
P., J.
See La Framboisière, N. A. de; Phillips, John

P., T.
        The English and French cook. By T. P., J. P., R. C., N. B., and several other approved cooks of London and Westminster 1674

P., W.
        Curio’s (C. A.) Pasquine in a traunce tr. 1566

P., W.
        A booke of secrets tr. 1596

See Pennsylvania

See Modern Language Association of America

Paasch, H. ‘From keel to truck.Marine dictionary in English, French, and German 1894

Packard, Alpheus S.
        A guide to the study of insects 1868
        A text-book of entomology 1898

Packard, Vance Oakley
        The hidden persuaders 1957

Packer, John & Vaughan, James
        A modern approach to organic chemistry 1958

Packer, Joy
        Apes and ivory 1953

‘Packer, Vin’ (Marijane Meaker)
        Don’t rely on Gemini 1969 (UK 1970)

Pacquet of advices
See Needham, M.

Pae, David
        Eustace the outcast 1884

Pagan prince, The; or a comical history of the heroick atchievements of the Palatine of Eboracum 1690

Page, David
        Advanced text-book of geology 1856 (1876)
        Handbook of geological terms and geology 1859 (1865)

Page, Emma
        A fortnight by the sea 1973

Page, Ewan Stafford & Wilson, Leslie Blackett
        An introduction to computational combinatorics 1979

‘Page, H. A.’ (Alex. H. Japp)
        Thomas De Quincey; his life and writings. With unpublished correspondence 1877

Page, John
        The siege of Rouen 14.. (in Archaeologia, XXI, XXII; Hist. coll. citizen of London, Camden Soc. 1876)

Page, John L. W.
        An exploration of Dartmoor and its antiquities, with some account of its borders 1889

Page, Samuel
        The broken heart a 1630 (1637)

Page, Thomas N.
        In Ole Virginia; or Marse Chan, and other stories 1887 (1893)

Pagé, Victor Wilfred
        Modern aircraft 1927 (UK 1928)

Paget, Lord Clarence E.
        Autobiography and journals a 1895 (1896)

Paget, Francis E.
        The curate of Cumberworth 1859
        Lucretia 1868
        Milford Malvoisin 1842
        The owlet of Owlstone Edge 1856
        The pageant 1843
        St. Antholin’s 1841 (1853)
        Tales of the village 1840–41
        The warden of Berkingholt 1843

Paget, Sir James
        Memoirs and letters a 1899 (ed. Stephen Paget 1901)

Paget, John
        Paradoxes and puzzles 1874

Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees
        Human speech 1930

Pagitt, Ephraim
        Christianographie, or, the description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians not subject to the Pope 1635 (1636)
        Heresiography; or, a description of the heretickes and sectaries of these latter times 1645 (1646, 1662)

Paige, Elbridge G. (‘Dow, Jr.’)
        Short patent sermons c 1850

Paine, John
        The paper-maker’s and stationer’s assistant 1784

Paine, Ralph Delahaye
        Comrades of the rolling ocean 1923

Paine, Thomas
        Common sense 1776 (1791)
        A letter addressed to the Abbé Raynal on the affairs of North-America 1782 (1791)
        The rights of man 1791–92

Painter, William
        The palace of pleasure 1566–67 (1575, 1890)

Painter, The third advice to a, on our last summers success with French and Dutch 1666

Palafox’s History of the conquest of China by the Tartars tr. 1671

Palatinate, A briefe information of the affaires of the 1624

‘Palatinus, Musaeus’
        See Brathwait, R.

Paley, Fred. A.
        The church restorers 1844
        The tragedies of Æschylus, with English notes 1855

Paley, William
        Works a 1805 (1825)
        The clergyman’s companion 1805
        Horæ Paulinæ, or the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul evinced 1790
        Natural theology; or, evidences of the existence and attributes of the Deity 1802
        The principles of moral and political philosophy 1785
        A view of the evidences of Christianity 1794

Palfrey, John G.
        History of New England 1858–64

Palfreyman, Thomas
        See Baldwin, W.

Palgrave, Sir Francis
        The history of Normandy and of England 1851–64
        The rise and progress of the English commonwealth 1832
        Truths and fictions of the Middle Ages. The merchant and the friar 1837 (1844)

Palgrave, Francis M. T.
        A list of words and phrases in every-day use by the natives of Hetton-le-Hole in the county of Durham 1896 (E.D.S.)

