June 2007 update

On 14 June 2007 the alphabetical range prima-proteose was added to the New Edition: every word in this range has been thoroughly revised and updated. Below are listed all the new words in the range. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • primal scream, n.
  • primary, v.
  • primavera, adj.
  • prime time, n.1
  • primigravid, adj. and n.
  • primip, n.
  • primosome, n.
  • princess cut, n.
  • princess cut, adj.
  • princessy, adj.
  • Prince Valiant, n.
  • print-on-demand, n.
  • prismane, n.
  • prison-bound, adj.2
  • priss, v.
  • prissy, v.
  • private key, n.
  • privatizing, n.
  • prize-taking, n.1
  • prize-taking, n.2
  • Pro, n.4
  • probeable, adj.
  • probiotic, adj.1 and n.
  • problemed, adj.
  • problemo, n.
  • problem-solve, v.
  • probole, n.2
  • probosciform, adj.
  • proceduralism, n.
  • proceduralist, n. and adj.
  • pro-celeb, adj.
  • pro-celebrity, adj.
  • proception, n.2
  • proception, n.3
  • proceptive, adj.1
  • proceptivity, n.
  • procerus, n.
  • process art, n.
  • processualism, n.
  • processualist, n. and adj.
  • prochiral, adj.
  • prochlorophyte, n.
  • Proclian, n. and adj.1
  • Proclianite, n.
  • proclinate, adj.
  • proclination, n.
  • procline, adj.1
  • procline, v.
  • proclined, adj.
  • procolophonid, n. and adj.
  • proctored, adj.
  • proctor-fiscal, n.
  • proctoring, n.
  • procuratorate, n.
  • procyclical, adj.
  • procyclically, adv.
  • procymidone, n.
  • pro-drop, adj. and n.
  • productid, n. and adj.
  • productivism, n.
  • productivist, n. and adj.
  • prof, adj. and n.2
  • profinite, adj.
  • progenesis, n.
  • progenetic, n.
  • proggins, n.
  • proggins, v.
  • projectile vomit, n.
  • projectile-vomit, v.
  • projectile vomiting, n.
  • projectionism, n.
  • project manage, v.
  • project management, n.
  • prolated, adj.
  • promo, v.
  • promonocyte, n.
  • promulgater, n.
  • prone, v.2
  • pronoia, n.1
  • pronoia, n.2
  • pronuclear, adj.1
  • pro-nuclear, adj.2
  • pro-nuke, adj. and n.
  • pro-oxidant, n. and adj.
  • propachlor, n.
  • propafenone, n.
  • propanal, n.
  • propanoate, n.
  • propanoic, adj.
  • propanone, n.
  • propazine, n.
  • Propecia, n.
  • propellane, n.
  • propeller-head, n.
  • propeller-headed, adj.
  • propenal, n.
  • propenenitrile, n.
  • propenoic, adj.
  • prophetization, n.2
  • propidium, n.
  • propionaldehyde, n.
  • Propionibacterium, n.
  • propiska, n.
  • propleura, n.
  • propleurum, n.
  • proplyd, n.
  • propneustic, adj.
  • propodeal, adj.
  • propofol, n.
  • Proporz, n.
  • proposedly, adv.
  • proppant, n.
  • propriate, v.
  • propriatory, adj.
  • props, n.
  • propter hoc, n., adv., and adj.
  • propus, n.
  • prorate, n.
  • prorean, adj.
  • Proscar, n.
  • prosciutto crudo, n.
  • Prosecco, n.
  • proseminar, n.
  • proso, n.
  • prosodics, n.
  • prosomal, adj.2
  • prosome, n.2
  • Prospero, n.
  • prostanoid, n.
  • prosthodontic, adj.
  • prostrate, n.2
  • prosumer, n.1
  • prosumer, n.2
  • protaxis, n.
  • proteasome, n.
  • Proteistic, adj.
  • protense, v.
  • proteobacterium, n.
  • proteome, n.
  • proteomics, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under primal, adj. and n.)
    • primal therapist
    • primal therapy
  • (Under primal scream, n.)
    • primal scream therapy
    • primal screamer
    • primal screaming
  • (Under primary, adj. and n.)
    • primary caregiver
    • primary caretaker
    • primary cell wall
    • primary dealer
    • primary legislation
    • primary market
    • primary meristem
    • primary mirror
    • primary treatment
  • (Under prime, adj., (int.), and adv.)
    • prime contractor
    • prime directive
    • prime lens
    • prime rate
    • prime suspect
  • (Under primeval, adj. and n.)
    • primeval forest
  • (Under priming, n.1)
    • priming coat
  • (Under prince-bishop, n.)
    • prince bishopric
  • (Under principal, adj., n., and adv.)
