June 2005 update

9 June 2005 saw the publication of the range of entries papula-Paul in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • Papuo-Melanesian, n.
  • papyrographed, a.
  • paquined, a.
  • para, n.8
  • paraben, n.
  • paracelsian, n.2
  • paracladium, n.
  • paraconformable, a.
  • paradigma, n.
  • paradoxographer, n.
  • paradoxography, n.
  • paraflight, n.
  • paraflying, n.
  • paraglide, n.
  • paraglide, v.
  • paragliding, n.
  • parahuman, a. and n.
  • parallaxis, n.
  • parallelepipedon, n.
  • parallelized, a.
  • parallelizing, n.
  • parallelizing, a.
  • parallel park, v.
  • parallel parking, n.
  • Paralympian, n.
  • paramotor, n.
  • paramotoring, n.
  • paraneoplastic, n.
  • parang, n.2
  • parapatagium, n.
  • parapatry, n.
  • parapente, n.
  • parapente, v.
  • parapenting, n.
  • paraphony, n.
  • paraphrasy, n.
  • paraphyly, n.
  • paraplasma, n.
  • Paraplast, n.
  • Parasaurolophus, n.
  • parascend, v.
  • parasitophorous, n.
  • parastata, n.
  • parasuicidal, a.
  • parasympatheticomimetic, n. and a.
  • paratonia, n.
  • paratuberculosis, n.
  • paratuberculous, a.
  • parawai, n.
  • parbruilyied, a.
  • parc, n.
  • Parcae, n.
  • parcellary, a.
  • parcours, n.
  • Parellada, n.
  • parencephalos, n.
  • parengo, n.
  • parental, n.
  • parentese, n.
  • Paretian, a. and n.
  • pareve, a.
  • parfumier, n.
  • parge, n.
  • pargening, n.
  • parid, n. and a.
  • parificate, a.
  • parikrama, n.
  • parishing, n.2
  • paristhmia, n.
  • parius, n.
  • parkade, n.
  • Parker House roll, n.
  • parkette, n.
  • parm, n.
  • Parma, n.2
  • parmigiano, n.
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano, n.
  • parodically, adv.
  • paroicism, n.
  • paromologia, n.
  • paronymical, a.
  • parotid gland, n.
  • paroxetine, n.
  • parping, a.
  • parrilla, n.
  • parrillada, n.
  • parroco, n.
  • parrotlet, n.
  • Parrott, n.
  • parroty, a.2
  • pars distalis, n.
  • Parseval, n.2
  • pars nervosa, n.
  • parsonizing, n.
  • pars tuberalis, n.
  • -parter, comb. form
  • part-ex, n. and a.
  • part-ex, v.
  • Parth, n.
  • Parthenian, a.1
  • parthenium, n.
  • partheno-, comb. form
  • parthenogen, n.
  • parthenogenically, adv.
  • parthenolide, n.
  • parthenopid, a. and n.
  • particeps criminis, n.
  • particularizer, n.
  • particulated, a.
  • partied-out, a.
  • partigiano, n.
  • partitionism, n.
  • partitivity, n.
  • partman, n.
  • partnered, a.
  • partocrat, n.
  • partocratic, a.
  • part-skim, a.
  • party animal, n.
  • party-down, a.
  • party-hearty, a.
  • party mix, n.
  • party song, n.
  • parula, n.
  • paruresis, n.
  • parvo, n.
  • parvocellular, a.
  • parvoviral, a.
  • pasanda, n.
  • paschal egg, n.
  • pascola, n. and a.
  • pas d’âne, n.
  • Pasdar, n.
  • Pasdaran, n.
  • pash, v.2
  • Pashtun, n. and a.
  • pasilla, n. and a.
  • pasillo, n.
  • Paso Fino, n.
  • pas op, int.
  • pasquilize, v.
  • pasquinata, n.
  • pass, a.
  • pass, prep. and adv.
  • passageable, a.2
  • passager, n.
  • passata, n.
  • Passe Crassane, n.
  • passerelle, n.
  • passer-through, n.
  • passive-aggressive, a.
  • passometer, n.
  • passported, a.
  • pass rush, n.
  • pass rusher, n.
  • pass-rushing, a.
  • pass rushing, n.
  • password, v.
  • passworded, a.
  • passwording, n.
  • pasta, n.2
  • pasta basica, n.
