, n.
  • -burger, comb. form
  • chaat, n.
  • clothesline, v.
  • cockapoo, n.
  • cook-off, n.
  • cool Britannia, n.
  • cozzer, n.
  • creepy-peepy, n.
  • cremains, n.
  • dance floor, n. and a.
  • datagram, n.
  • daven, v.
  • davening, n.
  • davening, a.
  • Deadhead, n.2
  • diddly, a. and n.
  • diddly-squat, n. and a.
  • Disgusted, n.
  • Dogme, n.
  • doo-doo, n.
  • dooky, n.
  • dramedy, n.
  • ductal, a.
  • dulce de leche, n.
  • Easter egg, n.
  • emerita, a.
  • EpiPen, n.
  • exoticization, n.
  • exoticize, v.
  • femocrat, n.
  • flat, v.5
  • flatting, n.2
  • foodism, n.
  • foodist, n.
  • foodway, n.
  • ‘fro, n.2
  • FTSE, n.
  • Gamay, n.
  • globus pallidus, n.
  • grandbabe, n.
  • grandbaby, n.
  • grandkid, n.
  • Great Satan, n.
  • grot, n.5
  • guitary, a.
  • gunky, a.
  • head-the-ball, n.
  • Hesperian, a.2 and n.2
  • hog heaven, n.
  • hyperoxaluria, n.
  • Iftar, n.
  • innie, n.
  • It boy, n.
  • It girl, n.
  • jefe, n.
  • jefe politico, n.
  • Jones, v.
  • Kapampangan, n. and a.
  • kissy, a.
  • lavash, n.
  • quadrathlon, n.
  • rarebit, n.
  • Riojan, a. and n.
  • rubbisher, n.2
  • saag, n.
  • scrunchie, n.
  • shroom, n.
  • s’more, n.2
  • snarf, v.
  • snarfle, v.
  • some more, n.
  • spaz, v.
  • tasca, n.
  • taxane, n.
  • taxol, n.
  • tricameral, a.
  • Tubigrip, n.
  • uni-brow, n.
  • upload, n.
  • upload, v.
  • uploading, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under act, n.)
    • Act of State
  • (Under asymmetric, a.)
    • asymmetric bars
  • (Under barrier, n.)
    • barrier contraception
    • barrier contraceptive
    • barrier method
  • (Under beat, v.1)
    • to beat the clock
    • to beat the system
    • to beat the count
    • to beat one’s (also the) meat
    • to beat off
  • (Under beetle, n.2)
    • beetle bank
  • (Under blended, ppl. a.)
    • blended family
  • (Under bobble, v.)
    • bobblehead
    • bobblehead doll
  • (Under boiling, vbl. n.)
    • boiling ring
  • (Under border, n.)
    • border protection
  • (Under brand, n.)
    • brand identity
  • (Under butter-nut, n.)
    • butternut squash
  • (Under caller, n.)
    • caller display
    • caller ID
    • caller identification
  • (Under chapter, n.)
    • chapter book
  • (Under chicken, n.1)
    • chicken-fried
  • (Under clothes, n.)
    • clothes-line
    • clothes-line tackle
  • (Under crack, v.)
    • to crack wise
  • (Under D)
    • d-block
    • DNS
    • DTD
  • (Under director, n.)
    • director’s cut
  • (Under domain, n.)
    • domain name server
    • domain name service
    • domain name system
  • (Under duvet, n.)
    • duvet day
  • (Under Eureka, int. (n.))
    • Eureka moment
  • (Under Euro-, comb. form)
    • Europudding
    • Eurovision
    • Eurovision Song Contest
  • (Under F)
    • FSA
    • FSA
  • (Under fabric, n.)
    • fabric softener
    • fabric softener sheet
  • (Under faith, n.)
    • act of faith
  • (Under flag, n.4)
    • flagstick
  • (Under flat, a., adv., and n.3)
    • flatbread
  • (Under fluffy, a.)
    • fluffy dice
  • (Under furry, a. and n.1)
    • furry dice
  • (Under fuzzy, a.)
    • fuzzy dice
  • (Under G)
    • GSOH
  • (Under gold, n.1)
    • gold panner
  • (Under H)
    • HPV
  • (Under hard, adv.)
    • hard done by
  • (Under haul, v.)
    • to haul ass
  • (Under health, n.)
    • health fascism
    • health fascist
  • (Under helmet, n.)
    • helmet hair
    • helmet-haired
  • (Under help, n.)
    • help desk
  • (Under human, a. (n.))
    • human papillomavirus
  • (Under hymn, n.)
    • hymn sheet
    • to use the same hymn sheet
  • (Under identity, n.)
    • identity theft
  • (Under independent, a. and n.)
    • independent assortment
  • (Under interpersonal, a.)
    • interpersonal skills
  • (Under itchy, a.)
    • itchy feet
    • to have (also get) itchy feet
  • (Under job, n.2)
    • job splitting
  • (Under key, n.1)
    • key escrow
  • (Under lady, n.)
    • ladies’ bar
  • (Under law, n.1)
    • law of independent assortment
    • law of segregation
  • (Under louvre, n.1)
    • louvre blind
  • (Under quad, a.1 and n.5)
    • quad bike
    • quad biking
  • (Under radiator, n.)
    • radiator muff
  • (Under rah-rah, a.)
    • rah-rah skirt
  • (Under reading, vbl. n.)
    • reading group
  • (Under red, a. and n.)
    • red-diaper
  • (Under restraining, a.)
    • restraining order
  • (Under ring, n.1)
    • ring burner
  • (Under runner, n.)
    • runner’s high
  • (Under S)
    • SOH
  • (Under safe, a.)
    • safe bet
    • safe sex
  • (Under Scotch, a. and n.3)
    • Scotch marmalade
  • (Under script, n.1)
    • script kiddy
  • (Under slow, a.)
    • slow cooker
  • (Under sniffer, n.)
    • sniffer program
  • (Under starter, n.)
    • starter kit
    • starter pack
  • (Under techno-)
    • techno-thriller
  • (Under uneven, a.)
    • uneven bars
    • uneven parallel bars
  • (Under varsity, n.)
    • varsity letter
  • (Under vertical, a. and n.)
    • vertical blind
  • (Under video-)
    • video jock
    • video jockey
  • (Under W)
    • WMD
  • (Under weapon, n.)
    • weapon of mass destruction
  • (Under wife, n.)
    • wife-beater

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • abortionist, n.
  • adaptive, a.
  • Hail Mary, phr. and n.
  • hot, a. (n.2)
  • hottie, n.
  • Jones, n.
  • letter, v.
  • ring, n.1
  • script, n.1