
L., A.
        Calvin’s Sermons upon the songe that Ezechias made after he had bene sicke tr. 1560 (1574)

L., I. 1632
        See E., T.

L., S.
        Relation of two several voyages made into the East-Indies, by Chr. Fryke and Chr. Schewitzer tr. 1700

L. S.
        See S., L.

Labarre, Émile Joseph
        A dictionary of paper and paper-making terms 1937

Labarte’s (Jules) Handbook of the arts of the middle ages tr. (by Fanny Palliser) 1855

Labelye, Charles
        A description of Westminster Bridge 1751
        A short account of the methods made use of in laying the foundation of the piers of Westminster-Bridge 1739

La Bern, Arthur Joseph
        Goodbye Piccadilly, farewell Leicester Square 1966

Labour Commission glossary (Glossary of the technical terms used in the evidence taken before the Royal Commission of Labour) 1894

Labov, William
        Language in the inner city: studies in the Black English vernacular 1972

Lacey, John
        Tacquett’s (A.) Military architecture, or the art of fortifying towns tr. 1672 (Book II of T. Venn’s Military and maritime discipline)

Lach-Szyrma, Wladyslaw S.
        Aleriel; or, a voyage to other worlds 1883

Lackington, James
        Memoirs of the first forty-five years of the life of J. L. Written by himself, in a series of letters to a friend 1791

‘Lackland, Thomas’ (George Canning Hill)
        Homespun; or, Five-and-twenty years ago 1867

Lacroix’s (S. F.) Elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus tr. 1816

Lacy, Ed
        Double trouble 1965
        The freeloaders 1962

Lacy, John
        Wyl Bucke his testament c 1550 (Halliwell 1851)

Lacy, John
        Sauny the Scott: or, the taming of the shrew a 1667 (1698)

Ladd, George T.
        Elements of physiological psychology 1887
        Introduction to philosophy 1891
        Outlines of physiological psychology 1891
        Philosophy of knowledge 1897
        A theory of reality 1899

Ladies calling, The. By the author of The whole duty of man 1673

Ladies dictionary, The, being a general entertainment for the fair-sex (By N. H.) 1694

Ladies’ field, The 1896–1928

Ladies’ home journal 1883–

Ladies’ repository 1841–76

Lady Alimony, or the alimony lady 1659 (in Hazl., Dodsley)

Lady’s magazine, The 1770–1818

Lady’s tale, The 1786

Lady’s travels into Spain 1692
        See Anois, Countess d’

Laffan, May
        See Hartley, Mrs. May

Lafitte, Paul
        The person in psychology: reality or abstraction 1957

Lafontaine’s (A. H. J.) Hermann and Emilia tr. 1805
See also Reprobate

La Framboisière’s (N. A. de) Art of physick made plain and easie (title-p. erron. has Fambresarius) tr. by J. P(hillips) 1684

Lagler, Karl F., Bardach, J. E., & Miller, R. R.
        Ichthyology 1962

Lagowski, Joseph John
        Modern inorganic chemistry 1973

Lagrange’s (J. B. B.) Manual of a course of chemistry tr. 1800

Lahee, Frederic Henry
        Field geology 1916

Lai le Freine c 1325 (in Weber, Metrical romances I. 1810)

‘Laick, William’ (George Redpath)
        An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence 1693

Laidler, F. F.
ed. A glossary in English, French, German, Spanish of terms used in home economics education 1963

Laing charters, Calendar of the, A.D. 854–1837, belonging to the University of Edinburgh v.d. (ed. by John Anderson 1899)

Laing, Alexander
        Lindores Abbey and its burgh of Newburgh, their history and annals 1876
        The thistle of Scotland; a selection of ancient ballads 1823

Laing, David
ed. Early metrical tales v.d. (1826)
ed. Select remains of the ancient popular poetry of Scotland v.d. (1822, 1885, 1895)

Laing, Samuel
        Journal of a residence in Norway 1836

Laing, Samuel & Huxley, Thomas H.
        Pre-historic remains of Caithness; with notes on the human remains by T. H. Huxley 1866

Lake, Elleray
        Longleat 1870

Lake, Philip & Rastall, Robert Heron
        A textbook of geology 1910

Lake, William C.
        Memorials a 1894 (ed. by his widow Kath. Lake 1901)

Lakeland glossary 1895
        See Ellwood, T.

Lakeman, Sir Stephen B.
        What I saw in Kaffir-land 1880

La Martelière’s (J. H. F.) Three Gil Blas, or follies of youth tr. 1804

Lamartine’s (A. de) Memoirs of celebrated characters tr. 1854–56
        Travels in the East, including a journey in the Holy Land tr. 1839

Lamb, Charles
        Complete correspondence and works a 1834 (1868–70)
        Complete works a 1834 (1892)
        The adventures of Ulysses 1808
        Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine (First series) v.d. (1823)
        The last essays of Elia v.d. (1833)
        Eliana: being the hitherto uncollected writings of C. Lamb a 1834 (1866)
        Letters a 1834 (1837, 1886, 1888)
        Recollections of Christ’s Hospital 1813
        Final memorials; consisting chiefly of his letters not before published. By T. N. Talfourd (1848)

—— & Mary
        Letters ed. E. V. Lucas 3 vols. 1935

—— ——
        Tales from Shakespear 1807

Lamb, Lynton
        Man in a mist 1974
        Picture frame 1972

Lamb, Patrick
        Royal cookery 1710

Lamb, Sydney M.
        Outline of stratificational grammar 1966

Lamb, Warren
        Posture and gesture: an introduction to the study of physical behaviour 1965

Lambarde, William
        siue de priscis anglorum legibus libri (Anglo-Sax. and Lat.) 1568 (1644)
        Archion; or a commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England 1591 (1635)
        Eirenarcha: or the office of the Justices of Peace 1581–88
        A perambulation of Kent; conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shyre 1576 (1596, 1826)

Lambe, Robert
        The history of chess, together with short and plain instructions (anon.) 1765

Lambert, Aylmer B.
        A description of the genus Pinus 1803–24

Lambert, Constant
        Music ho! 1934

Lambert, G.
        Gold and silversmith’s art 1892

Lambert, John C.
        The sacraments in the New Testament 1903

Lambert, Richard Stanton
        Ariel and all his quality 1940

Lambeth homilies c 1175 (in O.E. homilies, I, E.E.T.S. 1868)

Lambeth Psalter c 1000 (ed. Lindelöf 1909)

Lamentacion of souls 13.. (in Adam Davy, etc., E.E.T.S. 1878)

Lamentatyon of Mary Magdaleyne c 1475 (in Chaucer’s Wks., ed. Thynne 1532)

