
‘Stiff, Dean’ (Nels Anderson)
        The milk and honey route 1931

Stifler, William Warren
ed. High-speed computing devices 1950

Still, John
See Gammer Gurton

Still, Peter
        The cottar’s Sunday, and other poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1845

Stillingfleet, Benjamin
        Biberg’s economy of nature tr. 1759 (Misc. tracts 1759)
        The calendar of Flora (from the Swedish of A. M. Berger) 1761
        Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physick 1759 (1762)

Stillingfleet, Bp. Edward
        Works a 1699 (1710)
        Charge begun at Worcester 11 Sept. 1690 1691
        Irenicum, a weapon-salve for the churches wounds 1659 (1661)
        Origines Britannicæ; or the antiquities of the British churches 1685
        Origines sacræ; or a rational account of the grounds of the christian faith as to the truth and divine authority of the scriptures 1662 (1666)
        Sermons preached on several occasions 1696–98

Stimpson, George William
        A book about a thousand things 1946

Stimson, Frederick Jesup
        American statute law 1886

Stinton, Darrol
        The anatomy of the aeroplane 1966

Stirling, Charters and other documents relating to the royal burgh of 1124–1705 (1884)
Extracts from the records of the royal burgh of 1519–1666, 1667–1752 (1884–89)

Stirling, Sir William Alexander, Earl of
        Poems a 1640 (Chalmers 1810)
        The Alexandræan tragedie 1605
        Aurora 1604
        Doomesday; or the great day of the Lords judgment 1614
        Recreations with the muses 1637
        A supplement to Sir P. Sidney’s Arcadia 1621 (1629)
        The tragedie of Darius 1603

Stirling, James H.
        Jerrold, Tennyson and Macaulay, with other essays 1868
        Philosophy and theology (Gifford lectures) 1890
        Schwegler’s (F. C. A.) Hand-book of the history of philosophy tr. 1867
        The secret of Hegel: being the Hegelian system in origin, principle, form and matter 1865

Stirling, afterwards Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William
        The cloister life of the emperor Charles the fifth 1852 (1853)

Stirling, William 1885
        See Landois, L.

Stisted, Georgiana M.
        The true life of Sir R. F. Burton 1896

Stitchill (Roxburghshire), Records of the baron court of 1655–1807 (S.H.S. 1905)

Stivens, Dallas George (‘Dal’)
        The courtship of Uncle Henry: a collection of tales and stories 1946

Stock, Richard
        A learned..commentary upon..Malachy a 1626 (1641; 1865)

Stockdale, John J.
        Sketches, civil and military, of the island of Java etc. 1811

Stocker, Thomas
        A righte noble..history of the successors of Alexander, taken out of Diodorus Siculus tr. 1569
        A tragicall historie of the..civile warres of the Lowe countries, otherwise called Flanders, tr. by T. S. 1583
        Viret’s (P.) The worlde possessed with devils (Part II of The demoniacke worlde) tr. by T. S. 1583

Stockholm medical MS., Extracts from a, a 1400 (in Archaeologia XXX, 1844; Anglia XVIII, 1896)

Stockton, Frank R.
        The Dusantes 1888
        The lady or the tiger? 1884
        Rudder Grange 1879

Stockwood, John
        A plaine and easie laying open of the meaning and understanding of the rules of construction in the English accidence 1590
        A sermon preached at Paules Crosse 1578

Stocqueler, Joachim H.
        The hand-book of (British) India 1844 (1854)
        The military encyclopædia; a technical, biographical, and historical dictionary 1853
        The oriental interpreter and treasury of East India knowledge 1848

Stodart, Robert R.
        Scottish arms, being a collection of armorial bearings 1370–1678 reproduced in facsimile 1881

Stoddard, Charles A.
        Cruising among the Caribbees 1895

Stoddard, Francis H.
        The evolution of the English novel 1900

Stoddard, Richard H.
        Poems 1852, 1880

Stoddart, Anna M.
        John Stuart Blackie, a biography 1895

Stoddart, Sir John
        Grammar a 1845 (Encycl. metropolitana)

Stoddart, Thomas T.
        The angler’s companion to the rivers and lochs of Scotland 1847
        An angler’s rambles, and angling songs 1866
Angling songs (1889)
        Songs and poems 1839

Stokes, David
        A paraphrasticall explication of the twelve minor prophets 1659

Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
        Mathematical and physical papers 1880–1903

