March 2006 update

16 March 2006 saw the publication of the range of entries philanthropal-pimento in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the new words listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • Philanthropinum, n.
  • Philippan, adj.
  • Philippian, n. and adj.
  • -philism, comb. form
  • philobatic, adj.
  • Philonian, adj.2
  • philtred, adj.
  • philtrum, n.
  • phish, v.
  • phishing, n.
  • phlebotome, n.
  • phlebotomine, adj. and n.
  • Phlebotomus, n.
  • phlebotomy, v.
  • phlegmasia cerulea dolens, n.
  • phlogistonist, n.
  • pho, n.
  • phoenicoid, adj.1
  • phoenicoid, adj.2
  • phoenixism, n.
  • pholcodine, n.
  • Phomopsis, n.
  • phonaesthematic | phonesthematic, adj.
  • phonaesthemic | phonesthemic, adj.
  • phoned, adj.
  • phone phreaker, n.
  • phoney baloney, n., (int.), and adj.
  • Phong,n.
  • phonic, adj.2
  • phonocamptical, adj.
  • phonocentricity, n.
  • phonographed, adj.
  • phonolith, n.
  • phonophoric, adj.
  • phoresis, n.2
  • phorid, adj. and n.
  • phosphamide, n.
  • phosphane, n.
  • phosphinate, n.
  • phospholipoid, n.
  • phosphorization, n.
  • phosphorylative, adj.
  • phosphotransferase, n.
  • photagogue, n.
  • Photinia, n.
  • photistics, n.
  • photoaged, adj.
  • photoaging, n.
  • photoassimilate, n.
  • photoautotrophy, n.
  • photobiont, n.
  • photobleach, v.
  • photo card, n.
  • Photo CD, n.
  • photochemic, adj.
  • photochromics, n.
  • photocoagulated, adj.
  • photocycle, n.
  • photodegrade, v.
  • photodegraded, adj.
  • photodermatitis, n.
  • photodermatosis, n.
  • photodissociable, adj.
  • photodrama, n.
  • photodramatic, adj.
  • photoemit, v.
  • photoengraved, adj.
  • photo-etched, adj.
  • photoexcite, v.
  • photofinisher, n.
  • photofinishing, n.
  • photographess, n.
  • photoheterotrophy, n.
  • photo-imaging, n.
  • photoinhibition, n.
  • photoion, n.
  • photojournalistic, adj.
  • photolyase, n.
  • photomesonic, adj.
  • photometrograph, n.
  • photomicroscope, n.
  • photomicroscopy, n.
  • photonegative, n. and adj.2
  • photopheresis, n.
  • photophobous, adj.
  • photophoresis, n.2
  • photopia, n.
  • photoplethysmograph, n.
  • photoplethysmographic, adj.
  • photoplethysmography, n.
  • photoprinter, n.
  • photoproduce, v.
  • photoprotect, v.
  • photo-radar, n.
  • photorealistic, adj.
  • photorefraction, n.
  • photorefractive, adj.
  • photorefractory, adj.
  • photoreproduce, v.
  • photoreproduction, n.
  • photoset, n.
  • photostimulable, adj.
  • photosyntax, n.
  • phototachymeter, n.
  • phototachymetric, adj.
  • phototransduction, n.
  • photovoltaic, n.
  • photo work, n.
  • phreaker, n.
  • phreatomagmatic, adj.
  • phthalo, n.
  • Phthiraptera, n.
  • phthirapteran, adj. and n.
  • phutphuti, n.
  • phwoar, int.
  • phyletics, n.
  • phyllid, n.
  • phyllocladium, n.
  • phyllodium, n.
  • phylloxeran, n.
  • phylogram, n.
  • phyric, adj.
  • physagogal, adj.
  • physconia, n.
  • physiatric, adj.
  • physiochemical, adj.1
  • physiogenetic, adj.2
  • physiognomonics, n.
  • physionotrace, n.
  • physiopathic, adj.2
  • physiopsychic, adj.
  • phytoestrogen, n.
  • phytolithus, n.