Palgrave, Francis T.
ed. The golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language 1861
        Lyrical poems 1871
        Journals and memories of his life a 1897 (Gwen. F. Palgrave 1899)

Palgrave, William G.
        Narrative of a year’s journey through central and eastern Arabia 1865

Palladius on husbondrie tr. c 1440 (E.E.T.S. 1873–79; ed. Liddell 1896)

Pallas’s (P. S.) Travels tr. 1802–03 (1812)

Palliser, Mrs. Fanny B.
        History of lace 1865
See also Labarte, Jules

Pall Mall gazette, The 1885–1923

Pall Mall magazine, The 1893–

Palmer, Abram Smythe
        Folk-etymology 1882
        Leaves from a word-hunter’s note-book 1876

Palmer, Charles F. R.
        The life of P. T. Howard 1867

Palmer, Charles Skeele
tr. W. Nernst’s Theoretical chemistry, from the standpoint of Avogadro’s Rule and thermodynamics 1895

Palmer, Charlotte
        Letters on several subjects from a preceptress to her pupils who have left school 1797

Palmer, Edward Vance
        Golconda 1948
        Men are human 1930
        The passage 1930
        Separate lives 1931
See also ‘Daly, Rann’

Palmer, Elihu
        Principles of nature 1801 (1826)

Palmer, Elisabeth
tr. A. Martinet’s Elements of general linguistics 1964

Palmer, Eve
        The plains of Camdeboo 1966

—— & Pitman, Norah
        Trees of South Africa 1961
        Trees of southern Africa 3 vols. 1972–3

Palmer, George
        Sectaries unmasked and confuted 1647

Palmer, Harold Edward
        A grammar of spoken English on a strictly phonetic basis 1924

Palmer, James F. & Mrs. Mary
        A dialogue in the Devonshire dialect, by a lady (i.e. Mrs. M. Palmer); with a glossary by J. F. Palmer 1837

Palmer, Joel
        Journal of travels over the Rocky Mountains 1847 (1850)

Palmer, John
        Like master like man, a novel a 1809 (1811)

Palmer, Lionel Stanley
        Wireless principles and practice 1928

Palmer, Sir Roundell, afterwards 1st Earl of Selborne
        The book of praise, from the best English hymn writers. Selected and arranged by R. Palmer 1863 (1865)
See also Selborne, 1st Earl of

Palmer, Samuel
        Moral essays on some of the most curious..English, Scotch, and foreign proverbs 1710

Palmer, Shirley
        A pentaglot dictionary of the terms employed in anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc. 1845

Palmer, William
        Letters to N. Wiseman, D.D., on the errors of Romanism in respect to the worship of saints 1841–42
        A narrative of events connected with the publication of the Tracts for the Times 1843 (1883)
        Origines liturgicæ, or antiquities of the English ritual, and a dissertation on primitive liturgies 1832

Palmerin of England
See Munday, A.

Palpable evidence of spirits 1668
        See Glanvill, J.

Palsgrave, Jehan
        Fullonius’ (G.) Comedye of Acolastus tr. 1540
        Lesclarcissement de la langue françoyse 1530 (1852)

Paltock, Robert
        The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins 1751 (1884)

Pamphleteer, The 1813–28

Pancirolus’ (G.) History of many memorable things lost tr. 1715

Pandurang Hàri 1826
        See Hockley, W. B.

Panke, John
        The fal of Babel 1608

Pankhurst, Emmeline
        My own story 1914

Pantalogia, The; comprehending a complete series of essays, treatises and systems alphabetically arranged; with a general dictionary of arts, sciences, and words 1813 (1819)

Panton, Jane Ellen
        Nooks and corners 1889

Pap, Arthur
        Elements of analytic philosophy 1949

Paper and printing trades’ journal, The 1877–

Paper to W. Penn 1700
        See Humfrey, J.

Papers that passed between the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty for the alteration of the Common Prayer, The 1661

Pappe, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig
        Silva Capensis; or, A description of South African forest-trees and arborescent shrubs 1854
        Synopsis of the edible fishes at the Cape of Good Hope 1853

Pappe, L.
        Floræ Capensis medicæ prodromus; or, an enumeration of South African plants used as remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope 1857

Pappe with an hatchet (ascribed to J. Lyly or to T. Nashe) 1589 (1844; in Lyly’s Works III. 1902)

Paracelsus’ Archidoxes tr. 1661
        See H., J.

Paradyse of dainty devises a 1566
        See Edwards, R.

Parallel. tr. 1626
        See Featley, D.

Pardoe, Julia S. H.
        The beauties of the Bosphorus 1839

Pardon, George F.
        See ‘Crawley, Captain R.’

