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Quick search

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Filtering results using Refine by

Refining your search

Searching within results

Printing results

Emailing results

Saving results


Quick search results

  • If there is only one result for your search, the entry opens automatically.
  • If there is more than one result, a Results list is displayed. Click on any of the headwords to open the entry.
  • If there are no matching results, you are offered a list of closest matches alphabetically.

Quick search results list

Each of the results consists of a headword and an excerpt from the first definition of the entry or subentry. Click on a result to open the corresponding entry. To view the next entry in the results list, click Next ». To return to the results list, click Back to Results.

To move to the next or previous page in the Results list, click Next » or « Previous.

Jump to alphabetical point in the results list

To move quickly to a point in the results list, type the letter you want into this input box and click Go. E.g. typing g moves the list to the first matching entry beginning with g.

Sorting results

Results are listed in alphabetical order (by headword).

You can also choose to order them by date of first use. Click Date.

The standard number of results is 20 per page, but you can alter this (up to a maximum of 100) by clicking on of the Items per page options.

Widening your search

The results of a Quick search are main entries. The Widen search? option is a quick way to search for occurrences of extending your query term in phrases, definitions, etymologies, quotations, or throughout the full text of the OED. Click on any of the text areas (e.g. » definitions) to display matching results.

Refining your search

There are two ways to refine your results:

  1. Filtering them using the Refine by filters to the right of the results list. You can narrow down your results to only those matching a specific part of speech, subject, date, etc.
  2. Using the Refine search option to run an Advanced search on the results lists.

Advanced search results

Advanced search results list

Each of the results consists of a headword and a snapshot of the matching part of the entry. Click on any of the headwords in the list to open its entry.

To move to the next or previous page in the Results list, click Next » or « Previous.

Jump to alphabetical point in the results list

To move quickly to a point in the results list, type the letter you want into this input box and click Go. E.g. typing g moves the list to the first matching entry beginning with g.

Sorting results

The results are listed in alphabetical order (by headword).

You can also choose to order them by date of first use. Click Date.

The standard number of results is 20 per page, but you can alter this (up to a maximum of 100) by clicking one of the Items per page options.

Viewing timeline results

To view results in the form of a Timeline, click Timeline.

The results are displayed as a graph illustrating their usage by century. Move the cursor over a bar to view the results for that time period, and follow the link back to the results if you wish.

Refining your search

There are two ways to refine your results:

  1. Filtering them using the Refine by filters to the right of the results list. You can narrow down your results to only those matching a specific part of speech, subject, date, etc.
  2. Using the Refine search option to run an Advanced search on the results lists.

Filtering results using ‘Refine by’

The Refine by options allow you to narrow down results of a search using specific criteria. For example, you could narrow down the results to only those of a specific origin (e.g. European languages) relating to a specific subject (e.g. Agriculture and Horticulture).

Click on any of the Refine by criteria to expand it and view its options. To select any of the filters listed (e.g. noun), click on the filter.

Each time you select a filter, the number of results in the results list is adjusted.

Filter options

Filter Function Quick search Advanced search
Usage How the word is used (e.g. derogatory, ironic)
Region Where (geographically) the term is used (e.g. Caribbean)
Subject Its subject as designated in the dictionary (e.g. Arts, Logic)
Part of Speech For example, suffix or interjection.
Origin The linguistic origin of a term (e.g. European languages)
Date of First Citation Date of the first quoted use of the term.
First Cited in The author or work in which the word is first cited

When a filter is selected, it is listed under your search term. To switch off the filter (and return to the previous results set) click the x next to the name of the filter. (If you click the x next to your search term, but leave the filter selected, the results list will match the criteria of your filter only.)

Refining your search

To refine the results of your search, click Refine search. This takes you to the Advanced search page, where you can construct a more specific search.

Searching within results

You can search the text of the entries in the results list:

  1. Type the term you want to find into the Search within results for: box.
  2. Choose the text area you want to search.
  3. Click .
  • The text area options are the same as in an Advanced search.
  • The search is restricted to the entries in the results list.
  • The results of your search are listed.

Printing results

To print the Results list, click Print.

Emailing results

To email a results list, click Email. Follow the instructions given in the dialogue box.

Saving results

To save the results of a search, click Save. Follow the instructions given in the dialogue box.

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