‘La Meri’ (Russell Meriwether Hughes)
        Spanish dancing 1948
—(ed. 2) 1967

Lamont, James
        Seasons with the sea-horses 1861

Lamont, John
        The chronicle of Fife; being the diary of J. Lamont 1649–72 (1810)

Lancashire. Tracts relating to military proceedings in Lancashire during the civil war 1641–51 (Chetham Soc. 1844)

Lancashire and Cheshire wills and inventories from the ecclesiastical court, Chester 1525–1807 (Chetham Soc. 1857–97)

Lancashire Dialect Society
        Journal 1951–

Lancashire lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts 15.. (Chetham Soc. 1859)

Lancashire life 1947–

Lancashire’s Valley of Achor 1643
        See Angier, John

Lancaster, Pleadings and depositions in the Duchy Court of 15.. (1896–99)

‘Lancaster, G. B.’ (Edith Joan Lyttleton)
        Jim of the ranges 1910
        Sons o’ men 1904

Lancaster, Osbert
        Homes sweet homes 1939

Lancaster, W. J. C.
        See ‘Collingwood, Harry’

Lancaster, Massachusetts
        Early records 1643–1725 ed. H. S. Nourse 1884

Lance, Edward J.
        Cottage farmer c 1842

Lancelot of the laik c 1500 (E.E.T.S. 1865; S.T.S. 1912)

Lancet, The 1828–

Land of Cokaygne c 1305 (in Early Eng. poems, Philol. Soc. 1862)

Landau, Thomas
ed. Encyclopaedia of librarianship 1958
—(ed. 2) 1961

Landen, John
        A discourse concerning the residual analysis 1758
        Mathematical lucubrations 1755
        Observations on converging series 1781

Lander, Richard & John
        Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger 1832

Landfall: a New Zealand quarterly 1947–

Landois’ (L.) Text-book of human physiology tr. with additions by W. Stirling 1885

Landon, Letitia E.
        Poetical works a 1838 (1845)

Landor, Walter S.
        Works 1846, 1853, a 1864 (1876)
        Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanna of Naples 1839
        Citation and examination of William Shakspeare 1834
        Gebir; a poem 1798
        Hellenics 1846 (in Works vol. I); enlarged and completed 1847; republished with alterations in 1859
        Imaginary conversations of literary men and statesmen 1824–29 (also Works 1846)
        Imaginary conversation of King Carlo-Alberto and the Duchess Belgioioso 1848
Imaginary conversations of Greeks and Romans
Letters of an American
        The pentameron and pentalogia 1837
        Pericles and Aspasia 1836
        Popery, British and foreign 1851
        A satire on satirists, and admonition to detractors 1836

Landsborough, David
        A popular history of British seaweeds 1849
        A popular history of British zoophytes or corallines 1852

Landy, Eugene E.
        The underground dictionary 1971

Lane, Arthur
        Greek pottery 1948

Lane, Edward W.
        An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians 1836 (1849)
        Selections from the Kur-án 1843 (1878)
        The thousand and one nights. A new translation from the Arabic 1839–41

Lane, Hugh
        Differentiation in rheumatic diseases 1890

Lane, John
        Continuation of Chaucer’s Squire’s tale 1616 (Chaucer Soc. 1887–90)
        Tom Tel Troth’s message, and his pen’s complaint 1600 (New Shaks. Soc. 1876)

‘Lane, Linacre’

The ABZ of Scouse: how to talk proper in Liverpool, Vol. 2 ed. F. Spiegel 1966 (For Vol. 1 see Shaw, Frank, et al.)

Laneham, Robert
        A letter: whearin, part of the entertainment vntoo the Queenz Maiesty, at Killingwoorth Castl,..is signified 1575 (Ballad Soc. 1871; Shakespeare Libr. 1907)

Lane-Poole, Stanley
        The Barbary corsairs 1890
ed. Coins and medals, their place in history and art, by the authors of the British Museum official catalogues 1885

Lanercost, Chronicon de 1201–1346 (Maitl. and Bann. Clubs 1839)

Lanfrank’s Science of cirurgie tr. c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1894)

Lang, Andrew
ed. Ballads of books 1888
        Custom and myth 1884
        A history of Scotland from the Roman occupation 1900–07
        Letters to dead authors 1886
        The library 1881
        The making of religion 1898
        The mark of Cain 1886
        A monk of Fife 1896
        Myth, ritual, and religion 1887
See also Butcher, S. H.

—— & Leaf, Walter, & Myers, Ernest
        The Iliad of Homer done into English prose 1883

Lang’s (A.) Text-book of comparative anatomy tr. by H. M. & M. Bernard 1891–96

Lang, John
        Wanderings in India 1859

Lang, John D.
        An historical and statistical account of New South Wales 1834
—ed. 2. 1837; ed. 3. 1852; ed. 4. 1874

Lang, R. F.
tr. F. A. Henglein’s Chemical technology 1969

Langbaine, Gerard
        An account of the English dramatick poets 1691

Langbridge, Rosamond
        The flame and the floop 1903

Langford, Michael John
        Basic photography 1965

Langford, R.
        An introduction to trade and business 1809

Langford-Smith, Fritz
        Radio designer’s handbook 1940
—(ed. 4) 1953

Langham, William
        The garden of health 1579 (1633)

Langhorne, John
        Poems a 1779 (1790)
        The country justice: a poem 1774–77
        The fables of Flora 1771
        Owen of Carron: a poem 1778

—— & William
        Plutarch’s Lives tr. 1770 (1879)

Langille, J. Hibbert
        Our birds in their haunts 1884

Langland, William
        The vision of William concerning Piers Plowman. A. text 1362; B. text 1377; C. text 1393; (together with) Richard the redeles 1399 (ed. Skeat; E.E.T.S. 1867–85; 1886)

Langley, Batty
        Ancient masonry 1736
        The London prices of bricklayer’s materials and works justly ascertained 1748

Langley, Thomas
        An abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergile conteignyng the deuisers and firste fynders out aswell of artes, ministeries, feactes, and ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites and ceremonies, commonly used in the churche (transl. of De inventoribus rerum) 1546

Langsdorff’s (G. H. von) Voyages and travels in various parts of the world 1803–07 1813–14

Langtoft, Peter
See Brunne, Robert Manning of

Langton, Mary Beach
        How to know oriental rugs: a handbook 1904

Language: journal of the Linguistic Society of America 1925–

Language learning 1948–

Langworthy, Charles C.
        A view of Perkinean electricity 1798

Lanham, Peter
        Blanket boy’s moon (based on an original story by A. S. Mopeli-Paulus) 1953

Lanier, Sidney
        The English novel, and the principle of its development a 1881 (1883)
        Poems 1877 (1892)
        The science of English verse 1880 (1909)

Lankester, E. Ray
        The advancement of science: occasional essays and addresses v.d. (1890)
        Degeneration; a chapter in Darwinism 1880
        Diversions of a naturalist 1915
        Observations and reflections on the appendages and on the nervous system of apus cancriformis 1881
ed. A treatise on zoology 1900–09
        Zoological articles contributed to the Encyclopædia Britannica v.d. (1891)
See also Haeckel, E. H. P. A.

