New words list March 2013

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New word entries
New sub-entries

New word entries

  • andic, adj.
  • Andisol, n.
  • andosol, n.
  • Apterygota, n.
  • apterygote, adj. and n.
  • apterygotous, adj.
  • archicortical, adj.
  • archistriatal, adj.
  • Audiencia, n.
  • auding, n.
  • audio dub, n.
  • audio dub, v.
  • audio dubbing, n.
  • audiologic, adj.
  • audiological, adj.
  • audiophilia, n.
  • audist, n.
  • basal cell, n.
  • before–after, adj.
  • blue belly, n.
  • Blue Dog, n.
  • blue duck, n.
  • Blue Ensign, n.
  • blue flag, n.1
  • blue flag, n.2
  • blue heron, n.
  • blue point, n.2 and adj.
  • blue skin, n.
  • blue tick, n.1
  • blue-bellied, adj.
  • blue-blind, adj. (and n.)
  • blue-blindness, n.
  • blued, adj.
  • bluefin, n.
  • blue-footed, adj.
  • bluegill, n.
  • blue-gummed, adj.
  • blue-headed, adj.
  • blue-leaved, adj.
  • Bluenoser, n.
  • blue-ringed, adj.
  • blues and twos, n.
  • blues, v.
  • blue-spotted, adj.
  • blue-tick, n.2
  • blueward, adj. and adv.
  • bluewards, adv. and adj.
  • boccia, n.
  • braggadocious, adj.
  • butyrolactone, n.
  • Cambridge blue, n.
  • Cariban, n. and adj.
  • Chromel, n.
  • clunker, n.
  • coprime, adj.
  • cred, n.1
  • credentia, n.
  • creolist, n.
  • creolistics, n.
  • cycloheximide, n.
  • defriend, v.
  • downlink, n.
  • downlink, v.
  • Entisol, n.
  • Galibi, n. and adj.
  • Gambel, n.
  • gambusia, n.
  • game point, n.
  • gamergate, n.
  • gammaridean, adj. and n.
  • gamolenic, adj.
  • gamone, n.
  • Gamp-like, adj.
  • gangling, adj.1
  • gangling, n.
  • ganglionopathy, n.
  • gelisol, n.
  • herb of Paraguay, n.
  • hereditarianism, n.
  • heredito-, comb._form
  • hoki, n.
  • isotretinoin, n.
  • Nung, adj.1 and n.2
  • Nung, n.1 and adj.2
  • podium, v.
  • serious, adj.1
  • seriousness, n.1
  • smart pill, n.
  • Smarties, n.
  • smarting, n.2
  • SSD, n.
  • Strümpell–Marie, n.
  • symptothermal, adj.
  • tretinoin, n.
  • uplink, v.
  • viscidium, n.
  • vulcanologic, adj.
  • whip-smart, adj.

