
        Discolliminium: or a most obedient reply to a late book called Bounds and bonds 1650

B., Lt. Col.
        The whist player 1856 (1858)

B., A.
        Lessius’ (Leonardus) De providentia numinis tr. 1631

B., A.
        Mutatus Polemo: the horrible stratagems of the Jesuits lately practised in England 1650

B., E. 1652
        See Benlowes, E.

B. E. a 1700
        See E., B.

B., F.
        A free but modest censure on the late controversial writings and debates of the Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr. Locke, etc. 1698

B., G. (i.e. W. Baldwin)
        Beware the cat 1561 (1570, 1584, Halliw. 1864)

B., J.
        See Bate, J.; Bryan, J.

B., O.
        Questions of profitable and pleasant concernings, talked of by two olde seniors..under an oake in Kenelworth parke 1594

B., R.
        Appius and Virginia 1575 (Hazl. Dodsley IV)

B., R. 1669
        See Baddiley, R.

B., R. 1705
        See Beverly, R.

B., T.
        De La Primaudaye’s French academie tr. 1586–94 (1589, 1594)
        See Bowes, Thomas

B., T. 1650
        See Bayly, T.

B., Sir W.
        J. de Meun’s Dodechedron of Fortune tr. 1613

B., W.
        Michaelis’ (S.) Admirable historie..of a penitent woman seduced by a magician tr. 1613

B., W.
        The philosopher’s banquet tr. 1614 (ed. 2)

B., W.
        Sarpi’s (P.) Free (true) schoole of warre tr. 1625

B., W.
        A touchstone for gold and silver wares 1676

B., W.
        See Baucke, William

        See British Broadcasting Corporation

BP shield international 1961–81

        See British Standards Institution

Babbage, Charles
        A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives 1826
        The economy of manufactures 1832
        The ninth Bridgewater treatise 1837 (1838)

Babcock, Ernest Brown & Clausen, Roy Elwood
        Genetics in relation to agriculture 1918

Babees Book c 1475 (E.E.T.S. 1868)

Babington, Charles C.
        Manual of British botany 1843 (1847)

Babington, Gervase
        Workes a 1610 (1622)
        Comfortable notes upon Exodus 1604
        A briefe conference betwixt man’s frailtie and faith 1584 (1596)
        A very fruitfull exposition of the commandments 1583
        A profitable exposition of the Lord’s Prayer 1580 (1596)

Baboo, The; and other tales (by A. Prinsep) 1834

Babson, Marian
        Cover-up story 1971
        The stalking lamb 1974

Babylonian princess, Memoirs of a
See Asmar, M. T.

Bacchanalian sessions, The; or the contention of liquors (by R. Ames) 1693

Bacchus and Venus: or a select collection of…songs 1737

Bacchus bountie.. By Philip Foulface of Ale-foord 1593 (Harl. Misc.)

Bach, Emmon
        An introduction to transformational grammars 1964

Bacharach, Alfred Louis
ed. British music of our time 1946
ed. The musical companion 1934

Bachelor of the Albany, The (by M. W. Savage) 1845 (1854)

Bachmann, Lawrence Paul
        The ultimate act 1972

Backwoods of Canada, The (by Mrs. Traill) 1836

Bacon, Alice Mabel
        Japanese girls and women 1891
        A Japanese interior 1893

Bacon, Lady Ann
        Jewel’s (J.) Apologie or answere in defence of the church of Englande tr. 1564 (Parker Soc. 1848)

Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam
        Works a 1626 (B. Montagu 1825–36, Spedding, etc. 1857–74)
        Of the advancement of learning 1605 (1869). See also Watts, G.
        An advertisement touching an holy warre a 1626 (1629)
        Certaine miscellany Works (Publ. by Rawley 1629)
        Considerations touching a warre with Spaine a 1626 (1629)
        Of the coulers of good and euill 1597 (with Essays, Arber)
        A digest of Laws c 1617
        The elements of the common lawes; Maxims and Use 1596 (1630, 1635–36)
        Essayes 1597, 1612, 1625 (Arber)
        History naturall and experimentall of life and death tr. Rawley 1638 (1650)
        The historie of the raigne of king Henry the seventh 1622
        The new Atlantis 1626
        Novum organum tr. 1844 (Phys. works, Bohn 1853)
        Resuscitatio (Publ. by Rawley 1657–61)
        Sacred meditations 1598 (in Essays, Arber)
        Sylva sylvarum; or a naturall historie 1626
        The wisdom of the ancients tr. B. Montagu (1825–34)