Pardon, William
        See Dyche, Thomas

Pardonere and tapstere, A prologue of the mery adventure of the c 1400 (in Tale of Beryn, E.E.T.S. 1909)

Parey’s Works tr. 1634
        See Johnson, T.

Paris, John A.
        A guide to the Mount’s Bay, and the Land’s End (anon.) 1816
        Philosophy in sport made science in earnest 1827
        A treatise on diet 1826 (1828)

Paris, Matthew
        Chronica majora a 1259 (Rolls series 1872–83)

Paris as it was and as it is. In a series of letters, as written by an English traveller 1801–02 1803

Paris chit-chat 1815–16

Paris relation of the battel of Landen, The 1693

Parish, William D.
        A dictionary of the Sussex dialect and collection of provincialisms in use in the county of Sussex 1875

—— & Shaw, William F.
        A dictionary of the Kentish dialect and provincialisms in use in the county of Kent 1887 (E.D.S.)

Parish councils and village life 1908 (Fabian tract No. 137)

Parismus 1598–99
        See Forde, E.

Park, Roswell
        Pantology; or a systematic survey of the human knowledge 1847

Park, William Robb R.
ed. Plastics film technology 1969

Parke, Robert
        Mendoza’s (J. Gonzalez de) Historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China tr. 1588 (Hakluyt Soc. 1853–54)

Parker, Mrs. Angelina
        A glossary of words used in Oxfordshire 1876; Supplement 1881 (E.D.S.)

Parker, Dorothy
        After such pleasures 1933 (UK 1934)

Parker, George & Stalker, John
        A treatise on japaning and varnishing 1688

Parker, George
        Humorous sketches 1782
        Life’s painter of variegated characters in public and private life 1789
        A view of society and manners in high and low life 1781

Parker, Henry
        A compendiouse treatise dyalogue of Diues and Pauper, that is to say, the riche and the pore. a 1470 (1496)

Parker, Henry
        The case of ship-mony briefly discoursed (anon.) 1640
        Jus populi (anon.) 1644

Parker, Henry M.
        Bole Ponjis 1851

Parker, John Henry
        The archæology of Rome 1874–76
        A glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture (anon.) 1836 (1840, 1845, 1850)
        An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (anon.) 1849 (1874)
See also Turner, T. H.

Parker, Joseph
        Apostolic life as revealed in the Acts of the Apostles 1884–86
        The Paraclete 1874
        Tyne Chylde 1883

Parker, Martin
        Robin Conscience, or conscionable Robin: his progress thorow court, city and countrey 1635 (1683; Harl. Misc.)

Parker, Abp. Matthew
        Correspondence 1535–75 (Parker Soc. 1853)
        A defence of priestes mariages agaynst Thomas Martin ? 1567
        The whole psalter translated into English metre c 1557 (? 1567)
        The life off the 70 archbishopp off Canterbury (i.e. M. Parker) tr. 1574

Parker, Philip
        Electronics 1950

Parker, R. 1607
See Scholasticall

Parker, Robert Brown
        God save the child 1974 (UK 1975)
        The Godwulf manuscript 1974

Parker, Robert Lueling
tr. P. Niggli’s Rocks and mineral deposits 1954

Parker, Bp. Samuel
        A demonstration of the divine authority of the law of nature, and of the Christian religion 1681
        A free and impartial censure of the Platonick philosophie 1666 (1667)
        A reproof to the rehearsal transprosed (anon.) 1673

Parker, Samuel
        Bibliotheca Biblica 1720–35
        Six philosophical essays upon several subjects 1700
        Tully’s five books de Finibus tr. 1702
        Tully’s two essays of old age, and of friendship; with his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio’s dream tr. 1704 (1727)

Parker, Theodore
        Experience as a minister 1859
        Historic Americans 1871
        Sermons of theism, atheism, and the popular theology 1853

Parker, Thomas J. & Haswell, William A.
        A text-book of zoology 1897

Parker, Tony
        The twisting lane 1969
        The unknown citizen 1963

—— & Allerton, Robert
        The courage of his convictions 1962

Parker, W. N.
        See Weismann, A.

