September 2001 update

13 September 2001 saw the publication of the range of entries Men-mesylation in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • menachin, n.
  • ménage à quatre, n.
  • menaquinone, n.
  • Menckenesque, a.
  • Menckenian, a.
  • Menckenism, n.
  • Mendèsism, n.
  • Mendèsist, n. and a.
  • Mendlesham chair, n.
  • Mendoub, n.
  • menehune, n.
  • mene mene tekel, phr. and n.
  • mene mene tekel upharsin, n. and phr.
  • me-ness, n.
  • menetekel, n. and phr.
  • menina, n.
  • meningococcaemia, n.
  • Menippized, a.
  • meniscectomy, n.
  • Menkes, n.
  • men-like, a.
  • Mennonitism, n.
  • meno-, comb. form
  • menological, a.
  • menomin, n.
  • Mensan, n.
  • mense, n.2
  • mense, n.3
  • mensure, v.
  • mentalese, n.
  • mentalité, n.
  • mentee, n.
  • menthane, n.
  • Mentholatum, n.
  • menthyl, n.
  • mentoposterior, a.
  • mentor, v.
  • mentoring, n.
  • mentovertical, a.
  • mentula, n.
  • menu gastronomique, n.
  • menuisier, n.
  • menuki, n.
  • meonic, a.
  • meo periculo, phr.
  • Mephistophelism, n.
  • mephitize, v.
  • mepivacaine, n.
  • Mepps, n.
  • mercatorian, a.
  • Mercedarian, n.
  • merchantess, n.
  • merchant marine, n.
  • merchant mariner, n.
  • Merchene law, n.
  • Mercosur, n.
  • mer de glace, n.
  • merengue, v.
  • mereological, a.
  • merestone, v.
  • Meretz, n.
  • merguez, n.
  • -meric, comb. form
  • meridian, v.
  • meridian quadrant, n.
  • méridienne, n.
  • merienda, n.
  • Merina, n. (and a.)
  • meringue, v.
  • -merism, comb. form
  • merismatoid, a.
  • merismus, n.
  • meristoderm, n.
  • meristogenous, a.
  • Meritage, n.
  • Merkavah, n.
  • Merkel, n.
  • Merkin, n.2
  • merlette, n.
  • merlion, n.3
  • mermithid, n. and a.
  • merogon, n.
  • merogonial, a.
  • merohedry, n.
  • mero motu, adv.
  • meront, n.
  • meronym, n.
  • meronymy, n.
  • merosymmetric, a.
  • merozygote, n.
  • merrierly, adv.
  • Merseyside, a. and n.
  • Mertensia, n.
  • Mertensian, a.
  • Mertonian, a.2
  • merumsuracum, n.
  • Merveille du Jour, n.
  • mesalazine, n.
  • mesati-, comb. form
  • mesc, n.
  • Mescalero, n. and a.
  • mesclun, n.
  • mesem, n.
  • meserenical, a.
  • Mesha, n.
  • Meshed, n.
  • Mesher, n.
  • mesia, n.
  • mesiobuccal, a.
  • mesiolingual, a.
  • mesitoate, n.
  • mesitoic, a.
  • mesitol, n.
  • Meskhetian, n. and a.
  • Meskin, n. (and a.)
  • Meskwaki, n. and a.
  • mesocosm, n.
  • mesocotyl, n.
  • mesocotylar, a.
  • mesofauna, n.
  • mesogastropod, n.
  • mesolecithal, a.
  • mesometrial, a.
  • mesonoxian, a.
  • mesophilous, a.
  • mesophytic, a.1
  • mesosaur, n.
  • mesoscopically, adv.
  • mesosomal, a.1
  • mesosomal, a.2
  • mesostyle, n.
  • mesotrophic, a.
  • mesozeugma, n.
  • mesple, n.
  • Mess., n.2
  • messager, n.
  • Messalianism, n.
  • Mess Around, n.
  • messed-up, a.
  • messengering, n.