Bacon, Gertrude
        Balloons, airships and flying machines 1905

Bacon, Leonard
        The genesis of the New England churches 1874

Bacon, Nathaniel
        Historical discourse of the uniformity of the government of England (= Laws and government in ed. 1682 and following edd.) 1647, 1651 (1739)

Bacon, Thomas
        First impressions and studies from nature in Hindostan 1837

Bacteriological reviews 1937–

Badcock, John (‘Jon Bee’)
        Domestic amusements 1823
        Essay on the life of Foote (F.’s wks.) 1830
        A living picture of London 1828
        Slang. A dictionary of the turf, etc. 1823

Baddeley, V. C. C.
        See Clinton-Baddeley, Victor Clinton

Baddiley, Richard
        The life of Dr. T. Morton, late bishop of Duresme, by R. B. 1669

Baden-Powell, Robert S. S.
        The Matabele campaign 1896
        Pigsticking or hoghunting 1889
        Scouting for boys 1908

Badham, Charles D.
        Prose halieutics 1854

Badminton library of sports and pastimes, The (1887 etc.)

Bæda’s Ecclesiastical history tr. c 900 (J. Schipper 1899, E.E.T.S. 1890–98)

Bagby, George William
        The old Virginia gentleman, and other sketches ed. T. N. Page 1910

Bage, Robert
        Barham downs 1784
        Hermsprong; or man as he is not 1796

Bagehot, Walter
        Collected works ed. N. St. John-Stevas 1965–
        The English constitution 1867
        The history of the unreformed parliament 1860
        Literary studies a 1877 (1879)
        Physics and politics 1876

Bagford ballads, The 16.. (Ballad Soc. 1878)

Bagg, Lyman Hotchkiss
        Four years at Yale 1871

Baggs, Thomas Alexander
        Back from the front: an eye-witness’s narrative of the beginnings of the Great War, 1914 1914

Bagley, Desmond
        The enemy 1977
        The freedom trap 1971
        The snow tiger 1975
        The spoilers 1969
        The tightrope men 1973

Bahamian review 1952–

Bailar, John Christian, et al.
        Comprehensive inorganic chemistry 5 vols. 1973

Bailey, Alan Robert
        A text-book of metallurgy 1954
—(ed. 2) 1960

Bailey, Frederick M.
        The fern world of Australia 1881

Bailey, Hamilton & Love, Robert John McNeill
        A short practice of surgery 2 vols. 1932 (and many later editions used)

Bailey, Henry Christopher
        Dead man’s shoes 1942
        Mr. Fortune’s practice 1923

Bailey, John
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Durham 1810

—— & Culley, George
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Cumberland 1794

        Northumberland 1794 (1805)

Bailey, John
        Letters and diaries ed. S. Bailey 1935

Bailey, Liberty Hyde
ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture 4 vols. 1907–9
ed. Cyclopedia of American horticulture 4 vols. 1900–2
        Manual of cultivated plants 1924
—(rev. ed.) 1949
ed. The standard cyclopedia of horticulture 6 vols. 1914–17

Bailey, Nathan
        Dictionarium Britannicum: or a more compleat universal etymological English dictionary 1730, 1736
        Erasmus’ Colloquies tr. 1725 (1878)
        Household dictionary 1736
        An universal etymological English dictionary 1721 and many editions to 1800

Bailey, Philip J.
        The age 1858
        Festus 1839 (1845, 1848, 1852)
        The mystic 1855

Bailey, Samuel
        Discourses on various subjects 1852

Baillie, Granville Hugh
        Watches 1929

Baillie, Lady Grisell
        The household book 1692–1733 (S.H.S. 1911)

Baillie, Joanna
        Metrical legends 1821
        Poems v.d. (1823, 1853)
        A series of plays in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind 1798–1812

Baillie, Matthew
        The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body 1793 (1807)

Baillie, Robert
        Anabaptism 1646 (1647)
        The Caunterburians self-conviction 1640
        The dissuasive..vindicated 1653 (1655)
        The letters and journals v.d. (Bannatyne Club 1841)
        A parallel of the liturgy with the Mass-book 1641

Baillie-Scott, M. H.
        Houses and gardens 1906

Bain, Alexander
        Education as a science 1879
        The emotions and the will 1859
        John Stuart Mill 1882
        Mental and moral science 1868
        The senses and the intellect 1855

Bainbridge, Beryl
        Sweet William 1975
        Young Adolf 1978

Bainbridge, John
        Astronomicall description of the late comet 1619

Baines, Anthony
ed. Musical instruments through the ages 1961

Baines, Edward
        The history..of the county palatine of Lancaster 1824 (1868–70)
        A history of the wars of the French revolution 1816–18

Baines, Sir Edward
        History of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain 1835