Parker, William Hosken
        Health and disease in farm animals 1970

Parker, William K.
        A monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder-girdle and sternum in the vertebrata 1868 (Ray Soc.)
        On mammalian descent 1885

Parker, William Newton
tr. R. E. E. Wiedersheim’s Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates 1886

Parker Society
        Publications (1841–55)

Parkes, Mrs. 1844
        See Webster, Thomas

Parkes, Edmund A.
        A manual of practical hygiene 1864 (1869)

Parkes, Malcolm B.
        English cursive book hands 1250–1500 1969

Parkes, Roger
        The guardians 1973

Parkes, Samuel
        A chemical catechism 1807 (1822)

Parkes, William
        The curtaine-drawer of the world 1612 (Grosart 1876)

Parkhurst, John
        A methodical Hebrew grammar 1762 (prefixed to Hebrew and English lexicon; 1778)

Parkins (doctor)
        Culpepper’s (N.) English physician enlarged 1809

Parkinson, John
        Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, or, a garden of flowers 1629 (repr. 1904)
        Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants, or an herball of a large extent 1640

Parkinson, Stephen
        A treatise on optics 1859 (1866)

Parkinson, Thomas
        Yorkshire legends and traditions, as told by her chroniclers, her poets, and journalists 1888–89

Parkman, Ebenezer
        The diary of Ebenezer Parkman, of Westborough, Mass. ed. H. M. Forbes 1899

Parkman, Francis
        The California and Oregon trail 1849
        Count Frontenac and new France under Louis XIV 1877
        The discovery of the Great West 1869
        France and England in North America. Pt. I. Huguenots in Florida 1865; Pt. II. Samuel de Champlain 1868
        History of the conspiracy of Pontiac 1851 (1870)
        The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century 1867
Montcalm and Wolfe
        The old régime in Canada 1874
        Pioneers of France in the New World 1865

Parkyns, Sir Thomas
        the inn-play or Cornish-hugg wrestler 1713 (1727)

Parlament of byrdes, The ?1550 (in Harl. Misc.; Hazlitt, Early pop. poetry III)

Parlett, David Sidney
        A short dictionary of languages 1967

Parliament of ladies, The 1647
        See Neville, H.

Parliament of three ages a 1400 (Gollancz, Roxb. Cl. 1897)

Parliamentary papers
        See United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers

Parliamentary speech 1659 (= Earl of Shaftesbury’s Seasonable speech)

Parliament’s censure of the Earles of Dover, Devonshire (etc.) 1642

Parliament’s scrich-owle, The; her singing before death 1648

Parliament’s vindication in answer to Prince Rupert’s declaration. By S. W. Esquire 1642

Parlyament of devylles, The 1509

Parmenter, C. O. 1898
See History of Pelham

Parnell, Edward A.
        Elements of chemical analysis 1842 (1845)

Parnell, Richard
        The grasses of Scotland 1842

Parnell, Thomas
        Poetical works a 1717 (1833)

Parr, Bartholomew
        The London medical dictionary 1809

Parr, Mrs. Louisa
        Adam and Eve 1880

Parr, Richard
        The life of James Usher, late Archbishop of Armagh 1686

Parr, Samuel
        Works a 1825 (1828)
        A discourse on education 1786
        Remarks on the statement of Dr. Charles Combe (anon.) 1795

Parrish, Albert
        Mechanical engineer’s reference book 1973

Parrot, Henry
        Epigrams (anon.) 1608
        Laquei ridiculosi: or springes for woodcocks 1613

Parry, Dennis
        Going up—going down 1953

Parry, William
        A new and large discourse of the travels of Sir Anthonie Sherley 1601

Parry, Capt. William E.
        Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage 1821
Journal of a second voyage 1824

Parsons, Abraham
        Travels in Asia and Africa 1808

Parsons, Mrs. Eliza
        Mysterious visit 1802
        The mysterious warning 1796

Parsons, John Herbert
        Diseases of the eye 1907
—(ed. 12, by W. S. Duke-Elder) 1954

Parsons, Nell Wilson
        Upon a sagebrush harp 1969

Parsons, Philip
        Newmarket; or an essay on the turf 1771

Parsons, Robert
        The first booke of the Christian exercise appertayning to resolution (anon.) 1582
—another ed., entitled A Christian directorie 1585
The seconde parte of the booke of Christian exercise 1590
        A brief discours contayning certayn reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church (anon.) 1580
        A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland 1594
        A defence of the censure gyuen vpon two bookes of W. Charke and M. Hanmer against E. Campian (anon.) 1582
        A treatise of three conversions of England from paganisme to Christian religion. By N. D. (i.e. R. Parsons) 1603–04

Parsons, Talcott
        The social system 1952
        The structure of social action 1937