Stokes, Whitley
        The tripartite life of St. Patrick tr. 1887 (Rolls series)

Stokoe, William John
        The caterpillars of the British butterflies 1944
        The caterpillars of British moths 2 ser. 1948
—(new ed.) 2 ser. 1958

Stone, Hannah M. & Stone, Abraham
        A marriage manual 1935 (UK 1936)

Stone, James K.
        The invitation heeded: reasons for a return to catholic unity 1870

Stone, Kate
        See Holmes, Sarah Katherine (Stone)

Stone, Louis
        Jonah 1911

Stone, Samuel
        Deceivers deceiv’d, a sermon 1661

Stone, Samuel
        The justices’ pocket manual 1842
        The justices’ manual 1864 (1876)

Stone, Thomas
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln 1794

‘Stone, Zachary’
        The Modigliani scandal 1976

‘Stonehenge’ (J. H. Walsh)
        The dog, in health and disease 1859
ed. The dogs of the British islands 1866–67
        Manual of British rural sports 1856 (1875)
        The shot-gun and sporting rifle 1859

Stonehouse, William B.
        The history and topography of the isle of Axholme 1839

Stonor letters and papers, The 1290–1483 (Camden Soc. 1919)

S’too him Bayes: or some observations upon the humour of writing Rehearsals transpros’d 1673

Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael
        Married love: a new contribution to the solution of sex difficulties 1918

Stopford, Edward A.
        The work and the counterwork; or the religious revival in Belfast 1859

Stoppard, Tom
        Dirty linen, and New-found-land 1976
        Jumpers 1972
        The real Inspector Hound 1968
        Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead 1967
        Travesties 1975

Storer, David H.
        Reports on the ichthyology and herpetology of Massachusetts 1839

Storer, Thomas
        The life and death of T. Wolsey, cardinall 1599

Storey, David Malcolm
        Saville 1976
        This sporting life 1960

Stork, William
        A description of East Florida 1766 (with A journal kept by J. Bartram, 1769)

Stormonth, James
        Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language 1871 (1884)

Stornoway Gazette and West Coast Advertiser 1917–

Storr, Catherine
        The Chinese egg 1975
        Marianne and Mark 1960
        Tales from a psychiatrist’s couch 1977

Story, Jack Trevor
        Dishonourable member 1969
        Something for nothing 1963

Story, Joseph
        Commentaries on the constitution of the United States 1833
        Miscellaneous writings a 1845 (1852)

Story, Josiah
        An essay concerning the nature of the priesthood 1750

Story, Robert H.
        The apostolic ministry in the Scottish church 1897

Story, William W.
        Roba di Roma 1863

Stouffer, Samuel Andrew
        Measurement and prediction 1950

Stoughton, John
        A learned treatise in three parts. 1. The definition. 2. The distribution of divinity. 3. The happiness of man 1640

Stoughton, Thomas
        The christians sacrifice 1622

Stout, George Frederick
        Analytic psychology 1896

Stout, Rex Todhunter
        Fer-de-lance 1934
        If death ever slept 1957 (UK 1958)
        Over my dead body 1940
        Please pass the guilt 1973 (UK 1974)
        The red box 1936 (UK 1937)
        Red threads 1939 (UK 1941)

Stout, William
        Autobiography a 1744 (1851)

Stovel, Charles
ed. Canne’s (J.) A necessitie of separation from the church of England (1634), with introductory notice 1849

Stow, John
        The annales of England 1592 (1605; continued by E. Howes 1615)
        A summarie of Englyshe chronicles 1565
        A survay of London 1598 (1603, enlarged 1633, 1842)
—ed. J. Strype (1720, 1754–55)

Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher
        Dred; a tale of the Great dismal swamp 1856
        House and home papers 1865
        Little foxes 1865 (1866)
        Oldtown fireside stories 1871
        Oldtown folks 1869
        The pearl of Orr’s island 1861–62
        Poganuc people, their loves and lives 1878
        Uncle Tom’s cabin; or life among the lowly 1852
        We and our neighbors 1875

Stower, Charles
        The printer’s grammar; or, introduction to the art of printing 1808

Strachey, Alix & Strachey, James
tr. S. Freud’s Collected papers Vol. III See Riviere, Joan, et al.