  • pasta e fagioli, n.
  • pasta fagioli, n.
  • pasta fazool, n.
  • pasta frolla, n.
  • past history, n.
  • pastina, n.
  • pastist, n. and a.
  • pastitsio, n.
  • past life, n.
  • pastoralized, a.
  • patatas bravas, n.
  • patch-tested, a.
  • pat-down, n.
  • patedness, a.
  • paternalize, v.
  • paternalizing, n.
  • paternalizing, a.
  • paternostered, a.
  • -path, comb. form
  • -pathia, comb. form
  • -pathic, comb. form
  • pathing, n.2
  • pathoanatomic, a.
  • pathographic, a.
  • pathologization, n.
  • pathologizing, n.
  • pathologizing, a.
  • pathopoeic, a.
  • pathovar, n.
  • pathshala, n.
  • pathy, n.
  • patia, n.
  • patient zero, n.
  • pativrata, n.
  • patola, n.
  • patoot, n.
  • patria potestas, n.
  • -patric, comb. form
  • patristic, a.2
  • patronate, a.
  • -patry, comb. form
  • patte d’oie, n.
  • pattening, n.
  • patter, n.3
  • Pattinsonized, a.
  • patty-cake, v.
  • patupaiarehe, n.
  • Paul, n.2

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under para-, prefix1)
    • parabronchial
    • parabronchium
    • paramesonephric
    • pararenal
    • paraspinal
  • (Under paracentric, a.2)
    • paracentric inversion
  • (Under parachute, n.)
    • parachute child
    • parachute kid
  • (Under parade, n.2)
    • parade square
  • (Under paradigm, n.)
    • paradigm shift
  • (Under paradise, n.)
    • paradise kingfisher
    • paradise parrot
    • paradise plum
    • paradise shelduck
    • paradise threadfin
  • (Under paraffin, n.)
    • paraffin series
  • (Under paraffinic, a.)
    • paraffinic acid
  • (Under parakeet, n.)
    • parakeet auk
    • parakeet auklet
  • (Under parallactic, a.)
    • parallactic ellipse
  • (Under parallax, n.)
    • parallax scrolling
  • (Under parallel, n., a., and adv.)
    • parallel distributed processing
    • parallel economy
    • parallel interface
    • parallel market
    • parallel port
    • parallel postulate
    • parallel processing
    • parallel processor
    • parallel skier
    • parallel skiing
    • parallel universe
    • parallel world
  • (Under parallelogram, n.)
    • parallelogram of vectors
  • (Under parametric, a.1)
    • parametric equalizer
  • (Under paranema, n.)
    • paranematal
  • (Under paranormal, a. and n.)
    • paranormalist
  • (Under parasitic, a. and n.)
    • parasitic cone
    • parasitic drag
    • parasitic fold
  • (Under parasol, n.)
    • parasol plant
  • (Under parcellize, v.)
    • parcellized
  • (Under parent, n. and a.2)
    • parent governor
  • (Under parental, a.)
    • parental leave
  • (Under Pareto, n.)
    • Pareto optimality
    • Pareto principle
  • (Under parfait, n.)
    • parfait mould
  • (Under Parian, n. and a.)
    • Parian Chronicle
  • (Under parietal, n. and a.)
    • parietal cell
    • parietal foramen
  • (Under Paris, n.)
    • Paris Club
  • (Under park, n.)
    • park officer
    • parks officer
  • (Under parking, n.)
    • parking permit
    • parking stall
  • (Under Parkinson, n.)
    • Parkinson-like
  • (Under parliament, n.1)
    • Parliament of bats (also bludgeons
  • (Under parliamentary, a. and n.)
    • parliamentary army
  • (Under parochial, a. and n.)
    • Parochial Church Council
    • parochial house
  • (Under parol, n. and a.)
    • parol demurrer
    • parol evidence rule
  • (Under paronymic, a.)
    • paronymic attraction
  • (Under parquet, n.)
    • parquet circle
  • (Under parrel, n.)
    • parrel bead
  • (Under parrot, n.1)
    • parrot and monkey time
    • parrot’s feather
  • (Under parrotize, v.)
    • parrotized
  • (Under parsable, a.)
    • parsability
  • (Under parse, n.)
    • parse tree
  • (Under parser, n.)