—— & Shils, Edward Albert
eds. Toward a general theory of action 1951

Parsons, Theophilus
        The law of contracts 1853

Partenay, The romans of c 1475 (E.E.T.S. 1866, 1899)

Partington, Charles F.
        The British cyclopædia of the arts, sciences, geography, natural history, and biography 1835–38

Partington, James Riddick
        General and inorganic chemistry for university students 1946
        A text-book of inorganic chemistry for university students 1921

Partisan review 1934–

Partonope of Blois, The Old English version of c 1440 (Roxb. Cl. 1862; E.E.T.S. 1912)

Partridge, Eric Honeywood
        A charm of words: essays and papers on language 1960
        A dictionary of abbreviations 1942
        A dictionary of catch phrases British and American, from the Sixteenth Century to the present day 1977
        A dictionary of clichés 1940
        A dictionary of forces’ slang 1939–45 1948
        A dictionary of R.A.F. slang 1945
        A dictionary of slang and unconventional English 1937 (also later eds. and supplements used)
        A dictionary of the underworld, British and American 1950 [dated 1949]         English gone wrong 1957
        Here, there and everywhere 1950
        Slang to-day and yesterday 1933
—(ed. 3) 1951 [dated 1950]         Usage and abusage: a guide to good English 1942 (UK 1947)
        Words, words, words! 1933
        The world of words 1938
See also Brophy, John; ‘Vigilans’

Partridge, John
        The most famouse and worthie historie of the worthy Lady Pandauola 1566 (Roxb. Cl. 1873)
        The treasurie of commodious conceites and hidden secrets 1573
        The widdowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry secrets (anon.) 1595 (1631)

Partridge, Seth
        The description and use of an instrument called the double scale of proportion 1671

Paryski, Edwin
tr. T. Korzybski et al., Antibiotics 2 vols. 1967

Pasachoff, Jay M. & Kutner, Marc Leslie
        University astronomy 1978

Pascoe, Charles E.
        London of to-day: an illustrated handbook for the season 1885

Pascoe, Francis P.
        Notes on natural selection and the origin of species 1884

Pask, Arthur T.
        The eyes of the Thames 1889

Pasquil and Katherine 1600
        See Marston, J.

Pasquils apologie 1590, countercuffe 1589, return 1589
        See Nashe, T.

Pasquils nightcap 1612
See Cornu-copiæ

Pasquil’s palinodia, and his progresse to the tauerne 1619 (Grosart 1877)

‘Pasquin, Anthony’ (John Williams)
        The children of Thespis 1786–88 (1792)

Pasquine in a traunce 1566
        See P., W.

Passion of our Lord, The c 1275 (in Old Eng. misc., E.E.T.S. 1872)

Passionate Morrice, The; a sequel to Tell-Trothes new-yeares gift by A. 1593 (New Shaks. Soc. 1876)

Passionate pilgrime, The (by Shakespeare et al.) 1599

Passmore, John Arthur
        A hundred years of philosophy 1957

Passmore, Reginald & Robson, James Scott
eds. A companion to medical studies 3 vols. 1968–74

Pasternak, Boris
        See Hayward, Harry M. & Harari, Manya

Paston letters, The 1422–1509 (ed. James Gairdner 1872–75)
—Supplement (1901)

Patel, H. M., et al.
        Say not the struggle nought availeth: essays in honour of A. D. Gorwala’s seventy-fifth birthday 1975

Patent Office
        See United Kingdom

Patent specifications v.d. (Patent Office, London)
See also Abridgments

Pater, Walter H.
        Works a 1894 (1901)
        Gaston de Latour, an unfinished romance 1888 (1896)
        Imaginary portraits 1887
        Marius the Epicurean: his sensations and ideas 1885
        Studies in the history of the Renaissance 1873

Patericke, Simon
        Gentillet’s (I.) Discourse upon the meanes of wel governing against N. Macchiavell tr. 1602

Paternoster. The pater noster, the aue, crede and .x. commaundementes in Englishe, with other godly lessyons 1539

Paterson, Arthur H.
        The man from Snowy River, and other verses 1896

Paterson, James
        A complete commentary on Milton’s Paradise lost 1744

Paterson, James
        The ballads and songs of Ayrshire 1847
        History of the regality of Musselburgh, with numerous extracts from the town records 1857

Paterson, James
        The Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act 1872 1872
The Licensing Acts, being the Licensing Acts, 1828–1902 ed. 14, by W. W. Mackenzie 1902 (1908)

Paterson, Nathaniel
        The manse garden 1844

‘Paterson, Peter’ (James Glass Bertram)
        Glimpses of real life as seen in the theatrical world and in Bohemia 1864

Paterson, Samuel
        Another traveller 1767

Paterson, William
        Proposals and reasons for constituting a council of trade in Scotland (by some ascribed to John Law) 1701

‘Pathfinder’ (H. C. Dear)
        Breaking and training dogs 1875

Pathological Society of London
        Transactions 1853–1907

Pathology annual 1966–

Pathomachia 1630
        See Constable, F.

