New words list June 2015

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • Antikythera mechanism, n.
  • arré, int.
  • audax, n.
  • autotune, v.
  • autotuned, adj.
  • backronym, n.
  • bahala na, int.
  • balikbayan, n.
  • baon, n.
  • barangay, n.
  • barkada, n.
  • barong tagalog, n.
  • barong, n.
  • baro’t saya, n.
  • batchmate, n.
  • bhelpuri, n.
  • biomethane, n.
  • birdhouse, n.
  • blazar, n.
  • blue star, n. and adj.
  • bluff charge, n.
  • bluff-charge, v.
  • bluff-charging, n.
  • Blu-ray, n.
  • boiler room, n.
  • brûlée, n.
  • brûlée, v.
  • bukkake, n.
  • buko, n.
  • camming, n.
  • carcade, n.
  • carnap, v.
  • carnapper, n.
  • carnapping, n.
  • chiffonade, v.
  • chiffonaded, adj.
  • choss, n.
  • chossy, adj.
  • Christianist, n. and adj.
  • churidar, n.
  • cisgender, adj. and n.
  • cluster, n.
  • coasteering, n.
  • colourism | colorism, n.
  • comedize, v.
  • comedogenic, adj.
  • comedy of errors, n.
  • comigrate, v.
  • comix, n.
  • coreferential, adj.
  • crokinole, n.
  • crowdfund, v.
  • crowdfunded, adj.
  • crowdfunding, n.
  • cyclogenesis, n.
  • cyclosportive, n.
  • dartboard, n.
  • decidualization, n.
  • decidualized, adj.
  • decim, n.2
  • decision, v.
  • declutter, n.
  • declutter, v.
  • decluttering, n.
  • depanneur, n.
  • despedida, n.
  • dhaba, n.
  • diabulimia, n.
  • dog whistle, n.
  • double-double, n.
  • downtick, n.
  • drumble, n.1
  • drumbling, adj.1
  • drumette, n.
  • e-cig, n.
  • e-cigarette, n.
  • ecotown, n.
  • e-edition, n.
  • eh up, n. and int.
  • eliminationism, n.
  • eliminationist, n. and adj.
  • emerg, n.
  • Enviropig, n.
  • epazote, n.
  • Eris, n.
  • e-skin, n.
  • estafa, n.
  • e-toll, n.
  • externship, n.
  • fap fap fap, int.
  • fap, v.
  • fava, n.
  • federal fund, n.
  • feed-in, adj. and n.
  • flocculant, adj. and n.
  • FLOTUS, n.
  • forensic science, n.
  • forensics, n.
  • fratty, adj.
  • freegan, adj. and n.
  • Furol, n. (and adj.)
  • ganache, n.
  • gharara, n.
  • ghrelin, n.
  • go fish, n.
  • goey, adj.
  • go-for-broke, adj.
  • go-for-it, adj.
  • go-harvest, n.
  • going away, adv.
  • going-about, adj.
  • gointer, v.
  • go-juice, n.
  • gon, v.
  • gone away, int. and n.
  • gowa, v.
  • Gran Fondo, n.
  • grow-op, n.
  • gunna, v.
  • H2O, n.
  • half-ass, v.
  • halo-halo, n.
  • handsy, adj.
  • har de har, int. (and n.)
  • hard launch, n.
  • hard launch, v.
  • hard plastic, n.
  • hard rocker, n.2
  • hard-arse, adv., adj., and n.
  • hard-arsed, adj.
  • hardbill, adj. and n.
  • hard-bodied, adj.
  • hard-code, v.
  • hard-coded, adj.
  • hardenable, adj.
  • hardrocker, n.1
  • hardship, v.
  • hardware woman, n.
  • hardwire, adj.
  • hardwiring, n.
  • hardyhead, n.
  • Hardy-Weinberg, n.
  • heterokont, n. and adj.
  • hex, n.4
  • Homo economicus, n.
  • hot mess, n.
  • howay, int.
  • hyperlocal, adj.
  • hyphy, adj. and n.
  • incharge, n.
  • injera, n.
  • interleading, adj.
  • internal membrane, n.
  • internalism, n.
  • internalist, n. and adj.
  • Internaut, n.
  • internegative, n.
  • interpositive, n.2
  • intersectionality, n.
  • Interweb, n.
  • inukshuk, n.
  • jank, adj.
  • JavaScript, n.
  • jeggings, n.
