December 2005 update

15 December 2005 saw the publication of the range of entries perfect-philandering in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the following new entries and new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • perfecto, adj.
  • perfect storm, n.
  • perfick, adj. (and adv.)
  • perfluorochemical, n.
  • perforating, n.
  • performativity, n.
  • perfumier, n.1
  • perfumier, n.2
  • pergal, n.
  • pergolide, n.
  • periapse, n.
  • periastron, n.
  • pericarpal, adj.
  • perichaetine, adj.
  • perichondral, adj.
  • perichoretic, adj.
  • peridermis, n.
  • peridieine, adj.
  • peridinin, n.
  • periegete, n.
  • perigeum, n.
  • perigonium, n.
  • perigraphic, adj.
  • perikaryal, adj.
  • perikinetic, adj.
  • perimenstrual, adj.
  • perimortem, adj.
  • periople, n.
  • peripheralism, n.
  • peripheralist, n. and adj.
  • periphyton, n.
  • peripleumonia, n.
  • peripleumony, n.
  • peripneumonia, n.
  • peripteros, n.
  • periscopically, adv.
  • perisomal, adj. 2
  • perisomatic, adj. 2
  • peristoma, n.
  • peristomal, adj. 2
  • peristomate, adj.
  • peritoneally, adv.
  • peritoneoscope, n.
  • peritrematic, adj.
  • peritrichate, adj.
  • periwinkle, n. 3
  • perjuror, n.
  • perking, n. 2
  • perkin Warbeck, n.
  • perl, n.
  • perlicity, n.
  • perlid, n. and adj.
  • perm, n. 2
  • perm, adj.
  • permacultural, adj.
  • permaculturalist, n.
  • permaculturist, n.
  • permanent, v.
  • permanent set, n. 2
  • permansive, adj. 1
  • perma-press, adj.
  • perma-pressed, adj.
  • perma-tan, n.
  • perma-tanned, adj.
  • permatemp, n.
  • permethylated, adj.
  • perm Five, n.
  • permie, n.
  • permise, adj.
  • permit, n. 2
  • permutating, adj.
  • permutative, adj.
  • peroneus brevis, n.
  • peroneus longus, n.
  • peroneus tertius, n.
  • peronismo, n.
  • peronista, n. and adj.
  • per os, adv.
  • peroxidate, n.
  • peroxidate, v.
  • peroxidative, adj.
  • peroxidized, adj.
  • peroxonitric, adj.
  • peroxynitrate, n.
  • peroxynitric, adj.
  • peroxynitrite, n.
  • perpend, n.
  • per rectum, adv.
  • perseus, n.
  • pershittie, adj.
  • perskeet, adj.
  • personal computing, n.
  • personal distance, n.
  • personal space, n.
  • persona muta, n.
  • personated, adj. 2
  • perspectartigraph, n.
  • pertaining, n. 1
  • pertechnate, n.
  • pertechnic, adj.
  • pertex, n.
  • peru current, n.
  • peruvian paso, n.
  • per vaginam, adv.
  • perviability, n.
  • pervo, adj. and n.
  • perzactly, adv.
  • pesante, adv., adj., and n.
  • peshawari, n. and adj.
  • pesher, n.
  • pest, v.
  • pester power, n.
  • pestilencing, adj.
  • pesting, n.
  • petaca, n.
  • pétainiste, adj. and n.
  • petalum, n.
  • petarding, n.
  • petate, n.
  • petechioid, adj.
  • peter Funk, n. and adj.
  • petersburg paradox, n.
  • peterson, n.
  • peters projection, n.
  • petiolus, n.
  • petiotization, n.
  • petite mort, n.
  • petite Sirah, n.
  • petitio, n. 2
  • petit mort, n.
  • petitor, adj.
  • petrarchanism, n.
  • petri net, n.
  • petrist, n. 2
  • petrogenic, adj. 2
  • petroleum, v.
  • petrolhead, n.
  • petrolized, adj.
  • petromax, n.
  • petromyzontid, n. (and adj.)
  • petronian, adj.
