
G., E. 1604
        See Grimstone, E.

G., F. ‘Scudery’s (G. de)’ Artamenes, or the grand Cyrus, an excellent new romance tr. 1653–55

G., G.
        See Goodman, G.

G., H.
        Cataneo’s (G.) Most briefe tables to know redily how many ranckes of footemen go to the making of a just battaile tr. 1574 (1588)

G., H.
        Scanderbeg redivivus, an historical account of the life of..John III, king of Poland 1684

G., I.
        Grassi’s (G. de) True arte of defence tr. 1594

G. K.
        See K., G.

G., R.
        Bacon’s (F.) Naturall and experimentall history of winds etc. tr. 1653

G., S.
        The reformist, a serio-comic-political novel (by Mrs. S. Green) 1810

G., T. 1616
See Rich cabinet

G., W.
        Cowel’s (J.) Institutes of the lawes of England tr. 1651

Gabelhouer, O.
See M., A.

Gaberlunzie-man, The ? 16.. (A. Ramsay, Tea-table misc. 1724)

Gabrielli’s Mysterious husband 1801
Something odd, a novel 1804

Gaddis, William
        The recognitions 1955

Gadow, Hans
        Amphibia and reptiles 1901

Gag. A gagge for the Pope and the jesuits, or the arraignement and execution of Antichrist 1624

Gage, John
        The history and antiquities of Hengrave in Suffolk 1822
        The history and antiquities of Suffolk, Thingoe hundred 1838

Gage, Thomas
        The English-American his travail by sea and land; or a new survey of the West Indias.. With a grammar..of the Indian tongue called Poconchi or Pocoman 1648
—(second ed.) A new survey of the West Indias 1655

Gaiger, Sydney Herbert & Davies, Gwilym Owen
        Veterinary pathology and bacteriology 1932

Gainsford, Thomas
        The glory of England, or a true description of many excellent prerogatives and remarkable blessings etc. 1618 (1619)
        The true and wonderfull history of Perkin Warbeck 1618
See also Rich cabinet

Galaxy, The 1866–78

Galbraith, John Kenneth
        The affluent society 1958

Gale, Frederick
        Echoes from old cricket fields; or, Sketches of cricket and cricketers from the earliest history of the game to the present time 1871
        The game of cricket 1887
        The life of the Hon. Robert Grimston 1885
        The public school matches, and those we meet there 1853

Gale, Norman
        Cricket songs 1894

Gale, Theophilus
        The court of the gentiles 1669–78

Gale, Thomas
        Certaine workes of chirurgerie… An antidotarie conteyning hidde and secrete medicines 1563

Gallaher, David & Stead, W. J.
        The complete rugby footballer on the New Zealand system 1906

Gallant. A treatyse of a galaunt (in verse) ? 1510 (Hazlitt, Early popular poetry III)

Gallants. The meeting of gallants at an ordinarie, or the walkes in Powles 1604 (Percy Soc. 1841)

Gallenga, Antonio (‘L. Mariotti’)
        Italy in 1848 1851
        Italy past and present 1848

Gallichan, Walter M.
        Fishing and travel in Spain 1904

Gallico, Paul William
        The Foolish immortals 1953
        The snow goose 1941

Galloway, Bishop of 1614
        See Cowper or Couper, W.

Galloway, George
        Poems on various subjects, Scotch and English 1792

Galloway, Robert
        Poems, epistles, and songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1788

Gallwey, Sir Ralph Payne-
        The fowler in Ireland 1882
See also Walsingham, 6th Baron

Galouye, Daniel Francis
        The lost perception 1966

Galpine, John
        A synoptical compend of British botany 1806

Galsworthy, John
        Captures 1923
        The country house 1907
        Five tales 1918
        From the four winds 1897
        The fugitive 1913
        In Chancery 1920
        The Inn of Tranquility: studies and essays 1912
        Maid in waiting 1931
        The man of property 1906
        The patrician 1911
        Plays 1909–20
        The roof 1929
        A sheaf [essays] 1916
        The silver spoon 1926
        Swan song 1928
        To let 1921
        The white monkey 1924

Galt, John
        Annals of the Parish 1821
        The Ayrshire legatees 1821
        The demon of destiny and other poems a 1839 (1840)
        The entail, or the lairds of Grippy 1823
        The last of the lairds 1826
        Lawrie Todd, or the settlers in the woods 1830 (1849)
        The mermaid, an interlude a 1814
        The provost 1822
        Ringan Gilhaize, or the Covenanters 1823
        Rothelan; a romance of the English histories 1824
        Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk 1822
        The spaewife, a tale of the Scottish chronicles 1823
        The steam-boat 1822

Galton, Francis
        Natural inheritance 1889
ed. Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1860, 1861, 1862–63 1861–64

Galway, Archives of the town of 1485–1710 (in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., App. v. 1885)

Galwey, Geoffrey Valentine
        The lift and the drop 1948

‘Gambado, Geoffrey’ (H. Bunbury)
        An academy for grown horsemen… The annals of horsemanship 1787–91 (1809)

Gamble, Charles Frederick Snowden
        The story of a North Sea air station 1928

Gamble, James Sykes
        A manual of Indian timbers 1881

Gamblers, The, a poem (by Theophilus Swift) 1777

Gambold, William
        A Welsh grammar 1724 (1727)

Gamelyn, The tale of c 1400 (Six-text Chaucer, II. Chaucer Soc.; Skeat’s Chaucer IV App.)