Baines, John Thomas
        Explorations in South-West Africa 1864

Baines, Thomas
        Greenhouse and stove plants 1885

Baines, William Mortimer
        The narrative of Edward Crewe; or, Life in New Zealand 1874

Baird, Irene
        Waste heritage 1939

Baird, Robert
        A view of the valley of the Mississippi; or, The emigrant’s and traveller’s guide to the West 1832

Baird, Spencer F.
        The birds of North America 1860
        Mammals of North America 1859

Baird, William
        Cyclopædia of the natural sciences, or a dictionary of natural history 1858

Baker, Miss Anne E.
        Glossary of Northamptonshire words and phrases 1854

Baker, Cyril Clarence Thomas
        Dictionary of mathematics 1961

Baker, Daniel
        Poems upon several occasions 1697

Baker, David
        The holy practises of a deuine louer, or the sainctly ideots deuotions (anon.) a 1641 (1657)

Baker, David Erskine
        Biographia dramatica 1812

Baker, Dorothy
        Young man with a horn 1938

Baker, George
        The composition or making of the..precious oil called Oleum magistrale 1574
        Gesner’s Newe jewell of health tr. 1576
        Guydon’s Questyonary of a chirurgien tr. 1579

Baker, Henry
        The microscope made easy 1742

Baker, Henry F.
        Abel’s theorem and the allied theory, including the theory of the Theta functions 1897

Baker, Humphrey
        The well spring of sciences 1562 (1574, 1617)

Baker, John Randal
        Principles of biological microtechnique: a study of fixation and dyeing 1958
        Race 1974

Baker, Sir Richard
        An apology for laymen’s writing divinity 1641
        Chronicle of the kings of England 1643 (1679, 1696)
        Letters of Monsieur Balzac tr. 1638 (1654)
        Malvezzi’s (V.) Discourses upon C. Tacitus tr. 1642

Baker, Robert Horace
        Astronomy 1930
—(ed. 8) 1964

Baker, Roger Denio
        Essential pathology 1961

Baker, Sir Samuel W.
        The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia 1872
        Wild beasts and their ways 1890

Baker, Sidney John
        Australia speaks: a supplement toThe Australian language’ 1953
        The Australian language 1945
—(ed. 2) 1966
        The drum: Australian character and slang 1959 (UK 1960)
        New Zealand slang 1941
        A popular dictionary of Australian slang 1941
—(ed. 3) 1943

Baker, Thomas
        Reflections upon learning 1699

Baker, Thomas
        The female tatler 1709
        Tunbridge walks 1703

Bakewell, Frederick C.
        Geology for schools and students 1854

Bakewell, Robert
        An introduction to geology 1813 (1815, 1838)

Balance and Columbian Repository (Hudson, NY) 1801–8

Balchin, Nigel Marlin
        Darkness falls from the air 1942
        Lord, I was afraid 1947
        The small back room 1943
        A way through the wood 1951

See Dale, J. D. H.

Baldwin, Faith
        Innocent bystander 1933 (UK 1935)

Baldwin, James Arthur
        Another country 1962 (UK 1963)
        Go tell it on the mountain 1953 (UK 1954)

Baldwin, James Mark
ed. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology 3 vols. 1901–5

Baldwin, John D.
        Prehistoric nations 1869

Baldwin, Joseph G.
        The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi 1853

Baldwin, William
        Beware the cat. By G. B. 1561 (1570, 1584, Halliw. 1864)
        The canticles or balades of Solomon tr. 1549
        The funeralles of king Edward the sixt 1560
        A treatise of morall philosophie 1547
—enlarged by T. Palfreyman 1564 (1595)
See also Mirror for magistrates

Baldwin, William C.
        African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi 1863

Bale, John
        The actes of the Englysh votaryes 1546–50
        Answere to a papystycall exhortacyon c 1548
        The apology of J. B. agaynste a ranke papyst 1550
        A brefe chronycle concernynge Syr J. Oldecastell 1544
        A christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers ?1543
        A comedye concernynge thre lawes 1538
        Gardiner’s (S.) De vera obedientia tr. 1553
        The image of both churches 1545–50 (Parker Soc. 1849)
        Kynge Johan: a play c 1550 (Camden Soc. 1838)
        The pageant of Popes tr. 1574
        Select Works a 1563 (Parker Soc. 1849)
        A tragedye..manyfestyng the chefe promyses of God vnto man 1538
        The vocacyon of J. B. 1553
        Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe; a dysclosynge or openynge of the manne of synne 1543

Bales, Peter
        The writing schoolemaster 1590

Balfour, Andrew
        By stroke of sword 1897
        To arms 1898

Balfour, Arthur J., Earl of
        A defence of philosophic doubt, being an essay on the foundations of belief 1879

