New words list June 2013

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New word entries
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • flash mob, n.2
  • fracking, n.
  • fun day, n.
  • gam, n.5
  • geekery, n.
  • hand brake, n.1
  • hand roll, n.
  • hand-balling, n.1
  • hand-block, v.
  • handed-down, adj.
  • handel, v.
  • hand-holding, adj.
  • handicapping, adj.
  • handled, adj.2
  • handmake, v.
  • hand-off, n.
  • handover, n.
  • handpass, v.
  • hand-print, v.
  • hand-printed, adj.
  • hand-punching, n.
  • hand-signalling | hand-signaling, n.
  • hand-sold, adj.
  • handwash, n.
  • hand-wash, v.
  • hand-wringer, n.
  • handy-dandy, adj.
  • head nodding, n.
  • head space, n.
  • head trip, n.
  • head woman, n.
  • headbang, v.
  • headcam, n.
  • headfuck, n.
  • headfuck, v.
  • headfucking, n.
  • headmistressy, adj.
  • head-nodding, adj.
  • headstand, n.
  • headstander, n.
  • head-stay, n.1
  • headstay, n.2
  • head-to-toe, adj. and adv.
  • headways, adv. and adj.
  • hearth-pace, n.1
  • hearthstoning, n.
  • heart-in-mouth, adj. and adv.
  • heart-scalded, adj.
  • heart-scalding, adj.
  • heart-stopper, n.
  • heart-stopping, adj.
  • imbongi, n.
  • interoperability, n.
  • jolly hockey sticks, int., adj.,  and n.
  • knobhead, n.
  • kombucha, n.
  • live blog, n.
  • live-blog, v.
  • live-blogging, n.
  • mani-pedi, n.
  • Mephistophelian, adj.
  • microbiome, n.
  • mochaccino, n.
  • mouseover, n.
  • parasomnia, n.
  • phorbeia, n.
  • post-racial, adj.
  • Randian, adj. and n.
  • red velvet, n.
  • Russell Group, n.
  • salat, n.
  • schlumpy, adj.
  • sega, n.
  • showrunner, n.
  • smackhead, n.
  • smeg, n. (and int.)
  • syrtos, n.
  • trans, adj.
  • transman, n.
  • transperson, n.
  • transphobia, n.
  • transphobic, adj.
  • transwoman, n.
  • travers, n.
  • trixie, n.
  • veepstakes, n.
  • watch fob, n.
  • young adult, n. and adj.

New sub-entries

  • 3D printer
  • 3D printing
  • ash dieback
  • B and D
  • BDSM
  • breech face
  • brown fat
  • compass heading
  • controlled crying
  • crib death
  • CSA
  • D and S
  • dad dancing
  • debt trap
  • dental implant
  • developmental delay
  • handcarter
  • hearteningly
  • heart-stoppingly
  • heartwarmingly
  • eggy bread
  • false negative
  • false positive
  • frithborh-head
  • gut check
  • hand basin
  • hand bible
  • hand blender
  • hand carriage
  • hand cream
  • hand deliver
  • hand dryer
  • hand engine
  • hand lens
  • hand lotion
  • hand money
  • hand muff
  • hand nail
  • hand phone
  • hand plant
  • hand sanitizer
  • hand shaft
  • hand shandy
  • hand soap
  • hand stitch
  • hand weeding
  • hand, foot, and mouth
  • hand, foot, and mouth disease
  • hand-built
  • hand-crank
  • hand-cut
  • handcycle
  • hand-delivered
  • hand-dived
  • hand-dyed
  • hand-embroidered
  • hand-finished
  • hand-forged
  • handgate
  • handhole
  • hand-hot
  • handkerchief hem
  • handkerchief tree
  • hand-knotted
  • hand-laid
  • hand-painted
  • hand-pike
  • hand-polished
  • hand-pollinated
  • hand-powered
  • hand-promise
  • hand-rear
  • hand-rearing
  • hand-rolled
  • hand-rolling
  • hand-sewed
  • hand-sized
  • handsome-looking
  • hand-stitched
  • hand-stitching
  • handwarsel
  • handwriting analysis
  • handwriting recognition
  • handy hint
  • handyman special
  • handyman’s special
  • head cap
  • head capsule
  • head chef
  • head chorister
  • head coach
  • head cold
  • head constable
  • head cook
  • head crash
  • head drop
  • head flaw
  • head game
  • head gardener
  • head gasket
  • head injury
  • head job
  • head librarian
  • head massage
  • head noise
  • head noun
  • head nurse
  • head of the corner
  • head of the school
  • head prefect
  • head shell
  • head tile
  • head torch
  • head trauma
  • head tube
  • head wound
  • header tank
  • headfire
  • head-foot
  • headless horse
  • headless horseman
  • headline act
  • headline position
  • headline tour
  • headmount
  • head-mounted
  • head-spinning
  • headwall
  • heart ailment
  • heart and dart
  • heart and dart moth
  • heart bypass
  • heart chakra
  • heart maker
  • heart monitor
  • heart muscle
  • heart of darkness
  • heart patient
  • heart pill
  • heart pine
  • heart surgery
  • heart trouble
  • hearth-silver
  • heart-sink
  • heart-sinking
  • heart-smart
  • heart-tugger
  • heart-tugging
  • heart-worn
  • heart-wrenching
  • HMO
  • inch-perfect
  • insulin resistance
  • Kaffir lime
  • light pollution
  • search engine optimization
  • SEO
  • silent treatment
  • sister wife
  • slow jam
  • soft launch
  • spotted medick
  • sudden oak death
  • sun salutation
  • to get the silent treatment
  • to give (a person) the silent treatment
  • to hand back
  • to hand in
  • to hand off
  • to hand out
  • to hand over
  • to hand up
  • to head off
  • to turn heads
  • tray bake
  • vascular dementia
  • vermicompost
  • vermicomposter
  • vermicomposting
  • wingsuit
  • worm compost

New senses

  • baked, adj.
  • block, n.
  • blow, n.2
  • boot, n.3
  • bro, n.
  • bum, v.6
  • chill, adj.
  • chilled, adj.
  • code, v.
  • coder, n.
  • complete, v.
  • core, n.1
  • cow, n.1
  • craft, n.
  • epic, adj. and n.
  • fascinator, n.
  • fill, v.
  • fly-over, n.
  • fob, n.2
  • follow, v.
  • follower, n.
  • footer, n.1
  • heeler, n.1
  • hophead, n.
  • jump, v.
  • library, n.1
  • sprite, n.
  • stream, v.
  • threesome, n., adj.,  (and adv.)
  • validate, v.
  • validation, n.