  • Messer, n.1
  • Messinese, n. and a.
  • Messinian, n. and a.
  • Messrs., n.
  • Mesta, n.
  • Mestinon, n.
  • mestizaje, n.
  • mest-koek, n.
  • mesyl, n.
  • mesylate, n.
  • mesylation, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under Mendelian a. and n.)
    • Mendelian ratio
  • (Under menstrual a. and n.)
    • menstrual extraction
  • (Under mental a.1 and n.)
    • mental block
    • mental blocking
    • mental eye
    • mental health break
    • mental health day
    • mental note
  • (Under menu n.)
    • menu bar
    • menu French
    • menu pricing
  • (Under mercantile a. and n.)
    • mercantile store
  • (Under merchant n. and a.)
    • merchant princess
    • merchant ware
  • (Under mercuric a.)
    • mercuric iodide
    • mercuric oxide
  • (Under mercurous a.)
    • mercurous chloride
    • mercurous sulphate
  • (Under mercury n.)
    • mercury break
    • mercury porosimetry
    • mercury’s statue
    • mercury sulphide
    • mercury switch
    • mercury-tilt
    • mercury vapour light
  • (Under mercy n. and int.)
    • mercy fuck
  • (Under mere a.2)
    • mere-white
  • (Under merger n.1)
    • merger mania
  • (Under meridian a.)
    • meridian passage
    • meridian transit
  • (Under merit n.)
    • merit award
    • merit badge
    • merit good
  • (Under meritocratic a.)
    • meritocratically
  • (Under mermaid n.)
    • mermaid’s tresses
  • (Under mesencephalic a.)
    • mesencephalic flexure
  • (Under mesh n. (and a.))
    • mesh stocking
  • (Under mesitoic a.)
    • mesitoic acid
  • (Under mesitylic a.)
    • mesitylic acid
  • (Under mesmerizing a.)
    • mesmerizingly
  • (Under Meso-American a. and n.)
    • Mesoamericanist
  • (Under mesospore n.)
    • mesosporial
  • (Under mess n.1)
    • mess box
  • (Under message n. and a.)
    • message board
    • message box
    • message pad
    • message switching
    • message traffic
  • (Under Messiah n.)
    • Messiah complex
    • Messiah figure
  • (Under messing n.1)
    • messing-knife

Out-of-sequence new entries

13 September 2001 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • African-American, n. and a.
  • app, n.
  • applet, n.
  • approximant, n.
  • bi-curious, a.
  • codependence, n.
  • codependency, n.
  • codependent, n.
  • codependent, a.
  • comb-over, n.
  • comfort zone, n.
  • Cyberian, n. and a.
  • cyberphobe, n.
  • DVD, n.
  • e-, comb. form
  • e-book, n.
  • e-business, n.
  • e-cash, n.
  • e-commerce, n.
  • E-fit, n.
  • electronic book, n.
  • e-money, n.
  • e-tailer, n.
  • e-tailing, n.
  • e-ticket, n.
  • e-ticketing, n.
  • e-zine, n.
  • firewall, n.
  • flunitrazepam, n.
  • fluoxetine, n.
  • Fourth World, n.
  • genomic, a.
  • genomics, n.
  • gridlock, n. and a.
  • gridlock, v.
  • gridlocked, a.
  • guilt-trip, v.
  • guilt trip, n.
  • Hamas, n.
  • handbag, n.
  • homeobox, n.
  • homeodomain, n.
  • hot-desk, v.
  • hot desk, n.
  • hot-desker, n.
  • hot-desking, n.
  • Hox, n.2
  • inner child, n.
  • institutionalized, a.
  • internetworked, a.
  • jubbly, a. and n.
  • kiss and tell, n. and a.
  • leptin, n.
  • Little League, n. and a.
  • Little Leaguer, n.
  • loose cannon, n.
  • lovely jubbly, int., n., and a.
  • no-brainer, n. and a.
  • noughties, n.
  • ob, n.4
  • prepone, v.