Lanman, Charles
        Letters from the Alleghany Mountains 1849
        A summer in the wilderness; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior 1847

Lansdell, Henry
        Through Siberia 1882

Lansdowne, George Granville, Baron
        The British enchanters 1706
        Genuine works in verse and prose 1732
        Peleus and Thetis a 1735 (1781)
        Poems upon several occasions 1712 (1732)

Lantern: politics, amusement, literature (New Orleans) 1886–9

Lanterne of light, The c 1410 (E.E.T.S. 1917)

Lapland, A spring and summer in (By H. W. Wheelwright) 1864

La Primaudaye’s French academie tr.
        See B., T. & Dolman, R.

Laqueur, Walter
ed. A dictionary of politics 1971

Larcom, Lucy
        A New England girlhood 1889

Lardner, Dionysius
        The cabinet cyclopædia, conducted by D. Lardner 1830–49
        Hand-book of natural philosophy and astronomy; first course 1851; second course 1852; third course 1853
Mechanics 1855; Hydrostatics, pneumatics, and heat 1855; Optics 1856; Electricity, magnetism, and acoustics 1856
        Pneumatics 1831
        Treatise on geometry 1840

Lardner, Nathaniel
        Works a 1768 (1788, 1838)
        The credibility of the gospel history 1727–55

Lardner, Ringgold Wilmer
        Gullible’s travels 1917 (UK 1926)

Larkin, Philip Arthur
        Jill 1946
        The less deceived 1955
        The north ship 1945

Larmor, Joseph
        Æther and matter 1900

Larsell, Olof
        Anatomy of the nervous system 1942
—(ed. 2) 1951

Larwood, Jacob & Hotten, John C.
        The history of signboards, from the earliest times to the present day 1867

Larwood, Joshua
        No gun boats, or no peace! 1804

La Serre’s (J. P. de la) Mirrour which flatters not tr. by T. C(ary) 1639

Laski, Audrey Louise
        The keeper 1968
        Seven other years 1967

Laski, Harold Joseph
        Holmes-Laski letters
See Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Laski, Marghanita
        Little boy lost 1949
        Love on the supertax 1944
        Tory heaven; or, Thunder on the right 1948
        The village 1952
See also ‘Russell, Sarah’

Lasky, Melvin J.
        Utopia and revolution 1976 (UK 1977)

Laslett, Thomas
        Timber and timber trees 1875

Laslett, Thomas Peter R.
ed. Household and family in past time 1972

Lassels, Richard
        The voyage of Italy a 1668 (1670, 1698)

Last of the old squires, The 1854
        See Warter, J. W.

Late voyage of Spaine and Portingale 1589
See True coppie

Latham, Henry
        Black and white; a journal of a three months’ tour in the United States 1867

Latham, John
        A general history of birds 1821–28
        A general synopsis of birds 1781–85
—1st suppl. 1787; and suppl. 1801
        Index ornithologicus sive systema ornithologiæ 1790

Latham, Peter M.
        Lectures on subjects connected with clinical medicine 1836, 1845–46

Latham, Robert G.
        A dictionary of the English language. Founded on that of S. Johnson as ed. by H. J. Todd 1866–70
        Elements of comparative philology 1862
        The English language 1841
        A hand-book of the English language 1851
        The native races of the Russian empire 1854
        The natural history of the varieties of man 1850
See also Ansted, D. T.

Latham, Simon
        Falconry 1614; new and second booke of falconrie 1618 (1633)

Lathbury, Thomas
        A history of the nonjurors 1845

‘Lathen, Emma’ (Mary Jane Latsis & Martha Henissart)
        Accounting for murder 1964 (UK 1965)
        Banking on death 1961 (UK 1962)
        By hook or by crook 1975
        Come to dust 1968 (UK 1969)
        The longer the thread 1971 (UK 1972)
        Murder without icing 1972 (UK 1973)
        Pick up sticks 1970 (UK 1971)
        Sweet and low 1974
        When in Greece 1969
See also ‘Dominic, R. B.’

Lathrop, George P.
        Spanish vistas 1883
        True, and other stories 1884

Latimer, Hugh
        Sermons and remains a 1555 (Parker Soc. 1844–45)
        Twenty seuen sermons a 1555 (1562)
        Frutefull sermons a 1555 (1571, 1584, 1607)
        The fyrste (-seuenth) sermon preached before the kynges maiestie 1549 (Arber 1869)
        A moste faithfull sermon preached before the kynges most excellent maiestye 1550
        A notable sermon preached in ye shroudes at paules churche 1548
        The sermon made to the clergie, in the conuocation tr. 1537
        Sermon on the ploughers 1548 (Arber 1868)
        A sermon preached at Stamford 1550
        Seuen sermons made upon the Lordes Prayer 1552 (1572)

Latrobe, Benjamin H.
        Journal 1796–1820 (1905)

Latto, W. D.
        Tammas Bodkin: or, the humours of a Scottish tailor (anon.) 1864
        Tammas Bodkin. Swatches o’ hodden-grey 1894

‘Lauchmonen’Old Thom’s harvest 1965

Laud, Abp. William
        Works a 1645 (1847–60)
        The history of his troubles and tryal written by himself, with the diary of his life (vol. I of ‘Remains’) a 1645 (1695)
the second volume of his remains, written by himself, collected by H. Wharton a 1645 (1700)
        Seven sermons preached on several occasions a 1645 (1651)
        A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber the xivth of June 1637

Laud Troy book c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1902–03)

Lauder, Sir John
        See Fountainhall, Lord

Lauder, William
        Minor poems a 1573 (E.E.T.S. 1870)
        Ane compendious and breue tractate concernyng ye office and dewtie of kyngis 1556 (E.E.T.S. 1864)

Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th Earl of
        An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth 1804 (1819)

Lauderdale, John
        A collection of poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1796

Lauderdale papers, The 1639–79 (Camden Soc. 1884–85)

Launfal c 1400
        See Chestre, T.

