
Silberrad, Una Lucy
        The letters of Jean Armiter: a novel 1923

Silberstein, Ludwik
        The theory of relativity 1914

Siliad, The; or the siege of the seats, by the authors of The coming K——1874

Sill, Edward Rowland
        The hermitage; and other poems 1868

Silliman, Benjamin
        Manual on the cultivation of the sugar cane 1833
        Remarks made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec 1820 (1824)

Silliman, Benjamin
        Principles of physics 1859 (1867)

Sillitoe, Alan
        The loneliness of the long-distance runner 1959
        Saturday night and Sunday morning 1958

Silver, Stephen W.
        Silver and Co’s handbook for South Africa 1875 (1880)

Silver sunbeam, The 1864
        See Towler, J.

Sim, Thomas Robertson
        The forests and forest flora of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope 1907

Simak, Clifford Donald
        They walked like men 1963

Simes, Thomas
        The military guide for young officers 1772
        The military medley 1768 (ed. 2)

Simmonds, Peter L.
        The commercial products of the animal kingdom 1880
        The commercial products of the sea 1879
        The commercial products of the vegetable kingdom 1854
        A dictionary of trade products 1858
The commercial dictionary of trade products (1892)
        A dictionary of useful animals and their products 1883

Simms, Frederick W.
        Practical tunnelling 1844
        Public works of Great Britain, consisting of railways, bridges, canals etc. 1838

Simms, William Gilmore
        Guy Rivers: a tale of Georgia 2 vols. 1834
        The partisan: a tale of the revolution 2 vols. 1835
        Southward ho! A spell of sunshine 1854
        The wigwam and the cabin; or, Tales of the South 2 ser. 1845

Simon, André L.
        A concise encyclopædia of gastronomy 9 vols. 1939–46
        A dictionary of wines, spirits and liqueurs 1958
        Guide to good food and wines (rev. ed.) 1963
        The history of the wine trade in England 1906

—— & Howe, Robin
        A dictionary of gastronomy 1970

Simon, David
        Dorner’s (I. A.) History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ tr. 1861–63 (1872)

Simon, Edith
        The past masters 1953

Simon, James
        An essay towards an historical account of Irish coins 1749 (1810)

Simon, Roger Lichtenberg
        The big fix 1973 (UK 1974)
        Wild turkey 1975 (UK 1976)

Simonds, Herbert Rumsey & Ellis, Carleton
        Handbook of plastics 1943

Simons, Nicholas & Stuart, John
        Reports of cases decided in the high court of Chancery 1824–27

‘Simons, Roger’ (Margaret & Ivor Punnett)
        A frame for murder 1960

Simonsen, John Lionel
        The terpenes 2 vols. 1931–2

Simpkinson, Charles H.
        The life and work of Bp. Thorold 1896
        A South London parish 1893 (1894)

Simpkinson, John N.
        The Washingtons, a tale of a country parish in the 17th century, based on authentic documents (App. 1593–1645) 1860

Simple narrative, A; or a visit to the Newton family (a novel) 1806

Simpson, David
        A plea for religion and the sacred writings 1797 (1808)
        Strictures on religious opinions 1792

Simpson, George Gaylord
        Principles of animal taxonomy 1961

Simpson, Sir James Y.
        Archæology: its past and its future work 1861
        Hospitalism: its effects on the results of surgical operations, etc. 1869
        Memoir, by J. Duns (1873)

Simpson, John Hamilton & Richards, Roger Smith
        Physical principles and applications of junction transistors 1962

Simpson, Katherine
        Jeanie o’ Biggersdale and other Yorkshire stories 1893

Simpson, Richard
        The school of Shakspere (Captain T. Stukeley, No-body and Some-body, Histrio-mastix, The prodigal son, Jacke Drums entertainement, A warning for faire women, Faire Em, etc.) 1878

Simpson, Thomas
        The complete vermin-killer 1772

Simpson, Sir Walter G.
        The art of golf 1887

Simpson, William
        Hydrologia chymica, or the chymical anatomy of Scarbrough and other spaws in Yorkshire 1669
        Hydrological essayes 1670

Sims, George Frederick
        Hunters Point 1973
        The last best friend 1967
        The sand dollar 1969

Sims, George R.
        In London’s heart 1900
        Mary Jane’s memoirs 1887
Mary Jane married 1888
        The ring o’ bells, etc. 1886
        The social kaleidoscope 1879–80 (1882)

Simson, or Symson, Archibald
        Christes testament unfolded: or seaven godlie..sermons on our Lord’s seaven last words 1620

Simson, Robert
        The elements of Euclid tr. 1756

Sinclair, George
        The hydrostaticks; or the weight, force, and pressure of fluid bodies made evident 1672
        Satans invisible world discovered; or, a choice collection of modern relations, proving..that there are devils, spirits, witches and apparitions 1685