Pathway to health 1587
        See Levins, P.

Patience 13..
See Early English alliterative poems

Patient Grissil
See Dekker, T.

Patmore, Coventry
        The angel in the house (anon.) 1854–56 (1879)

Paton, Alan
        Cry, the beloved country: a story of comfort in desolation 1948
        Hope for South Africa 1958

Paton, James
        Castlebraes 1898

Paton, Mrs. Maggie W.
        Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides 1865–92 (1894)

Paton, Robert
        The Scottish church and its surroundings in early times 1884

Patrick, Saint 1819
See Saint Patrick

Patrick’s (St.) purgatory a 1300 (in Horstmann, Altengl. Leg. 1875; South-Eng. leg., E.E.T.S. 1887)

‘Patrick, James’
        A Glasgow gang observed 1973

Patrick, Robert W. Cochran-
        See Cochran-Patrick, Robert W.

Patrick, Bp. Simon
        Works; including his autobiography a 1707 (1858)
        An answer to a book spread abroad by the Romish priests, intituled The touchstone of the reformed gospel 1692
        Autobiography, now first printed from the original MS. a 1707 (1839)
        A commentary upon Genesis 1695; Exodus 1697; Leviticus 1698; Numbers 1699; Deuteronomy 1700; Joshua, Judges, and Ruth 1702; Two books of Samuel 1703; Two books of Kings 1705; Two books of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther 1706; Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, paraphrased a 1707 (1710)
        The parable of the pilgrim 1663 (1665, 1668, 1673)

Patrick, William
        A popular description of the indigenous plants of Lanarkshire, with an introduction to botany, and a glossary of botanical terms 1831

Patten, Brian Arthur
        The irrelevant song 1971
        Little Johnny’s confession 1967

Patten, William
        The expedicion into Scotlande of prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset 1548 (in Arber, Eng. Garner III)

Patterson, Arthur
        Man and nature on the Broads 1895

Patterson, Edward McWilliam
        Topology 1956
—(ed. 2) 1959

—— & Rutherford, D. E.
        Elementary abstract algebra 1965

Patterson, Raymond Murray
        Finlay’s river 1968

Patterson, Robert
        First steps to zoology 1849

Patterson, Robert H.
        Essays in history and art 1862

Patterson, William H.
        A glossary of words in use in the counties of Antrim and Down 1880 (E.D.S.)

Pattison, Mark
        Essays a 1884 (1889)
        Isaac Casaubon 1875
        Memoirs a 1884 (1885)
        Milton 1879
        Sermons a 1884 (1885)
        Suggestions on academical organisation 1868

Pattison, William
        Poetical works a 1727 (1728)

Patton, Robert
        The principles of Asiatic monarchies 1801

Paul, Alexander
        The history of reform 1884

Paul, Charles Kegan
        Memories 1899

Paul, Elliot Harold
        A narrow street 1942
        Springtime in Paris 1951

Paul, Sir George
        The life of the most revered prelate John Whitgift 1612

Paul, Margaret A.
        Maiden sisters 1858
        Still waters 1857

Paul, Maurice Eden & Paul, Cedar
tr. J. Stalin’s Leninism 2 vols. 1928–33

Paul, Robert B.
        The antiquities of Greece 1832 (1835)
        The autobiography of a Cornish rector 1872

Paulding, James Kirke
        John Bull in America; or, The new Munchausen 1825
        Letters from the South 1817
        Westward ho! 2 vols. 1832
See also ‘Bull-Us, Hector’

Pauli, Christian W. H.
        Analecta Hebraica 1839

Pauli’s (R.) Pictures of old England tr. by E. C. Otté 1861

Pauli, Wolfgang
ed. Niels Bohr and the development of physics: essays dedicated to Niels Bohr 1955

Pauling, Linus Carl
        The nature of the chemical bond and the structure of molecules and crystals 1939