  • proteome, n.
  • proteomics, n.
  • Prozac, n.
  • Rohypnol, n.
  • saddo, n.
  • set-top, a.
  • sildenafil, n.
  • Viagra, n.
  • webmaster, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under A)
    • ADD
    • ADHD
    • ADSL
    • API
  • (Under accident n.)
    • an accident waiting to happen
  • (Under analogue n. and a.)
    • analogue-to-digital
    • analogue-to-digital converter
  • (Under anger n.)
    • anger management
  • (Under application n.)
    • application program interface
    • application programming
    • application programming interface
    • application software
    • applications software
  • (Under asymmetric a.)
    • asymmetric digital subscriber line
  • (Under attention n.)
    • attention deficit
    • attention deficit disorder
    • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    • attention span
  • (Under attentional a.)
    • attentional deficit
    • attentional deficit disorder
  • (Under be v.)
    • to be there (also here) for
  • (Under breath n.)
    • a breath of fresh air
    • don’t hold your breath
  • (Under C)
    • CD burner
  • (Under child n.)
    • child within
  • (Under D)
    • DAB
    • DSL
  • (Under digital a. and n.)
    • digital-to-analogue
    • digital-to-analogue converter
    • to go digital
    • digital audio
    • digital audio broadcasting
    • digital cash
    • digital signature
    • digital subscriber loop
    • digital television
    • digital tuner
    • digital tuning
    • digital TV
    • digital versatile disc
    • digital video disc
  • (Under electronic a.)
    • electronic banking
    • electronic cash
    • electronic money
    • electronic notebook
    • electronic organizer
    • electronic purse
    • electronic shopping
  • (Under game n.)
    • game console
    • games console
  • (Under gap n.1)
    • gap year
  • (Under general a. and n.)
    • General National Vocational Qualification
  • (Under go v.)
    • to go out
    • to go
    • to go for it
    • go figure
    • don’t (even) go there
  • (Under grunge n.)
    • grunger
  • (Under hand n.1)
    • in (also into) safe hands
    • a safe pair of hands
    • hand-job
  • (Under handbag n.)
    • handbags at dawn
    • handbags at ten paces
    • handbag situation
    • handbag house
    • handbaggy
  • (Under hedgehog n.)
    • sonic hedgehog
  • (Under item adv. and n.)
    • to be an item
  • (Under keyhole n.)
    • keyhole surgery
  • (Under killer n.)
    • killer app
    • killer application
  • (Under minimal a.)
    • minimal brain dysfunction
  • (Under minimally adv.)
    • minimally invasive
  • (Under product n.1)
    • product placement
  • (Under reality n.)
    • reality-based
    • reality check
    • reality checking
    • reality programming
    • reality show
    • reality television
    • reality TV
  • (Under S)
    • SBS
  • (Under short a., n., and adv.)
    • short sharp shock
    • short of a —
  • (Under sick a. and n.)
    • sick building
    • sick building syndrome
  • (Under there adv. (a., n.))
    • to have been there, done that
    • been there, done that (etc.)
  • (Under think v.2)
    • to not even think about (something)
    • don’t even think about it!
  • (Under tight a. (adv.))
    • tight building syndrome
  • (Under unthinkable a. and n.)
    • to think the unthinkable
    • to think about the unthinkable
  • (Under wish v.)
    • you (or I) wish

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • amplification n.
  • amplify v.
  • analogue n. and a.
  • application n.
  • console n.
  • digital a. and n.
  • firewall n.
  • fit a.
  • grunge n.
  • grungy a.
  • obese a.
  • pashmina n.
  • roll-over n.
  • sad a. and adv.
  • sample n.
  • sample v.
  • sampled ppl. a.
  • sampler n.2
  • sampling vbl. n.
  • slash-and-burn attrib. phr.
  • sorted a. (and int.)
  • ticketless a.
  • tight a. (adv.)
  • tsar n.
  • whatever pron. and a.
  • wired ppl. a.