Sinclair, Sir John
        An account of the systems of husbandry adopted in..Scotland 1809 (1812)
        Correspondence v.d. (1831)
        Observations on the Scottish dialect 1782
        The statistical account of Scotland; drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes 1791–99

Sinclair, Michael
        A long time sleeping 1975
        Norslag 1972

Sinclair, Thomas
        The mount: speech from its English heights 1878

Sinclair, Upton Beall
        The brass check: a study of American journalism 1919
        The jungle 1906
        Oil! 1927
        The presidential agent 1944 (UK 1945)

Singer, Isaac Bashevis
        Shosha 1978

Singer, Samuel W.
        Researches into the history of playing cards 1816

Singer, William
        General view of the the county of Dumfries 1812

Singha, Rina & Massey, R.
        Indian dances, their history and growth 1967

‘Singleton, Arthur’
        See Knight, H. C.

Singleton, Robert C.
        The works of Virgil tr. 1855

Sinners beware! c 1275 (O.E. Miscellany, E.E.T.S. 1872)

Sinnett, Alfred P.
        The occult world 1881

Sinonoma Bartholomei, a glossary from a fourteenth-century MS. a 1387 (Anecdota Oxon. 1882)

Sinton, Thomas
ed. Poetry of Badenoch 1906

Sions plea 1628
        See Leighton, A.

Sir Amadace, Sir Beues etc.
See Amadace, Beues, etc.

Sir Clyomon. The historie of the two valiant knights, Syr Clyomon..and Clamydes 1599 (Peele’s works 1874)

Sire Degarre; a metrical romance a 1330 (Abbotsford Club 1849)

Sir Degore. Syr Degore 13.. (c 1550; Utterson 1817)

Sir Degrevant, The romance of a 1400 (Thornton romances, Camden Soc. 1844; Luick 1917)

Sir Gyles Goosecappe, knight, a comedie 1606 (Bullen, Old plays III, 1884)

Sir John Oldcastle. The first part of the true and honorable historie, of the life of Sir John Old-castle, the good Lord Cobham 1600 (Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)

Sir Isumbras, The romance of a 1400 (Thornton romances, Camden Soc. 1844)

Sir Rohan’s ghost, a romance (by Mrs. H. E. P. Spofford) 1859 (1863)

Sir Thomas More c 1590 (Shaks. Soc. 1844; Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)

Sir Tristrem c 1320 (ed. Sir W. Scott 1804, 1811; S.T.S. 1886)

Siriz. Dame Siriz a 1300 (Wright, Anecdota literaria 1844)

Sisam, Kenneth
        Studies in the history of Old English literature 1953

Sismondi’s (J. C. L. de) History of the Italian republics tr. 1832

Sissons, Thomas Michael B. & French, P.
eds. Age of austerity 1963

Situation of Paradise found out, The; being a history of a late pilgrimage unto the Holy land (by H. Hare, Baron Coleraine) 1683

Sitwell, Edith Louisa
        Bath 1932
        Bucolic comedies 1923
        Gardeners and astronomers 1953
        I live under a black sun 1937
        The sleeping beauty 1924
        Troy Park 1925
        Victoria of England 1936
        The wooden Pegasus 1920

Sitwell, Francis Osbert S.
        Miracle on Sinai 1933

Sitwell, Sacheverell
        Golden wall and mirador 1961

Six ballads, with burdens 15.. (Percy Soc. 1844)

Six old plays on which Shakspeare founded his Measure for measure (and other plays) (1779)

6,000 words: a supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary 1976

Skeat, Walter W.
        An etymological dictionary of the English language 1882
        A glossary of Tudor and Stuart words a 1912 (Ed. with additions by A. L. Mayhew 1914)
ed. Nine specimens of English dialect 1896 (E.D.S.)
        Specimens of English literature, from..1394–1579 1871 (1887)

——with Morris, R.
        Specimens of early English from..1298–1393 1872 (1884)
        Uhland’s (J. L.) Songs and ballads tr. 1864
See also Mayhew, A. L.