  • kettlebell, n.
  • kikay, n. and adj.
  • KKB, int. (and adj.)
  • koozie, n.
  • kryptonite, n.
  • kuya, n.
  • lede, n.2
  • mabuhay, int.
  • mahala, adv. and adj.
  • Mamil, n.
  • mangia-cake, n.
  • Marco Polo, n.
  • Masshole, n.
  • meh, int. and adj.
  • merry-go-around, n.
  • mini-stroke, n.
  • Morgellons, n.
  • nanodiamond, n.
  • nanosized, adj.
  • netbook, n.2
  • North Korean, adj. and n.
  • off-grid, adj. and adv.
  • old-earth, adj.
  • onsight, v.
  • on-trend, adj. and adv.
  • oophagy, n.
  • pageview, n.
  • pan de sal, n.
  • papsak, n.
  • pasalubong, n.
  • pharmacovigilance, n.
  • photobomb, n.
  • photobomb, v.
  • photobomber, n.
  • photobombing, n.
  • presidentiable, n.
  • pulutan, n.
  • ranga, n.
  • redpoint, n.
  • redpoint, v.
  • redpointing, n.
  • restobar, n.
  • retweet, n.
  • retweet, v.
  • retweeting, n.
  • roastery, n.
  • sanger, n.
  • sari-sari store, n.
  • say-away, n.
  • SCBU, n.
  • scenarioist, n.
  • scene, v.
  • scent mark, n.
  • scent marking, n.
  • scent-mark, v.
  • SCOTUS, n.
  • seachanger, n.
  • self-immolate, v.
  • Seppo, n.
  • sext, n.2
  • sext, v.
  • sexting, n.
  • sharara, n.
  • Sharon fruit, n.
  • ship, n.3
  • ship, v.2
  • shipper, n.2
  • shipping, n.2
  • shirtfront, v.
  • shitshow, n.
  • shizzle, adj.
  • shizzle, int. and n.
  • sinigang, n.
  • skort, n.
  • sledge, n.3
  • sledge, v.3
  • sledger, n.3
  • smash-mouth, n. and adj.
  • South Korean, adj. and n.
  • Special Olympics, n.
  • special operation, n.
  • sportive, n.2
  • stagette, n.
  • standard issue, n. and adj.
  • stank, adj.2 and n.2
  • stanky, adj.
  • staycation, n.
  • stir-fry, n.
  • storyboard, v.
  • storyboarding, n.
  • suki, n.
  • sunchoke, n.
  • sures, n.
  • syst., n.
  • systylious, adj.
  • tan line, n.
  • tea partier, n.
  • tenderpreneur, n.
  • texta, n.
  • tik, n.
  • to-go, adj.
  • top-rope, v.
  • totes, adv. and int.
  • town camp, n.
  • tweeting, n.
  • twerk, n.
  • twerk, v.
  • twerking, adj.
  • twerking, n.
  • twitterati, n.
  • uber-, prefix
  • ubiquinol, n.
  • uncanny valley, n.
  • underdaks, n.
  • unna, int.
  • us mob, pron.
  • utang na loob, n.
  • vape, v.
  • vaper, n.
  • vaping, n.
  • vog, n.
  • voluntourism, n.
  • voluntourist, n.
  • webisode, n.
  • whoonga, n.
  • wuss, v.
  • yaar, n.
  • yarn bomb, n.
  • yarn bomb, v.
  • yarn bombing, n.
  • yarnstorm, n.
  • yarnstorm, v.
  • Yooper, n.
  • young at heart, adj. and n.
  • Young dewberry, n.
  • young gun, n.
  • young-earth, adj.
  • zama zama, n.
  • zef, adj.