Strachey, Giles Lytton
        Characters and commentaries 1933
        Eminent Victorians 1918
        Queen Victoria 1921

Strachey, James
tr. S. Freud’s Group psychology and the analysis of the ego 1922
tr. S. Freud’s Totem and taboo 1950

——et al.
tr. S. Freud’s Complete psychological works 24 vols. 1953–74
See also Strachey, Alix

Strachey, William
        The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia c 1612 (Hakl. Soc. 1849)

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of
        Letters and dispatches a 1641 (1739)

Strain, Mrs. Euphans H.
        Elmslie’s dragnet 1900

Straits Times (Malaysia) 1845– (title varies)

Stranathan, James Docking
        Theparticlesof modern physics 1942

Strand, Stanley
        Marketing dictionary 1962

Strand Electrical and Engineering Company, Ltd.
        Glossary of technical theatrical terms 1947

Strand magazine, The 1891–

Strang, Barbara Mary Hope
        A history of English 1970
        Metaphors and models: an inaugural lecture 1965
        Modern English structure 1962

Strang, James
        A lass of Lennox 1899

Strang, John
        Glasgow and its clubs 1856

Strangford, Percy E. F. W. Smythe, 8th Viscount A selection from his writings a 1869 (1869)

Strangways, Arthur Henry Fox
        The music of Hindostan 1914

Strasburger’s (E.) Handbook of practical botany ed. W. Hillhouse 1887 (1889)

Stratford, Bp. Nicholas
        Charge at Chester, May 5th 1691 1692

‘Strathesk, John’ (J. Tod)
        Bits from Blinkbonny 1882
        More bits from Blinkbonny 1884 (1885)

Stratmann, Franz H.
        A dictionary of the Old English language 1878 (ed. 3)
—new ed. by H. Bradley (1891)

Stratton-Porter, Gene
        Freckles 1904
        A girl of the Limberlost 1909
        The harvester 1911
        Laddie 1913

Straumann, Heinrich
        Newspaper headlines: a study in linguistic method 1935

Strauss’ (D. F.) New life of Jesus tr. 1865

Strauss, Gustave L. M. et al.
        England’s workshops 1864

Strauss, Victor
        The printing industry 1967

Straw, Jack. The life and death of Jack Straw, a notable rebell in England 1593

Strawson, Peter Frederick
        Individuals: an essay in descriptive metaphysics 1959

Streatfeild, George S.
        Lincolnshire and the Danes 1884

Streatfeild, Noel
        Aunt Clara 1952
        Ballet shoes 1936
        I ordered a table for six 1942

Street, George E.
        Brick and marble in the middle ages 1855 (1874)

Street robberies considered (by D. De Foe) 1728

Streeter, Edwin W.
        Precious stones and gems 1877

Streetwalker [anon.] 1959

Stretton, Charles
        Memoirs of a chequered life 1862

‘Stretton, Hesba’ (‘Hannah’, or rather Sarah, Smith)
        Through a needle’s eye 1879

Strevens, Peter Derek
        New orientations in the teaching of English 1977
        Papers in language and language teaching 1965

Strickberger, Monroe Wolf
        Genetics 1968

Strickland, Agnes
        Lives of the queens of England 1840–48
        Lives of the queens of Scotland, and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain 1850–59

Stringer, Arthur
        The wire tappers 1906

Strode, George
        The anatomie of mortalitie 1618

Strode, William
        The floating island: a tragi-comedy 1636 (1655)

Strong, Charles Augustus
        Why the mind has a body 1903

Strong, Leonard Alfred George
        All fall down 1944
        The bay 1941
        The director 1944
        Othello’s occupation 1945
        Sea wall 1933
        Sun on the water, and other stories 1940
        Trevannion 1948
        Which I never 1950

Stroud, John Anthony
        The shorn lamb 1960
        Touch and go 1961

Struther, William
        True happiness, or king Davids choice 1633

Struthers, John
        Poetical works 1850

Strutt, Jacob G.
        Sylva Britannica; or portraits of forest trees 1822 (1830)

Strutt, Joseph
        A compleat view of the manners, customs, arms, habits, etc. of the inhabitants of England 1775–76
        A complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England 1796–99
        The sports and pastimes of the people of England 1801 (1875)

Strype, John
        Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion, and..other occurrences in the church of England 1708–09, 1725–31 (1824)
        Ecclesiastical memorials, relating chiefly to religion and the reformation of it..under Henry VIII, Edward VI, and queen Mary the first 1721 (1822)
        The history of the life and acts of..E. Grindal,..archbishop of Canterbury 1710
        The life and acts of M. Parker..archbishop of Canterbury 1711
        The life and acts of..J. Whitgift..archbishop of Canterbury 1717–18
        Memorials of T. Cranmer, sometime lord archbishop of Canterbury 1694
        Stow’s (J.) Survey of the cities of London and Westminster brought the present time 1720 (1754–55)