    • principal diagonal
    • principal ideal ring
    • principal normal
  • (Under prink, v.2)
    • prinking
  • (Under print, n. and adj.2)
    • print buffer
    • print job
    • print meter
    • print paper
    • print queue
    • print spooler
    • print spooling
    • print culture
    • print reporter
  • (Under printed, adj.)
    • printed circuit board
  • (Under printer, n.)
    • printer buffer
    • printer-plotter
  • (Under printing, adj.)
    • printing telegraph
  • (Under printing, n.)
    • printing roll
  • (Under prior, adj., adv., and n.2)
    • prior art
    • prior lien
    • prior restraint
  • (Under prise, n.3)
    • prise house
  • (Under prismatic, adj. and n.)
    • prismatic coefficient
    • prismatic layer
  • (Under prismato-, comb. form)
    • prismato-nacreous
  • (Under prismatoid, adj. and n.)
    • prismatoid formula
  • (Under prismoid, n. and adj.)
    • prismoid formula
  • (Under prison, n.)
    • prison industry
    • prison mate
    • prison matron
    • prison service
  • (Under pritch, v.)
    • pritching
  • (Under private, adj.1, adv., and n.)
    • private finance initiative
    • private highway
    • private placement
    • private playhouse
    • private practice
    • private road
    • private ship of war
  • (Under privileged, adj.)
    • privileged book
  • (Under prize, n.1 and adj.)
    • prize package
  • (Under probability, n.)
    • probability density function
  • (Under probate, n.)
    • Court of Probate
  • (Under probation, n.)
    • probation labour
  • (Under pro-, prefix1)
    • pro-gun
    • pro-inflammatory
    • pro-labour
    • pro-sex
  • (Under pro-, prefix2)
    • proamphibian
    • proanthocyanidin
    • proanthropos
    • procollagen
    • proenkephalin
    • propeptide
    • procoracoid
    • procollagen
  • (Under problematical, adj.)
    • problematicalness
  • (Under problem, n.)
    • that’s (or it’s) not my problem
    • that’s not my problem
    • it’s not my problem
    • to have a problem with
  • (Under problemize, v.)
    • problemizing
  • (Under proboscis, n.)
    • proboscis-fish
    • proboscis worm
  • (Under procedural, adj. and n.)
    • procedural memory
  • (Under process, n.)
    • process gas
    • process-oriented
  • (Under processed, adj.)
    • processed peas
  • (Under prochiral, adj.)
    • prochirality
  • (Under procto-, comb. form)
    • proctocolectomy
    • proctocolitis
    • proctosigmoidoscope
    • proctosigmoidoscopic
    • proctosigmoidoscopy
  • (Under procumbent, adj.)
    • procumbency
  • (Under procuration, n.)
    • procuration day
  • (Under producer, n.)
    • Producer Choice
  • (Under product, n.1)
    • product placement
    • product recall
  • (Under production, n.)
    • production value
  • (Under productivity, n.)
    • productivity growth
  • (Under professional, adj. and n.)
    • professional bondsman
    • professional development
    • professional foul
  • (Under profile, n.)
    • profile board
    • profile cutter
    • profile piece
  • (Under profit, n.)
    • profit centre
    • profit-related
    • profit-related pay
    • profit warning
    • profits warning
    • profit-mongering
  • (Under prog, adj. and n.5)
    • prog rock
  • (Under progeria, n.)
    • progeroid
  • (Under progesterone, n.)
    • progesterone-like
    • progesterone-only
  • (Under progestogen, n.)
    • progestogen-only
  • (Under proglottid, n.)
    • proglottidization
  • (Under programmable, adj. and n.)
    • programmable logic controller
  • (Under programmed, adj.)
    • programmed cell death
  • (Under programme | program, n.)
    • program trading
  • (Under progress, n.)
    • progress zone
  • (Under progressive, adj. and n.)
    • progressive house
    • progressive Jew
    • progressive Judaism
    • Progressive Party
    • progressive scan
    • progressive scanning
    • progressive tonality
  • (Under progymnosperm, n.)
    • progymnospermous
  • (Under projectile, n. and adj.)
    • projectile point
  • (Under projective, adj. and n.)
    • projective identification
  • (Under project manage, v.)
    • project managed
  • (Under proliferous, adj.)
    • proliferousness
  • (Under prom, n.)
    • prom king
    • prom queen
  • (Under prompter, n.)
    • prompter’s book
  • (Under pronucleus, n.)
    • pronucleate
  • (Under proof, n.)
    • proof-maker
    • proof page
    • proof-texting
    • proof of purchase
    • proof of concept
  • (Under propanoic, adj.)
    • propanoic acid
  • (Under propargylic, adj.)
    • propargylic acid
  • (Under propeller, n.)
    • propeller wash
  • (Under propenoic, adj.)
    • propenoic acid
  • (Under proper, adj., n., and adv.)