  • phytologic, adj.
  • phytologically, adj.
  • phytomedicine, n.
  • phytonutrient, n.
  • phytopharmacology, n.
  • phytophile, n. (and adj.)
  • phytoremediation, n.
  • phytoseiid, adj. and n.
  • phytotherapy, n.
  • pi, n.2
  • pialla, v.
  • Piankashaw, n. and adj.
  • pianoforte, n.1
  • pianoing, n.
  • piano man, n.
  • piano-top, adj.
  • piante, n.
  • Pic, n.5
  • picadillo, n.
  • pical, adj.1
  • picante, n. and adj.
  • Picard, n.3
  • Picardin, n.
  • Picardy third, n.
  • Picassoid, adj.
  • piccata, n.
  • pick, n.7
  • pick, n.8
  • pick, v.3
  • pickerel flower, n.
  • picketing, adj.
  • pickle, n.2
  • pick-list, n.
  • pickman, n.2
  • pick ‘n’ mix, n. (and adj.)
  • pick-up-sticks, n.
  • picky, adj.2
  • pico de gallo, n.
  • picolinate, n.
  • picon, n.2
  • piconet, n.
  • picramate, n.
  • picramide, n.
  • picrotoxinin, n.
  • Pictor, n.
  • picture framing, n.
  • picture message, n.
  • picture messaging, n.
  • pièce montée, n.
  • pieceway, n.
  • piedfort, n.
  • piedmontal, adj.
  • pied-piping, n.
  • pie-hole, n.1
  • pie-hole, n.2
  • Pierce’s disease, n.
  • pierogi, n.
  • pierrotting, n.
  • piff, v.
  • pig bucket, n.
  • pigeon chest, n.
  • pigeon-chested, adj.
  • pigeonnier, n.
  • pigger, n.
  • pigging, adj.
  • pignoli, n.
  • pignolia, n.
  • pigout, n.
  • pig-root, n.
  • pig-rooting, adj.
  • pigscot, n.
  • Pijin, n.
  • pike, v.6
  • piking, n.4
  • pikkie, n.
  • piky, adj.2
  • Pilates, n.
  • pilcher, n.3
  • pilget, n.
  • piliation, n.
  • pilifer, n.
  • pilin, n.
  • pillarization, n.
  • pilled, adj.2
  • pilonci, n.
  • piloncillo, n.
  • pilot black-snake, n.
  • pilot hole, n.
  • pilot signal, n.
  • pilot star, n.
  • pilulary, adj.2
  • pimelodid, adj. and n.
  • pimentary, n. and adj.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under Philly, n. and adj.)
    • Philly cheesesteak
    • Philly fade
  • (Under philosophy, n.)
    • philosophy of nature
  • (Under Phlebotomus, n.)
    • phlebotomus fever
    • phlebotomus fly
  • (Under phlegm, n.)
    • phlegm-cutter
  • (Under phlyctenule, n.)
    • phlyctenulosis
    • phlyctenulous
  • (Under phocine, adj. and n.2)
    • phocine distemper
    • phocine distemper virus
  • (Under phoenix, n.1)
    • Phoenix waterman-fireman
  • (Under phoenix, n.2)
    • phoenix palm
    • phoenix tree
  • (Under phone, n.2)
    • phone bank
    • phone mail
    • phone sex
    • phone soliciting
    • phone solicitor
    • phone tag
    • phone tree
    • phoneless
  • (Under phono-, comb. form)
    • phonorganum
    • phonotaxis
  • (Under phonograph, n.)
    • phonograph record
  • (Under phospahte, n.)
    • phosphate-free
  • (Under phospho-, comb. form)
    • phosphotungstate
  • (Under phosphor, n. and adj.)
    • phosphor bronze
    • phosphor copper
    • phosphor tin
  • (Under phosphorus, n. and adj.)
    • phosphorus bomb
    • phosphorus pentoxide
    • phosphorus trioxide
  • (Under phosphotransferase, n.)