Laura and Augustus; an authentic story, in a series of letters 1784

Laurence, Abp. Richard
        An attempt to illustrate those Articles of the Church of England, which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvinistical (Bampton lectures 1804) 1805

Laurie, Joseph
        Homoeopathic domestic medicine 1842
—ed. 2, containing a glossary of medical terms 1844

Laurie, Peter
        Scotland Yard: a personal inquiry 1970

Lauson, William
        J. D(enny)‘s Secrets of angling c 1620 (1652; Arber, Eng. Garner I)

Laval, Étienne A.
        A compendious history of the Reformation in France 1737–43

Lavardin’s (J. de) Historie of George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, king of Albanie tr. by Z. I. 1596

Lavender, Theophilus
        See Biddulph, W.

Laver, James
        Taste and fashion, from the French Revolution until to-day 1937
        Victoriana 1966

Lavington, Bp. George
        The enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared 1749–51 (1754)
        The Moravians compared and detected (anon.) 1755

Law, Edmund
        Considerations on the state of the world with regard to the theory of religion 1745

Law, Ernest
        The history of Hampton Court Palace in Tudor times 1885

Law, Henry
        The beacons of the Bible. A series of (12) tracts 1861
A series of (24) tracts 1868

Law, James Thomas
        Law’s Grocer’s manual 1896

Law, John
        Proposals 1701
        See Paterson, W.

Law, Robert
        Memorialls; or, the memorable things that fell out within this island of Britain from 1638 to 1684 a 1690 (Ed. from the MS. by C. K. Sharpe 1818)

Law, Robert
        The tests of life, a study of the first epistle of St. John 1909

Law, William
        Works a 1761 (1762)
        Comfort for the weary pilgrim; by a guiding to the fountain springs of all our mercies: being extracts from some of the works of W. Law a 1761 (1809)
        A demonstration of the errors of a late book (by Bp. Hoadly), called A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 1737 (1769)
        An earnest and serious answer to Dr. Trapp’s discourse of the folly, sin, and danger of being righteous overmuch 1740
        A practical treatise upon Christian perfection 1726
        A serious call to a devout and holy life 1729 (1732)
        The works of Jacob Behmen. With figures, illustrating his principles by W. Law a 1761 (1764–81)

Law reports (Chancery division, Probate division, Queen’s Bench division, etc.) 1883–
        Law times, The 1882–
        Law times reports, The 1883–

Lawes, Henry
        Ayres and dialogues 1653

Lawless, Emily
        Grania; the story of an island 1892
        Maelcho. A sixteenth century narrative 1894

Lawrence, David Herbert
        Aaron’s rod 1922
        Apocalypse 1931 (UK 1932)
        Birds, beasts and flowers: poems 1923
        Collected letters ed H. T. Moore 2 vols. 1962
        A collier’s Friday night 1934
        David: a play 1926
        England, my England, and other stories 1922 (UK 1924)
        Etruscan places 1932
        Fantasia of the unconscious 1922
        Kangaroo 1923
        Lady Chatterley’s lover 1928
        Last poems ed. R. Aldington & G. Orioli 1932
        Letters ed. A. Huxley 1932 (See also Collected letters)
        Look! We have come through! 1917
        The lost girl 1920
        Love among the haystacks, and other pieces 1930
        Love poems and others 1913
        The lovely lady 1933 (dated 1932)
        A modern lover 1934
        Mornings in Mexico 1927
        Nettles 1930
        New poems 1918
        Pansies: poems 1929
        Phoenix: posthumous papers ed. E. D. McDonald 1936
        Phoenix II: uncollected, unpublished and other prose works ed. F. W. Roberts & H. T. Moore 1968
        The plumed serpent (Quetzalcoatl) 1926
        Psychoanalysis and the unconscious 1921
        The rainbow 1915
        Reflections on the death of a porcupine, and other essays 1925
        St. Mawr, together with the princess 1925
        Sea and Sardinia 1921
        Sons and lovers 1913
        Studies in classic American literature 1923
Touch and go: a play
The virgin and the gipsy
        The white peacock 1911
        The widowing of Mrs. Holroyd: a drama 1914
        The woman who rode away, and other stories 1928
        Women in love 1920 (UK 1921)

—— & Skinner, Mary Louis
        The boy in the bush 1924

Lawrence, George A.
        Anteros 1871
        Barren honour 1862
        Border and bastille 1863
        Guy Livingstone; or, thorough 1857
        Sword and gown 1859

Lawrence, George H. M.
        Taxonomy of vascular plants 1951

Lawrence, Henry
        Of our communion and warre with angells 1646
        Some considerations tending to the asserting and vindicating of the use of the Holy Scriptures and Christian ordinances 1649

Lawrence, John (‘Bonington Moubray’)
        A general treatise on cattle, the ox, the sheep, and the swine 1805 (1809)
        A philosophical and practical treatise on horses 1796–98
        A practical treatise on breeding, rearing, and fattening all kinds of domestic poultry 1813 (1842)

Lawrence, Philip H.
        Cotta’s (B. von) Rocks classified and described tr. 1866 (1878)

Lawrence, Sir Thomas
        Life and correspondence a 1830 (1831)

Lawrence, Thomas Edward
        The home letters of T. E. Lawrence and his brothers ed. M. R. Lawrence 1954
        Letters ed. D. Garnett 1938
        The mint: notes made in the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922, and at Cadet College in 1925 by 352087 A/C Ross 1936 (UK, rev. 1955)
        Seven pillars of wisdom: a triumph 1926
—(trade ed.) 1935

Lawrence, William
        Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man 1819
—ed. 9, entitled Lectures on comparative anatomy etc. 1848

Lawrence, William Witherle
        Beowulf and epic tradition 1928

Laws, Edward
        The history of Little England beyond Wales 1888

Laws of Alfred, etc.
See Anglo-Saxon Laws

Laws of Nevis (Acts of Assembly, passed in the island of Nevis) 1664–1739 (1740)

Lawson, George
        Sermons 1810

Lawson, George
        Diseases and injuries of the eye 1869 (1874)

Lawson, Henry
        On the track 1900
        Over the sliprails 1900
        Stories ed. C. Mann 3 ser. 1964
        Verses, popular and humorous 1900

Lawson, John
        The history of Carolina a 1712 (1714, 1718)

Lawson, John P.
        The Book of Perth 1847

Lawson, Peter & Charles
        The Lawsonian Collection. Synopsis of the vegetable products of Scotland in the Museum of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew 1852

Lawson, Robert
        Upton-on-Severn words and phrases 1884 (E.D.S.)