Gammer Gurton. A ryght pithy, pleasaunt and merrie comedie: intytuled Gammer Gurtons nedle..made by Mr. S. (? John Still) Mr of Art 1575 (Dodsley, Old plays; Manley, Specim. pre-Shaks. drama II, 1898)

Gammond, Peter
ed. The Decca book of jazz 1958
ed. Duke Ellington: his life and music 1958

Gandalf’s garden 1968–9

        See Du Gard

Garden, The, an illustrated weekly journal of gardening 1871–

Gardener, Helen H.
        An unofficial patriot 1894

Gardeners’ chronicle, The 1841–

Gardiner, Alan Henderson
        Egypt of the Pharaohs: an introduction 1961
        The theory of proper names 1940
        The theory of speech and language 1932

Gardiner, Bp. James
        Advice to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln 1697

Gardiner, James
        Rapin (R.) Of gardens tr. 1706

Gardiner, Marguerite
        See Blessington

Gardiner, Ralph
        England’s grievance discover’d with relation to the coal trade 1655

Gardiner, Richard
        Profitable instructions for manuring, sowing and planting of kitchin gardens 1599 (1603)

Gardiner, Samuel
        A booke of angling or fishing 1606

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
        History of the great civil war 1642–49 1886–91
        Oliver Cromwell 1899 (1901)

Gardiner, Bp. Stephen
        De vers obedientia tr. 1553
        See Wood, M.
        A declaration of such true articles as G. Joye hath gone about to confute as false 1546
        An explication and assertion of the true catholique fayth touchyng the..sacrament of the aulter etc. 1551

Gardner, Erle Stanley
        The case of the blonde bonanza 1962 (UK 1967)
        The case of the queenly contestant 1967 (UK 1973)
        The case of the stuttering bishop 1936 (UK 1937)
        The D.A. draws a circle 1939 (UK 1940)

Gardner, G. B.
        Keris and other Malay weapons 1936

Gardner, George
        Travels in the interior of Brazil 1846

Gardner, Helen Louise
        The business of criticism 1959

Gardner, Hy
        So what else is new? 1959

Gardner, John
        The brewer, distiller, and wine manufacturer 1883

Gardner, John Edmund
        A complete state of death 1969
        The corner men 1969
        Founder member 1969
        Madrigal 1967

Gardner, Thomas
        An historical account of Dunwich 1754

Gardner, W. J.
        A history of Jamaica 1873

Garfield, Brian Wynne
        Hopscotch 1975

Garlande, John de
        Dictionarius a 1250 (Wright, Vocabularies I, 1857)

Garner, Harry Mason
        Oriental blue and white 1954

Garner, William
        A big enough wreath 1974
        The deep, deep freeze 1968
        Ditto, Brother Rat! 1972
        The us or them war 1969

Garnett, David
        War in the air: September 1939 to May 1941 1941

Garnett, Richard
        Life of R. W. Emerson 1888
        William Shakespeare, pedagogue & poacher, a drama 1904 (1905)

Garnett, Thomas
        Observations on a tour through the Highlands and part of the western isles of Scotland 1800

Garnsey, Henry E. F.
        De Bary’s (A.) Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria tr. 1887

Garrard, Lewis Hector
        Wah-to-Yah, and the Taos trail 1850

Garrard, William
        The art of warre a 1587 (1591)

Garratt, George Alfred
        The mechanical properties of wood 1931

Garretson, J.
        The school of manners, or rules for children’s behaviour (anon.) 1685 (1726)

‘Garrett, Edward’ (Mrs. Isab. F. Mayo)
        The house by the works 1879

Garrett, Robert
        Run down: the world of Alan Brett 1970

Garrett, Theodore F.
ed. The encyclopædia of practical cookery 1892–94

Garrick, David
        Works a 1779 (Dramatic works 1798)
        Private correspondence a 1779 (1831–32)

Garrison, Wendell P. and Francis J.
        William Lloyd Garrison, his life, by his children 1885–89

Garrod, Alfred B.
        The essentials of materia medica 1855–70
—(Revised and ed. by E. B. Baxter) 1874 (1880)

Garrod, Dorothy A. E. & Bate, D. M. A.
        The Stone Age of Mount Carmel Vol. I 1937

Garth, Sir Samuel
        The dispensary, a poem 1699 (1700, 1706)
ed. Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Translated by the most eminent hands (J. Dryden, J. Addison, L. Eusden, A. Mainwaring, S. Croxall, N. Tate, J. Gay, W. Congreve, and the editor) 1717 (1732)

Gartner, Lloyd P.
        The Jewish immigrant in England, 1870–1914 1960

‘Garve, Andrew’ (Paul Winterton)
        Boomerang 1969
        The golden deed 1960
        The late Bill Smith 1971
        Murder in Moscow 1951

Garvin, James Louis
        The economic foundations of peace; or, World-partnership as the truer basis of the League of Nations 1919

Gascoigne, George
        Works a 1577 (1587; Cambr. Engl. Classics 1907–10)
        The complaynt of Phylomene 1576 (Arber)
        The complete poems a 1577 (Hazlitt 1869–70)
        The delectable history of sundry adventures passed by Dan Bartholomew of Bathe c 1572
        The droomme of doomes day, wherin the frailties and miseries of mans lyfe are lyvely portrayed 1576
        The fruites of warre c 1572 (1831)
        The glasse of government, a tragicall comedie 1575
        A griefe of joye, certeyne elegies 1576
        A hundreth sundrie floures bound up in one small poesie 1572
        Jocasta, a tragedie..by Euripides tr. 1566
        The posies (flowers, hearbes, weedes) 1575
        The princelye pleasures at the Courte at Kenelwoorth 1575
        The spoyle of Antwerpe faithfully reported 1576 (Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)
        The steele glas, a satyre 1576 (Arber)
        Supposes: a comedie tr. 1566