Balfour, Clara L.
        Working women of this century 1854 (1868)

Balfour, David
        Odal rights and feudal wrongs 1860
        Oppressions of the sixteenth century in..Orkney 1859 (Maitland Club)

Balfour, Edward
        Cyclopædia of India 1857 (enlarged 1871–73, 1885)

Balfour, Isaac Bayley
tr. C. E. von Goebel’s Organography of plants 2 vols. 1900–5

Balfour, Sir James
        Practicks; or a system of the more ancient law of Scotland c 1575 (1754)

Balfour, Sir James
        Annales of Scotland a 1657 (1824–25)

Balfour, John H.
        A manual of botany 1849
        Outlines of botany 1854

Balguy, Thomas
        Discourses on various subjects 1785

Balinsky, Boris Ivan
        An introduction to embryology 1960

Ball, Benjamin W.
        Elfin land, and other poems 1851

Ball, John
        Flora of the Peruvian Andes 1885 (in Jrnl. Linn. Soc. XXII)
        Notes of a naturalist in South America 1887

Ball, John Dudley
        The cool cottontail 1966 (UK 1967)
        Five pieces of jade 1972

Ball, Kenneth
        Fiat 600, 600D autobook 1970

Ball, Sir Robert S.
        In the high heavens 1893
        The story of the sun 1893

Ball, Samuel
        An account of the cultivation and manufacture of tea in China 1848

Ballad society
        Publications (1868– )

Ballads from MSS. 15.. (Ballad Soc. 1868–73)

Ballantine, James
        The gaberlunzie’s wallet 1843–44 (1875)
        Lilias Lee, and other poems 1871
        The miller of Deanhaugh 1844

Ballantine, William
        Some experiences of a barrister’s life 1882

Ballantyne, David Watt
        The Cunninghams 1948 (UK 1963)

Ballantyne, Robert M.
        Shifting winds 1866

Ballet annual, The 1947–41

Balmerino abbey. The chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores (Abbotsford Club 1841)

Bamff charters 1232–1703 (ed. Sir J. H. Ramsay 1915)

Bamford, Samuel
        Passages in the life of a Radical 1844

Bampfield, Thomas
        A reply to Dr. Wallis concerning the Christian sabbath 1693

Bancroft, Edward
        An essay on the natural history of Guiana 1769
        Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours 1794

Bancroft, George
        Footprints of time 1874
        History of the United States 1834–75 (1876)

Bancroft, Hubert Howe
        The history of Central America 1883–87
        The native races of the Pacific states of North America 5 vols. 1875–6

Bancroft, Abp. Richard
        Daungerous positions and proceedings 1593

Band, George C.
        Road to Rakaposhi 1955

Band, Ruffe, and Cuffe, A merry dialogue between 1615 (Halliwell 1849)

Banffshire glossary
See Gregor, W.

Banfield, Edmund James
        The confessions of a beachcomber 1908

Bangladesh Times (Dacca) 1974–

Banim, John
        Anglo-Irish of the nineteenth century 1828
        The smuggler 3 vols. 1831
        Tales of the O’Hara family 1825–26

Banister, Henry C.
        Music 1873

Banister, John
        The historie of man 1578
        A needful, new and necessary treatise of chyrurgerie 1575

Bankes, George N.
        A Cambridge staircase 1883

Banks, Elizabeth L.
        The autobiography of a newspaper girl 1902
        Campaigns of curiosity 1894
        The mystery of Frances Farrington 1909

Banks, Michael Edward Borg
        Commando climber 1955

Bankton, Lord
        See McDouall, A.

Bannatyne, George
        Ancient Scottish poems a 1568 (1770)
        The Bannatyne MS. a 1568 (Hunterian Club 1873–88)

Bannatyne, Richard
        Journal of transactions in Scotland 1570–73 (1806)

Bannatyne Club
        Publications (1823– )

Bannerman, David Armitage
        The birds of the British Isles 12 vols. 1953–63

Bannister, Roger Gilbert
        First four minutes 1955

Banquet, The (by H. Busk) 1819

Banquett of dainties for all such gestes that love moderate dyate, The 1566

Banton, Michael Parker
        The policeman in the community 1964
        West African city: a study of tribal life in Freetown 1957

Banvard, Joseph
        Plymouth and the pilgrims 1851

Baptist magazine 1809–1904

‘Barbellion, W. N. P.’ (Bruce Frederick Cummings)
        The journal of a disappointed man 1919

Barber, Charles Laurence
        Linguistic change in present-day English 1964

Barber, Horatio
        The aeroplane speaks 1916

Barbette’s (P.) Chirurgical and anatomical works tr. 1672

‘Barbican, James’
        The confessions of a rum-runner 1927

Barbier, Jo.
        Janua linguarum quadrilinguis, or a messe of tongues: Latine, English, French, and Spanish, neatly served up together 1617

Barbour, John
        The Bruce 1375 (texts, 1487, 1489, 1616) (E.E.T.S. 1870–89; S.T.S. 1894)
See also: Legends of the saints, and Scottish Trojan war.