    • phosphotransferase system
  • (Under photo-, comb. form)
    • photocrosslinking
    • photodecompose
    • photo-generated
    • photoinitiated
    • photoinitiator
    • photokeratitis
    • photopeak
    • photoreactive
    • phototelephony
    • photo-pass
    • photo-piece
    • photo-surveying
    • photo booth
    • photo ID
    • photo librarian
    • photo library
    • photo portrait
    • photo session
    • photo shoot
    • photo spread
  • (Under photoactivate, v.)
    • photoactivatable
  • (Under photobleach, v.)
    • photobleached
  • (Under photohromatic, adj.)
    • photochromatic interval
  • (Under photodegrade, v.)
    • photodegrading
  • (Under photodynamic, adj.)
    • photodynamic therapy
  • (Under photoelectrochemical, adj.)
    • photoelectrochemically
  • (Under photoelectron, n.)
    • photoelectron spectroscopy
  • (Under photographic, adj.)
    • photographic magnitude
    • photographic paper
  • (Under photogravure, v.)
    • photogravured
  • (Under photometric, adj.)
    • photometric binary
    • photometric system
  • (Under photon, n.)
    • photon torpedo
  • (Under photonic, adj.)
    • photonic crystal
  • (Under photorefractory, adj.)
    • photorefractoriness
  • (Under phototherapeutic, adj.)
    • phototherapeutic keratectomy
  • (Under phrase, n.
    • phrase-initial
    • phrase-name
  • (Under phrenico-, comb. form)
    • phrenicocolic ligament
    • phrenicolienal ligament
    • phrenicosplenic ligament
    • phrenicoexeresis
  • (Under phyletic, adj.)
    • phyletic gradualism
  • (Under phyllodium, n.)
    • phyllodial
  • (Under physical, adj.)
    • physical theatre
  • (Under physician, n.)
    • physician-assisted suicide
    • physician’s assistant
  • (Under physiological, adj.)
    • physiological chemistry
    • physiological optics
  • (Under piano, n.2)
    • piano bar
    • piano hinge
    • piano scarf
    • piano shawl
  • (Under pianoforte, n.2)
    • pianoforte action
  • (Under piano key, n.)
    • piano key switch
  • (Under pica, n.2)
    • pica em
    • pica pole
    • pica rule
    • pica ruler
    • pica stick
  • (Under Piccadilly, n.)
    • Piccadilly collar
  • (Under piccaninny, n. and adj.)
    • piccaninny kaya
  • (Under pick, n.1)
    • pick-dress
    • pickguard
  • (Under pick, n.3)
    • pick-and-roll
  • (Under pick, n.5)
    • pick-and-pick
  • (Under Pick, n.9)
    • Pick’s syndrome
  • (Under Pick, n.10)
    • Pick’s syndrome
    • Pick body
  • (Under pick, v.1)
    • to pick up where one left off
  • (Under picket, n.1
    • picket ball
    • picket bullet
  • (Under pickle, n.1, (int.), and adj.)
    • pickle button
    • pickle switch
  • (Under pickled, adj.)
    • pickled fish
  • (Under pick-up, n. and adj.)
    • pick-up bar
    • pick-up joint
    • pick-up line
    • pick-up shot
  • (Under picky, adj.2)
    • picky head
  • (Under picnic, n., adj. and adv.)
    • picnic luncheon
  • (Under Picon, n.1)
    • Picon punch
  • (Under picture, n.)
    • picture bride
    • picture desk
    • picture disc
    • picture editor
    • picture-in-picture
    • picture-perfect
    • picture researcher
    • picture search
    • picture-like
  • (Under picturesque, adj. and n.)
    • picturesque gardening
  • (Under pie, n.2)
    • pie crimper
    • pie graph
    • pie safe
    • pie-shaped
    • pie supper
  • (Under piece, n.)
    • piece of piss
    • piece of shit
  • (Under pied, adj.1 and n.)
    • pied-bill
    • pied sheldrake
  • (Under pierced, adj.)
    • pierced-nosed
  • (Under piercement, n.)