  • petronian Law, n.
  • petroselinum, n.
  • pettingly, adv. 1
  • pettle, v. 2
  • petty goddess, n.
  • petty spurge, n.
  • petzval, n.
  • peucetian, n. and adj.
  • peutinger, n.
  • pew-renting, n.
  • pewterware, n.
  • pew waw, int.
  • pfalzgraf, n.
  • pfeffernuss, n.
  • p-funk, n.
  • pGp, n.
  • phacella, n.
  • phacellus, n.
  • phacopid, adj. and n.
  • phad thai, n.
  • phaeophycean, adj. and n.
  • phagemid, n.
  • phalaecean, adj. (and n.)
  • phalaenopsis, n.
  • phalangerid, n. and adj.
  • phallogocentric, adj.
  • phallogocentrism, n.
  • phallologocentric, adj.
  • phalloplasty, n.
  • phanerite, n.
  • phaneritic, adj.
  • phantasmagorically, adv.
  • phantasmography, n.
  • phantomizing, adj.
  • pharm, n.
  • pharma, n.
  • pharma, n.
  • pharmaceutics, n.
  • pharmacoeconomic, adj.
  • pharmacoeconomics, n.
  • pharmacophore, n.
  • pharmacophoric, adj.
  • pharming, n.
  • phase-in, n.
  • phase-shift, v.
  • phat, adj.
  • phe, n. 1
  • phe, n.2
  • phen-fen, n.
  • phenolize, v.
  • phenolphthalin, n.
  • phenome, n.
  • phenomic, adj.
  • phenotype, v.
  • phentermine, n.
  • phiale, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under perfect, adj., n., and adv.)
    • perfect age
    • perfect years
    • perfect cadence
    • perfect chord
    • perfect competition
    • perfect crime
    • perfect game
    • perfect gas
    • perfect market
    • perfect metal
    • perfect pitch
    • perfect rhyme
    • perfect square
    • perfect triad
  • (Under perfidious, adj. (and n.))
    • perfidious Albion
  • (Under perforant, adj.)
    • perforant path
  • (Under perforated, adj.)
    • perforated zinc
  • (Under performance, n.)
    • performance anxiety
    • performance appraisal
    • performance-enhancing
    • performance grammar
    • performance history
    • performance indicator
    • performance poetry
    • performance practice
    • performance rating
    • performance-related
    • performance space
    • performance table
    • performance text
  • (Under performing, n.)
    • performing artist
    • performing score
  • (Under perfusion, n.)
    • perfusion chromatography
  • (Under peri-, prefix)
    • pericentriolar
    • pericentromeric
    • perihilar
    • periosteocytic
  • (Under pericline, n.)
    • pericline twinning
  • (Under periderm, n.)
    • peridermic
  • (Under Perigord, n.)
    • Perigord truffle
  • (Under Perilla, n.)
    • perilla oil
  • (Under perinatal, adj.)
    • perinatally
  • (Under period, n., adj., and adv.)
    • period costume
    • period instrument
    • period pain
  • (Under periodic, adj.1, and n.)
    • periodic comet
    • periodic error
    • periodic time
  • (Under periodontal, adj.)
    • periodontal ligament
    • periodontal membrane
  • (Under periosteo-, comb. form)
    • periosteoplasty
  • (Under peripheral, adj. and n.)
    • peripheral nerve
    • peripheral nervous system
    • peripheral neuritis
    • peripheral neuropathy
    • peripheral oedema
    • peripheral resistance
    • peripheral vision
  • (Under periphyton, n.)
    • periphytic
  • (Under peritectic, adj. and n.)
    • peritectic temperature
  • (Under peritectoid, adj.)
    • peritectoidally
  • (Under peritoneal, adj.)
    • peritoneal cavity
    • peritoneal dialysis
  • (Under permafrost, n.)
    • permafrosted
  • (Under permanent, adj. and n.)
    • permanent five
    • permanent five members
    • permanent health insurance
    • permanent ink
    • permanent loan
    • on permanent loan
    • permanent marker
    • permanent marker pen
  • (Under permanently, adv.)