For The wyll of the devill
See Wyll

Gascoigne, Henry B.
        G.’s path to naval fame 1825

Gascoigne, Thomas
        The lyfe of seynt Birgette ? a 1445 (Mirr. Our Lady, E.E.T.S. 1873)

Gascoyne, David Emery
        Night thoughts 1956
        Opening day 1933
        Poems 1937–1942 1943
        A short survey of surrealism 1935
        A vagrant, and other poems 1950

‘Gaskell, A. P.’ (Alexander Gaskell Pickard)
        The big game, and other stories 1947

Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth C.
        Cranford (a tale) 1853
        A dark night’s work 1863
        The life of Charlotte Bronte 1857 (1860)
        Mary Barton, a tale of Manchester life 1848 (1882)
        The moorland cottage 1850
        North and South 1854 (1855)
        Round the sofa 1859
        Ruth, a novel 1853
        Sylvia’s lovers 1863
        Wives and daughters, an every-day story 1865 (1866)
        Letters ed. J. A. V. Chapple & A. Pollard 1966

Gaskell, Philip
        A new introduction to bibliography 1972

Gaskell, William
        Two lectures on the Lancashire dialect 1854

Gasquet, Francis A.
ed. Lord Acton and his circle 1906

—— & Bishop, E.
        Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer 1890 (1891)

Gass, Ian Graham, Smith, P. J. & Wilson, R. C. L.
eds. Understanding the earth: a reader in the earth sciences 1971

Gass, Patrick
        A journal of the voyages and travels of..Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke..through the interior parts of North America to the Pacific ocean 1807

Gaston, William James (‘Bill’)
        Drifting death 1964

Gataker, Thomas
        An antidote against errour concerning justification a 1654 (1670)
        Antinomianism discovered and confuted 1652
        A discours apologetical 1654
        A discussion of the popish doctrine of transubstantiation 1624
        God’s eye on his Israel 1645
        A good wife God’s gift, and a wife indeed 1624
        Marriage duties briefly couched together 1620
        A mariage praier (Eleazar’s prayer) 1624
        A mistake or misconstruction removed 1646
—(another ed.) Antinomianism (as above)
        Mysterious cloudes and mistes 1648
        Of the nature and use of lots 1619 (1627)
        The spirituall watch 1619–22
        Vindication of the annotations on Jer. x. 2 1653

Gates, Reginald Ruggles
        A botanist in the Amazon Valley 1927
        Heredity in man 1929
        Human genetics 2 vols. 1946

Gatland, Kenneth William
        Development of the guided missile 1952
—(ed. 2) 1954

Gatschet, Albert Samuel
        The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon 1890

Gatty, Mrs. Margaret S.
        The old folks from home; or, a holiday in Ireland 1861

Gau, John
        The richt vay to the kingdom of heuine 1533 (S.T.S. 1888)

Gauden, Bp. John
        Considerations touching the liturgy of the church of England 1661
        Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ suspiria, the tears..of the church of England 1659
        Hieraspistes: a defence by way of apology for the ministry and ministers of the church of England 1653
        Life of R. Hooker (prefixed to H.’s works) 1662
        The love of truth and peace, a sermon 1640 (1641)
        A sermon..at the funeral of Dr. Brounrig 1660

Gaugain, Jane
        The lady’s assistant for executing..designs in knitting etc. 1840–46

Gauger’s (N.) Mechanism of fire made in chimneys tr. 1716
See also Desaguliers, J. T.

Gaule, John
        Distractions; or the holy madnesse fervently..inraged against evill men 1629
        the mag-astro-mancer; or the magicall-astrologicall-diviner posed and puzzled 1651 (1652)
        Practique theories; or votive speculations upon Christ’s prediction, incarnation etc. 1628–29
        The practique theorist’s panegyrick 1628
        Sapientia justificata: or a vindication of the fifth chapter..to the Romans 1657
        Select cases of conscience, touching witches and witchcraft 1646

Gawayne, Syr, a collection of ancient romance poems ed. Sir F. Madden (Bannatyne Club 1839)
        Sir Gawayne and the green knight, an alliterative romance-poem 13.. (E.E.T.S. 1864, 1869)
See also Golagros

Gay, John
        Works a 1732 (1772)
        Araminta, a town eclogue 1714
        The beggar’s opera 1727 (1728)
        An epistle to..the Earl of Burlington, A journey to Exeter 1715
        Fables (2 parts) 1727, a 1732 (ii. 1738)
        The fan, a poem 1713–20
        Journey to Exeter: see Epistle, above
        Poems on several occasions 1720 (1745)
        The present state of wit (anon.) 1711 (Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
        The shepherd’s week, in six pastorals 1714
        The story of Arachne (from Ovid) 1712
        Trivia; or the art of walking the streets of London 1716
        The what d’ye call it, a..farce 1715
See also Garth, Sir S.

Gay News 1972–

Gaya’s (L. de) Art of war tr. 1678

Gaynor, Frank
ed. Pocket encyclopedia of atomic energy 1950

Gayton, Edmund
        Pleasant notes upon Don Quixot 1654
—(another ed.) Festivous notes (1768)

Gazetteer of Scotland 1803 (1806)

Gazophylacium Anglicanum, containing the derivation of English words 1689

Gear, Charles William
        Introduction to computer science 1973

See Russel, R.