    • piercement dome
  • (Under piezo-, comb. form)
    • piezoceramic
    • piezoelastic
    • piezo-optic
    • piezo-optical
  • (Under pig, n.1)
    • pig in clover
    • pig in the python
    • pig bread
    • pigfucker
    • pigfucking
    • pig roast
    • pigshit
    • pig track
    • (as) common as pig tracks
    • pig’s trotter
    • pig’s wool
  • (Under pigeon, n.)
    • pigeon gull
  • (Under pikestaff, n.)
    • pikestaff-plain
  • (Under pilau, n.)
    • pilau rice
  • (Under pile, n.1)
    • pile hammer
    • pile monkey
  • (Under pileated, adj.)
    • pileated gibbon
  • (Under pilgrim, n.)
    • pilgrim road
    • pilgrim’s badge
    • pilgrim settler
    • pilgrims’ way
  • (Under pillar, n.)
    • pillar tap
  • (Under pillow, n.)
    • pillow biter
  • (Under pilot, n. and adj.)
    • pilot burner
  • (Under pimento, n. and adj.)
    • pimento olive

Out-of-sequence new entries

16 March 2006 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • acromyodian, adj.
  • affordance, n.
  • algesiometer, n.
  • algesiometric, adj.
  • Amer Picon, n.
  • aminonaphthol, n.
  • annulus fibrosus, n.
  • ANOVA, n.
  • apomorphic, adj.
  • apomorphous, adj.
  • apomorphy, n.
  • ASBO, n.
  • Asianness, n.
  • autapomorphic, adj.
  • autapomorphous, adj.
  • autapomorphy, n.
  • autorickshaw, n.
  • barfy, adj.
  • bariopyrochlore, n.
  • beatbox, v.
  • beatboxing, n.
  • Belfast sink, n.
  • besuited, adj.
  • bindaas, adj.
  • Bloomsday, n.
  • bogman, n.
  • bog people, n.
  • boo, n.3
  • carborane, n.
  • cardiomegaly, n.
  • cariad, n.
  • cellie, n.
  • celly, n.
  • Cephalochordata, n.
  • cephalochordate, n. and adj.
  • chalcone, n.
  • chat-up, adj.
  • choccy, n.
  • chugalug, v.
  • chug-a-lug, int. and n.
  • chugger, n.
  • Cinsault, n.
  • clafoutis, n.
  • clinopyroxene, n.
  • clueful, adj.
  • Colombian, adj. and n.
  • complicit, adj.
  • composter, n.
  • conidioma, n.
  • cowboy, v.
  • cowboying, n.
  • croquembouche, n.
  • cross-sectoral, adj.
  • crowd-surf, v.
  • crowd-surfing, n.
  • cryptolect, n.
  • cwtch, n.
  • cwtch, v.
  • cyclopentadiene, n.
  • cyclopentadienyl, n.
  • dadah, n.
  • darapskite, n.
  • daytimer, n.1
  • Daytimer, n.2
  • deep time, n.
  • deprotonate, v.
  • deprotonation, n.
  • dihydrochalcone, n.
  • dinitrogen, n.
  • ditransitive, adj.
  • dlr, n.
  • Dogpatch, n.
  • doobie, n.
  • dorky, adj.
  • down-low, adj. and n.
  • dutchie, n.
  • emailable, adj.
  • endosymbiont, n.
  • endosymbiosis, n.
  • endosymbiotic, adj.
  • ephebophile, n.
  • ephebophilia, n.
  • Europeanness, n.
  • everte, adv.
  • eve-teaser, n.
  • eve-teasing, n.
  • extrachromosomal, adj.
  • fenfluramine, n.
  • fen-phen, n.
  • Filippine, adj. and n.
  • Firewire, n.
  • fixer-upper, n.
  • flavivirus, n.
  • flehmen, n.
  • floss, v.1
  • fore-minded, adj.
  • Franken-, comb. form
  • frontcourt, n.
  • Funk, n.5
  • garbagey, adj.
  • garmento, n.
  • gasohol, n.
  • gelateria, n.
  • gelato, n.
  • gendered, adj.
  • genderquake, n.