    • parser-generator
  • (Under parsley, n.)
    • parsley butter
    • parsley-leaved hawthorn
    • parsley water dropwort
  • (Under parson, n.)
    • Parson Jack Russell
    • parson-poet
    • parson’s bands
    • parson’s freehold
  • (Under parsonify, v.)
    • parsonified
  • (Under part, a.2 and adv.)
    • part-bred
  • (Under partan, n.)
    • partan bree
  • (Under parti-, comb. form1)
    • partihued
  • (Under partial, a. and n.)
    • partial differential equation
    • partial birth abortion
    • partial correlation
    • partial differential equation
    • partial dislocation
    • partial loss
    • partial vacuum
  • (Under particle, n.)
    • particle beam
  • (Under particoloured, a.)
    • particoloured bear
  • (Under parting, n.)
    • parting slip
  • (Under partnership, n.)
    • partnership policing
  • (Under partridge, n.)
    • partridge feather
  • (Under party, n.)
    • party bag
    • party boy
    • party faithful
    • party hat
    • party leadership
    • party monster
    • party-pooping
    • party popper
    • party room
    • party ticket
    • party time
    • party whip
  • (Under pasch, n.)
    • pasch fine
  • (Under pass, n.4)
    • pass card
    • pass code
    • pass coverage
    • pass defence
    • pass deflection
    • pass percentage
    • passphrase
    • pass protection
    • pass transistor
  • (Under passage, n.)
    • on passage
  • (Under passed, n. and a.)
    • passed ball
  • (Under passenger, n.)
    • passenger cell
  • (Under passing, n.)
    • passing out
    • passing chord
    • passing game
    • passing gear
    • passing lane
    • passing loop
    • passing modulation
    • passing novel
    • passing peal
    • passing percentage
    • passing tone
  • (Under passing, a., prep., and adv.)
    • passing croquet
    • passing phase
    • passing resemblance
    • passing shake
    • passing shot
    • passing trade
  • (Under passion, n.)
    • passion pit
  • (Under passive, a. and n.)
    • passive-dependent
    • passive euthanasia
    • passive matrix
    • passive restraint
    • passive smoke
  • (Under past, a. and n.)
    • past continuous
    • past historic
    • past progressive
  • (Under paste, n. and a.)
    • paste job
    • paste-like
  • (Under Pasteur, n.)
    • Pasteur treatment
  • (Under pastoral, n. and a.)
    • pastoral charge
  • (Under pastorize, v.)
    • pastorized
  • (Under pastry, n.)
    • pastry bag
    • pastry cream
  • (Under pasture, n.)
    • pasture rose
    • pasture thistle
  • (Under Patagonian, a. and n.)
    • Patagonian conure
    • Patagonian toothfish
  • (Under patch, n.1)
    • patch breast pocket
    • patch reef
  • (Under patent, a.)
    • patent note
  • (Under path, n.1)
    • path-energy
    • path-heat
    • pathname
    • pathworking
  • (Under pathetism, n.)
    • pathetize
    • pathetizer
  • (Under patience, n.1 (and int.))
    • patience plant
  • (Under patient, a. and n.)
    • patient advocate
  • (Under patient, v.)
    • patienting
  • (Under patio, n.)
    • patio rose
  • (Under patise, v.)
    • patised
  • (Under patricentric, a.)
    • patricentricity
  • (Under pattern, n. and a.)
    • pattern matching
  • (Under pattle, v.)
    • pattling
  • (Under patty, n.)
    • patty case
    • patty shell
  • (Under pauci-, comb. form)
    • pauciarthritis
    • pauciarticular
    • paucibacillary

Out-of-sequence new entries

9 June 2005 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • ab, n.3
  • abdominizer, n.
  • alley-oop, adv., int., a., and n.
  • aminergic, a.
  • amuse-bouche, n.
  • amuse-gueule, n.
  • ankle-biter, n.
  • anti-lock, a. and n.
  • anti-locking, a.
  • arsey, a.
  • art house, n. and a.
  • artisanal, a.
  • au beurre, a. (and adv.)
  • autopen, n.
  • back-burner, v.
  • bar and grill, n.
  • bar steward, n.
  • beered-up, a.
  • Bellini, n.
  • bindi, n.
  • biscotto, n.
  • body art, n.
  • body artist, n.
  • bogart, v.
  • bona, a.