Lawson, Robert William
tr. G. von Hevesy & F. A. Paneth’s A manual of radioactivity 1926
—(ed. 2) 1938
tr. A. Einstein’s Relativity: the special and the general theory: a popular exposition 1920

Lawson, T.
        Woollen yarn production 1924

Lawson, Thomas
        A mite into the treasury 1680

Lawson, William
        A new orchard and garden 1618 (1648, 1668)
See also Lauson, W.

Lay folks’ catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby’s Instruction for the people 1357 (E.E.T.S. 1901)

Lay folks mass book a 1375, a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1879)

Layamon’s Brut, or Chronicle of Britain c 1205, c 1275 (Society of Antiquaries, London, 1847)

Layard, Arthur
        The alphabet of musical bogeys 1899

Layard, Sir Austen H.
        Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon 1853
        Nineveh and its remains 1849
        A popular account of discoveries at Nineveh 1851

Layard, Edgar L.
        The birds of South Africa: a descriptive catalogue 1867

Layard, George S.
        The life and letters of Charles S. Keene 1892

Lays and legends of the north of Ireland 1884

Lea, M. Carey
        A manual of photography 1868

Leach, Arthur F.
ed. Memorials of Beverley minster: the Chapter act book of the collegiate church of S. John of Beverley 1286–1347 (Surtees Soc. 1898, 1903)

Leach, Bernard
        A potter in Japan 1952–1954 1960

Leach, Edmund Ronald
        Lévi-Strauss 1970

Leach, John Albert
        An Australian bird book 1911

Leacock, Stephen Butler
        Over the footlights, and other fancies 1923

Leadam, Isaac S.
ed. Select cases before the king’s council in the Star Chamber, commonly called the Court of Star Chamber 1477–1544 (Selden Soc. 1903–11)
ed. Select cases in the Court of Requests 1497–1569 (Selden Soc. 1898)

Leadbeater, Mary
        The Leadbeater papers. Vol. I. Annals of Ballitore; vol. II. Correspondence a 1826 (1862)

Leadbetter, Charles
        The royal gauger 1739 (1766)

Leaf, Walter
        See Lang, Andrew

Leak, John
        Caus’ (I. de) New and rare invention of waterworks tr. 1659

Leake, Stephen M.
        Nummi Britannici historia; or, an historical account of English money from the Conquest 1726

Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett
        The Stone Age cultures of Kenya Colony 1931

Lear, Edward (1812–88) Indian journal ed. R. Murphy 1953
        Laughable lyrics 1877

Lear, Mrs. Henrietta L.
        Tales of Kirkbeck; or, the parish in the Fells 1848–50

Learmont, John
        Poems, pastoral, satirical, tragic, and comic 1791

Learning at a loss 1778

Leasor, Thomas James
        A host of extras 1973
        They don’t make them like that any more 1969

Leather: a discourse tendered to the High Court of Parliament, of the generall use of leather 1629 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)

Leather, George
        A further report on the Stockton and Auckland canal 1818

Leavis, Frank Raymond
        The great tradition: George Eliot, Henry James, Joseph Conrad 1948

—— & Thompson, Arthur Denys H.
        Culture and environment: the training of critical awareness 1933

Leavis, Queenie Dorothy
        Fiction and the reading public 1932

Leben Jesu c 1300 (Horstmann 1873)

Lebende Sprachen 1956–

Le Blanc’s (J. B.) Letters on the English and French nations tr. 1747

Lebour, G. A.
        Outlines of the geology of Northumberland and Durham 1886 (ed. 2)

See Pigault-Lebrun, G. C. A.

‘Le Carré, John’ (David John M. Cornwell)
        The honourable schoolboy 1977
        The looking-glass war 1965
        A murder of quality 1962
        A small town in Germany 1968
        Smiley’s people 1979 (UK 1980)
        The spy who came in from the cold 1963
        Tinker tailor soldier spy 1974

Lecky, William E. H.
        A history of England in the eighteenth century 1878–90
        History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne 1869
        History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe 1865
        The map of life, conduct and character 1899

Le Clerc’s (Jean) Five letters concerning the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures tr. 1690
        Lives of the primitive fathers tr. 1701
        The memoirs of Emeric Count Teckely tr. 1693

Le Comte’s (L.) Memoirs and observations made in a late journey through the empire of China tr. 1697
A new translation 1737

Le Conte, Joseph
        Elements of geology 1878 (1879)
        Religion and science. A series of Sunday lectures on the relation of natural and revealed religion 1874
        Sight: an exposition of the principles of monocular and binocular vision 1881

Lediard, Thomas
        The life of John, Duke of Marlborough 1736
        The life of Sethos tr. 1732

Ledwich, Edward
        Antiquitates Sarisburienses; or, the history and antiquities of old and new Sarum 1771

Lee, Francis 1718
        See Hickes, G. & Nelson, R.

Lee, Frederick G.
        The Church under Queen Elizabeth 1880
        Dictionary of ritual and other ecclesiastical terms 1871
        The Directorium Anglicanum 1865
        A glossary of liturgical and ecclesiastical terms 1876
        Reginald Barentyne, or, Liberty without limit 1881

Lee, Harper
        To kill a mockingbird 1960

Lee, Harriet
        See Lee, Sophia

‘Lee, Holme’ (Harriet Parr)
        Annie Warleigh’s fortunes 1863
        Basil Godfrey’s caprice 1868
        Loving and serving 1883

Lee, James
        An introduction to botany 1760 (1776, 1788)

Lee, John D.
        The ninth man 1976

Lee, John Alexander
        Children of the poor 1934
        Civilian into soldier 1937

Lee, Julius & Knowles, Francis
        Animal hormones 1965

Lee, Laurie
        Cider with Rosie 1959

Lee, Nathaniel
        Dramatick works a 1692 (1733–34)
        Cæsar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander the Sixth 1680
        Constantine the Great 1684
        Mithridates, King of Pontus 1678
        Sophonisba, or Hannibal’s overthrow 1676
        The tragedy of Nero 1675
See also Dryden, J.