Stuart, Arabella
        The life and letters a 1615 (ed. Elizabeth Cooper 1866)

Stuart, George
        A joco-serious discourse, in two dialogues between a Northumberland gentleman and his tenant a Scotchman 1686

Stuart, Gilbert
        The history of Scotland, from the establishment of the reformation till the death of queen Mary 1782

Stuart, Granville
        Forty years on the frontier ed. P. C. Phillips 2 vols. 1925

Stuart, H.
        The novice’s or young seaman’s catechism 1860

Stuart, Hamish
        Lochs and loch fishing 1899

Stuart, Henry W. Villiers
        Egypt after the war 1883

Stuart, Jesse
        Men of the mountains 1941

Stuart, Moses
        A grammar of the Hebrew language 1828 (1831)

‘Stuart, Robert’ (R. Meikleham)
        A descriptive history of the steam engine 1824

Stuart, Ruth MacEnery
        In Simpkinsville 1897

Stuart, William & Macpherson, J.
        Ebrard’s (J. H. A.) Apologetics; or the scientific vindication of christianity tr. 1886–87

Stubbe, Henry
        A censure upon certaine passages contained in The history of the Royal Society 1670–71
        The Indian nectar, or a discourse concerning chocolata 1662
        The miraculous conformist 1666
        The Plus ultra reduced to a nonplus, or a specimen of some animadversions upon the Plus ultra of Mr. Glanvill 1670
        Rosemary and Bayes: or, animadversions upon a treatise called The rehearsall trans-prosed (anon.) 1672

Stubbes, Philip
        The anatomie of abuses 1583 (New Shaks. Soc. 1877–79–82)

Stubbs, Jean
        The painted face 1974

Stubbs or Stubs, John
        The discoverie of a gaping gulf whereinto England is like to be swallowed by an other French mariage (anon.) 1579

Stubbs, Bp. William
        The constitutional history of England 1874–75–78
ed. Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history 1870
        Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history 1867–84 (1886)

Stucley, Lewis
        A gospel glasse representing the miscarriages of English professors 1667 (1670)

Stucley, Play of. The famous historye of the life and death of Captaine T. it hath been acted 1605 (also Simpson, School of Shakspere 1878)

Student, The; or the Oxford and Cambridge monthly miscellany (by T. Warton et al.) 1750

Student and intellectual observer, The (2nd series of The intellectual observer) 1868–71

Studholme, Edgar Channon
        Te Waimate: early station life in New Zealand 1940
—(ed. 2) 1954

Studies in English (University of Cape Town) 1970– (title varies)

Studies in English literature (University of Tokyo) 1919–

Studley, John
        The fourth tragedy of L. A. Seneca entituled Hippolytus tr. 1567 (1581)
        The seventh tragedie..entituled Medea tr. 1566
The eyght tragedie..entituled Agamemnon
tr. 1566
The tenth tragedy..entituled Hercules Oetæus
tr. c 1566 (1581)
—in Seneca his tenne tragedies (ed. T. Newton 1581)

Stukeley, Captain Thomas 1605
        See Stucley

Stukeley, William
        Abury, a temple of the Druids 1743
        The family memoirs of William Stukeley, and the antiquarian and other correspondence 17.. (Surtees Soc. 1882–87)
        Itinerarium curiosum; or an account of the antiquitys and remarkable curiositys in nature and art observ’d in travels thro’ Great Britain 1724 (1776)
        Palæographia sacra, or discourses on sacred subjects 1763
        Stonehenge, a temple restor’d to the British Druids 1740

Sturgis, Russell
        A dictionary of architecture and building: biographical, historical and descriptive 3 vols. 1901–2

Sturmy, Samuel
        The mariners magazine, or Sturmy’s mathematical and practical arts etc. 1669 (1683)

Sturt, Charles
        Narrative of an expedition into central Australia 1849
        Two expeditions into the interior of southern Australia 1833

Sturtevant, Edgar Howard
        Comparative grammar of the Hittite language 1933

Sturtevant, Simon
        Metallica; or the treatise of metallica 1612 (1855)

Styron, William
        Confessions of Nat Turner 1967
        Sophie’s choice 1979