New sub-entries

  • audience chamber
  • audience involvement
  • audience-friendly
  • audio amplifier
  • audio CD
  • audio conference
  • audio conferencing
  • audio file
  • audio guide
  • audio recording
  • audio signal
  • audio text
  • audio tour
  • audio-dubbed
  • audiographics
  • audiometrically
  • audio-tactile
  • audiotaping
  • before-ganger
  • before-tax
  • blue agave
  • Blue Albion
  • blue antelope
  • blue badge
  • blue beret
  • Blue Blouse
  • blue catfish
  • blue channel
  • blue corn
  • blue cornmeal
  • blue crab
  • blue crane
  • blue currant
  • blue duiker
  • blue fig
  • blue fig tree
  • blue flash
  • blue flat
  • blue flu
  • blue gentian
  • blue giant
  • blue grama
  • blue grama grass
  • blue grenadier
  • blue gromwell
  • blue grouse
  • blue heaven
  • blue helmet
  • blue hole
  • blue huckleberry
  • blue ice
  • blue jet
  • Blue Lake
  • blue lias
  • blue marlin
  • blue mass
  • blue monkey
  • blue mussel
  • blue norther
  • blue o’clock
  • blue paper
  • blue penguin
  • blue plaque
  • blue quail
  • blue racer
  • blue sheep
  • blue shortness
  • blue skies research
  • blue spike
  • blue spiraea
  • blue spruce
  • blue stain
  • blue stain fungus
  • blue succory
  • blue tang
  • blue wildebeest
  • blue willow
  • blue wren
  • bluebeak
  • blue-berried
  • blue-edged
  • blue-eyed Mary
  • bluefaced Leicester
  • bluefishing
  • blue-footed booby
  • blue-hair
  • blue-headed parrot
  • blue-headed wagtail
  • bluejoint
  • bluejoint grass
  • blue-lipped
  • blue-pointed
  • blue-ribbon jury
  • blue-ribbon panel
  • blue-ringed octopus
  • blues party
  • blues rocker
  • blue-sensitive
  • blue-sky research
  • blues-rock
  • bluestem
  • bluestem wheat
  • blue-tailed
  • blue-tick coonhound
  • blue-tongued skink
  • Bluetooth-enabled
  • blue-uniformed
  • brown rat
  • Caribbean English
  • Caribbean sea
  • Caribbean-style
  • CLI
  • common loon
  • control group
  • credit account
  • credit agency
  • credit bureau
  • credit card company
  • credit card details
  • credit card number
  • credit card-sized
  • credit crisis
  • credit default swap
  • credit derivative
  • credit event
  • credit history
  • credit limit
  • credit list
  • credit reference agency
  • credit score
  • credit scoring
  • credit sequence
  • credit standing
  • creditable-looking
  • creditive letter
  • Creole black
  • creole continuum
  • electoral vote
  • feature phone
  • feature-complete
  • finite state machine
  • fire-smarting
  • friend in high places
  • friend Indian
  • friend of (also to) the court
  • friend of the court
  • friend of the people
  • friend to the court
  • friend with benefits
  • friend zone
  • friendly bacteria
  • friendly fire
  • Friendly Games
  • Friendly Islands
  • friend-of-the-court brief
  • friendship centre
  • friendship plant
  • friendship quilt
  • friendship ring
  • friendship treaty
  • functionality
  • Gambel’s Oak
  • Gambel’s partridge
  • Gambel’s quail
  • gambling cock loft
  • gambling ken
  • game cartridge
  • game chip
  • game engine
  • game fishing
  • game hunter
  • game misconduct
  • game misconduct penalty
  • game port
  • game programmer
  • game publisher
  • game reviewer
  • game room
  • game winner
  • game-changer
  • game-changing
  • game-designer
  • game-developer
  • game-legged
  • gamepad
  • games cartridge
  • games designer
  • games developer
  • games kit
  • games port
  • games programmer
  • games publisher
  • games teacher
  • gametangial
  • gamete intrafallopian transfer
  • gametically
  • game-time
  • game-time decision
  • gametoblast
  • gametocytogenesis
  • gametospore
  • game-winning
  • gaming machine
  • gamma camera
  • gamma cellulose
  • gamma distribution
  • gamma knife
  • gamma-HCH
  • gamma-hydroxybutyrate
  • gamma-linolenic acid
  • gammocking
  • gammon iron
  • gamolenic acid
  • gang activity
  • gang affiliation
  • gang crime
  • gang culture
  • gang feud
  • gang girl
  • gang hook
  • gang kid
  • gang member
  • gang membership
  • gang mower
  • gang name
  • gang show
  • gang switch
  • gang tackle
  • gang tackling
  • gang tattoo
  • gang turf
  • gang violence
  • gang worker
  • Gangetic crocodile
  • Gangetic dolphin
  • ganglionic mass
  • ganglord
  • gang-related
  • gangrenized
  • gang-tackle
  • glossy starling
  • goalball
  • ham steak
  • HCH
  • hereditary lands
  • heredito-syphilitic
  • hydroxybutyrate
  • little blue penguin
  • little penguin
  • my honourable friend
  • my learned friend
  • my noble friend
  • my right honourable friend
  • right of appearance
  • right of audience
  • serial adulterer
  • serial comma
  • serial data
  • serial entrepreneur
  • serial interface
  • serial murderer
  • serial port
  • serial rapist
  • series-resonant
  • shower gel
  • smart antenna
  • smart apple
  • smart box
  • smart chip
  • smart cookie
  • smart fabric
  • smart growth
  • smart highway
  • smart material
  • smart meter
  • smart quotes
  • smart road
  • smart sanction
  • smart tag
  • smart talk
  • smart talker
  • smarted-up
  • smart-talk
  • smart-talking
  • switch plate
  • Test series
  • VEI
  • volcanic arc
  • volcanic cone
  • volcanic crater
  • volcanic explosivity index
  • volcano-seismic