Lee, Rawdon B.
        A history and description of the modern dogs of Great Britain and Ireland 3 parts 1893–4

Lee, Reuben
        Electronic transformers and circuits 1947

Lee, Samuel
        A grammar of the Hebrew language 1827 (1832)
See also Kendall, Thomas

Lee, Sophia & Harriet
        Canterbury tales 1797–1801

‘Lee, Vernon’ (Violet Paget)
        Belcaro: being essays on sundry æsthetical questions 1883
        Euphorion: being studies of the Antique and the Mediæval in the Renaissance 1884
        Studies of the eighteenth century in Italy 1880

Lee-Warner, Sir William
        Memoirs of Sir Henry Wylie Norman 1908

Leech, Geoffrey N.
        English in advertising 1966

Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of Early England c 1000 (ed. Cockayne, Rolls series 1864–66)

Leeds, Herbert Daniel & Weinberg, Gerald Marvin
        Computer programming fundamentals 1961

Lees, Dan
        The rainbow conspiracy 1971
        Rape of a quiet town 1973
        Zodiac 1972

Lees, Frederic A.
        The flora of West Yorkshire 1888

Lees, J. A. & Clutterbuck, Walter J.
        B.C. 1887. A ramble in British Columbia 1888
        Three in Norway (anon.) 1882

Lees, William
        Elements of acoustics, light, and heat 1873

Lees-Milne, James
        Ancestral voices 1975

Leeson, Charles Roland & Leeson, Thomas Sydney
        Histology 1966
—(ed. 2) 1970

Le Fanu, Joseph S.
        The dragon volant a 1873 (1907)
        The fortunes of colonel Torlogh O’Brien 1847
        Guy Deverell 1865
        Uncle Silas: a tale of Bartram-Haugh 1864
        Willing to die a 1873

Le Fevre, Sir George W.
        The life of a travelling physician 1843

Leff, Gordon A.
        History and social theory 1969

Lefroy, Edward C.
        Echoes from Theocritus, and other sonnets 1885

Lefschetz, Solomon
        Introduction to topology 1949

Le Gallienne, Richard
        George Meredith, some characteristics 1890

Legaré, Hugh S.
        Writings a 1843 (1846)

Legend of the Bischop of St. Androis 1583 (in Scot. poems of 16th c., 1801; Sempill ballates, 1872; Satirical poems of Reformation, S.T.S. 1891)

Legend of St. Gregory c 1300 (ed. Schulz 1876)

Legend of St. Katherine
See Katherine, St.

Legendae Catholicae. A lytle boke of seyntlie gestes (Pope Gregory, St. Margaret, Joachim and Anne, St. Katherine, Mary Magdalen) c 1350 (Turnbull 1840)

Legends of the Holy Rood 11..–14.. (E.E.T.S. 1871)

Legends of the saints in the Scottish dialect of the fourteenth century c 1375 (S.T.S. 1896)

Legg, J. Wickham
        On the bile, jaundice, and bilious diseases 1880
        A treatise on hæmophilia 1872
See also Hope, W. H. St. John

Legge, James
        The life and teachings of Confucius 1867 (1877)

Legh, Gerard
        The accedens of armory 1562 (1568, 1576, 1597)

Legman, Gershon
        The fake revolt 1967

‘Legrand, Martin’The Cambridge freshman; or, Memoirs of Mr. Golightly 1871

Le Grys, Sir Robert
        J. Barclay his Argenis tr…the prose by Sir R. Le Grys, and the verses by T. May 1628 (1629)
Velleius Paterculus, his Romane historie
tr. 1632

Lehmann, Rosamond Nina
        The ballad and the source 1944
Dusty answer
The echoing grove
The gipsy’s baby, and other stories
Invitation to the waltz
A letter to a sister
A note in music
The weather in the streets

Lehmann, Rudolph C.
        Charles Dickens as editor; being letters written by him to W. H. Wills, selected and ed. by R. C. Lehmann 1912

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of
        Correspondence 1585–86 (Camden Soc. 1844)
The copie of a letter wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambridge to his friend in London, concerning some procedinges of the Earle of Leycester
—(reissue) Leycesters Commonwealth (1641)

Leicester, Sir Peter
        See Leycester, Sir P.

Leichhardt, Ludwig
        Journal of an overland expedition in Australia 1847

Leiden glossary a 900 (Oldest Eng. Texts, E.E.T.S. 1885; Hessels 1906)

Leifchild, John R.
        Cornwall: its mines and miners 1855

Leigh, Charles
        The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire and the Peak in Derbyshire 1700

Leigh, Edward
        Critica sacra 1639–41 (1650)

Leigh, Egerton
        Ballads and legends of Cheshire 1867
A glossary of words used in the dialect of Cheshire

Leigh, Gerard
        See Legh, Gerard

Leigh, Richard
        The transproser rehears’d (anon.) 1673

Leigh, Valentine
        The moste profitable and commendable science of surueying of landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes 1577

Leighton, Alexander
        An appeal to the parliament; or Sions plea against the prelacie (anon.) 1628
Speculum belli sacri; or the looking-glasse of the holy war

Leighton, Alexander
        Curious storied traditions of Scottish life 1860

Leighton, Abp. Robert
        Works a 1684 (1805–08, 1830, 1859, 1869–75)
A practical commentary upon the two first chapters of the first epistle general of St. Peter
a 1684 (1693, 1817)

Leighton, Robert
        Wreck of the Golden Fleece 1894

Leighton, Robert
        The complete book of the dog 1922
The new book of the dog: a comprehensive natural history of British dogs and their foreign relatives

Leighton, William A.
        A flora of Shropshire 1841
The lichen-flora of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands

Leinster, Mary
        Dew on the leaf 1926

Leisure hour, The 1852–1905

Leitch, John
        Müller’s (C. O.) Ancient art and its remains tr. 1847 (1850)

Lejeune, Anthony
        Duel in the shadows 1962

Leland, Charles G.
        Abraham Lincoln 1879
The Egyptian sketch-book
Pidgin-English sing-song

Leland, John
        De rebus Britannicis collectanea a 1552 (ed. T. Hearne 1715)
The Itinerary
publish’d by T. Hearne. To which is prefix’d (the) New-Year’s gift a 1552 (1710–12, 1768–69, 1907–10)
The laboryouse journey & serche for Englandes antiquitees, geuen as a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the VIII, with declaracyons enlarged
1544 (1549)

‘Lelius, Lord’ (Viscount Ligonier)
        The generous husband; or, the history of Lord Lelius and the fair Emilia 1771

Lemarchand, Elizabeth
        Death of an old girl 1967
Death on Doomsday
Let or hindrance

Lemon, Gamekeeper
        A dissertation on the errors of marksmen and gun makers, and a tract upon the art of shooting flying 1782

Lemon, George W.
        English etymology; or a derivative dictionary of the English language in two alphabets 1783

Lemon, Mark
        Falkner Lyle, or the story of two wives 1866
Leyton Hall, and other tales
Loved at last
Wait for the end

Le Muet’s (P.) Art of fair building tr. 1675

Le Neve, John
        Lives and characters etc. of all the protestant bishops of the Church of England, since the Reformation 1720
Some short memorials concerning the life of R. Field, Dean of Gloucester.
Published by J. Le Neve 1716–17

Lennard, Sampson
        Charron’s (P.) Wisdome tr. 1612 (1630, 1670)