Styward, Thomas
        The pathwaie to martiall discipline 1581

Suckling, Sir John
        Aglaura 1638
        Brennoralt, a tragedy 1639 (1646)
        Fragmenta aurea, a collection of all the incomparable peeces written by Sir J. Suckling a 1642 (1646, 1648)
        The goblins, a comedy 1638 (1646)
        Poems, plays and other remains a 1642 (1874)

Sudworth, George Bishop
        Nomenclature of the arborescent flora of the United States 1897

Sue’s (M. J. Eugène) Mysteries of Paris tr. 1844

Suffolk, Henrietta Howard, Countess of
        Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk 1712–67 (1824)

Suffolk words, from Cullum’s History of Hawsted 1813 (E.D.S. 1879)

Suicide, a poem 1773

Sulivan, Richard J.
        A view of nature 1794

Sullivan, Sir Edward
        Woman the predominant partner 1894

Sullivan, James
        The history of the district of Maine 1795

Sullivan, Joseph M.
        Criminal slang 1908

Sully, James
        Outlines of psychology 1884
        Sensation and intuition: studies in psychology and æsthetics 1874

Summary of all the religious houses in England and Wales, A (by G. Duckett) 1717

Summary upon the famous poeme of William of Saluste, Lord of Bartas, A learned tr. (by T. Lodge) 1621

Summary view of the feudal law, A, with the differences of the Scots law from it (by J. Dundas) 1710

Summers, Montague (Alphonsus J.-M. A. M. Summers)
        The supernatural omnibus 1931

Summerton, Margaret
        A memory of darkness 1967
        A small wilderness 1959
        The sunset hour 1957

Sumner, Charles
        Orations and speeches v.d. (1850)

Sumner, James Batcheller & Myrbäck, Karl
eds. The enzymes 2 vols. in 4 parts 1950–2

—— & Somers, George Frederick
        Chemistry and methods of enzymes 1943

Sumner, William Graham
        Folkways: a study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores, and morals 1907

Sun, The (Baltimore, Maryland) 1837–

Sun, The (London) 1964–

Sun (New York) 1833– (title varies)

Sun-Herald (Sydney) 1953–

Sunday Advocate-News (Barbados) 1968–

Sunday Bulletin (Philadelphia)
See Philadelphia Bulletin

Sunday Dispatch 1928–61

Sunday Express (London) 1918–

Sunday Express and Home Journal (Johannesburg) 1937–

Sunday magazine, The 1864–Y

Sunday Mail (Glasgow) 1919–

Sunday Nation (Nairobi) 1960–

Sunday Pictorial 1915–63

Sunday Post (Glasgow) 1920–

Sunday Times (Johannesburg) 1906–

Sunday Times (Lagos) 1953–

Sunday Times (London) 1822–

Sunday Truth (Brisbane) 1960–71

Sunset (title varies) 1898–

Supernatural religion (by W. R. Cassels) 1874–77

Suppes, Patrick
        Introduction to logic 1957

Supplication of certaine masse priests falsely called catholikes directed to the kings maiestie, The 1604

Supplication of the poore commons, A 1546 (with Fish, Supplication, E.E.T.S. 1871)
        A supplycacion to..Kynge Henry the eyght 1544 (ibid.)

Suppression of monasteries, Three chapters of letters relating to the 1528–55 (Camden Soc. 1843)

Surfer: the international surfing magazine 1960–

Surflet, Richard
        Estienne (C.) and Liébault’s (J.) Maison rustique, or the countrie farme tr. 1600
—augmented by G. Markham 1616

Surgery 1937–

Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics 1905–

Surr, Thomas S.
        Splendid misery (a novel) 1801
        A winter in London; or sketches of fashion, a novel 1805 (1806)

Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
        Works a 1547 (Chalmers 1810; ed. Nott 1815; Anglia XXIX, 1906)
        Certain bokes (II and IV) of Virgiles Æneis tr. a 1547 (1557; Roxb. Club 1814)
        Five chapters from the Ecclesiastes of Solomon paraphrastically versified a 1547 (Park, Harington’s Nugæ antiquæ II, 1804; Anglia XXIX)
        Songes and sonettes, written by the..Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other (Tottel’s miscellany) a 1547 (1557; Arber)

Surrey and Kent Sewer commission, Court minutes of the 1569–79 (L.C.C. 1909)

Surrey Archæological Society
        Collections (1858– )

Surrey glossary 1876, 1893
        See Gower, G. L.