    • permanently elastic
  • (Under permission, n.)
    • permission marketing
  • (Under permissive, adj. and n.)
    • permissive action link
  • (Under permutation, n.)
    • permutation group
  • (Under pernicious, adj.1)
    • pernicious contrary
    • pernicious fever
  • (Under peroxidate, v.)
    • permanented
  • (Under peroxidize, v.)
    • peroxidizing
  • (Under peroxynitric, adj.)
    • peroxynitric acid
  • (Under perpendicular, adj. and n.)
    • perpendicular pronoun
  • (Under perplexable, adj.)
    • perplexability
  • (Under perqueer, adv., and adj.)
    • perqueerly
  • (Under perry, n.2
    • perry-box
    • perry sand
  • (Under Persian, n. and adj.)
    • Persian rug
  • (Under persistive, adj.)
    • persistive vegetative state
  • (Under person, n., adv.phr.)
    • person-centred
    • person Friday
    • personpower
  • (Under personal, adj., n., and adv.)
    • personal alarm
    • personal allowance
    • personal banker
    • personal best
    • personal construct
    • personal day
    • personal digital assistant
    • personal flotation device
    • personal foul
    • personal high
    • personal information manager
    • personal ledger
    • personal noun
    • personal pension plan
    • personal recognizance
    • personal recognizance bond
    • personal watercraft
  • (Under personality, n. and adj.)
    • personality profile
  • (Under personalized, adj.)
    • personalized gun
  • (Under personed, adj.)
    • three-personed
  • (Under perspective, n. and adv.)
    • in perspective
  • (Under perspective, adj.)
    • perspective projection
  • (Under perspicuate, adj.)
    • perspicuately
  • (Under Peruvian, adj. and n.1)
    • Peruvian current
  • (Under Peshawari, n. and adj.)
    • Peshawari naan
  • (Under pest, n.)
    • pest hole
  • (Under pestilence, n. and adv.)
    • chair of pestilence
  • (Under pet, n.2 and adj.)
    • pet passport
    • pet rock
    • pet-sit
    • pet sitter
    • pet sitting
    • pet therapy
  • (Under pet, n.3)
    • pet-lip
  • (Under petaloid, adj. and n.)
    • petaloidy
  • (Under petit, adj. and n.)
    • petit morel
  • (Under petre, n.1
    • oil of petre
  • (Under petrol, n.)
    • petrol cap
  • (Under petroleum, n.)
    • petroleum fly
  • (Under petticoat, n.)
    • petticoat bodice
    • petticoat discipline
  • (Under pettifogulize, v.)
    • pettifogulizing
  • (Under petty, adj. and n.)
    • petty rent
    • petty constable
    • petty juror
    • petty jury
    • petty larceny
    • petty serjeanty
    • petty sessions
    • petty treason
  • (Under Petzval, n.)
    • Petzval condition
    • Petzval lens
    • Petzval sum
  • (Under phage, n.)
    • phage display
    • phage therapy
  • (Under phallo-, comb.form)
    • phallobase
  • (Under phantom, n. and adj.)
    • phantom limb pain
    • phantom pregnancy
    • phantom withdrawal
  • (Under pharmaco-, comb. form)
    • pharmacoepidemiological
    • pharmacoepidemiologist
    • pharmacoepidemiology
    • pharmacogenomics
  • (Under pharyngeal, adj. and n.)
    • pharyngeal tonsil
  • (Under phase, n.2)
    • phase curve
    • phase field
    • phase plane
    • phase portrait
    • phase switch
    • phase transformation
  • (Under phase-shift, v.)
    • phase-shifted
  • (Under pheasant, n.)
    • pheasant tail
  • (Under phenomic, adj.)
    • phenomic lag
    • phenomic delay
  • (Under phenotypic, adj.)
    • phenotypic selection
  • (Under phenyl, n.)
    • phenyl alcohol
    • phenylethylamine
  • (Under Philadelphia, n.)
    • Philadelphia cheesesteak