  • Borgesian, a.
  • boyf, n.
  • brassic, a.2
  • bridie, n.
  • bringdown, n.
  • brown dwarf, n.
  • buttlegger, n.
  • buttlegging, n.
  • cachaça, n.
  • caipirinha, n.
  • caipiroska, n.
  • carb, n.2
  • carbo, n.
  • carbohydrate loading, n.
  • carbo-load, n. and a.
  • carbo-load, v.
  • carbo-loading, n.
  • carbonara, n.
  • carpaccio, n.
  • catenaccio, n.
  • cava, n.2
  • cavaquinho, n.
  • cell, n.4
  • celsian, n.
  • chartbuster, n.
  • child-mind, v.
  • child-minding, n.
  • clip art, n.
  • clopidogrel, n.
  • conspiracism, n.
  • conspiracist, n. and a.
  • co-pay, n.
  • co-payment, n.
  • crop, a.
  • croque monsieur, n.
  • curry, a.
  • daemon, n.
  • dagnab, a., adv. and int.
  • dagnab, v.
  • dagnabbit, int.
  • databack, n.
  • deconflict, v.
  • dequeue, n.
  • dequeue, v.
  • derivatization, n.
  • derivatize, v.
  • derivatized, a.
  • dickwad, n.
  • dickweed, n.
  • dip, n.3
  • dipshit, n. and a.
  • disconnect, n.
  • dothead, n.
  • downwinder, n.
  • duff, n.3
  • duff, n.4
  • dumpster-dive, v.
  • dumpster diver, n.
  • dumpster diving, n.
  • echo boom, n.
  • emo, n.
  • emo-core, n.
  • en croûte, a. and adv.
  • enqueue, n.
  • enqueue, v.
  • ergogenic, a.
  • fabbo, a. (and int.)
  • fabby, a.
  • fae, prep.
  • feck, v.2
  • feck, int.
  • fecker, n.
  • fecking, a. and adv.
  • fentanyl, n.
  • filmization, n.
  • filmize, v.
  • FOAF, n.
  • foo fighter, n.
  • foul line, n.
  • free throw, n.
  • frother, n.
  • fubar, a.
  • fubar, v.
  • gastropub, n.
  • get-go, n.
  • girlf, n.
  • goelette, n.
  • grammatology, n.
  • gulet, n.
  • hadrosaurid, n. and a.
  • Hadrosaurus, n.
  • hamachi, n.
  • Havarti, n.
  • henna tattoo, n.
  • henna-tattooed, a.
  • henna tattooing, n.
  • he-said-she-said, a. and n.
  • he-say-she-say, n.
  • home run, n.
  • hotelling, n.
  • idiot savant, n.
  • imperf., a.
  • in-box, n. and a.
  • jalfrezi, n.
  • jobsworth, n.
  • junior varsity, n. and a.
  • JV, n. and a.
  • ka-ching, n. and int.
  • ka-ching, v.
  • Koreatown, n.
  • Lib-Dem, n.
  • light speed, n. and a.
  • polari, n.
  • polari, v.
  • Prosecco, n.
  • romcom, n.
  • semesterly, a.
  • Seroxat, n.
  • servo, n.2
  • SIM, n.3
  • skank, v.
  • skanker, n.
  • slow-dance, v.
  • slow dancing, n.
  • spaghetti alla carbonara, n.
  • spaghetti carbonara, n.
  • strop, n.2
  • tall oil, n.
  • tankini, n.
  • techno-shaman, n.
  • techno-shamanic, a.
  • techno-shamanism, n.
  • tempus fugit, phr.
  • ticlopidine, n.
  • tikka masala, n.
  • tricknology, n.
  • trolleyed, a.
  • ubac, n.
  • versioning, n.
  • vidiot, n.
  • wuss, n.2
  • wussy, n. and a.
  • zombied, a.
  • zombification, n.
  • zombified, a.
  • zombify, v.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under A)
    • AAVE
    • ABS
  • (Under abdominal, a. and n.)
    • abdominal crunch
  • (Under aggregate, ppl. a. and n.)
    • on aggregate
  • (Under air, n.1)
    • air steward
  • (Under air-line, n.)
    • air-line steward
    • air-line stewardess
  • (Under angst, n.)
    • angsty
  • (Under army, n.)
    • you and whose (also what) army?