Surtees, Robert
        A memoir (with poems and letters) of R. Surtees (a 1834) by G. Taylor (Surtees Soc. 1852)

Surtees, Robert S.
        Ask mamma 1858
        Handley Cross; or the spa hunt 1843 (1854)
        Mr. Facey Romford’s hounds 1865
        Mr. Sponge’s sporting tour 1853

Surtees Society
        Publications (1835– )
Miscellanea (1861)
A volume of English miscellanies (1890)

Survey: a journal of East and West studies 1955–

Survey of the affaires of the United Netherlands, An exact 1665

Survey of the insolent..libel entituled Napthali, A (by Bp. A. Honyman) 1668 (1669)

Susan: a novel (anon.) 1809

Sussex archæological collections, published by the Sussex Archæological Society (1848–)

Sutcliff, Robert
        Travels in some parts of North America in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806 1811

Sutcliffe, Halliwell
        Mistress Barbara Cunliffe 1902
        Shameless Wayne 1900

Sutcliffe, Matthew
        A briefe examination of a certaine..petition the kinges..maiestie 1606
        A briefe replie to a certaine..libel lately published by a seditious Jesuite, calling himselfe N. D…by O. E. (i.e. Sutcliffe) 1600

Sutherland, Alexander
        St. Kathleen, or the rock of Dunnismoyle (anon.) 1820

Sutherland, Alexander 1892
        See Dawson, G. M.

‘Sutherland, Joan’ (Joan Collings)
        The circle of the stars 1924

Sutherland, William
        The ship builder’s assistant 1711

Suttie, Jane Isabel
tr. S. Ferenczi’s Further contributions to the theory and technique of psycho-analysis 1926

Sutton, Edward
        North Lincolnshire words 1881 (E.D.S.)

Sutton, Oliver Graham
        The science of flight 1949

Sutton, Thomas
        A dictionary of photography 1858

‘Suyin, Han’
        See ‘Han Suyin’

Suzuki, Daisetsu Teitaro
        Zen Buddhism and its influence on Japanese culture 1938

Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1907–

Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, Johnson, M. W., & Fleming, R. H.
        The oceans: their physics, chemistry, and general biology 1942

Swaan, Wim
        Japanese lantern 1965

Swainson, Charles
        A handbook of weather folk-lore 1873
        Provincial names and folk lore of British birds 1885 (E.D.S.)

Swainson, William
        On the natural history and classification of birds 1836–37
of fishes etc. 1838–39
of quadrupeds 1835
        Zoological illustrations 1820–33

—— & Shuckard, W. E.
        On the history and natural arrangement of insects 1840

Swaledale glossary 1873
        See Harland, J.

Swan, Annie S.
        Aldersyde, a Border story 1883
        Carlowrie; or, among Lothian folk 1884
        Doris Cheyne, the story of a noble life 1888
        The gates of Eden 1887
        A victory won 1895

Swan, John
        Speculum mundi, or a glasse representing the face of the world 1635 (1643, 1670)

Swan, Lester A. & Papp, Charles Steven
        The common insects of North America 1972

Swan, Michael Lancelot
        British Guiana 1957

Swann, Harry Kirke
        A dictionary of English and folk-names of British birds 1913

Swanson, Carl Pontius
        Cytology and cytogenetics 1957 (UK 1958)

Swanton, Michael J.
ed. The dream of the Rood 1970

Swayne, Henry J. F.
ed. Churchwardens’ accounts of S. Edmund and S. Thomas, Sarum, 1443–1702 a 1892 (1896)

Swayne, James Colin
        A concise glossary of geographical terms 1956

Sweden, A short survey of the kingdom of 1632

Swedenborg’s (or Swedberg, Emanuel) The animal kingdom, considered anatomically, physically, and philosophically tr. J. J. G. Wilkinson 1843
        The apocalypse revealed tr. 1791 (1876)
        Heaven and its wonders,..and hell tr. S. Noble 1839 (revised 1851)
        The true christian religion tr. 1781 (1786, 1873)

Sweeney, Charles
        The scurrying bush 1966

Sweet, Alexander Edwin & Knox, John Armoy
        On a Mexican mustang through Texas, from the Gulf to the Rio Grande 1883 (UK 1884)

Sweet, Charles
        A dictionary of English law 1882

Sweet, Henry
        An Anglo-saxon reader 1876 (1908)
A second Anglo-saxon reader 1887
        A handbook of phonetics 1877
        A history of English sounds 1874 (1888)
        A new English grammar 1892–98
ed. The oldest English texts (E.E.T.S. 1885)
        A primer of phonetics 1890
        The student’s dictionary of Anglo-saxon 1897