  • Godzilla, n.
  • hai, int.
  • handi, n.
  • hands-free, adj.
  • haplotype, n.
  • heads up, int., adj., and n.
  • Helicobacter, n.
  • Hellerwork, n.
  • Hicksville, n.
  • Hokkien, adj. and n.
  • home zone, n.
  • hoser, n.
  • iconized, adj.
  • in petto, adv.
  • Jheri curl, n.
  • jilbab, n.
  • kachori, n.
  • kit-off, adj.
  • Kool-Aid, n.
  • labradoodle, n.
  • Latina, n. and adj.
  • -megaly, comb. form
  • peck, v.3
  • riddim, n.
  • saganaki, n.
  • sancho, n.3
  • Sancho Pedro, n.
  • SARS, n.
  • Scoville, n.
  • shockumentary, n. and adj.
  • sing-jay, n.
  • sippy cup, n.
  • spendy, adj.
  • springerle, n.
  • star 69, n.
  • star 69, v.
  • Stevia, n.
  • symplesiomorphic, adj.
  • symplesiomorphy, n.
  • synapomorphic, adj.
  • synapomorphous, adj.
  • synthespian, n.
  • tailorable, adj.
  • tarka dal, n.
  • tarte Tatin, n.
  • temp to perm, n. and adj.
  • thiamazole, n.
  • thrashy, adj.
  • tiddy oggy, n.
  • tortilla española, n.
  • Volans, n.
  • volumize, v.
  • volumized, adj.
  • volumizer, n.
  • volumizing, adj.
  • Windrush, n.
  • zampino, n.
  • zampone, n.
  • zhoosh, v.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under A, n.)
    • ALA
  • (Under action, n.)
    • action figure
  • (Under Afro, adj. and n.)
    • Afro pick
    • Afroed
  • (Under angry, adj.)
    • angry white male
  • (Under applause, n.)
    • applause line
  • (Under attack, n.)
    • attack dog
  • (Under augemented, adj.)
    • augmented reality
  • (Under back-, comb. form)
    • back-court
  • (Under bat, n.1)
    • bat fly
  • (Under big, adj.)
    • big pharma
  • (Under bio-, comb. form)
    • bioremediation
  • (Under black, n.)
    • black-white
  • (Under black, adj.)
    • black gram
  • (Under body, n.)
    • body fascism
    • body fascist
  • (Under brood, n.)
    • brood parasite
    • brood parasitism
  • (Under bush, n.1)
    • bushmeat
  • (Under C, n.)
    • CD-R
    • CD-RW
  • (Under call, n.)
    • call barring
    • call diversion
    • call forwarding
    • call return
  • (Under campo, n.2)
    • campo flicker
  • (Under canvas | canvass, n.)
    • canvas town
  • (Under centriole, n.)
    • centriolar
  • (Under chelate, adj. (and n.))
    • chelation therapy
  • (Under cinder, n.)
    • cinderblock
  • (Under closet, n.)
    • closet case
  • (Under corn, n.1)
    • corn dog
  • (Under crash, n.1)
    • crash cart
  • (Under credit, n.)
    • credit note
  • (Under criminal, adj. and n.)
    • criminal negligence
    • criminal law
    • criminal lawyer
  • (Under D, n.)
    • DL
  • (Under deep, adj.)
    • deep tissue
    • deep-tissue massage
  • (Under designated, adj.)
    • designated driver
  • (Under dirty, adj.)
    • dirty bomb
  • (Under driving, n.)
    • driving school
  • (Under Dutch, adj., n., and adv.)
    • Dutch pot
  • (Under elk, n.1)
    • elkhorn
  • (Under fairy, n. and adj.)
    • fairy dust
  • (Under false, adj., adv., and n.)
    • false mastic
  • (Under family, n.)
    • family law
  • (Under figure, n.)
    • figure-hugging
  • (Under folk, n.)
    • folkcraft
  • (Under Frankenstein, n.)
    • Frankenstein food
  • (Under funnel, n.1)
    • funnel-neck
    • funnel-necked
  • (Under gender, n.)