Skeat, Walter William
        Malay magic 1900

Skelton, John
        Works a 1529 (1568)
        Poetical works (Against the Scottes, The boke of three fooles, The bowge of courte, Colyn Cloute, Phyllyp Sparowe, Poems against Garnesche, A replycacion, Speke parrot, The tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng, etc.) a 1529 (Dyce 1843)
tr. Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca historica ed. F. M. Salter & H.L.R. Edwards 2 vols. 1956–7
        Magnyfycence, a goodly interlude and a mery c 1520 (1843; E.E.T.S. 1906)
        A ryght delectable treatyse vpon a goodly garlande or chapelet of laurell 1523
        Vpon the doulourus dethe..of the..Erle of Northumberlande c 1489
        Why come ye nat to courte? c 1522

Skelton, Sir John (‘Shirley’)
        Maitland of Lethington 1887–88
        Nugæ criticæ: occasional papers 1862
        The table-talk of Shirley 1895

Skelton, Philip
        The complete works a 1787 (1824)
        Deism revealed (anon.) 1749 (1751)

Skene, Sir John
        De verborum significatione, the exposition of the termes and difficill words conteined in the foure buikes of Regiam majestatem and vthers in the actes of parliament 1597 (1641)
        Regiam majestatem, the auld lawes and constitutions of Scotland faithfullie collected tr. 1609

Skene, William F.
        Celtic Scotland 1876–80
        The highlanders of Scotland 1837 (1902)

Skerl, John George Anthony
tr. A. L. Wegener’s The origin of continents and oceans 1924

Sketch, The: a journal of art and actuality 1893–1959

Sketches and eccentricities of Colonel David Crockett, of West Tennessee 1833

Sketches in natural history, history of the mammalia 1849

Sketches of character; or specimens of real life, a novel 1808 (1813)

Skeyne, Gilbert
        Ane breve description of the pest 1568 (Bannatyne Club 1860)

Skilbeck, Oswald
        ABC of film and TV working terms 1960

Skinner, Cornelia Otis
        Madame Sarah 1967

Skinner, John
        A miscellaneous collection of fugitive pieces of poetry a 1807 (1809)

Skinner, John E. Hilary
        After the storm; or Jonathan and his neighbours in 1865–6 1866
        The tale of Danish heroism 1865

Skinner, Stephen
        Etymologicon linguæ Anglicanæ a 1667 (1671)

Skrine, John H.
        A memory of Edward Thring 1889

Skyring, William H.
        Builder’s prices 1848–58

Sladen, Douglas B. W.
ed. Australian ballads and rhymes 1888
ed. Australian poets 1788–1888 1888
        A Japanese marriage 1895
        My son Richard: or the great company 1901
        Playing the game. Story of Japan. Sequel toA Japanese marriage’ 1904
—new ed., When we were lovers in Japan 1906

Sladen, Joseph
        Principles of gunnery 1879

Slang dictionary 1859
        See Hotten, J. C.

Slare, Frederic
        Experiments and observations upon oriental and other bezoar stones, which is annexed a vindication of sugars against the charge of Dr. Willis 1715

Slater, Mary
        Caribbean cooking for pleasure 1970

Slatter, Gordon Cyril
        A gun in my hand 1959 (UK 1960)

Slatyer, William
        The history of Great Britanie (Palæ-Albion) 1621

Sleath, Eleanor
        The Bristol heiress 1808 (1809)

Sleigh, John
        An attempt at a Derbyshire glossary 1865 (in Reliquary VI)

‘Slick, Jonathan’
        High life in New York 1844

‘Slick, Sam’
        See Haliburton, T. C.

Slim, William Joseph
        Defeat into victory 1956

Slimming, John
        Temiar jungle 1958

Slingsby, Sir Henry
        Diary (1638–48) etc. a 1658 (1836)

Sloane, Sir Hans
        Catalogus plantarum quæ in insula Jamaica sponte proveniunt vel vulgo coluntur 1696
        A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers, and Jamaica, with the natural history..of the last 1707–25

Sloane, Thomas O’Conor
        The standard electrical dictionary 1893 (1898)

Slugg, Josiah T.
        Reminiscenses of Manchester fifty years ago 1881

Small, Austin J.
        Frozen gold 1924

Small, John
ed. English metrical homilies from manuscripts of the fourteenth century 1862

Small, Robert
        History of the congregations of the United Presbyterian church 1733–1900 1904

Small, Ronald John
        The study of landforms: a textbook of geomorphology 1970

Smalridge, Bp. George
        Sermons a 1719 (1852)

Smart, Alexander
        Rambling rhymes 1834

Smart, Benjamin H.
        Walker remodelled. A new critical pronouncing dictionary of the English language 1836 (1846); epitomized 1840
        A way out of metaphysics 1839

Smart, Christopher
        Poetical works a 1771 (Chalmers 1810)
        A poetical translation of the fables of Phaedrus 1765 (1853)
        A translation of the Psalms of David 1765

Smart, Hawley
        Bound to win, a tale of the turf 1877
        Cleverly won, a romance of the Grand National 1887
        From post to finish, a novel 1884
        A race for a wife 1870 (1881)

Smart, John Jamieson Carswell
        Between science and philosophy: an introduction to the philosophy of science 1968

Smart, Peter
        The vanitie and downe-fall of superstitious popish ceremonies, a sermon 1628