Gébler, Ernest
        Shall I eat you now? 1969

Gedde, John
        A new discovery of an excellent method of beehouses and colonies 1675

Geddes, Alexander
        Critical remarks on the Hebrew scriptures 1800

Geddes, Patrick
        Cities in evolution: an introduction to the town planning movement and to the study of civics 1915

        Sex 1914

—— & Thomson, J. A.
        The evolution of sex 1889

Geddes, Paul
        The Ottawa allegation 1973

Gee, Edward
        Parsons’ (R.) Jesuit’s memorial for the intended reformation of England 1690

Gee, George E.
        The practical gold-worker 1877
        The silversmith’s handbook 1877 (1882)

Gee, John
        The foot out of the snare 1624

Gee, Samuel J.
        Auscultation and percussion 1870 (1883)

Geikie, Archibald
        Elementary lessons in physical geography 1877 (1880)
        The scenery of Scotland viewed in connexion with its physical geology 1865
        The story of a boulder or gleanings from the note-book of a geologist 1858
        Text-book of geology 1882 (also 1885, 1893, 1903)
See also Wilson, G.

Geikie, James
        The great ice age 1873 (1874)

Geikie, John Cunningham
        The English reformation 1879
        George Stanley; or life in the woods 1864 (1874)
        The life and words of Christ 1877 (1879)

Gell, Philip George H. & Coombs, Robin Royston A.
eds. Clinical aspects of immunology 1963

Gell, Robert
        A sermon, 8 Aug. 1650

Gell, Sir William & Gandy, John P.
        Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii 1817–19
Pompeiana..the result of excavations since 1819, by Sir W. Gell 1832

Gellibrand, Henry
        A discourse mathematical of the variation of the magneticall needle 1635

Gen: The Services’ fortnightly 1942–5

Genealogical magazine, The 1897–1904

General linguistics 1955–

General systems 1956–

Generous attachment, The (a novel) 1787

Generydes. A royal historie of the excellent knight Generides c 1430 (Roxb. Club 1865)
        Generydes, a romance c 1440 (E.E.T.S. 1878)

Genesis. The story of Genesis and Exodus, an early English song c 1250 (E.E.T.S. 1865, 1873)
See also Cædmon

Genetics 1916–

Gent 1640
        See D., J.

Gentilis, Robert
        Malvezzi’s (V.) Considerations upon the lives of Alcibiades and Coriolanus tr. 1650
        Paolo Servita’s (P. Sarpi) History of the inquisition tr. 1639 (1676)

Gentleman, Tobias
        England’s way to win wealth, and to employ ships and mariners 1614 (Arber, Eng. Garner IV)

Gentleman angler, containing short, plain and easy instructions etc., The 1726

Gentleman instructed
See Darrell, W.

Gentleman’s calling, The (by the author of The whole duty of man) 1659

Gentleman’s magazine, The 1731–1868

Geo abstracts 1972–

Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 1950–

Geofysiske publikationer (title varies) 1919–

Geographical journal, The (Royal Geogr. Soc.) 1893–

Geographical review 1916–

Geological magazine, The, or monthly journal of geology 1864–

Geological Society of America
        Bulletin 1890–
        Memoirs 1934–
        Special papers 1934–

Geological Society of London
        Proceedings 1826–45; 1952–
        Quarterly journal 1845–
        Transactions 1811–56

Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm
        Förhandlingar 1872–

Geologists’ Association
        Proceedings 1859–

Geomorphological abstracts 1960–5

George, Charles B.
        Forty years on the rail 1887 (UK 1888)

George, David Lloyd
        Family letters 1885–1936 ed. K. O. Morgan 1973

George, Henry
        Progress and poverty: an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions etc. 1879 (1881)
        Social problems 1883 (1884)

George, Russell D.
        Minerals and rocks: their nature, occurrence and uses 1943

George a Green(e. The history of George a Green, pindar of the town of Wakefield 1706 (Thoms, Early Prose Romances II, 1828)
        A pleasaunt conceyted comedie of George a Greene, the pinner of Wakefield (attrib. to R. Greene) 1599 (Dodsley)

        The colonial records of the State of Georgia ed. A. D. Candler et al. 1904–

Georgia Historical Society
        Collections 9 vols. 1840–1916

Gerald, Michael C.
        Pharmacology: an introduction to drugs 1974

Geraldina (a novel) 1798

Gerard, Emily (Mme de Laszowska)
        The land beyond the forest 1888
        The waters of Hercules 1885

—— & Gerard, Dor.
        A sensitive plant 1891

Gerard or Gerarde, John
        A catalogue of plants cultivated 1596–99 1599 (1876)
        The herball, or general historie of plants 1597
—enlarged and amended by T. Johnson (1633, 1636)

Gerard, Sir Montagu G.
        Leaves from the diaries of a soldier and sportsman 1903

Gerbier, Sir Balthazar G.
        A brief discourse concerning the three chief principles of magnificent building 1662
        Counsel and advice to all builders, for the choice of surveyors etc. 1663 (1664)

Gerefa a 1100 (in Anglia IX 1886)

Gérin, Winifred
        Charlotte Brontë: the evolution of a genius 1967
        Elizabeth Gaskell: a biography 1976

Germania: Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde 1856–

Germanic review 1926–

Gerth, Hans Heinrich & Martindale, Don Albert
tr. M. Weber’s Ancient Judaism 1952

Gesner, Abraham
        A practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils 1860 (1865)

Gesta Romanorum, The c 1440 (Roxb. Club 1838; E.E.T.S. 1879)

Geste, Edmund
        A sermon upon repentance and faith 1560 (in H. G. Dugdale, Life 1840)
        A treatise against the preuee masse 1548 (ibid.)