Pawson, John
        A brief vindication of free grace 1652

Paxton, Sir Joseph
        Pocket botanical dictionary 1840

‘Paxton, Philip’ (S. A. Hammett)
        A stray Yankee in Texas 1853

Payn, James
        The canon’s ward 1884
        A confidential agent 1880
        Halves 1876
        High spirits; being certain stories written in them 1879
        Kit: a memory 1883
        Lost Sir Massingberd 1864
        The luck of the Darrells 1885
        A modern Dick Whittington 1892
        The mystery of Mirbridge 1888
        Some literary recollections 1884
        The talk of the town 1885

Payne, Charles Rockwell
tr. O. Pfister’s The psychoanalytic method 1917

Payne, John
        Royall exchange 1597

Payne, John
        Alaeddin and the enchanted lamp 1889

Payne, John O. ed. ed. Records of the English Catholics of 1715, compiled wholly from original documents 1889

Payne, Joseph F.
        English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times 1904
See also Jones, C. H.

Payne, Robert
        A briefe description of Ireland 1589 (1841)

Payne and sorowe of euyll maryage ?1509 (Percy Soc. 1840)

Payne-Gallwey, Sir R.
        See Gallwey

Paynell, Thomas (Revision of) Barclay’s Historye of Iugurth by Salust 1557
        Erasmus’ (D.) De contemptu mundi tr. 1533
        Felicius’ (C., Durantinus) Conspiracie of Lucius Catiline tr. 1541
        The moste excellent booke entituled: The treasurie of Amadis of Fraunce tr. 1567
        Schola Salernitana. Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This boke techyng al people to gouerne them in helthe tr. 1528 (1541)

Peabody, Andrew P.
        King’s Chapel sermons 1891

Peace News 1936–

Peach, Benjamin Neave & Horne, John
        Chapters on the geology of Scotland 1930

Peacham, Henry, the elder
        The garden of eloquence, conteyning the figures of grammer and rhetorick 1577

Peacham, Henry, the younger
        The art of drawing with the pen, and limming in water colours 1606; another ed., entitled Graphice or the most auncient and excellent art of drawing and limming
1612; another ed., entitled The gentlemans exercise 1612 (1634, 1661)
        The compleat gentleman 1622 (1634, 1661)
        Minerva Britanna, or a garden of heroical deuises 1612
        The valley of varietie 1638
        The worth of a peny 1641 (mispr. 1647; Arber, Eng. Garner VI)

Peacock, Edward
ed. English Church furniture, ornaments, and decorations, at the period of the reformation. As exhibited in a list of the goods destroyed in certain Lincolnshire churches a.d. 1566 1866
        A glossary of words used in the wapentakes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire (= N.W. Linc. gloss.) 1877; ed. 2, 1889 (E.D.S.)
        John Markenfield 1874
        Mabel Heron 1872
        Narcissa Brendon 1891
        Ralf Skirlaugh the Lincolnshire squire 1870

Peacock, George
        A collection of examples of the application of the differential and integral calculus 1820
        Observations on the statutes of the University of Cambridge 1841

Peacock, Mabel G. W.
        Taales fra Linkisheere 1889

Peacock, Thomas Love
        Crotchet castle 1831
        Gryll Grange 1861
        Headlong Hall 1816
        Maid Marian 1822
        Melincourt 1817
        The misfortunes of Elphin 1829
        Nightmare Abbey 1818

Peacocke, Arthur Robert & Drysdale, Robert Brown
        The molecular basis of heredity 1965

Peake, Harold John Edward & Fleure, Herbert John
        Hunters and artists 1927

Peake, James
        Rudiments of naval architecture 1849

Peake, Mervyn Laurence
        Gormenghast 1950
        Titus alone 1959
        Titus Groan 1946

Peaks, passes, and glaciers; a series of excursions by members of the Alpine Club ed. John Ball 1859
—Series II, ed. E. S. Kennedy 1862

Pear, Tom Hatherley
        English social differences 1955
        Voice and personality 1931

Pearce, Brian
tr. S. Amin’s Accumulation on a world scale: a critique of the theory of underdevelopment 2 vols. 1974
tr. E. Preobrazhensky’s The new economics 1965

Pearce, William
        Hartford-Bridge, or the skirts of the camp 1793

Pearce, Bp. Zachary
        A review of the text of Milton’s Paradise lost 1732
        Milton’s Paradise lost, with notes 1751
        Sermons a 1774 (1778)

Peard, Frances M.
        Contradictions 1883
        Mother Molly 1880

Peard, William
        Practical water-farming 1868

Pearl 13..
See Early English alliterative poems

Pearse, E. 1682
See Second plea

Pearson, Charles H.
        Early and middle ages of England 1861
        History of England during the early and middle ages 1867
        Memorials by himself, his wife, and his friends a 1894 (ed. W. Stebbing 1900)