Smart set, The: a magazine of cleverness 1900–30

Smeaton, A. C.
        The builder’s pocket manual 1847

Smeaton, Amethe
tr. R. Carnap’s The logical syntax of language 1937

Smeaton, John
        A narrative of the building, and a description of the construction of the Edystone lighthouse 1791 (1793)
        Reports on civil engineering a 1792 (1838)

        An answer to a booke entituled An humble remonstrance 1641
A vindication of the answer to the humble remonstrance 1641
A modest confutation (by J. Hall ?) of a slanderous..libell, entituled, Animadversions upon the remonstrants defense against Smectymnuus 1642

Smedley, Edward, et al.
        The occult sciences a 1836 (1855)

Smedley, Francis E.
        Frank Fairlegh, or scenes from the life of a private pupil (anon.) 1850
        Harry Coverdale’s courtship 1855
        Lewis Arundel; or the railroad of life 1852

Smedley, John
        Practical hydropathy 1859

Smedley, Menella B.
        Linnet’s trial 1864

Smeeton, George
        Doings in London 1828

Smellie, Alexander
        Men of the Covenant 1903

Smellie, William
        A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery 1752–63

Smellie, William
        Buffon’s (G. L. le Clerc, comte de) Natural history tr. 1781 (1791)

Smetham, James
        Letters a 1889 (1891)

Smiles, Samuel
        Character 1871 (1876)
        The Huguenots in France 1873 (1881)
        The Huguenots; their England and Ireland 1867 (1880)
        Industrial biography 1863
        Life and labour; or characteristics of men of industry, culture and genius 1887
        The life of George Stephenson 1857 (1859)
        The life of George Stephenson and Robert Stephenson 1868
        Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward 1876
        Lives of the engineers 1861–62
        A publisher and his friends: Memoir and correspondence of John Murray 1891
        Robert Dick 1878
        Self-help 1859

Smiley, Jack
        Hash house lingo 1941

Smirke, Mr. 1676
        See Marvell, A.

Smith, Adam
        Essays on philosophical subjects a 1790 (1795)
        An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations 1776 (1869)
        The theory of moral sentiments 1759 (1804)

Smith, Albert R.
        The adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson 1844
        The fortunes of the Scattergood family 1845
        The London medical student a 1860 (1861)
        The natural history of the gent 1847
        The Pottleton legacy 1849
        The struggles and adventures of Christopher Tadpole 1847 (1848)

Smith, Alexander
        The history of the lives of the most noted highwaymen etc. 1714

Smith, Alexander
        Dreamthorp: a book of essays written in the country 1863
        Last leaves, sketches and criticisms a 1867 (1868)
        A life drama and other poems 1852 (1853)
        A summer in Skye 1865

Smith, Alexander
        A new history of Aberdeenshire 1875

Smith, Alexander
        Introduction to general inorganic chemistry 1906

Smith, Sir Andrew
        The diary of Dr. Andrew Smith, director of theExpedition for exploring Central Africa’, 1834–1836 ed. P. R. Kirby 2 vols. 1939–40
        Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa 1838–49

Smith, Annie Lorrain
        A handbook of British lichens 1921
        Lichens 1921

Smith, Anthony John Francis
        Blind white fish in Persia 1953
        Throw out two hands 1963

Smith, Ashley
        The East-Enders 1961

Smith, Barnard
        Arithmetic and algebra in their principles and application 1853 (1859)

Smith, Bosworth
        See Smith, Reg. B.

Smith, Charles
        The antient and present state of the county and city of Cork 1750
        The antient and present state of the county of Down 1744
        The antient and present state of the county and city of Waterford 1746

Smith, Charles
        An elementary treatise on conic sections 1882 (1885)
        A treatise on algebra 1888 (1893)

Smith, Charles Alphonso
        New words self-defined 1919

Smith, Charles F.
        On Southernisms 1884 (Trans. Amer. Philol. Assoc.)

Smith, Charles Hamilton
        The natural history of dogs etc. 1839–40 (Jardine, Naturalist’s library)
        The natural history of horses 1841 (ibid.)