Barbour, Robert W.
        Thoughts from the writings of a 1891 (1900)

Barckley, Sir Richard
        Discourse of the felicitie of man 1598 (1603, 1631)

Barclay, Alexander
        Certayne eglogues 1515 (1570)
        The cytezen and uplondyshman 1514 (Percy Soc. 1847)
        The famous chronicle of warre, whyche the Romaynes hadde agaynst Jugurth c 1520
        The mirrour of good manners c 1510 (1570)
        The shyp of folys 1509 (1570, 1874)

Barclay, Florence Louisa
        The broken halo 1913
        The rosary 1909

Barclay, James
        A complete and universal English dictionary 1774 (1792)

Barclay’s (John) Argenis tr…the prose by Sir R. Le Grys and the verses by T. May 1628 (1629)
See also May, T.

Barclay, John
        The muscular motions of the human body 1808
        A new anatomical nomenclature 1803

Barclay, Rachel Mary
tr. E. Kraepelin’s Dementia praecox and paraphrenia ed. G. M. Robertson 1919

Barclay, Robert
        An apology for the..Quakers 1678

Barclay, William
        Nepenthes, or the vertues of tabacco 1614

Baret, John
        An alvearie or triple (quadruple) dictionarie 1573, 1580

Baret, Michael
        An hipponomie, or the vineyard of horsemanship 1618

Baretti, Guiseppe
        A dictionary of the English and Italian languages 1760, etc.

Barford, John Edward Quintus
        Climbing in Britain 1946

Bargrave, Isaac
        A sermon 1615
        Two sermons 1624, 1627

Bargrave, John
        Pope Alexander VII 1662 (Camden Soc. 1867)

Barham, Henry
        Hortus Americanus 1794

Barham, Richard H.
        The Ingoldsby legends a 1845
        Life and letters v.d. (1870)

Baring, Maurice
        Landmarks in Russian literature 1910

Baring-Gould, Sabine
        A book of the West 1899
        The book of werewolves 1865
        Cheap-Jack Zita 1893
        Court Royal 1886
        The deserts of southern France 1894
        The Gaverocks 1887
        Germany past and present 1879
        Historic oddities 1889, 1891
        Iceland 1863
        In troubadour-land 1891
        Kitty alone 1894
        Mehalah 1880
        The mystery of suffering 1877
        The queen of love 1894
        Red spider 1887

—— & Twigge, R.
        An armory of the western counties 1898

Barker, Edward H.
        Two summers in Guyenne 1894

Barker, George Granville
        News of the world 1950
        Two plays 1958

Barker, Jane
        Exilius (a novel) 1715 (1736)

Barker, Lewellys Franklin
        Monographic medicine See under title
        The nervous system and its constituent neurones 1899

——, Hoskins, R. G., & Mosenthal, H. O.
eds. Endocrinology and metabolism 5 vols. 1922

Barker, Lady Mary Ann
        See Broome

Barker, Thomas
        B.’s delight; or the art of angling 1651–57 (1820)

Barksdale, Clement
        Grotius (H.) Of the law of warre and peace tr. C.B. 1654

Barksted, William
        Hiren; or the faire Greeke 1611 (Grosart 1876)
        Mirrha, the mother of Adonis 1607 (Grosart 1876)

Barley, William
        A new booke of tabliture 1596

Barley-breake; or a warning for wantons, by W. N. 1607 (Grosart 1877)

Barlow, Alfred
        The history and principles of weaving 1878

Barlow, James
        Term of trial 1961

Barlow, Jane
        Irish idylls 1892
        Irish ways 1909
        Mrs. Martin’s company 1896

Barlow, Joel
        The Columbiad 1807 (1809)
        The conspiracy of kings 1792
        The constitution of 1791, 1792
        Oration 4th July 1787
        The vision of Columbus; a poem 1787

Barlow, Peter
        A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary 1814
        Astronomy 1822 (Encycl. Metropolitana 1845)
        Hydrodynamics 1818–22 (ibid.)
        Magnetism 1823–24 (ibid.)
        Mechanics 1818 (ibid.)
        Optics 1817–23 (ibid.)
        Pneumatics 1819–24 (ibid.)