Pearson, George
        A translation of the table of chemical nomenclature proposed by De Guyton, formerly of Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthelot etc. 1794 (1799)

Pearson, Bp. John
        Exposition of the Creed 1659 (1816, 1839)

Pearson, T. Gilbert
ed. Birds of America 3 vols. 1917

Pearson, Thomas
        Infidelity; its aspects, causes, and agencies 1853

Pearson, William Harrison (Bill)
        Coal flat 1963

Pearson’s magazine 1896–1939

Pearson’s Weekly 1890–

Pease, Alfred E.
        The badger: a monograph 1898

Pease, Howard
        Borderland studies 1893
        The mark o’ the deil, and other Northumbrian tales 1894

Peaslee, Edmund R.
        Ovarian tumors: their pathology, diagnosis and treatment 1872

Peblis to the play
See Peebles

Pebody, Charles
        English journalism, and the man who made it 1882

Peck, Francis
        Desiderata curiosa 1732–35

Peck, George Wilbur
        Peck’s bad boy and his pa 1883
        Peck’s boss book 1884
        Peck’s sunshine 1882

Peck, John Mason A gazetteer of Illinois 1834
—(ed. 2) 1837
        A guide for emigrants 1831

Pecke, Thomas
        Parnassi puerperium 1659

Pecock, Reginald
        The Donet c 1444 (E.E.T.S. 1921)
        The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy c 1449 (Rolls series 1860)
        A treatise proving scripture to be the rule of faith c 1450 (1688, 1909)

Pecuniæ obediunt omnia. Money does master all things 1696

Peddie, Alexander
        The manufacturer, weaver and warper’s assistant 1814

Peden, Alexander
        The Lord’s trumpet sounding an alarm against Scotland, by warning of a bloody sword; being the substance of a preface and two prophetical sermons, preached at Glenluce 1682 (1739)

Pediatrics: the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics 1948–

Peebles. Charters and documents relating to the burgh of Peebles, with extracts from the records of the burgh 1165–1710 (Scott. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1872)
        Extracts from the records of the burgh of Peebles, with appendix 1367–1714 (Scott. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1910)
        Peblis to the play a 1550 (in Pinkerton, Sel. Scott. Ball. II. 1783; James I’s Works 1786; Maitland folio MS., S.T.S. 1919)
        The (thre) prestis of Peblis c 1500 (1603; Pinkerton 1792; S.T.S. 1920)

Peeke, Richard
        Three to one 1626 (in Arber, Eng. Garner I)

Peel, Dorothy Constance E.
        Life’s enchanted cup: an autobiography, 1872–1933 1933

Peel, Frank
        The risings of the Luddites, Chartists, and Plug-drawers 1880
        Spen valley 1893

Peel City Guardian and Chronicle (Peel, Isle of Man) 1882–

Peele, George
        Works a 1600 (1829–39, 1888)
        The araygnement of Paris, a pastorall (anon.) 1584
        The battell of Alcazar (anon.) 1594
        The famous chronicle of King Edward the first 1593
        The historie of the two valiant knights, Syr Clyomon and Clamydes (anon.) 1599
        The honour of the garter 1593
        The love of King David and fair Bethsabe 1599 (in Manly, Specim. pre-Shaks. drama II, 1898)

Peele (George), Merrie conceited iests of 1607 (c 1620)

Peele, Robert
ed. Mining engineers’ handbook 1918
—(ed. 2) 1927

Peele, Talmadge Lee
        The neuroanatomical basis for clinical neurology 1954

‘Peerie, Moses’ (R. H. Story)
        Nugæ ecclesiasticæ: fragments, dramatic and lyrical, from the unpublished papers of the late M. Peerie ed. Jabez Gilead 1884

Pegge, Samuel, the elder
        An alphabet of Kenticisms 1735–36 (E.D.S. 1876)
        Anonymiana; or ten centuries of observations on various authors and subjects a 1796 (1809)
        Derbicisms a 1796 (E.D.S. 1896)
        The forme of cury, a roll of ancient English cookery, compiled about a.d. 1390, illustrated with notes 1780

Pegge, Samuel, the younger
        Anecdotes of the English language a 1800 (1803)
        Curialia miscellanea; anecdotes of old times a 1800 (1818)
        A supplement to the provincial glossary of Francis Grose a 1800 (1814)

Pegler, Martin M.
        The dictionary of interior design 1966 (UK 1967)