    • gender-neutral
  • (Under good, adj., adv. and n.)
    • good old boy
  • (Under guided, adj.)
    • guided imagery
  • (Under hook, v.)
    • to hook up
  • (Under Hoover, n.)
    • hoover
  • (Under hot, adj. (and n.2)
    • hot tub
    • hot-tubber
  • (Under house, n.1)
    • house pit
  • (Under human, adj. (and n.)
    • human beatbox
  • (Under hump-backed, adj.)
    • hump-backed fly
  • (Under I, n.)
    • ICU
    • ITU
    • IBS
  • (Under infinity, n.)
    • infinity pool
  • (Under invasive, adj.)
    • invasively
  • (Under ionotropy, n.)
    • ionotropic
  • (Under iris, n.)
    • iris recognition
    • iris scan
    • iris scanner
    • iris scanning
  • (Under kitty, n.4)
    • kitty party
  • (Under last, adj., n.6, and adv.)
    • last chance saloon
  • (Under life, n.)
    • life coach
    • life coaching
  • (Under lifelong, adj.)
    • lifelong learning
  • (Under rape, n.2)
    • rape alarm
  • (Under regime, n.)
    • regime change
  • (Under rocket, n.3)
    • rocket science
  • (Under S, n.1)
    • SBF
    • SBM
    • SJF
    • SJM
    • SWF
    • SWM
  • (Under scratch, n.1)
    • scratch plate
  • (Under scuttle, n.5)
    • scuttle fly
  • (Under sea, n.)
    • sea channel
  • (Under senior, adj. and n.)
    • senior moment
  • (Under side, n.1)
    • side-necked turtle
  • (Under signal, n.)
    • signal peptide
    • signal sequence
  • (Under sodium, n.)
    • sodium nitroprusside
  • (Under stadium, n.)
    • stadium rock
  • (Under stranger, n. (and adj.))
    • stranger danger
  • (Under swift, adj.(and adv.))
    • swift half
  • (Under tart, n.)
    • tart with a heart
  • (Under three-point, adj.)
    • three-pointer
  • (Under throw-, comb. form)
    • throw-down
  • (Under throw, v.1)
    • to throw down
  • (Under track n.)
    • track pants
  • (Under trade, n.)
    • trade coin
  • (Under trousers, n.)
    • trouser snake
  • (Under U, n.1)
    • UCAS
  • (Under university, n.)
    • University of the Third Age
  • (Under velvet, n.)
    • velvet divorce
  • (Under wing, n.)
    • wing oyster
  • (Under yellow, adj. and n.)
    • yellow-card

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • annulus, n.
  • attachment, n.
  • bang, n.1
  • beard, n.
  • beard, v.
  • beat, v.1
  • bed-head, n.
  • bend, n.4
  • bend, v.
  • bent, adj.
  • bite, n..
  • blood, n.
  • body, n.
  • book, n.
  • chug, v.
  • chutney, n.
  • clearing, n.
  • cootie, n.2
  • coupling, n.
  • crash, v.
  • cycle, n.
  • date, n.2
  • demographic, adj. and n.
  • device, n.
  • do, v.
  • dodgy, adj.
  • earth, n.1
  • egg-shell, n.
  • enrobe, v.
  • Fascism, n.
  • Fascist, n. and adj.
  • flash, n.2
  • flip, v.
  • floater, n.
  • get, v.
  • heterotic, adj.
  • hoody | hoodie, n.
  • iconize, v.
  • invasive, adj.
  • jump, v.
  • keep, v.
  • kid, n.1
  • kit, n.1
  • roam, v.
  • roaming, n.
  • rock, v.1
  • scrub, n.2
  • shape, n.1
  • so, adv. and conj.
  • speck, n.4
  • step, v.
  • stiffy, n.
  • sweat, n.
  • swiftie, n.
  • table, n.
  • tank, v.
  • three-point, adj.
  • tom-tom, v.
  • tortilla, n.
  • unicode, n.
  • wand, v.
  • wizard, n. and adj.
  • word, n. and int.