
Hibbert, Henry
        Syntagma theologicum: or, a treatise wherein is concisely comprehended the body of divinity; whereunto are added certaine divine discourses 1662

Hibbert(-Ware), Samuel
        A description of the Shetland Islands 1822

Hibbert journal, The; a quarterly review of religion, theology, and philosophy 1902–

Hichcock, Robert
        See Hitchcock, R.

Hichens, Robert S.
        The green carnation (anon.) 1894
The Londoners, an absurdity

Hick, John Harwood
ed. The myth of God incarnate 1977
Orchids on your budget; or, Live smartly on what have you
1937 (UK 1938)

Hickeringill, Edmund
        Works a 1708 (1709)
Miscellaneous tracts, essays, satyrs, etc. in prose and verse
The black non-conformist discover’d in more naked truth
The ceremony-monger, his character
Curse ye Meroz, or the fatal doom
        Gregory, Father Greybeard, with his vizard off 1673
        The history of whiggism 1682
        The horrid sin of man-catching 1681
        Jamaica view’d 1661
        The lay-clergy; or, the lay-elder 1695
        The naked truth 1680–82
A vindication of the naked truth. By Phil. (or rather Edmund) Hickeringill 1681
        Priest-craft, its character and consequences 1705–07
The vindication of the character of priestcraft 1705
        The speech without doors, or some modest inquiries humbly proposed to the Convention of Estates 1689
        The Trimmer. Debate with the Observator 1683

Hickeringill, Phil.
        See Hickeringill, E.

Hickes, George
        The case of infant baptism 1683
        The spirit of Popery 1680
        Two treatises, one of the Christian priesthood; the other of the dignity of the episcopal order 1707 (1711, 1847)

—— & Nelson, Robert
        Memoirs of the life of John Kettlewell. Compiled (by F. Lee) from the collections of G. Hickes and R. Nelson 1718

Hickey, William
        Memoirs ed. A. Spencer 4 vols. 1913–25
—ed. P. Quennell 1960

Hickie, William J.
        The Comedies of Aristophanes tr. 1853 (1872)

Hickman, Henry
        Historia quinq-articularis exarticulata; or, Animadversions on Doctor Heylin’s Quinquarticular history 1673 (1674)

Hickock, Thomas
        The voyage and travaile of M. C. Frederick into the East India tr. 1588

See Hyckescorner

‘Hieover, Harry’ (C. Brindley)
        Practical horsemanship 1850
        The stud for practical purposes 1849

Hieron, Samuel
        Works a 1617 (1620)
        Aarons bells a-sounding a 1617 (1623)
        A defence of the ministers reasons for refusall of subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer 1607–08
        A short dialogue proving that the ceremonyes now in question, are defended by arguments such as the papists have used (anon.) 1605

Hiffernan, Paul
        See H., P.

Hi-fi answers 1972–

Hi-fi sound 1967–77

Higden’s Polychronicon tr. 1432–50 (Rolls series 1865–86)
See also Trevisa

Higgin, Louis
        Handbook of embroidery ed. M. Alford 1880

Higgins, George Vincent
        A city on a hill 1975
        Dreamland 1977
        The friends of Eddie Coyle 1972
        The judgement of Deke Hunter 1976

Higgins, Godfrey
        The Celtic Druids 1827

Higgins, John
        The nomenclator, or remembrancer of Adrianus Junius tr. 1585
See also Huloet; Mirror for magistrates

Higgins, Matthew J.
        Essays on social subjects a 1868 (1875)

Higginson, Thomas W.
        Malbone: an Oldport romance 1869
        Oldport days 1873
        Young folks’ history of the United States 1875

Higgs, Paget
ed. Magneto- and dynamo-electric machines..From the German of Glaser de Cew 1885

High commission cases. Reports of cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission 1631–32 (Camden Soc. 1886)

‘High Jinks, Junior’ (Harold Poe Swartwood)
        Choice slang 1914

High times (New York) 1974–

Higham, Edward Spencer & Higham, William Richard Joseph
        High speed rugby 1960

Higham, Robert Robin Alger
        A handbook of papermaking 1963

Higher education: report
See: United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers. Committee on Higher Education

Highland Society of Scotland
        Prize essays and transactions 1799–1843
        Transactions 1843–

Highlanders, The 1824
        See McDonogh, F.

Highlands of Scotland in 1750 17.. (From MS. in the British Museum. With introd. by A. Lang 1898)

Highsmith, Patricia
        The tremor of forgery 1969

Higins, John
        See Higgins, J.