  • -going, comb. form

New sub-entries

  • decimalized
  • (to be) (a specified age); going on (another age)
  • bachelorette party
  • barbecue stopper
  • box step
  • breadcrumb trail
  • break and enter
  • bridge-and-tunnel
  • broken-heart syndrome
  • bumper sticker
  • bush tucker
  • cake pop
  • cap and trade
  • cask strength
  • CFL
  • change of scene
  • change of scenery
  • checkout
  • climbing wall
  • comedy circuit
  • comedy club
  • comedy genius
  • comedy sketch
  • comedy skit
  • comfort room
  • comic genius
  • comic novel
  • comic novelist
  • comic singer
  • comic timing
  • comic valentine
  • contingency table
  • covenant theology
  • cream of the crop
  • cry-it-out
  • dark triad
  • deciduous tooth
  • decision engine
  • decision height
  • decision model
  • decision rule
  • decision speed
  • decision support system
  • decision system
  • decision table
  • decision variable
  • decisional law
  • decisory oath
  • deep web
  • devil’s food
  • devil’s food cake
  • dirty kitchen
  • double denim
  • double-dip recession
  • drum break
  • drum circle
  • drum corps
  • drum pad
  • drum plotter
  • drum printer
  • drum ring
  • drum riser
  • drum sander
  • drum scanner
  • drum stool
  • drum track
  • drum-beater
  • drumstick allium
  • drumstick primrose
  • drumstick primula
  • drum-tight
  • go-carting
  • scentlessness
  • specialling
  • eccentric contraction
  • emergency room
  • end-stage
  • enough to be going on with
  • expectational
  • expectably
  • expectant right
  • expected utility
  • false widow
  • false widow spider
  • Fed funds
  • Fed funds rate
  • Fed funds target
  • federal agent
  • federal aid
  • federal case
  • Federal City
  • federal marshal
  • federal salute
  • fibre art
  • fibre artist
  • first going off
  • flag fall
  • floating point
  • FOMO
  • freshwater shrimp
  • Frisbee golf
  • front nine
  • gag reflex
  • gastric band
  • gastric banding
  • gem squash
  • glow stick
  • go away with you
  • go for it!
  • go in and win
  • go-aheadivity
  • go-cup
  • go-go boot
  • going days
  • going forward
  • going forwards
  • going off
  • going on—
  • going on for
  • going on towards
  • go-to-sleep
  • graffiti knitter
  • graffiti knitting
  • graphic abbreviation
  • Greek yogurt
  • grow operation
  • guerrilla art
  • guerrilla artist
  • guerrilla gardener
  • guerrilla gardening
  • guerrilla knitting
  • guerrilla marketing
  • guerrilla theatre
  • hard charger
  • hard clam
  • hard coral
  • hard ecu
  • hard error
  • hard feeling
  • hard man
  • hard nut
  • hard pewter
  • hard point
  • hard sphere
  • hard time
  • hard yards
  • hard-anodized
  • hardbag
  • hard-charging
  • hard-cooked
  • hardened steel
  • hardening leather
  • hardening skin
  • hard-leafed
  • hardpack
  • hard-packed
  • hard-shelled clam
  • hardstep
  • hardware cloth
  • hardwood cutting
  • hardy hole
  • health tourism
  • health tourist
  • heat exhaustion
  • I don’t go much on
  • in special measures
  • inkjet
  • inkjet printer
  • inkjet printing
  • internationalized
  • Internal Affairs
  • Internal Affairs Bureau
  • Internal Affairs Division
  • internal displacement
  • internal ear
  • internal fertilization
  • internal memory
  • internal modem
  • internal reserve
  • internal resistance
  • internal rhyme
  • internal skeleton
  • international airspace
  • International Klein Blue
  • international relations
  • international water
  • international waterway
  • Internet address
  • Internet banking
  • Internet browser
  • Internet chat room
  • Internet connectivity
  • Internet filtering
  • Internet forum
  • Internet gateway
  • Internet kiosk
  • Internet of things
  • Internet radio
  • Internet search
  • Internet shopping
  • Internet startup
  • Internet traffic
  • Internet worm
  • Internet-capable
  • Internet-enabled
  • Internet-ready
  • internuncial neuron
  • interstellar medium
  • issue desk
  • issue estoppel
  • issue-based
  • issue-oriented
  • Japanese knotweed
  • just go with it!