Sweet-Escott, Bickham
        Baker Street irregular 1965

Swell’s night guide, The 1841
—(another ed.) 1846
—(another ed.) 1847

Swete, Henry B.
        Studies in the teaching of our Lord 1903

Swetnam, Joseph
        The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward and unconstant women 1615

Swetnam the woman-hater arraigned by women 1620 (Grosart 1880)

Swettenham, Frank A.
        British Malaya: an account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya 1907
        Malay sketches 1895

Swift, Gilbert
        Somerley: school-boy and undergraduate 1900

Swift, Jonathan
        Works a 1745 (1735–38–46, 1751, 1755–68, 1814, 1841)
        The battle of the books 1697 (with Tale of a tub 1704)
        The bubble: a poem (Upon the South Sea project) 1721
        Cadenus and Vanessa, a poem 1713 (1726)
        A complete collection of genteel and ingenious conversation (Polite conversation) 1731–38 (1738; Wks. 1738 VI)
        The conduct of the allies, and of the late ministry, in beginning and carrying on the present war 1711
        Correspondence a 1745 (1841)
        Directions to servants in general 1729 (1745)
        A discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the spirit 1704 (with Tale of a tub)
        A discourse of the contests and dissensions between the nobles and the commons in Athens and Rome 1701 (Misc. 1711)
        The Drapier letters 1724, 1735
        The history of the four last years of the queen a 1745 (1758)
        The history of Martin 1720 (Misc. Works)
        The journal to Stella 1710–13 (Wks., also 1901)
        A letter..concerning the sacramental test 1708 (Misc. 1711)
        Letters by Dr. Swift and several of his friends 1703–40 (1767)
        Letters to and from Dr. J. Swift 1714–38 (1741)
        Miscellaneous works (The tale of a tub, Miscellanies in prose and verse) 1720
        Miscellanies in prose and verse 1711, 1722
        A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents, or the country 1729
        Predictions for the year 1708, by I. Bickerstaff 1708 (Misc. 1711; Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
Vindication of I. Bickerstaff 1709 (ibid.)
        A proposal for correcting, improving, and ascertaining the English tongue 1712
        The publick spirit of the Whigs set forth 1714
        Some free thoughts upon the present state of affairs 1714
        The South Sea project See Bubble, above
        A tale of a tub, written for the universal improvement of mankind..To which is added, An account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James’s library 1704
        Travels into several remote nations of the world, in four parts, by Lemuel Gulliver 1726

—— et al.
        Memoirs of P. P. clerk of this parish c 1725 (Misc. 1727)

Swift, Theophilus
        The gamblers, a poem 1777

Swinbourne, Alfred
        Picture logic; or the grave made gay 1874 (1875)

Swinburne, Algernon Charles
        Atalanta in Calydon, a tragedy 1864 (1865, 1868)
        Bothwell; a tragedy 1874
        Chapman’s (G.) Works, Poems and minor translations ed. with an introduction by A. C. Swinburne 1875
        Chastelard; a tragedy 1865
        Erechtheus; a tragedy 1876
        Letters ed. C. Y. Lang 6 vols. 1959–62
        Locrine, a tragedy 1887
        Miscellanies 1877 etc. (1886)
        A note on Charlotte Brontë 1877
        Note of an English republican on the Muscovite crusade 1876
        Songs before sunrise 1871
        Songs of the springtides 1880
        Studies in prose and poetry 1883–93 (1894)
        A study of Ben Jonson 1889
        A study of Shakespeare 1879 (1880)
        A study of Victor Hugo 1886
        Under the microscope 1872
        William Blake, a critical essay 1867 (1868)

Swinburne, Henry
        A briefe treatise of testaments and last willes 1590
        A treatise of spousals or matrimonial contracts a 1623 (1686)

Swinburne, Henry
        Travels through Spain 1779

Swing music 1935–6

Swinhoe, Robert
        Narrative of the North China campaign of 1860 1861

Swinnerton, Frank Arthur
        The doctor’s wife comes to stay 1949

Swinnock, George
        The door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration 1660

Swinson, Arthur Horace
        Six minutes to sunset: the story of General Dyer and the Amritsar affair 1964