Hildanus tr. 1643
        See Steer, John

Hildebrand. The life of Hyldebrande, called Gregory, the seventh, pope of that name 1534 (W. de Worde)

Hildick, Edmund Wallace
        The boy at the window 1960
        The loop 1977

Hildreth, James
        Dragoon campaigns to the Rocky Mountains 1836

Hilditch, Ann
        Rosa de Montmorien. A novel 1787

Hildrop, John
        Miscellaneous works 1754
        A letter to a member of parliament, containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the Ten Commandments (anon.) 1738

Hiler, Hilaire
        Notes on the technique of painting 1934

Hiles, John
        Catechism of the organ 1876 (1878)
        A complete dictionary of musical terms 1871

Hilgard, Ernest Ropiequet
        Theories of learning 1948
—(ed. 2) 1956 (UK 1958)

Hilgard, Eugene Waldemar
        Soils: their formation, properties, composition, and relations to climate and plant growth in the humid and arid regions 1906

Hilgendorf, Frederick William
        Weeds of New Zealand, and how to eradicate them 1926

Hill, Aaron
        Works a 1750 (1753)
        Poems a 1750 (1822)
        Advice to the poets. A poem 1731

Hill, Abraham
        Familiar letters which passed between A. H. and several eminent and ingenious persons of the last century 16.. (1767)
        Some account of the life of Dr. Isaac Barrow 1687 (in Barrow’s Works, I. 1687)

Hill, Albert Frederick, Economic botany 1937

Hill, Archibald Anderson
        Introduction to linguistic structures 1958

Hill, Archie
        Summer’s end 1976

Hill, Beth & Hill, Ray
        Spirit in stone: petroglyphs of the Northwest Coast Indians 1974

Hill, David J.
        American authors. W. C. Bryant, etc. 1879

Hill, John
        The British herbal 1756
        A general natural history: or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals of the different parts of the world. Vol. I. A history of fossils 1748;
vol. II. An history of plants 1751; vol. III. An history of animals 1752
        A history of the materia medica 1751
        Pomet’s (P.) Compleat history of drugs tr. 1748 (ed. 4)
        The sleep of plants, and cause of motion in the sensitive plant, explain’d 1757
        Theophrastus’s History of stones tr. 1746 (1774)
        The useful family herbal 1755 (1812)

Hill, Peter
        The hunters 1976

Hill, Reginald
        A fairly dangerous thing 1972
        Ruling passion 1973

Hill, Robert
        Christs prayer expounded, a christian directed and a communicant prepared 1606
—another ed., entitled The pathway to prayer and pietie 1610 (1629, 1847)

Hill, Susan
        Gentleman and ladies 1976
        Strange meeting 1971

Hill, Thomas
        The arte of vulgar arithmeticke 1600
        A briefe and pleasaunt treatise intituled: Naturall and artificiall conclusions tr. 1586
        A most briefe and pleasaunt treatise, teachynge howe to dress, sowe, and set a garden 1563
—another ed., entitled The proffitable arte of gardening, now the third tyme set fourth. 2 pts. 1568
—another ed. Whereunto is newly added a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees 1574
        A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of bees 1579

Hill, Thomas
        God’s eternal preparations for his dying saints 1648
        An olive branch of peace and accommodation budding 1648
        The right separation incouraged 1644 (1645)
        The spring of strengthning grace in the rock of ages, Christ Jesus 1648
        The strength of the saints to make Jesus Christ their strength 1648
        The trade of truth advanced 1642
        Truth and love happily married in the saints and in the churches of Christ 1648

Hillary, Edmund
        High adventure 1955

Hillary, Richard Hope
        The last enemy 1942

Hillary, William
        Observations on the changes of the air and the concomitant epidemical diseases in the Island of Barbadoes 1766

Hillebrand, William
        Flora of the Hawaiian Islands 1888

Hilliard, Nicholas
        A treatise concerning the arte of limning c 1600 (MS. in Edinb. Univ. Library; in Annual of Walpole Soc. I, 1912)

Hilliard, Noel Harvey
        Maori girl 1960
        A piece of land 1963

Hillis, Marjorie (Marjorie Hillis Roulston)

Hills, Richard
        Proverbs from the common-place book of c 1530 (in Fraser’s Mag., Aug. 1858)
See also Songs, carols, etc.