Gib, Adam
        Sacred contemplations, in three parts 1786

Gibb, Jocelyn
ed. Light on C. S. Lewis 1965

Gibbon, Charles
        For the king, a novel 1872
        For lack of gold 1871
        Robin Gray, a novel 1869

Gibbon, Edward
        Autobiography and correspondence a 1794 (1796, 1854)
        The crusades (from next) (1870)
        The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire 1776–88 (1846, 1869)
The student’s Gibbon (abridged by W. Smith 1857)
        Memoirs of the life and writings of E. G. c 1789 (1796, 1827)
        Miscellaneous works a 1794 (1796–1815)

‘Gibbon, Lewis Grassic’ (James Leslie Mitchell)
        Sunset song 1932

Gibbons, Floyd Phillips
        The red Napoleon 1929 (UK 1930)

Gibbons, Stella Dorothea
        Cold Comfort Farm 1932
        The matchmaker 1949
        A pink front door 1959

Gibbs, Frederick W.
        Recognition: a chapter from the history of the North American and South American states 1863

Gibbs, George
        Tribes of western Washington and north-western Oregon 1877

Gibbs, Henry Hucks, afterw. 1st baron Aldenham
        The bimetallic controversy 1886
        A colloquy on currency 1893
        The double standard 1881
        The game of ombre 1874 (1878)

Gibbs, Philip Hamilton
        The battles of the Somme 1917
        Unchanging quest 1925

Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard
        The aeroplane: an historical survey of its origins and development 1960

Gibson, Bp. Edmund
        Observations upon the conduct and behaviour of a certain sect usually distinguished by the name of Methodists (anon.) ? 1740

Gibson, Guy Penrose
        Enemy coast ahead 1946

Gibson, James
        Lectures on popery 1836

Gibson, Thomas
        The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized 1682 (1697)

Gibson, William
        The farrier’s dispensatory 1721 (1734)
        The farrier’s new guide 1720 (1738)
        The true method of dieting horses 1721 (1731)

Gibson, William Ralph Boyce
tr. E. Husserl’s Ideas: general introduction to pure phenomenology 1931

Gibson, William S.
        The history of the monastery founded at Tynemouth 1846–47

Giddens, Anthony
        Studies in social and political theory 1977

Gidley, Lewis
        Aletes, a poem 1865

Gielgud, Val Henry
        The candle-holders 1970
        Conduct of a member 1967
        In such a night 1974
        A necessary end 1969

Giffen, George
        With bat and ball: twenty-five years’ reminiscences of Australian and Anglo-Australian cricket 1898

Gifford, George
        A dialogue concerning witches and witchcrafts 1603 (Percy Soc. 1842)

Gifford, Humfrey
        A posie of gilloflowers 1580 (Grosart 1870)

‘Gifford, John’ (J. R. Green)
        The reign of Louis the sixteenth 1794

Gifford, Thomas
        An historical description of the Zetland islands 1786 (1879)

Gifford, Thomas
        The Cavanaugh quest 1976 (UK 1977)

Gifford, William
        The Baviad, a paraphrastic imitation of the first satire of Persius 1791 (1800)
        The Mæviad (a poem) 1795 (1800)
        The satires of D. J. Juvenalis tr. 1802

Gifts and graces (by Eliz. Johnston) 1862

Gil or Gill, Alexander
        Logonomia anglica 1619 (1621)
        The sacred philosophie of the holy scripture: laid downe..in..the apostles’ creed 1635

‘Gilbert, Anthony’ (Lucy Beatrice Malleson)
        And death came too 1956
        Death against the clock 1958
        Death takes a wife 1959
        Don’t open the door 1945
        Knock, knock, who’s there? 1964
        Missing from her home 1969
        No dust in the attic 1962
        Ring for a noose 1963
        Tenant for the tomb 1971

Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey
        Historical view of the court of Exchequer a 1726 (1738)
        The law of evidence a 1726 (1791–96)
        Reports of cases in equity argued..in the courts of Chancery and Exchequer a 1726 (1742)

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
        A discourse of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia 1576
        Queene Elizabethes achademy c 1570 (Archaeologia XXI, 1827; E.E.T.S. 1869)

Gilbert, John T.
        History of the viceroys of Ireland 1865

Gilbert, Joseph
        The christian atonement 1836 (1852)

Gilbert, Martin
        Winston S. Churchill
See Churchill, Randolph Spencer & Gilbert, Martin

Gilbert, Michael Francis
        Blood and judgement 1959
        The body of a girl 1972
        Close quarters 1947
        The dust and the heat 1967
        Flash point 1974
        Sky high 1955

Gilbert, Thomas
        Plan for the better relief and employment of the poor 1781

Gilbert, William Schwenk
        TheBabballads 1868–73
        Foggerty’s fairy and other tales 1877– (1890)
        Iolanthe, or the peer and the peri 1882
        The mikado, or the town of Titipu 1885
        Original plays v.d. (1876–1911)
        Patience, or Bunthorne’s bride 1880
        Utopia limited, or the flowers of progress 1893