Barlow, Bp. Thomas
        The genuine remains of a 1691 (1693)
        Popery, or the principles and positions approved by the church of Rome 1679

Barlow, Walter Sydney Lazarus
        A manual of general pathology 1898

Barlow, Bp. William
        Answer to a nameless Catholic’s censure 1609
        Defence of the articles of the Protestant religion 1601
        The eagle and the body 1601 (1609)
        One of foure sermons preached..at Hampton Court 1606
        Sermon preached at Paules crosse 1 Mar. 1600 1601
        Three Christian sermons (of Lavater) tr. 1596

Barman’s and barmaid’s manual 1880

Barnard, Howard Clive & Lauwerys, Joseph Albert
        A handbook of British educational terms 1963

Barnard, Keppel Harcourt
        A pictorial guide to South African fishes 1947

Barnard, Robert
        Death on the high C’s 1977

Barnerd, Richard
        The faithful shepherd 1609

Barnes, Barnabe
        A divine centurie of spirituall sonnets 1595 (1815)
        Parthenophil and Parthenope 1593 (Grosart 1875; Arber, Eng. Garner V)

Barnes, Dallas
        See the woman 1973 (UK 1974)

Barnes, Harold
        Oceanography and marine biology 1959

Barnes, Dame Juliana
See Book of St. Albans, and Fysshynge

Barnes, Robert
        Works a 1540 (1573)

Barnes, Robert
        Lectures on obstetric operations 1870
        Report on midwifery etc. 1867 (New Sydenham Soc.)
        A synoptical guide to the study of obstetrics 1881

Barnes, William
        A glossary of the Dorset dialect, with a grammar 1886
        A grammar and glossary of the Dorset dialect 1863
        Poems of rural life 1844–63

Barnes-Grundy, Mabel
        A Thames camp 1902
        The vacillations of Hazel 1905

Barnett, Denis Oliver
        Denis Oliver Barnett: in happy memory…His letters from France and Flanders, October 1914–August 1915 1915

Barnett, Edward de Barry
        Mechanism of organic chemical reactions 1956

Barnett, Henrietta Octavia Weston
        Canon Barnett: his life, work and friends 1918

Barnevels Apology or Holland mysterie tr. 1618

Barnfield, Richard
        The affectionate shepheard 1594 (Arber)
        The complaint of poetrie 1598 (Arber)
        Poems 1594–98 (Arber)

Barnham, Denis
        One man’s window: an account of 10 weeks of war, Malta, 1942 1956

Barnhart, Clarence Lewis, Steinmetz, S., & Barnhart, R. K.
        The Barnhart dictionary of new English since 1963 (UK ed. with title A dictionary of new English 1963–1972) 1973
        The second Barnhart dictionary of new English 1980

Barnum, Phineas Taylor
        Life, written by himself 1855
        Struggles and triumphs; or, Forty years’ recollections 1869
—(another ed.) 1871

Baron, Alexander
        See Baron, Joseph Alexander

Baron, Joseph Alexander
        From the city, from the plough 1948
        The human kind 1953
        Rosie Hogarth 1951
        There’s no home 1950
        With hope, farewell 1952

Baron, Robert
        The Cyprian academy 1647
        Mirza, a tragedie 1647
        Pocula Castalia (poems) c 1645 (1650)

Baron court of Stitchill, Records of the 1655–1807 (S.H.S. 1905)

Baron Munchausen’s narrative of his marvellous travels and campaigns in Russia (by R. E. Raspe) 1786 (1792)

Barratt, Alfred
        Physical metempiric a 1881 (1883)

Barrère, Albert and Leland, C. G.
        A dictionary of slang, jargon and cant 1888–90 (1897)

Barret, Robert
        The theorike and practike of moderne warres 1598

Barrett, Charles Leslie
        On the wallaby: quest and adventure in many lands 1942

Barrett, Eaton S.
        The miss-led general 1808
        The rising sun, by Cervantes Hogg 1807
        The setting sun 1809

Barrett, Frank
        The sin of Olga Zassoulich 1891

Barrett, John
        Analecta 1703

Barrey, Ludovick
        Ram alley, or merrie trickes 1611

Barrie’s (C.) Cochin China tr. 1633

Barrie, Sir James Matthew
        The admirable Crichton 1914
        Auld licht idylls 1888
        The little minister 1891 (1892)
        Margaret Ogilvy 1896 (1897)
        Plays (Uniform ed.) 12 vols. 1918–38
        Sentimental Tommy 1896
        When a man’s single 1888 (1900)
        A window in Thrums 1889

Barriffe, William
        Military discipline 1635 (1639, 1643)

Barrington, Sir Jonah
        Personal sketches of his own time 1827–32

‘Barrington, Pamela’ (Muriel Vere Barling)
        Accessory to murder 1968

Barrington’s (George) History of New South Wales 1802

Barron, Harry
        Modern plastics 1945

Barron, John N.
        The language of painting: an informal dictionary 1967

Barrough, Philip
        The method of physick 1590– (1590, 1596, 1610, 1634, 1639)

Barrow, or Barrowe, Henry 1590
        See Greenwood, J.