Smith, Charles Henry
        Bill Arp, so called: a side show of the Southern side of the war 1866

Smith, Charles J.
        Synonyms and antonyms 1867 (1870)
        Synonyms discriminated 1871

Smith, Charles L.
        Tasso’s (T.) The Jerusalem delivered tr. 1851 (1878)

Smith, Charlotte
        Celestina, a novel 1791
        Conversations introducing poetry 1804
        Desmond, a novel 1792
        Emmeline, the orphan of the castle etc. 1788 (1816)
        Ethelinde, or the recluse of the lake 1789 (1814)
        Letters of a solitary wanderer 1799–1801
        Marchmont, a novel 1796
        Romance of real life 1786 (1787)
        The wanderings of Warwick 1794
        The young philosopher, a novel 1798

Smith, Constance
        The riddle of Lawrence Haviland, a novel 1890

Smith, David
        Sermons and letters a 1865 (1869)

Smith, Donald John
        Discovering railwayana 1971

Smith, Dorothy Gladys (‘Dodie’)
        Dear octopus: a comedy 1938
        I capture the castle 1949

Smith, E.
        The compleat housewife; or accomplished gentlewoman’s companion, by E— S— 1728 (1750)

Smith, Edgar Fahs
tr. V. von Richter’s Chemistry of the carbon compounds; or, Organic chemistry 1886
—(ed. 2) 1892
—(ed. 3) 2 vols. 1899–1900

Smith, Edmund
        Phædra and Hippolytus, a tragedy 1707 (1709)
        Poems a 1710 (Chalmers 1810)

Smith, Edward & Dallas, W. S.
        A system of natural history 1855 (Orr’s Circle of the sciences)

Smith, Egerton
        A guide to English traditions and public life 1953

Smith, Francis
        An account of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage by Hudson’s streights 1748–49

Smith, George
        A compleat body of distilling 1725

Smith, George
        The entertaining correspondent, or curious relations 1738 (1739)

Smith, George, captain
        An universal military dictionary 1779

Smith, George
        The laboratory: or school of arts 1799

Smith, Bp. George
        Ten weeks in Japan 1861

Smith, George
        The life of John Wilson, philanthropist and scholar in the east 1878

Smith, George
        Short history of christian missions 1884 (1904)

Smith, George Gregory
ed. Elizabethan critical essays 1904

Smith, Gilbert Morgan
        Cryptogamic botany 1938

Smith, Godfrey
        The business of loving 1961
        The flaw in the crystal 1954

Smith, Goldwin
        Cowper (English men of letters) 1880
        Essays on questions of the day 1893
        Irish history and Irish character 1861
        Lectures on modern history 1859–61 (1861)
        Three English statesmen (Pym, Cromwell, Pitt) 1867 (1882)

Smith, Henry
        Works a 1591 (1866–67)
        Gods arrowe against atheists a 1591 (1593)
        A preparative to marriage 1591
        Sermons a 1591 (1593, 1637, 1866)

Smith, Henry & Smith, C. Roach
        Isle of Wight words 1881 (E.D.S.)

Smith, Henry Boynton
        System of christian theology a 1880 (1884)

Smith, Henry Percy
        Glossary of terms and phrases 1883

Smith, Horatio (‘Horace’)
        Poetical works 1846
        Festivals, games and amusements 1831
        The moneyed man, or the lesson of a life 1841
        The tin trumpet, or heads and tales 1836 (1876)
        The Tor hill 1826 (1838)
See also Smith, James 1812–13

Smith, James & Smith, Horace
        Horace in London, consisting of imitations of..the Odes of Horace 1813 (1873)
        Rejected addresses, or the new theatrum poetarum 1812 (1873)

Smith, James
        The panorama of science and art 1815

Smith, James
        The merry bridal o’ Firthmains and other poems 1866

Smith, Sir James E.
        The English flora 1824–28
—continued by W. J. Hooker (1833–36)
        Flora Britannica 1800–04
        An introduction to physiological and systematical botany 1807
See also Sowerby, J.

Smith, Jephson Huband
        Notes and marginalia illustrative of the public life and works of A. Tennyson 1873

Smith, Sir John 1590
        See Smythe

Smith, John, captain
        Works a 1631 (Arber)
        An accidence or the pathway to experience necessary for all young sea-men 1626
        The generall historie of Virginia, New-England and the Summer Isles 1624
        A map of Virginia, with a description of the countrey 1612
        A sea grammar, with the plaine exposition of Smiths accidence for young sea-men enlarged 1627
The seaman’s grammar (enlarged 1653, 1692)
        A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony 1608
The true travels, adventures and observations of Captaine J. Smith

Smith, John
        Select discourses a 1652 (1821)

Smith, John
        A compleat practice of physick ed. J. Ridgley 1656

Smith, John
        The mysterie of rhetorique unvail’d 1657

Smith, John
        King Solomon’s portraiture of old age 1666
The pourtract of old age (1676)

Smith, John
        England’s improvement reviv’d 1670 (1673)

Smith, John
        Christian religion’s appeal from the groundless prejudices of the sceptic to the bar of common reason 1675

Smith, John
        Horological dialogues, by J. S. (? Smith) 1675
        Horological disquisitions concerning the nature of time 1694

Smith, John
        The narrative of Mr. J. Smith..containing a further discovery of the late horrid and popish plot 1679