Lennox, Charlotte
        The female Quixote 1752
1758 (1761)

Lennox, Ld. William P.
        Fifty years’ biographical reminiscences 1863

Lenton, Francis
        Characterismi; or Lentons leasures 1631
The Innes of Court anagrammatist; or the masquers masqued
The young gallants whirligigg; or youths reakes

Leonard, Elmore
        Unknown man, no. 89 1977

Leonard, William
        Reports and cases of law in the time of Queen Elizabeth 1658
in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James 1687

Leonard, Zenas
        Narrative of the adventures of Zenas Leonard 1839
—(ed. W. F. Wagner) 1904

Leonardus’ (Camillus) Mirror of stones tr. 1750

Leoni, James
        The architecture of L. B. Alberti in ten books. Of painting, in three books. And of statuary, in one book tr. 1726
The architecture of A. Palladio
tr. 1715 (1742)

Lepschy, Giulio Ciro
        A survey of structural linguistics 1970

Lepsius’ (C. R.) Standard alphabet for reducing unwritten languages and foreign graphic systems to a uniform orthography in European letters tr. 1855 (1863)

Lescarbot’s (M.) Nova Francia: or the description of that part of New France which is one continent with Virginia tr. 1609

Leslie, Charles
        Theological works 1721
A short and easie method with the Deists
—ed. 2, To which is added, a second part to the Jews 1699
The snake in the grass
1696 (1697)
The Socinian controversy discuss’d

Leslie, Charles R. & Taylor, Tom
        Autobiographical recollections a 1859 (1860)
Life and times of Sir J. Reynolds; with notices of some of his contemporaries;
commenced by C. R. Leslie, continued and concluded by Tom Taylor 1865

Leslie, George D.
        Letters to Marco 1893

Leslie, Henry
        A sermon preached before his Majesty at Wokin 1627

Leslie, John
        A treatise towching the right of Princesse Marie to the succession of the croune of England 1584

Leslie, John Randolph Shane
        The Anglo-Catholic 1929
The Oppidan

Leslie, Robert C.
        A sea-painter’s log 1886

Leslie, William
        General view of the agriculture of the counties of Nairn and Moray 1813

Lessing, Doris May
        Five: short novels 1953
The golden notebook
In pursuit of the English
This was the old chief’s country: stories

Lessons of middle age 1868
        See Boyd, A. K. H.

Lester, C. Edwards
        The glory and shame of England 1841

Lester, Horace F.
        Hartas Maturin 1888
Under two fig trees

L’Estrange, Alfred G.
        The friendships of M. R. Mitford as recorded in letters from her literary correspondents 1882
The life of M. R. Mitford, related in a selection from her letters to her friends

L’Estrange, Hamon
        The alliance of divine offices 1659
Americans no Jewes
An answer to the marques of Worcester’s last paper to the late king: to
(which) is annext Smectymnuo-mastyx, or animadversions upon Smectymnuus in the point of lyturgie 1651
God’s sabbath before and under the law
The reign of King Charles
1654 (1655)

L’Estrange, Sir Roger
        An answer to a letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of his Majesties late declaration of indulgence 1687
A brief history of the times
The fables of Æsop and other eminent mythologists, with morals and reflexions
1692–99 (1708)
Interest mistaken, or the holy cheat
Seneca’s Morals by way of abstract
State divinity; or, a supplement to the relapsed apostate
Tully’s Offices in three books
Twenty select colloquies out of Erasmus
tr. 1680
—ed. 2, Twenty-two select colloquies 1689 (1699, 1725)
The visions of Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas
tr. 1668
The works of Flavius Josephus
tr. 1702 (1733)

Letter ballancing the necessity of keeping a land-force in times of peace (By John, Lord Somers) 1697

Letter from a freeholder of Buckinghamshire to a friend in London 1679

Letter from a gentleman in the country to his friends in London, upon the subject of the penal laws and tests 1687

Letter from a souldier to the Commons of England (ascribed to John Trenchard) 1702

Letter sent by an Oxford scholler to his quondam schoolemaster, (with) the schoolmaster’s answer 1642

Letter to an honourable Brigadier General in Canada (the Marquis Townshend) 1760

Letter to the mayor of ——
        wherein the discouragements of the seamen employed in his majesty’s navy are impartially examined, by a member of parliament 1758

Letter to a member of the House of Commons in vindication of the Protestant Reformed Church 1679

Letters. A collection of miscellany letters selected out of Mist’s Weekly Journal 1716–21 (1722)

Letters. Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of the monasteries 1528–55 (Camden Soc. 1843)

Letters, Four centuries of English 14..–18.. (ed. W. B. Scoones 1880)

Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII 14..–15.. (Rolls series 1861–63)

Letters from Donegal in 1886. By a Lady ‘Felon’, ed. by Colonel Maurice 1886

Letters from a gentleman in the north of Scotland: see Burt, E.

Letters from Madras 1836–39
        See Maitland, Julia C.

Letters in the London Journal, A collection of all the political 1720 (1721)

Letters of an American 1854
        See Landor, W. S.

Letters of eminent literary men 14..–17.. (Camden Soc. 1843)

Letters of Miss Riversdale [anon. novel] 3 vols. 1803

Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou and Bishop Beckington 14.. (Camden Soc. 1863)

Letters on education 1852

Letters on several subjects a 1687
        See More, Henry

Letters to Honoria and Marianne on various subjects 1784

Letters written by eminent persons 16..–17.. (Bliss 1813)

Lettice Lisle 1870
        See Verney, Lady F. P.

Leudesdorf, Charles
        Cremona’s (L.) Elements of projective geometry tr. 1885

Leuze’s (J. P. F. de) Practical instruction in animal magnetism tr. by T. C. Hartshorn 1837 (1879)

Levellers, The; a dialogue between two young ladies concerning matrimony 1745 (in Harleian Misc.)

Levens, Peter
        See Levins, P.