Gilbert-Carter, Humphrey
tr. C. Raunkiaer’s The life forms of plants 1934

Gilbey, Sir Walter
        Early carriages and roads 1903

Gilby, Anthony
        Grosseteste’s (R.) Testamentes of the twelue Patriarches tr. 1575 (1581, 1604, 1706)

Gilchrist, James
        The etymologic interpreter or dictionary of the English language 1824
        The intellectual patrimony, or a father’s instructions 1817
        The labyrinth demolished, a pioneer of rational philology 1815
        Philosophic etymology, a rational grammar 1816
        Reason the true arbiter of language 1814

Gilder, Richard W.
        The poet and his master, and other poems 1878

Gildon, Charles
        The complete art of poetry 1718

Giles, Henry Earl
        Harbin’s Ridge 1951

Giles, Herbert Allen
        A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East 1878

Giles, Howard
ed. Language, ethnicity and intergroup relations 1977

Giles, Kenneth
        Death and Mr. Prettyman 1967
        Death cracks a bottle 1969
        Death in diamonds 1967
        A death in the church 1970
        A file on death 1973
        Some beasts no more 1965

‘Giles, Norman’ (N. R. McKeown)
        The ridge of white waters 1934

Giles, Peter
        A short manual of comparative philology for classical students 1895

Gilfillan, George
        Night, a poem 1867
        Specimens, with memoirs of the less-known British poets 1860

Gill, Alexander
        See Gil, A.

Gill, Edwin Leonard
        First guide to South African birds 1936

Gill, Gerald Byron & Willis, Martin Richard
        Pericyclic reactions 1974

Gill, Merle Avery
        Underworld slang 1929

Gill, Theodore
        Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America 1873

Gill, William J.
        The river of golden sand: the narrative of a journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah 1880

Gillen, Lucy
        Return to Deepwater 1975

Gillespie, Alexander Douglas
        Letters from Flanders 1916

Gillespie, George
        A dispute against the English-popish ceremonies obtruded upon the church of Scotland (anon.) 1637
        Male audis; or an answer to Mr. Coleman on his Male dicis 1646
        Wholsome severity reconciled with Christian liberty; or the true resolution of a present controversie concerning liberty of conscience (anon.) 1645

Gillespie, William H.
        An argument a priori for the moral attributes of God 1865

Gilliard, Ernest Thomas
        Living birds of the world 1958

Gillies, John
        Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics tr. 1797 (1804)

Gillmore, Parker
        Figuier’s (L.) Reptiles and birds tr. 1869 (1870)

Gillow, Joseph
        A literary and biographical history..of the English Catholics 1885–87

Gilman, Caroline
        Recollections of a southern matron 1838

Gilman, Henry
        Organic chemistry: an advanced treatise 3 vols. 1938–53
—(ed. 2) 2 vols. 1943

Gilmour, David
        Paisley weavers of other days 1876
        Reminiscences of thePenfolk 1871 (1873)

Gilmour, James
        Among the Mongols 1883 (1884)

Gilmour, Samuel Carter
        Paper: its making, merchanting and usage 1955

Gilpin, Alan
        Dictionary of economic terms 1966

Gilpin, E. 1598
        See Guilpin, E.

Gilpin, George ‘Rabbotenu’s (Isaac)’ Bee-hive of the Romish church 1579 (1580)

Gilpin, Richard
        Dæmonologia sacra, or a treatise of Satan’s temptations 1677 (Grosart 1867)

‘Gilpin, Sidney’ (G. Coward)
        The popular poetry of Cumberland and the lake country 1875
        The songs and ballads of Cumberland 1866 (also 3 series 1874)

Gilpin, William
        Observations on the river Wye 1782
        Observations relative chiefly to picturesque beauty made in..the mountains and lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland 1786
        Remarks on forest scenery 1791
        Sermons 1799–1803

Gilson, David
        Sermons on practical subjects 1788

Gimson, Alfred Charles
        An introduction to the pronunciation of English 1962

Giraffi, A.
See Howell, J.

Giraldus Cambrensis
See English conquest of Ireland

Giraud, J. P.
        The birds of Long Island 1844

Girl’s own paper, The 1880–

Girton, Daniel
        The new and complete pigeon fancyer c 1800

Gisborne, Thomas
        Walks in a forest: or poems descriptive of scenery, etc. 1794 (1796)

Gish, Lillian & Pinchot, A.
        Lillian Gish: the movies, Mr. Griffith and me 1969

Gissing, Algernon
        Both of this parish: a story of the by-ways 1889
        A village Hampden 1890

Gissing, George R.
        A life’s morning 1888
        The nether world 1889
        New Grub Street 3 vols. 1891
        The odd women 3 vols. 1893
        The private papers of Henry Ryecroft 1903

—— & Wells, Herbert George
        George Gissing and H. G. Wells: their friendship and correspondence ed. R. A. Gettman 1961

Gist, Christopher
        Journals a 1759 (1893)

Given, Meta H.
        Modern encyclopedia of cooking 2 vols. 1947

Gladstone, Thomas H.
        See Olmsted, F. L.