  • kerb appeal
  • kitchen roll
  • kitchen towel
  • limescale
  • little gem squash
  • lobster palace
  • lolly water
  • no hard feelings
  • online auction
  • online banking
  • online chat
  • online community
  • online database
  • online forum
  • online gambling
  • online game
  • online magazine
  • online newspaper
  • online radio
  • online search
  • online service provider
  • online shopping
  • online store
  • sae-tree
  • said-same
  • sausage sizzle
  • say bombasie
  • say work
  • scene building
  • scene-chewing
  • scenery-chewing
  • scent hound
  • scent trail
  • scent-free
  • SD card
  • sea oats
  • service stripe
  • share option
  • shirtfront
  • shuttle run
  • soft coral
  • solar maximum
  • solar maximum thermometer
  • solar minimum
  • somatic mutation
  • special adviser
  • special agent
  • special care baby unit
  • special care unit
  • special case
  • special character
  • special collection
  • special dividend
  • special forces
  • special function
  • special guest
  • special hospital
  • special investigation
  • special measures
  • special mention
  • special op
  • special order
  • special police
  • special sense
  • special session
  • special situation
  • special sort
  • special team
  • special teamer
  • speciality chemical
  • special-order
  • specialty of the house
  • spin room
  • stand-up comedy
  • stock option
  • stoppage time
  • storage area network
  • story hour
  • story time
  • summer chafer
  • sure bet
  • sure-grip
  • swimmer’s ear
  • system call
  • system disk
  • system file
  • system tray
  • systematic desensitization
  • systematic geography
  • systematic theologian
  • systemic risk
  • system-wide
  • systolic blood pressure
  • systolic hypertension
  • T.O.
  • T-dot
  • teachable moment
  • that goes for
  • theorbo music
  • theorbo player
  • theoretical framework
  • theoretical model
  • theory test
  • theory-based
  • theory-driven
  • thumb drive
  • thunder snowstorm
  • thundersnow
  • to be going in
  • to be going on—
  • to be going on with
  • to be gone up
  • to deck out
  • to do (also make, put in) the hard yards
  • to do (also serve) hard time
  • to do hard time
  • to do the hard yards
  • to drum up
  • to go adown
  • to go around
  • to go away
  • to go away with
  • to go away with it
  • to go back
  • to go back of
  • to go back on
  • to go back on (also upon)
  • to go back on one’s word
  • to go back upon
  • to go by—
  • to go by the worse
  • to go by the worse (also worst)
  • to go by the worst
  • to go down
  • to go for a sailor
  • to go for a soldier
  • to go for a soldier (also sailor)
  • to go for—
  • to go for it
  • to go forward
  • to go forwards
  • to go in
  • to go in and (come) out
  • to go in and come out
  • to go in and out
  • to go in at
  • to go in for
  • to go in to bat
  • to go off
  • to go off—
  • to go off at (a person)
  • to go off to sleep
  • to go off with
  • to go on
  • to go on—
  • to go out
  • to go out like a light
  • to go out on strike
  • to go out to fight
  • to go over
  • to go over to Rome
  • to go round
  • to go through
  • to go through—
  • to go together
  • to go under
  • to go up
  • to go up to (a person)
  • to go with—
  • to go with it
  • to have (something) going for one
  • to make a federal case out of
  • to make the hard yards
  • to put in the hard yards
  • to say before
  • to serve hard time
  • to shut up
  • top rope
  • tramp stamp
  • tree of life
  • trending
  • two-four
  • two-spirited
  • UP
  • weather bomb
  • wet wipe
  • wintry mix
  • young adult offender
  • Young Democrat
  • young gentleman
  • Young Republican
  • young-earther
  • young-earth creationist
  • younger-looking

New senses

  • advanced, adj.
  • bit, n.2
  • Bolognese, adj. and n.
  • bread-crumb, n.
  • cam, n.1
  • camp, n.2
  • chatter, n.1
  • check, v.1
  • cleat, n.
  • comment, v.
  • cottager, n.
  • crux, n.
  • cry, v.
  • diva, n.
  • document, n.
  • double dip, n.
  • eat, v.
  • eccentric, adj. and n.
  • filling, n.
  • finish, n.
  • finish, v.
  • fish, n.4
  • flip, v.
  • furlough, n.
  • furlough, v.
  • furloughed, adj.
  • gear, n.
  • gem, n.
  • gimmick, n.
  • guard, v.
  • guerrilla | guerilla, n.
  • hobbit, n.
  • host, v.2
  • hover, v.1
  • in, prep.2
  • ink, n.1
  • jam, n.1
  • jam, v.1
  • jug, n.2
  • junkie, n.
  • keener, n.2
  • Kendal, n.
  • kill, v.
  • lead, v.1
  • lipstick, n.
  • monetize, v.
  • salvage, v.
  • shade, n.
  • slider, n.
  • smash, v.1
  • smear, n.
  • smear, v.
  • smearing, n.
  • stand-up, adj. and n.
  • tea-party, n.
  • top, v.1
  • topper, n.2
  • trip, v.
  • tweeter, n.
  • twitterer, n.
  • up-tick, n.
  • weave, n.