Lever, Charles J.
        Arthur O’Leary, his wanderings and ponderings in many lands 1844
The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly
Charles O’Malley, the Irish dragoon
The confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Blas
The confessions of Harry Lorrequer
The Daltons; or, three roads in life
Davenport Dunn; or, the man of the day
A day’s ride; a life’s romance
Diary and notes of Horace Templeton
The Dodd family abroad
Jack Hinton, the guardsman
The Knight of Gwynne; a tale of the time of the Union
Luttrell of Arran
The Martins of Cro’ Martin
Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune
The O’Donoghue; a tale of Ireland fifty years ago
One of them
Roland Cashel
Sir Brook Fossbrooke
Sir Jasper Carew, his life and experiences
St. Patrick’s eve
Tom Burke of
Ours’ 1844
Tony Butler

Lever, Christopher
        A crucifixe: or, a meditation upon repentance, and the holie Passion 1607

Lever, Thomas
        Sermons 1550 (Arber 1870)
A fruitful sermon made in Poules churche at London in the shroudes
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse
A sermon preached the thyrd
(ye fourth) sonday in Lent before the kynges maiestie 1550

Levett, John
        The ordering of bees 1634

Levi, Herbert W. & Levi, Lorna R.
tr. A. Kaestner’s Invertebrate zoology 3 vols. 1967–70

Levins, Peter
        Manipulus vocabulorum. A dictionarie of English and Latine wordes 1570 (Camden Soc., E.E.T.S. 1867)
A right profitable booke for all diseases called The pathway to health

Levity and sorrow 1809
        See Bianchi, M. A.

Levy, Mervyn Montague
        The Studio dictionary of art terms 1961

Levy, William H.
        Blindness and the blind 1872

Lewes, George H.
        A biographical history of philosophy 1845–46 (1857, 1867)
Comte’s Philosophy of the sciences
The life and works of Goethe
The life of Maximilien Robespierre
The noble heart; a tragedy
On actors and the art of acting
The physiology of common life
Problems of life and mind.
First series. The foundation of a creed 1874–75
—Second series. The physical basis of mind 1877
—Third series. The study of psychology. Mind as a function of the organism. The sphere of sense and logic of feeling. The sphere of intellect and logic of signs 1879 Ranthorpe; a novel 1847
Sea-side studies at Ilfracombe
etc. 1858

Lewes, Vivian Byam
        Oil fuel 1913

Lewin, Thomas
        The invasion of Britain by Julius Cæsar 1859 (1862)

Lewin, Thomas H.
        A fly on the wheel; or, how I helped to govern India 1885

Lewins, William
        Her Majesty’s mails: an historical and descriptive account of the British Post Office 1864

Lewis, Alfred Henry
        The apaches of New York 1912
The boss, and how he came to rule New York
Confessions of a detective
Wolfville days

Lewis, Arthur William
        A glossary of woodworking terms 1966

Lewis, Cecil Day
tr. Virgil’s Aeneid 1952
Beechen vigil, and other poems
The buried day
Child of misfortune
The friendly tree
tr. Virgil’s Georgics 1940
A hope for poetry
An Italian visit
The Otterbury incident
Overtures to death, and other poems
Poems, 1943–1947
A time to dance, and other poems
Transitional poem
Word over all
See also: ‘Blake, Nicholas’

Lewis, Clarence Irving
        A survey of symbolic logic 1918
Symbolic logic

Lewis, Clive Staples
        The allegory of love: a study in medieval tradition 1936
ed. W. H. Lewis 1966
ed. W. Hooper 1964
The problem of pain
The Screwtape letters
Studies in words
Surprised by joy
That hideous strength: a modern fairy-tale for grown-ups

Lewis, Dominic Bevan Wyndham
        On straw, and other conceits 1927

Lewis, Ethelreda
        Mantis 1926

Lewis, Sir George Cornewall
        An essay on the influence of authority in the matters of opinion 1849 (1875)
A glossary of provincial words used in Herefordshire and some of the adjoining counties
An inquiry into the credibility of the early Roman history
Letters to various friends
a 1863 (1875)
Remarks on the use and abuse of some political terms

Lewis, George R.
        The stannaries: a study of the English tin miner 1908

Lewis, Griselda
ed. Handbook of crafts 1960

Lewis, J.
        American sportsman, and hints on the habits of birds 1857

Lewis, John
        The history and antiquities, ecclesiastical and civil, of the Isle of Tenet in Kent 1723 (1736)
Glossary of words used in the Isle of Thanet (from ed. 1736 of prec., E.D.S. 1874)
The history of the life and sufferings of John Wicliffe
The life of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
From the original MS. 1730–31 (1855)
The life of R. Pecock, Bishop of St. Asaph and Chichester

Lewis, Mary A.
        Two pretty girls 1881

Lewis, Matthew G.
        The Bravo of Venice tr. 1805
Journal of a West Indian proprietor
a 1818 (1834)

Lewis, Meriwether & Clark, William
        Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804–1806 ed. R. G. Thwaites 8 vols. 1904–5

—— & Ordway, John
        The journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway, kept on the expedition of western exploration, 1803–1806 ed. M. M. Quaife 1916
Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean 1804–06
1814 (1893)

Lewis, Percy Wyndham
        The apes of God 1930
Blasting and bombardiering
ed. W. K. Rose 1963

Lewis, Roy (John Royston Lewis)
        Blood money 1973
Witness my death

Lewis, Sinclair (Harry Sinclair Lewis)
        Arrowsmith (UK ed. with title Martin Arrowsmith) 1925
Bethel Merriday
Cass Timberlane
1945 (UK 1946)
Free air
1919 (UK 1924)
It can’t happen here
Main Street: the story of Carol Kennicott
The man who knew Coolidge
Our Mr. Wrenn: the romantic adventures of a gentle man

Lewis, Thomas
        An historical essay upon the consecration of churches 1719

Lewis, Wilfrid James
        The language of cricket 1934

Lewis, William
        Commercium philosophico-technicum; or, the philosophical commerce of arts 1763–66

Lewis, William
        Chess for beginners 1835
Elements of the game of chess

Lewis, William J.
        A treatise on crystallography 1899

Lewis, William L.
        Statius’ Thebaid tr. 1767

Lewis, Wyndham
        See Lewis, Percy Wyndham

Lewkenor, Lewes 1600
See Torquemada, A. de

Lex talionis, sive vindiciæ pharmacoporum; or a short reply to Dr. Merrett’s book against apothecaries 1670

Lexicon balatronicum. A dictionary of buckish slang, university wit, and pickpocket eloquence 1811

Lexiphanes 1767
        See Campbell, Archibald

Ley, Willy
        The conquest of space 1949 (UK 1950)

Leybourn, William
        The compleat surveyor 1674
Cursus mathematicus; or, mathematical sciences

Leycester, Earl of
        See Leicester, Earl of

Leycester, Sir Peter
        Historical antiquities 1672–73

Leyden, John
tr. Malay annals 1821
Poetical works
a 1811 (1875)
Scenes of infancy

—— & Erskine, William
tr. Memoirs of Zehir-Ed-Din Muhammed Baber, Emperor of Hindustan, written by himself in the Jaghatai Turki 1826
Poetical works
a 1811 (1875)
Scenes of infancy

Lhuyd, Edward
        Archæologia Britannica 1707