Barrow, Isaac
        Euclid 1660 (1714)
        Sermons a 1677 (1686, 1716)
        Treatise on the Pope’s supremacy a 1677 (1680)
        Unity of the church a 1677 (Wks. 1831)
        The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated, being mathematical lectures..at..Cambridge tr. J. Kirkby (1734)

Barrow, John
        An account of travels into the interior of southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 2 vols. 1801–4
—(ed. 2) 2 vols. 1806

Barrowman, James
        A glossary of Scotch mining terms 1886

Barrows, J. H.
ed. World’s parliament of religions 1893

Barry, Alfred
        The life and works of Sir Charles Barry 1867

‘Barry, C.’ (Charles Bryson)
        The detective’s holiday 1926

Barry, George
        The history of the Orkney Islands 1805 (1808)

Barry, James
        A reviving cordial for a sin-desparing soul 1699 (1802)

Barry, James
        Lectures on painting 1784–98 (1848)

Barry, John A.
        Steve Brown’s Bunyip and other stories 1893

Barry, Patrick
        Dockyard economy and naval power 1863

Barstow, Stan
        A kind of loving 1960

Barth, John Simmons
        The floating opera 1956
—(rev. ed.) 1967

Barthèlemy’s (J. J.) Charite and Polydorus; a romance tr. 1799

Bartholow, Roberts
        A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeutics 1876 (1879)

‘Bartimeus’ (Lewis Anselm da Costa Ricci)
        Naval occasions 1914
        A tall ship and other naval occasions 1915

Bartlet, J.
        The gentleman’s farriery 1753 (1754)

Bartlett, Adeline Courtney
        The larger rhetorical patterns in Anglo-Saxon poetry 1935

Bartlett, Ellis Ashmead
        The battlefields of Thessaly 1897

Bartlett, John R.
        Dictionary of Americanisms 1848, 1859, 1860, 1876
        Personal narrative of explorations..connected with the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Commission 1854

Bartlett, Samuel C.
        From Egypt to Palestine 1879

Bartlett, Vernon Oldfield
        This is my life 1937

Bartley, Robert T. H.
        Topinard’s Anthropology tr. 1878

Bartley, Samuel Howard
        Vision 1941

Barton, Bernard
        Selections from the poems and ballads of a 1849 (1849)

Barton, Frank Townend
        The kennel encyclopædia 1928

Barton, R.
tr. C. Blasis’s The code of Terpsichore: the art of dancing 1830

Barton, William P. C.
        Compendium floræ Philadelphicæ 1818
        A flora of North America 1821–22
        Vegetable materia medica of the United States 1817–18

Bartram, John
        A description of East-Florida (by W. Stork), with a journal kept by J. Bartram 1765–66 (1769)
        Observations..in his travels from Pennsylvania 1751

Bartram, William
        Travels through North and South Carolina 1791

Bartz, Patricia McBride
        South Korea 1972

Barwell, Richard
        On aneurism, especially of the thorax and root of the neck 1880

Barwick, Humphrey
        A breefe discourse concerning..all manual weapons of fire 1590

Bashforth, George Reginald
        The manufacture of iron and steel 2 vols. 1948–51
—(ed. 2) 4 vols. 1957–62

Basil, St. The Anglo-saxon version of the hexameron..and the Anglo-saxon remains of St. B.’s Admonitio ad filium spiritualem c 1000 (Norman 1849)

Baskin, Wade
tr. F. de Saussure’s Course in general linguistics 1959 (UK 1960)

Basset, Mrs. Mary
        More’s (Sir T.) Treatise of the passion tr. a 1557 (M.’s Wks. 1557)

Bastard, Thomas
        Chrestoleros, seven bookes of epigrams 1598 (Grosart 1880)

Bastian, Henry C.
        The brain as an organ of mind 1880

Bastwick, John
        The Letany 1637

        The cricketer’s manual 1851

Batchelor, Essays from the 1771–72 (1773)

Batchelor, Thomas
        General view of the agriculture of Bedfordshire 1808
        An orthoepical analysis of the English language 1809

Bate, George 1694
        See Salmon, W.