    • proper law
  • (Under property, n.)
    • property bond
    • property mistress
    • property player
  • (Under proportional, n. and adj.)
    • proportional spacing
  • (Under proposition, n.)
    • proposition-based
  • (Under proprietary, n. and adj.)
    • proprietary company
  • (Under propylic, adj.)
    • propylic acid
  • (Under proscenium, n.)
    • proscenium stage
  • (Under prose, n. and adj.)
    • prose rhythm
  • (Under prosect, v.)
    • prosected
  • (Under prosopagnosia, n.)
    • prosopagnosic
  • (Under prostate, n. and adj.)
    • prostate-specific antigen
  • (Under prosthaphaeresis, n.)
    • prosthaphaeretic
  • (Under protease, n.)
    • protease inhibitor
    • protease-resistant protein
    • protease-resistant prion protein
  • (Under proteasome, n.)
    • proteasomal
  • (Under protection, n.)
    • protection factor
    • protection order
    • protectionary
  • (Under proteid, n.1)
    • proteidogenous
  • (Under protein, n.)
    • protein body
    • protein engineering
    • protein kinase
    • protein shake

Out-of-sequence new entries

14 June 2007 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • açai, n.
  • accelerin, n.
  • adland, n.
  • agri-, comb. form
  • airdate, n.
  • anandamide, n.
  • A. N. Other, n.
  • antiquer, n.
  • apoptosis, n.
  • argh, int.
  • bakkie, n.
  • balm, n.2
  • bangarang, n.
  • bashert, n.
  • bashert, adj.
  • boil wash, n.
  • boil-wash, v.
  • Brit, n.5
  • brob, v.
  • Brooklynite, n.
  • bulerias, n.
  • celestial navigation, n.
  • Charmat, n.
  • chicklet, n.
  • chill pill, n.
  • club-hop, v.
  • club-hopper, n.
  • club-hopping, n.
  • club-hopping, adj.
  • comitology, n.
  • comparison shop, n.
  • comparison shop, v.
  • comparison shopper, n.
  • comparison shopping, n.
  • concho, n.
  • cotylosaur, n.
  • cotylosaurian, adj. and n.
  • crema, n.
  • cruft, n.2
  • crufty, adj.
  • cum laude, adv., adj., and n.
  • cyber-, comb. form
  • debitage, n.
  • dibble, n.2
  • digibox, n.
  • discomfiting, adj.
  • disempowerment, n.
  • due process, n.
  • fab, n.
  • fattoush, n.
  • finasteride, n.
  • flip-flopper, n.
  • flushable, adj.
  • Gaia, n.
  • glitch, v.
  • glitchy, adj.
  • high-maintenance, adj.
  • hydroperoxide, n.
  • hydroperoxyl, n.
  • Internet, n.
  • Islamo-, comb. form
  • Islamofascism, n.
  • Islamofascist, n. and adj.
  • Islamophobe, n.
  • Islamophobic, adj.
  • jihadi, n. and adj.
  • Kahlua, n.
  • Krav Maga, n.
  • kwaai, adj.
  • kwaito, n.
  • lehnga, n.
  • low-maintenance, adj.
  • makhani, adj.
  • man, n.1 (and int.)
  • mechanical, adj. and n.
  • mitumba, n.
  • nervous, adj. and n.
  • non-compete, adj. and n.
  • numeracy, n.
  • P, n.
  • party, n.
  • ppt, n.
  • prosthetic, adj. and n.
  • rescale, v.
  • robata, n.
  • robata-yaki, n.
  • sabermetrician, n.
  • sabermetrics, n.
  • samfie, n.
  • scratch and sniff, n.
  • sell-through, n.
  • semifreddo, n.
  • shawarma, n.
  • shisha, n.2
  • shreddies, n.
  • stop-gap, v.
  • stush, adj.
  • surimi, n.
  • Syrah, n.
  • taikonaut, n.
  • to-do, adj.
  • tom yam, n.
  • tom yam kung, n.
  • trebly, adj.
  • underlit, adj.
  • Vela, n.
  • videshi, adj.
  • zythum, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under absolute, adj., (adv.), and n.)
    • absolute privilege
  • (Under aggressive, adj.)
    • aggressive beggar
    • aggressive begging
    • aggressive panhandler
    • aggressive panhandling
  • (Under air, n.1)
    • air ball
    • air-con
  • (Under amino-, comb. form)
    • aminobutyric acid
  • (Under apparent, adj. and n.)
    • apparent motion
    • apparent movement
  • (Under baby, n.)
    • baby grand
    • baby grand piano
    • baby oil
    • baby shower
    • baby step
  • (Under bad, adj., n., and adv.)
    • bad guy
  • (Under beauty, n.)
    • beauty mark
  • (Under best, adj. and adv.)