Smith, John
        Chronicon rusticum-commerciale; or memoirs of wool etc. 1747
Memoirs of wool etc. (1756–57)

Smith, John
        The printer’s grammar 1755

Smith, John
        Galic antiquities; consisting of a history of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia 1780

Smith, John
        Treatise on the management and cultivation of forest trees 1843

Smith, John
        A dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man 1882
        Ferns: British and foreign 1866 (1879)

Smith, John
        Christian character as a social power 1899

Smith, John B.
        Explanation of terms used in entomology 1906

Smith, John Barker
        Ideation 1888

Smith, John Hugh
        Digital logic: basic theory and practice 1971

Smith, John Pye
        On the relation between the holy scriptures and some parts of geological science 1839

Smith, John Thomas
        Antiquities of Westminster 1807–09
        A book for a rainy day a 1833 (1845)
        The cries of London a 1833 (1839)
        Nollekens and his times 1828

Smith, John Thomas
        Vicat’s (L. J.) Practical treatise on calcareous mortars and cements tr. 1837

Smith, Joseph A.
        Productive farming 1843 (ed. 2)

Smith, Joshua Toulmin
        The parish, its obligations and powers etc. 1854 (1857)

Smith, Jude
        A misticall devise of the betwene Christ..and the church..set forth in verse 1575

Smith, Julie P.
        The Widow Goldsmith’s daughter 1870

Smith, Kenneth M.
        Insect virology 1967

Smith, Laura Alexandrine
        The music of the waters: a collection of the sailors’ chanties, or working songs of the sea, of all maritime nations 1888

Smith, Logan Pearsall
        The life and letters of Sir H. Wotton 1907
        Words and idioms: studies in the English language 1925 (UK 1928)

Smith, Martin Cruz
        Gorky Park 1981

Smith, Bp. Miles
        Sermons a 1624 (1632)

Smith, Priestley
        Glaucoma: its causes, symptoms, pathology and treatment 1879

Smith, Reginald Bosworth
        Carthage and the Carthaginians 1878
        Life of Lord Lawrence 1883

Smith, Robert
        Poems of controversy between episopacy and presbytery 1714 (1869)

Smith, Robert
        A compleat system of opticks 1738

Smith, Robert Allan
        Semiconductors 1959

Smith, Robert Kimmel
        Ransom 1971 (UK 1972)

Smith, Sir Robert M.
        Persian art 1876

Smith, Samuel
        Davids blessed man; or a short exposition upon the first psalme 1614 (1635, 1868)

Smith, Samuel
        A general view of the agriculture of Galloway 1810

Smith, Seba
        The life and writings of Major Jack Downing of Downingville 1833 (1934)
        The select letters of Major Jack Downing 1834
        Way down east; or portraitures of Yankee life 1854 (1866)

Smith, Simon
        The herring-busse trade 1641

Smith, Solomon Franklin
        The theatrical apprenticeship and anecdotical recollections of Sol. Smith 1846

Smith, W. H. Saumarez
        A young man’s country: letters of a subdivisional officer of the Indian Civil Service 1936–1937 1977

Smith, Southwood
        See Smith, T. S.

Smith, Sydney
        Works a 1845 (1850, 1859)
        Elementary sketches of moral philosophy 1804–06 (1850)
        Letters on the subject of the Catholics, by Peter Plymley 1807–08 (1867)
        Six sermons 1800
        Two volumes of sermons 1809
        A memoir by Lady Holland, with a selection of his letters a 1845 (1855)

Smith, Sir Thomas
        De republica Anglorum; the maner of gouernement or policie of the realme of England a 1577 (1583, 1584)
The common-wealth of England and maner of government thereof (1589, 1609)

Smith, Thomas
        Memorials of..S. Miller, with a biographical sketch by..T. Smith 1883

Smith, Thomas Southwood
        The philosophy of health 1835–37

Smith, Toulmin
        See Smith, Joshua T.

Smith, Walter C.
        Kidrostan: a dramatic poem 1884

Smith, Walter George
        Allergy and tissue metabolism 1964

Smith, Wilbur
        Gold mine 1970

Smith, William
        Chloris; or the complaint of the passionate despised shepheard 1596 (Grosart 1877; Arber, English Garner VIII)

Smith, William
        The annals of University College (Oxford) 1728

Smith, William
        A natural history of Nevis and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee islands in America 1745

Smith, William
        Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian war tr. 1753

Smith, William
        An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764, under the command of H. Bouquet (? by W. Smith) 1765 (1868)

Smith, William
        Strata identified by organized fossils 1816

Smith, William
tr. J. G. Fichte’s The characteristics of the present age 1847

Smith, Sir William
ed. A dictionary of the Bible 1860–63
        A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities 1842 (1890)
        Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography etc. 1844–49