  • (Under ask, n.1)
    • a big (also huge, etc.) ask
  • (Under B)
    • BE
    • BEV
  • (Under baby, n.)
    • baby bust
    • baby buster
    • baby-daddy
    • baby-mama
  • (Under basic, a. (and n.1))
    • basic pay
  • (Under beer, v.)
    • to beer up
    • to get beered up
  • (Under big, a.)
    • big school
  • (Under blue, a.)
    • blue-arsed fly
    • to run around like a blue-arsed fly
    • blue-assed fly
  • (Under bomb, n.)
    • bomb squad
  • (Under brown, a.)
    • brown pelican
  • (Under bubble, n.)
    • bubble tea
  • (Under bunny, n.2)
    • bunny boiler
  • (Under butcher, n.)
    • butcher paper
  • (Under buyer, n.)
    • buyer’s remorse
  • (Under call, v.)
    • to call for —
  • (Under canvas, n.)
    • canvasman
  • (Under car, n.1)
    • car share
    • car-sharing
  • (Under cash, n.1)
    • cash machine
  • (Under cat, n.1)
    • cat litter
  • (Under check, v.1)
    • to check out
  • (Under Chilean, a. and n.)
    • Chilean sea bass
  • (Under cold, a.)
    • cold case
  • (Under colour, n.1)
    • colour pencil
  • (Under coloured, ppl. a.)
    • coloured pencil
  • (Under connexionism, n.)
    • connectionist
  • (Under cooking, vbl. n.)
    • cooking oil
  • (Under cram-)
    • cram school
  • (Under crazy, a.)
    • crazy golf
  • (Under cross-over, n.)
    • cross-over vote
    • cross-over voter
    • cross-over voting
  • (Under dilatation, n.)
    • dilatation and extraction
  • (Under dilation, n.2)
    • dilation and extraction
  • (Under dime, n.)
    • dime-dropper
  • (Under dime, v.)
    • to dime on
  • (Under dip, n.1)
    • dipstick
  • (Under down, a.)
    • down card
  • (Under drop, v.)
    • to drop a dime
  • (Under duck-bill, n.)
    • duck-bill dinosaur
    • duck-billed dinosaur
  • (Under E)
    • EMT
  • (Under egg, n.)
    • egg noodle
  • (Under elevator, n.)
    • elevator music
  • (Under epitome, n.)
    • the (very) epitome of
  • (Under evil, a. and n.1)
    • Evil Empire
  • (Under exclusive, a. and n.)
    • Exclusive Brethren
  • (Under exit, n.)
    • exit strategy
  • (Under eyebrow, n.)
    • eyebrow ring
  • (Under fashion, n.)
    • fashion police
  • (Under file, n.2)
    • file extension
  • (Under fish, n.1)
    • fish-net
  • (Under flip, v.)
    • flip chip
  • (Under flotation, n.)
    • flotation tank
  • (Under food, n.)
    • food court
  • (Under foul, a., adv. and n.)
    • foul lane
    • foul shot
  • (Under gauge, n.)
    • gauge boson
  • (Under genetic, a. and n.)
    • genetic screening
  • (Under ghost, n.)
    • ghost payroller
  • (Under graduate, a. and n.)
    • graduate tax
  • (Under groomer, n.)
    • snow groomer
    • trail groomer
  • (Under guided, ppl. a.)
    • guided meditation
  • (Under ham, n.1 (a.))
    • ham-and-egger
  • (Under hash, n.2)
    • hash brownie
  • (Under heritage, n.)
    • heritage tourism
  • (Under I)
    • IPO
  • (Under image, n.)
    • image editing
    • image editor
  • (Under initial, a. and n.)
    • initial public offer
    • initial public offering
  • (Under isolation, n.)
    • isolation tank
  • (Under job, n.2)
    • to be more than one’s job’s worth
  • (Under jug, n.2)
    • jug-eared
    • jug ears
  • (Under junk, n.2)
    • junk DNA
  • (Under kitty, n.2)
    • kitty litter
  • (Under lar, n.)
    • lares and penates
  • (Under learning, vbl. n.)
    • learning difficulty
    • learning disability
    • learning disabled
  • (Under Lesbian, a. and n.)
    • lesbian marriage
  • (Under liberal, a. and n.)
    • Liberal Democrat
  • (Under lift, n.2)
    • lift music
  • (Under lip, n.)