Bate, John
        The mysteryes of nature and art, by J. B. 1634

Bateman, Thomas
        A treatise of tithe 1778

Bateman, Thomas
        A practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases 1813 (1814)

Bates, Henry W.
        Central America 1878
        The naturalist on the river Amazons 1863

Bates, Herbert Ernest
        The day of the tortoise 1961
        The jacaranda tree 1949
        Love for Lydia 1952

Bates, William
        Works a 1699 (1700)
        The harmony of the divine attributes 1674

Bateson, William
        Mendel’s principles of heredity 1909
        Mendel’s principles of heredity: a defence 1902
        Problems of genetics 1913

Bathe, William
        A briefe introduction to the skill of song c 1590

Bathgate, Alexander
        Colonial experiences; or, Sketches of people and places in the province of Otago, New Zealand 1874

Batman, Stephen
        Bartholomeus De proprietatibus rerum, newly corrected, enlarged, and amended 1582

Battersby, Albert
        A guide to stock control 1962
        Mathematics in management 1966
        Network analysis for planning and scheduling 1964
—(ed. 2) 1967

Battey, Maurice Hugh
        Mineralogy for students 1972

Battle of Maldon, The (= Byrhtnoth’s Tod) 993 (Grein 1883)

Baucke, William
        Where the white man treads 1905
—(ed. 2) 1928

Bauerman, Hilary
        A descriptive catalogue of the rock specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology 1858
        Text-book of systematic mineralogy 1881

Bauldwin, William
        See Baldwin, W.

Baumann, Heinrich
        Londinismen: Slang und Cant 1886 [dated 1887]

Bawdwen, William
        Dom Boc. A translation of the record called Domesday so far as relates to the county of York, etc. 1809

Bax, E. Belfort
        Outlooks from the new standpoint 1881
See also Morris, William

Baxt, George
        A queer kind of death 1966 (UK 1967)

Baxter, Andrew
        An inquiry into the nature of the human soul c 1730 (1745)

Baxter, E. Buchanan Ed.
        Garrod’s (A. B.) Essentials of materia medica 1874 (1880)

Baxter, John
        Library of practical agriculture 1846

Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E.
        See ‘Scott, Leader’

Baxter, Nathaniel
        The lectures or daily sermons of..Iohn Caluine…upon the prophet Jonas tr. 1578
        Sir Philip Sidney’s Ourania 1606

Baxter, Richard
        Answer to Dr. E. Stillingfleet’s charge of separation 1680
        A call to the unconverted to turn and live 1657
        Catholic communion defended 1680 (1684)
        Catholick theologie 1675
        The Church told of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw’s scandals 1672
        The cure of church-divisions 1670
        The divine life 1664
        Gildas Salvianus; the reformed pastor 1656
        A key for Catholicks to open the jugling of the Jesuits 1659
        The last work of a believer 1661 (1682)
        The life of faith 1670
        Of national churches 1691
        A paraphrase on the New Testament 1685
        Plain scripture-proof of infants’ church membership and baptism 1651
        The Quakers catechism 1655
        Reliquiæ Baxterianæ: or Mr. R. B.’s narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times a 1691 (ed. M. Sylvester 1696)
        The saints everlasting rest 1650
        A treatise of conversion 1657
        Whether parish congregations be true Christian churches 1684

Baxter, William
        British phoenogamous botany 1834–43

Bay, Elihu H.
        Reports of cases..in the superior courts of law in South Carolina 1798 W

Baylay, Atwell M. Y.
        Batiffol’s (P. H.) History of the Roman breviary tr. 1898

Bayley, John
        The history and antiquities of the Tower of London 1821–25

Bayley, Roger Child
        The complete photographer 1906

Bayliss, William Maddock
        Principles of general physiology 1915

Bayly, Ada Ellen
        See ‘Lyall, Edna’

Bayly, Brian
        Introduction to petrology 1968

Bayly, Thomas
        Herba parietis, or the wall-flower 1650
        Life of Bp. Fisher 1655
        Worcesters Apophthegmes 1650

Baynard, Edward
        Health 1719 (1740)
        Of the genuine use of hot and cold baths (in Sir J. Floyer, Hot and cold bathing) 1706

Bayne or Baynes, Paul
        A commentarie upon..Colossians a 1617 (1634)
        A commentarie upon..Ephesians a 1617 (1866)
        The diocesans tryall a 1617 (1641)
        Lectures a 1617 (1634)

Bayne, Peter
        The chief actors in the Puritan revolution 1878

Baynes, Helton Godwin
tr. C. G. Jung’s Psychological types; or, The psychology of individuation 1923

Bazaar Exchange and Mart 1871–

Bazell, Charles Ernest
        Linguistic form 1953

——et al.
eds. In memory of J. R. Firth 1966