—— & Cheetham, S.
        A dictionary of christian antiquities 1875–80

—— & Wace, H.
        A dictionary of christian biography etc. 1877–87

Smith, William Anderson
        Lewsiana; or life in the outer Hebrides 1875

Smith, William Hawley
        The promoters: a novel without a woman 1904

Smith, William Henry
        Gravenhurst, or thoughts on good and evil 1862 (1875)
        Thorndale; or the conflict of opinions 1857 (1858)

Smith, William Robertson
        Kinship and marriage in early Arabia 1885
        Lectures on the religion of the Semites 1889
        The Old Testament in the Jewish church 1881

Smithsonian contributions to knowledge 1848–

Smithsonian Institution
        Annual reports 1850–

Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 1862–

Smitt, F. A.
        The Swedish fisheries 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Smollett, Tobias
        Works a 1771 (1797, 1870)
        The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom 1753
        The adventures of Peregrine Pickle 1751 (1779)
        The adventures of Roderick Random 1748 (1812)
        The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves 1762 (1793)
        Advice: a satire 1746
        Cervantes Saavedra’s (M. de) History and adventures of..Don Quixote tr. 1755 (1803)
        A compleat history of England 1757–58 (1800)
        The expedition of Humphry Clinker (anon.) 1771 (1813)
        Le Sage’s (A. R.) Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane tr. 1749 (1802, 1878)
        The reprisal, or the tears of old England, a comedy 1757 (1777)
        Reproof: a satire 1747
        The tears of Scotland (a poem) 1746
        Travels through France and Italy 1766 (1797)

Smugglers, The: a tale descriptive of the sea-coast manners of Scotland 1819 (1820)

Smyth, Bp. (1632)
        See Smith, Bp. M.

Smyth, Charles Piazzi
        Madeira spectroscopic 1882
        Our inheritance in the great pyramid 1864 (1874, 1880)

Smyth, Henry Dewolf
        A general account of the development of methods of using atomic energy for military purposes under the auspices of the United States government, 1940–1945 1945

Smyth, James
        The practice of the customs in the entry, examination and delivery of goods etc. 1812 (1821)

Smyth, James Desmond
        An introduction to animal parasitology 1962

Smyth, John
        The Berkeley manuscripts. The lives of the Berkeleys,..with a description of the hundred of Berkeley and of its inhabitants c 1640 (1883–85)

Smyth, John Ferdinand Dalziel
        A tour in the United States of America 2 vols. 1784

Smyth, Philip
        Aldrich’s (H.) Elements of civil architecture tr. 1789 (1818)

Smyth, R. Brough
        The gold fields and mineral districts of Victoria 1869
        Victorian exhibition 1872. Mining and mineral statistics 1873

Smyth, Samuel P. Newman
        Old faiths in new light 1879 (1882)

Smyth, Sir Warington W.
        A treatise on coal and coalmining 1867

——et al.
        A catalogue of the mineral collections in the Museum of practical geology 1864

Smyth, William
        Lectures on history; second series, on the French revolution 1840 (1848)

Smyth, William Henry, admiral
        The sailor’s word-book: an alphabetical digest of nautical terms a 1865 (1867)

Smythe, Sir John
        Certain discourses..concerning the formes and effects of divers sorts of weapons, and other verie important matters militarie 1590
        Instructions, observations and orders mylitarie 1595

Smythies, Mrs. Harriet M. Y.
        The bride elect (anon.) 1852
        Fitzherbert, or lovers and fortune-hunters (anon.) 1838

Smythies, John Raymond & Corbett, Lionel
        Psychiatry for students of medicine 1976

Snaith, John C.
        Fierceheart the soldier 1897
        The wayfarers 1902
        Willow the king 1899

Snake in the grass, The 1696
        See Leslie, C.

Snape, Andrew
        The anatomy of an horse 1683 (1686)

Snell, Walter Henry & Dick, Esther Amelia
        A glossary of mycology 1957

Snieckus, Antanas
        Soviet Lithuania on the road of prosperity [anon. tr.] 1974

Snook, Barbara Lilian
        English historical embroidery 1960

Snow, Charles Percy
        The affair 1960
        The conscience of the rich 1958
        Corridors of power 1964
        Homecomings 1956
        The masters 1951
        Strangers and brothers 1940

Snow, Edgar
        The other side of the river 1962 (UK ed. 1963 with title Red China today: the other side of the river)
        Red star over China 1937

Snow, John Augustine
        Cricket rebel: an autobiography 1976

Snowden, James Keighley
        Tales of the Yorkshire wolds 1893
        The web of an old weaver 1896

Snowden, Ralph L.
        Magistrate’s assistant 1846 (1862)