    • lip stud
  • (Under litter, n.)
    • litter box
    • litter tray
  • (Under little, a., adv., and n.)
    • Little Italy
  • (Under low, adv.)
    • low-hanging fruit
  • (Under rail, n.2)
    • rail station
  • (Under rattle, n.1)
    • to throw one’s rattle out of the pram (also cot)
  • (Under revolving, ppl. a.)
    • revolving door
  • (Under rogue, n.)
    • rogue state
  • (Under rough, a.)
    • rough sleeper
    • rough sleeping
  • (Under school, n.1)
    • school night
  • (Under Scotch, a. and n.3)
    • Scotch pie
  • (Under Serrano, n.)
    • serrano chilli
  • (Under she, pron.)
    • She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed
  • (Under shell, n.)
    • expert-system shell
    • shell window
  • (Under short, a., n., and adv.)
    • in short trousers
  • (Under snow, n.1)
    • snow day
  • (Under standing, ppl. a.)
    • standing O
  • (Under stomach, n.)
    • stomach crunch
  • (Under stroller, n.)
    • stroller coat
  • (Under target, n.1)
    • target-rich
  • (Under tea, n.)
    • tea egg
  • (Under telephone, n.)
    • telephone sex
  • (Under tit, n.6)
    • off one’s tits
  • (Under Tom Thumb, n.)
    • Tom Thumb golf
  • (Under tongue, n.)
    • tongue ring
    • tongue stud
  • (Under toy, n.)
    • to throw (also chuck) one’s toys out of the pram (also cot)
  • (Under track, n.)
    • track list
    • track listing
  • (Under trolley, n.)
    • trolley dolly
  • (Under trousers, n.)
    • trouser role
    • trousers role
  • (Under ugly, a., adv., and n.)
    • ugly sister
  • (Under version, n.)
    • version
  • (Under viral, a.)
    • to go viral
    • viral marketing
  • (Under voodoo, n.)
    • voodoo economics
  • (Under walk, v.1)
    • to walk free
  • (Under wellness, n.)
    • wellness centre
    • wellness programme
  • (Under west, adv., n.1, and a.)
    • West Brit
  • (Under what, pron., a.1, adv., conj., int. (n.))
    • what you see is what you get
  • (Under wide, a.)
    • wide game
  • (Under world, n.)
    • to be (also live, etc.) in a world of one’s own
  • (Under yesterday, adv., n., and a.)
    • yesterday’s news
  • (Under Z)
    • Z-bed
  • (Under zed, n.)
    • zed-bed

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • abdominal, a. and n.
  • accredit, v.
  • accredited, ppl. a.
  • ace, n.
  • ace, v.
  • back, n.1
  • backbone, n.
  • bastardization, n.
  • bear, n.1
  • bias, a., n., and adv.
  • bookable, a.
  • bottomless, a.
  • boutique, n.
  • burn, v.1
  • buzz, v.1
  • buzzing, ppl. a.
  • buzzy, a.1
  • cat’s paw, n.
  • clicker, n.1
  • clutch, n.1
  • connexionism, n.
  • cropped, ppl. a.
  • cross-over, n.
  • crunch, n. (and a.)
  • deadly, a.
  • decorate, v.
  • double eagle, n.
  • drain, n.
  • echo, n.
  • English, a. and n.
  • exclusive, a. and n.
  • fix, v.
  • fresh, a.1, adv. and n.1
  • gritty, a.1
  • groom, v.
  • groomer, n.
  • holding, ppl. a.
  • hoop, n.1
  • jerk, n.2
  • Jimmy, n.2
  • key, n.1
  • keyhole, n.
  • knock-out, a. and n.
  • landrace, n.
  • lane, n.1
  • lap, n.3
  • legacy, n.
  • litter, n.
  • revival, n.
  • rip, v.2
  • ripper, n.
  • sexuality, n.
  • shoddy, a.
  • silent, a. and n.
  • slate, n.1
  • slate, v.1
  • slating, vbl. n.1
  • snatch, v.
  • stick, n.1
  • stoner, n.1
  • straight-edge, n.
  • strategic, a. and n.
  • take-out, a. and n.
  • text, n.1
  • top-heavy, a.
  • totally, adv.
  • unpatched, ppl. a.
  • walk, v.1