Switzer, Stephen
        Ichnographia, or the nobleman, gentleman, and gardener’s recreation 1718
        An introduction to a general system of hydrostaticks and hydraulicks 1729
        The practical fruit gardener 1724
        The practical kitchen gardener 1727

Swyer, Gerald Isaac M.
        Reproduction and sex 1954

Sybthorpe, Robert 1627
        See Sibthorp

Sydenham, Humphrey
        Sermons upon solemne occasions v.d. (1637)

Sydenham (New) Society
        Publications (1859–1901)
A biennial retrospect of medicine, surgery, and their allied sciences 1867–68 1869
Lexicon of medicine and allied sciences. By H. Power & L. W. Sedgwick 1879–99

Sydney, University of. Australian Language Research Centre
        Occasional papers 1964–

Sydney Morning Herald 1842–

Sydney papers
See Sidney state papers

Sydney slang dictionary, The ? 1882

Sylph, The; a novel (anon.) 1779

        The bye-lanes and downs of England, with turf scenes and characters 1850

Sylvester, James Joseph
        Collected mathematical papers 1837–97 (1904–12)

Sylvester, Josuah
        Complete works a 1618 (Grosart 1880)
        Bethulians rescue tr. 1614
        A divine and true tragi-comedy; Job triumphant in his triall 1615
        Du Bartas’ (G. de S.) The batail of Yvry tr. 1614
        Du Bartas his divine weekes and workes tr. 1591–1608 (1605, 1608, 1641)
        Du Bartas’ Triumph of faith, the sacrifice of Isaac, the ship-wracke of Jonas etc. tr. 1592
        Lachrimæ lachrimarum; or the distillation of teares shede for the death of..Panaretus 1612
        Little Bartas, or brief meditations on the power..and goodnes of God 1614
        The maidens blush, or Joseph tr. a 1618
        Micro-cosmo-graphia: the little-worlds description tr. (from H. Smith) 1613
        Monodia 1594
        The parliament of vertues royall (Panaretus) tr. 1614
The second session of the parliament of vertues royall 1616
        The profit of imprisonment (A paradox against libertie) tr. 1593–94 (1605)
        Tobacco battered and the pipes shattered c 1615 (1617)
        Urania, or the heavenly muse 1605

Sylvester, Matthew
ed. Reliquiæ Baxterianæ: or Mr. R. Baxter’s narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times 1696

Symes, Michael
        An account of an embassy to the kingdom of Ava in 1795 1800

Symmer, Archibald
        Rest for the weary 1630
        A spirituall posie for Zion 1629

Symmons, Charles
        The life of John Milton 1806 (1810, 1822)

Symmons, Edward
        A loyall subjects beliefe, expressed in a letter to Master S. Marshall 1643
        A vindication of king Charles 1648

Symmons, John
        The Agamemnon of Æschylus tr. 1824

Symonds, John Addington
        Italian byways 1883
        Letters ed. H. M. Schueller & R. L. Peters 3 vols. 1967–9
        The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti 1893
        Renaissance in Italy 1875–86 (1898)
        Shakespeare’s predecessors in the English drama 1884
        Shelley (English men of letters) 1878
        Sketches in Italy and Greece 1874
        Sketches and studies in Italy 1879
        Sketches and studies in Italy and Greece (a new ed. of the two prec. and Italian byways 1898)
        Studies of the Greek poets 1873–76}
        J. A. Symonds; a biography compiled from his papers and correspondence, by H. F. Brown (1895)

Symonds, Joseph
        A sermon before sundry of the House of Commons 1641

Symonds, Richard
        Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war 1644–45 (Camden Soc. 1859)

Symonds, William S.
        Records of the rocks; or, notes on the geology of Wales, Devon, Cornwall, etc. 1872

Symons, Arthur
        The symbolist movement in literature 1899

Symons, Julian Gustave
        The end of Solomon Grundy 1964
        The narrowing circle 1954
        A three pipe problem 1975

Symons, R. D.
        Many trails 1963
        Where the wagon led 1973

Symposia in Applied Mathematics
        Proceedings 1947–

Symson, Andrew
        A large description of Galloway 1684–92 (1823)

Symson, Archibald
        See Simson

Synge, John Millington
        Letters to Molly: J. M. Synge to Maire O’Neill 1906–1909 ed. A. Saddlemyer 1971
        The playboy of the western world 1907

System of natural history, A. Botany, by E. Smith; Zoology, by W. S. Dallas 1855 (Orr’s Circle of the sciences)