Gladstone, William Ewart
        Church principles considered in their results 1840
        The Eastern crisis, a letter to the Duke of Westminster 1897
        The financial statements of 1853, 1860–63 1863
        Gleanings of past years 1843– (1879–97)
        Homer (literature primer) 1876 (1878)
        Homeric synchronism, an enquiry into the time and place of Homer 1876
        The impregnable rock of holy scripture 1800 (1892)
        Juventus mundi. The gods and men of the heroic age 1868 (1869)
        The odes of Horace tr. 1894
        The state in its relation with the church 1838 (1839)
        Studies on Homer and the Homeric age 1858
        Vaticanism: an answer to Replies and reproofs 1875

Gladwin, Francis
        The Ayeen Akbery, or the institutes of the emperor Akber tr. 1783–86 (1800)

Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall
        Glossary of the book 1960

Glanvil, Bartholomew
See Trevisa

Glanvill, Joseph
        A blow at modern Sadducism 1668
        Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion 1676
        A further discovery of M. Stubbe 1671
        Lux orientalis, or an enquiry into the opinion of the eastern sages concerning the præ-existence of souls 1662 (1682)
        Palpable evidence of spirits and witchcraft 1668
        Plus ultra; or the progress and advancement of knowledge since the days of Aristotle 1668
        Saducismus triumphatus, or full and plain evidence concerning witches and witchcraft a 1680 (1681, 1726)
        Scepsis scientifica: see The vanity of dogmatizing, below
        Scirituum nihil est, or the author’s defence of The vanity of dogmatizing 1665
        Seasonable reflections and discourses 1676
        The vanity of dogmatizing, or confidence in opinions etc. 1661
—(2nd ed.) Scepsis scientifica, or confest ignorance the way to science 1665

Glanville, Sir John
        The voyage to Cadiz 1625 (Camden Soc. 1883)

Glapthorne, Henry
        Plays and poems c 1640 (1874)
        The Hollander, a comedy 1640
        The ladies priveledge (a comedy) 1640
        The lady mother, a comedy 1635 (Bullen, Old plays II)
        The tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein 1639 (1640)
        Wit in a constable, a comedy 1640

Glascock, William Nugent
        The naval sketchbook; or, The Service afloat and ashore 2 vols. 1826
—(ed. 2) 2 vols. 1826
—(2nd ser.) 2 vols. 1834

Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson
        The deliverance: a romance of the Virginia tobacco fields 1904
        Letters ed. B. Rouse 1958

Glasgow, Roy Stanley
        Principles of radio engineering 1936

Glasgow Herald 1805–

Glass, David Victor & Eversley, D. E. C.
eds. Population in history 1965

Glasscock, J. L., Jr.
ed. Records of St. Michael’s parish church, Bishop’s Stortford (Herts) 1431–1882 (1882)

Glasse, Mrs. Hannah
        The art of cookery. By a lady 1747 (1796)
        The compleat confectioner, or the whole art of confectionary made plain and easy c 1750 (1770)

Glasser, Otto
ed. The science of radiology 1933 (UK 1934)

Glassop, Lawson
        We were the rats 1944

Glasstone, Samuel
        An introduction to electro-chemistry 1942
        Principles of nuclear reactor engineering 1956
        Sourcebook on atomic energy 1950
        Text-book of physical chemistry 1940 (UK 1941)
—(ed. 2) 1946 (UK 1948)

Glatt, Max Meier, et al. The drug scene in Great Britain 1967

Glazebrook, Richard Tetley
ed. A dictionary of applied physics 5 vols. 1922–3

Glazier, Richard
        A manual of historic ornament 1899

Gleason, Henry Allan (b. 1882) & Cronquist, Arthur
        The natural geography of plants 1964

Gleason, Henry Allan (b. 1917) An introduction to descriptive linguistics 1955
—(ed. 2) 1961
        Linguistics and English grammar 1965

Gleig, George R.
        The life of major-general Sir T. Munro 1830

Glemser, Bernard
        A dear Hungarian friend 1966

Glencore tower (a novel) 1806

Glenfergus (a novel) 1820

Glenny, George
        The gardener’s every day book 1856
        Hand-book to the flower garden and greenhouse 1860 (1851)

Gliddon, George R.
        Ancient Egypt 1847 (ed. 10)

Glisan, Rodney
        Journal of army life 1874

Gloag, John Edwards
        A short dictionary of furniture, containing 1764 terms used in Britain and America 1952

Globe and Mail (Toronto) 1844– (1844–1936 with title Globe)

Glossary of heraldry 1847: see Gough, H.

Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture, A 1836 (1850)

Glosses of Prudentius c 1000 (Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum N.S. VIII, 1876: Germania N.S. XI, 1878; Napier, O.E. glosses 1900)

Gloucester, Bishop of
        See Fowler, E. 1692; Nicholson, W. 1663

Gloucester, Robert of
        See Robert

Gloucester glossary 1890
        See Robertson, J. D.

Gloucestershire, A glossary of provincial words used in 1851

Glover, Richard
        Poetical works a 1785 (Chalmers 1810)
        The Athenaid a 1785 (1787)
        Leonidas, a poem 1737
        Medea, a tragedy 1761

Glover, Stephen
ed. The history of the county of Derby 1829

Gluckman, Herman Max
        Custom and conflict in Africa 1955

Glueck, Bernard & Lind, John Edward
tr. A. Adler’s The neurotic constitution: outlines of a comparative individualistic psychology and psychotherapy 1917 (UK 1921)

Glyn, Anthony Geoffrey L. S.
        The dragon variation 1969

Glyn, Elinor ‘It’, and other stories 1927
        Reflections of Ambrosine 1902
        The visits of Elizabeth 1900 (1906)

Glynn, Joseph
        Rudimentary treatise on the power of water as applied to drive flour mills etc. 1853

Gnomic verses a 1000 (‘Denksprüche’ in Grein I, 1883)

Goad, John
        Astro-meteorologica, or aphorisms and discourses of the bodies celestial, their natures and influences 1686

Goad, Thomas
        The doleful euen-song 1623

Goadby, Mrs. R.
        See Carew, B. M.