    • best bitter
    • best practice
  • (Under bio-, comb. form)
    • bioconversion
    • bioelectronic
    • bioelectronics
    • biomaterial
    • biosecurity
    • biosensor
    • biotherapy
  • (Under black, adj.)
    • Black Russian
  • (Under board, n.)
    • board shorts
  • (Under box, n.2)
    • box set
  • (Under boxed, adj.)
    • boxed set
  • (Under brag, n.1)
    • brag book
  • (Under bunker, n.1)
    • bunker mentality
  • (Under buy, v.)
    • buy-to-let
  • (Under camera, n.)
    • camera move
    • camera movement
    • camera operator
    • camerapeople
    • cameraperson
    • camera script
    • camerawoman
  • (Under cannabinoid, n.)
    • cannabinoid receptor
  • (Under carbon, n.)
    • carbon footprint
  • (Under carousel, n.)
    • carousel fraud
  • (Under central, adj.)
    • central air conditioning
    • central air
  • (Under cereal, adj. and n.)
    • cereal bar
  • (Under Chelsea, n.)
    • Chelsea tractor
  • (Under class, n.)
    • classwork
  • (Under clotting, n.)
    • clotting factor
  • (Under coagulation, n.)
    • coagulation factor
  • (Under come-back, n.2)
    • comeback kid
  • (Under contingent, adj. and n.)
    • contingent liability
  • (Under cow, n.1)
    • cow pie
  • (Under crown, n.)
    • crown ether
  • (Under crush, n.)
    • crush syndrome
  • (Under dead, adj., n.1, and adv.)
    • dead tree
    • dead tree edition
  • (Under ecology, n.)
    • ecological footprint
  • (Under Euro-, comb. form)
    • Europhile
    • Europhiliac
    • Europhobe
    • Europhobic
  • (Under fell, n.2)
    • fell runner
    • fell running
  • (Under finger, n.)
    • finger buffet
  • (Under flash, n.2)
    • flash-fried
    • flash-fry
    • flash-frying
  • (Under focus, n.)
    • focus-group
    • focus-grouped
    • focus-grouping
  • (Under gamma, n.)
    • gamma-aminobutyric acid
  • (Under G, n.)
    • GABA
    • GDP
    • GTP
  • (Under good, adj., adv., and n.)
    • good guy
  • (Under head, n.1)
    • head of state
    • head shop
  • (Under Hollywood, n.)
    • Hollywood ending
  • (Under kick, n.1)
    • kick flip
  • (Under life, n.)
    • life-expired
    • life-threatening
  • (Under literacy, n.)
    • literacy hour
  • (Under retro, n.2 and adj.)
    • retro-futurist
    • retro-futuristic
    • retro-futurism
  • (Under round, adj.)
    • round file
  • (Under sensory, adj.)
    • sensory overload
  • (Under show, n.1)
    • show pony
  • (Under sleeper, n.)
    • sleeper cell
  • (Under support, n.)
    • support band
  • (Under survival, n.)
    • survival horror
  • (Under take-, comb. form)
    • take-no-prisoners
  • (Under war, n.1)
    • war hammer
  • (Under winter, n.1)
    • winter rules

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • ABC, n.1
  • abused, adj.
  • agent, adj. and n.1
  • air, n.1
  • altitude, n.
  • anathema, n.
  • anchor, n.1
  • anchor, v.
  • Anglo-American, n. and adj.
  • Anglo-Saxonism, n.
  • anodyne, adj. and n.
  • appetizer, n.
  • bar, n.1
  • bender, n.
  • best, adj. and adv.
  • bridge, n.1
  • bump, n.1
  • bundle, n.
  • carina, n.
  • charet | charette, n.
  • cop, v.3
  • crown, n.
  • crown, v.1
  • crowning, n.
  • cryostat, n.
  • cup, v.
  • cupping, n.
  • distressed, adj.
  • down, v.2
  • eukaryon, n.
  • flip-flop, n.
  • footprint, n.
  • formula, n.
  • groom, v.
  • hook, n.1
  • hooky, adj.
  • inner, adj. (and n.2)
  • key, v.
  • kid, n.1
  • light, n.1
  • lush, adj.1
  • rock, v.1
  • say, v.1
  • season, n.
  • sharky, adj.
  • signing, n.
  • silicon, n.
  • spool, v.
  • spooled, adj.
  • spooler, n.
  • spooling, n.
  • sticky, adj.2
  • stiff, v.
  • sunburst, n.
  • support, n.
  • support, v.
  • terrace, n.
  • thing, n.1
  • threading, n.
  • tin, n.
  • toss, n.1
  • trope, n.
  • unblown, adj.1
  • waif, n.1 and adj.
  • wax, n.1
  • White Russian, n. and adj.
  • written, adj.