Soames, Henry
        The Anglo-Saxon church 1835 (1838)

Soane, George
        New curiosities of literature, and book of the months 1847

Social life in England and France from 1780 to 1830 (by Mary Berry) 1831

Social science abstracts 1929–33

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
        Publications 1827–

Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
        Proceedings 1903–

Society for Psychical Research
        Proceedings 1882–83

Society for Pure English
        Tracts Nos. 1–66, 1919–48

Society in London, by a foreign resident 1885

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
        Transactions 1792–

Society of Arts
        Journal 1852–
        Transactions of the society..for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce 1783–1850

Society of Biblical Archaeology
        Proceedings 1878–1918
        Transactions 1872–93

Society of Chemical Industry
        Journal 1882–1950 (from 1917 divided into sections)

Society of Dyers and Colourists
        Journal 1884–

Society of Telegraph Engineers (and of Electricians)
        Journal 1872–88

Soil science 1916–

Sola, Francisco Garcia
        The fisheries of Spain 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Soliman. The tragedye of Solyman and Perseda 1592 (Hazl. Dodsley; Kyd’s Works 1901)

Sollas, Hertha Beatrice Coryn & Sollas, William Johnson
tr. E. Suess’s The face of the earth 5 vols. 1904–24

Solleysel’s (J. de) Parfait mareschal or compleat farrier tr. Sir W. Hope 1696
The compleat horseman or perfect farrier (1717; also abridged 1702)

Solomon’s Book of wisdom, King c 1400 (with Adam Davy’s dreams, E.E.T.S. 1878)

Solon, Louis M. E.
        The art of the old English potter 1883 (1885)

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevitch
        See Bethell, Nicholas & Burg, David; Whitney, Thomas Porter

Somers, Lord John
        A collection of scarce and valuable tracts 1748
A second (third, fourth) collection 1750–52
—complete ed. (1809–15)

Somerset medieval wills 1383–1558 (Somerset Record Soc. 1901–05)

Somerset Record Society
        Publications (1887– )

Somerville, Alexander
        History of the British legion and war in Spain 1839

Somerville, Edith OE. & ‘Martin, Ross’
        All on the Irish shore: Irish sketches 1903
        The real Charlotte 1894
        Some experiences of an Irish R.M. 1899
Further experiences 1908
        Some Irish yesterdays 1906

Somerville, Mrs. Mary
        On the connexion of the physical sciences 1834 (1849, 1858)
        On molecular and microscopic science 1869
        Physical geography 1848 (1849)

Somerville, Robert
        General view of the agriculture of East Lothian 1805

Somerville, William
        The chace, a poem 1735 (1749, 1767)
        Field sports, a poem 1742
        Hobbinol, or the rural games, a burlesque poem 1740 (1749)
        Occasional poems, translations, fables, tales etc. 1727 (Chalmers 1810)

Somerville, William
        Hartig’s (R.) Text-book of the diseases of trees tr. 1894

Somerville-Large, Peter
        Couch of earth 1975
        Eagles near the carcase 1977

Something odd, a novel, by Gabrielli 1804

Sommerstein, Alan H.
        The sound pattern of ancient Greek 1973

Somner, William
        The antiquities of Canterbury 1640 (1703)
        Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum 1659 (1701)
        A treatise of gavelkind 1647 (1660)

‘Son of the Marshes, A’
        See Jordan, D.

Song of Roland, Fragment of the c 1400 (Sege off Melayne etc.; E.E.T.S. 1880)

Songs. A collection of songs and ballads relative to the London prentices and trades, during the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (Percy Soc. 1841)
        Festive songs, principally of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Percy Soc. 1848)
        The political songs of England from the reign of John to that of Edward II (Camden Soc. 1839)
        Satirical songs and poems on costume from the 13th to the 19th century (Percy Soc. 1849)

Songs and ballads, chiefly of the reign of Philip and Mary (Roxb. Club 1860)

Songs and carols from a MS. in the British Museum c 1475 (Warton Club 1856)

Songs and carols, from a MS. of the fifteenth century (Percy Soc. 1847)

Songs, carols, and other miscellaneous poems, from R. Hill’s commonplace-book c 1530 (E.E.T.S. 1907)

Sonnerat’s (P.) Account of a voyage to the Spice islands and New Guinea tr. 1781
Voyage to the East Indies and China tr. F. Magnus 1788–89

Sorel’s (C.) Comical history of Francion tr. 1655

Sorokin, Pitrim Aleksandrovich
        Sociological theories of today 1966

Sortes Horatianæ, a poetical review of poetical talent 1814

Sotheby, Samuel L.
        Principia typographica; the block-books etc. 1858

Sotheby, William
        Wieland’s (C. M.) Oberon, a poem 1798 (1826)