Goddard, Guibon
        Introduction to (T.) Burton’s Diary 1828

Goddard, Thomas
        Plato’s demon; or the state-physician unmaskt 1684

Godden, Jon & Godden, Margaret Rumer
        Two under the Indian sun 1966

Godden, Margaret Rumer
        Black narcissus 1939
        The greengage summer 1958
        In this house of Brede 1969
        Kingfishers catch fire 1953

Godefroy, Frédéric
        Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du ixe au xve siècle 1881–1902

Godey’s magazine (U.S.) 1896

Godfrey, Eve
        Retail selling and organization 1962

Godfrey, James William & Amos, Stanley William
        Sound recording and reproduction 1952

Godfrey, Philip
        Back-stage: a survey of the contemporary English theatre from behind the scenes 1933

Godfrey, Robert
        Various injuries and abuses in chymical and galenical physick..detected 1674

Godly Queene Hester
See Esther

Godolphin, John
        A view of the admiral jurisdiction 1661

Godstow. The English register of Godstow nunnery, near Oxford c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1905–06)

Godwin, Bp. Francis
        A catalogue of the bishops of England 1601
See also Godwin, M.

Godwin, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft
        See Wollstonecraft

Godwin, Morgan
        Bp. F. Godwin’s Annales of England tr. 1630 (1675)

Godwin, Thomas
        Moses and Aaron. Civil and ecclesiastical rites used by the ancient Hebrews 1625 (1641)
        Romanæ historiæ anthologia. An English exposition of the Romane antiquities 1613 (1625)

Godwin, William
        Essays..never before published a 1836 (1873)
        Fleetwood, or the new man of feeling 1805
        History of the Commonwealth of England..to the restoration of Charles the second 1824–28
        The inquirer: reflections on education, manners, and literature 1797
        Life of G. Chaucer 1803 (1804)
        Lives of the necromancers 1834
        Mandeville, a tale of the seventeenth century 1817
        Things as they are; or the adventures of Caleb Williams 1794 (1838, 1865)
        Thoughts on man, his nature etc. 1831

Goede’s (C. A. G.) Stranger in England; or travels in Great Britain tr. 1807

Goffe, Thomas
        The careles shepherdess, a tragi-comedy by T. G. a 1629 (1656)

Going to service: a sequel to My station and its duties 1836

Golagros and Gawane,
        The knightly tale of c 1470 (1508; Bannatyne Club 1839; Sc. allit. poems, S.T.S. 1897)

Gold, Herbert
        The man who was not with it 1956 (UK 1965)

Gold, Robert S.
        A jazz lexicon 1964
        Jazz talk 1975

Goldberg, Isaac
        The wonder of words 1938

Golden boke
See Berners

Golden legend
See Caxton, W.

Golden mirrour, A 1589
        See Robinson, R.

Golden south 1890
        See ‘Lyth’

Golder, William
        The pigeons’ parliament, a poem (on New Zealand) 1854

Goldin, Hyman Elias
ed. Dictionary of American underworld lingo 1950

Golding, Arthur
        The eyght bookes of C. J. Cæsar tr. 1565
        Heminges (N.) Postill or exposition of the gospels tr. 1569
        Justinus’ (M. J.) Abridgmente of the histories of Trogus Pompeius tr. 1564 (1570)
        Mornay’s (P. de) Woorke concerning the trewnesse of the christian religion tr. (begun by Sir P. Sidney and finished by A. Golding) 1587 (1592, 1617)
        The xv bookes entytuled Ovid’s Metamorphosis tr. 1565–67 (1567, 1593)
        The Psalmes of David and others, with J. Calvin’s commentaries tr. 1571
        The sermons of J. Calvin upon Deuteronomie tr. 1583

Golding, Louis
        Magnolia Street 1932

Golding, Per.
        An epitome of Frossard (Froissart)..by I. Sleydane tr. 1608

Golding, William Gerald
        Free fall 1959
        Lord of the flies 1954
        Pincher Martin 1956
        The spire 1964

Goldsmith, Oliver
        Works a 1774
        The bee (essays) 1759
        The captivity, an oratorio 1764
        The citizen of the world 1750–62 (1837, 1840)
        The deserted village 1770
        The double transformation, a tale 1765
        Essays 1758–65
        The good-natured man, a comedy 1768 (1780, 1854)
        The Grecian history a 1774 (1774)
        A history of the earth and animated nature (= Nat. Hist.) 1774 (1776, 1862)
        An history of England in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son 1764 (1772)
        The history of England 1771
        The life of Richard Nash 1762
        The memoirs of a protestant (J. Marteilhe) condemned to the galleys of France for his religion tr. 1765 (1895)
        Miscellaneous works a 1774 (1837, Globe 1895)
        Retaliation, a poem 1774
        Scarron’s (P.) Comic romance tr. a 1774 (1775)
        She stoops to conquer, or the mistakes of a night, a comedy 1773
        A survey of experimental philosophy a 1774 (1776)
        The traveller, or a prospect of society 1764
        The vicar of Wakefield 1766

Gollancz, Victor
        My dear Timothy: an autobiographical letter 1952