Hills of the Shatemuc 1856
        See Warner, Susan

Hillyard, George Whiteside
        Forty years of first-class lawn tennis 1924

Hilman, Daniel
        Tusser redivivus. The calendar of the twelve months with notes, published by D. Hilman 1710

Hilton, James
        Lost horizon 1933
See also ‘Trevor, Glen’

Hilton, John Buxton
        Gamekeeper’s gallows 1976

Hilton, Timothy
        The Pre-Raphaelites 1970

Himes, Chester
        Black on black: Baby sister, and selected writings 1973
        Blind man with a pistol 1969
        The heat’s on 1966

Hinchliff, Thomas W.
        South American sketches 1863

Hind, Henry Y.
        Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula 1863

Hind, Herbert Lloyd
        Brewing 2 vols. 1938–40

Hind, John
        Eliosto libidinoso, described in two bookes 1606

Hinde, Sidney L.
        The fall of the Congo Arabs 1897

Hinde, William
        A faithfull remonstrance of the holy life and happy death of John Bruen a 1629 (1641)

Hindley, Charles
ed. The life and adventures of a Cheap Jack 1876
ed. The old book collector’s miscellany 1871–73

Hindmarsh, William Russell
ed. Atomic spectra 1967

Hindu, The (Madras) 1878–

Hindustan Times (New Delhi) 1924–

Hine, Gerald John & Brownell, G. L.
eds. Radiation dosimetry 1956

Hinsie, Leland Earl & Shatzky, Jacob
        Psychiatric dictionary, with encyclopedic treatment of modern terms 1940
—(ed. 3, by L. E. Hinsie & R. J. Campbell) 1960

‘Hinton, Beneventura’ (Valentinë Durrant)
        Until my lord’s return. A romance of a river town 1892

Hinton, Richard J.
        English Radical leaders 1875

Hinxman, Margaret
        End of a good woman 1976

Hird, Frank
        The cry of the children: an exposure of certain British industries in which children are iniquitously exposed 1898

Hirst, Henry B.
        The coming of the Mammoth, and other poems 1845

Hiscock, Eric Charles
        Around the world in Wanderer III 1956

Hislop, Alexander
        The book of Scottish anecdote 1874
        The proverbs of Scotland 1862 (1874)

Hissey, James J.
        A holiday on the road 1887
        A tour in a phaeton through the eastern counties 1889

Historia litteraria; or, an exact and early account of the most valuable books published in the several parts of Europe. (ed. by A. Bower) 1730–34

Historical collections of a citizen of London in the fifteenth century 14.. (Camden Soc. 1876)

Historical manuscripts, Reports of the royal commission on 1870–

Historical register, The, containing an impartial relation of all transactions foreign and domestic 1717 (1724)

Historical view of the Court of Exchequer 1738
        See Gilbert, Sir G.

Historie of the arrival of Edward IV 1471 (Camden Soc. 1838)

History and antiquities of Rochester and its environs. (By W. Shrubsole & S. Denne) 1772

History and antiquities of the City of York (? By W. Combe) 1785

History of King Arthur (The story of the moste noble and worthy kynge Arthur newly imprynted) 1557 (W. Copland).
See also Malory, Sir T.

History of Christina Allesandra of Swedland 1658
        See Burbury, J.

History of Friar Gerund 1772
        See Nugent, T.

History of the Holy Rood-tree 11.. (E.E.T.S. 1894)

History of independency
        See Walker, C.

History of James VI 1582–88
        See James VI

History of Jetzer 1679
        See Waller, Sir W.

History of the mitre and purse, The 1714

History of modern Europe, The (by William Russell) 1779

History of Ned Evans 1796

History of Pelham, Mass., from 1738 to 1898. By C. O. Parmenter. (Chiefly from town and parish records) v.d. (1898)

History of Sir J. Hawkwood 1687
        See Hawkwood, Sir J.

History of the troubles at Frankforth 1574
See Brieff discours.

Histrio-mastix; or, the player whipt 1610 (in Simpson, School of Shakespeare II. 1878)

Hitchcock, Edward
        Ichnology of New England 1858

Hitchcock, Robert
        A general proportion and order of provision to victual a garrison of one thousand soldiers 1591 (App. to Garrard’s Art of war 1591; in Arber, Eng. Garner II)
        A pollitique platt for the honour of the prince 1580 (in Arber, Eng. Garner II)
        Sansovino’s (F.) Quintesence of wit tr. 1590

Hitchin, Charles
        A true discovery of the conduct of receivers and thief-takers in and about the City of London 1718

Hitchins, Fortescue & Drew, Samuel
        The history of Cornwall, from the earliest records and traditions, to the present time. Compiled by F. Hitchins and ed. by S. Drew 1824

Hoadley, Abp. John
        The abasement of pride; a sermon 1708
        A sermon preach’d in the cathedral-church of Norwich 1704

Hoadly, Bp. Benjamin
        Works a 1761 (1773)

Hoadly, Benjamin (son of the above)
        The suspicious husband; a comedy 1747 (1756)

Hoadly, John
        Phoebe; a pastoral opera 1748

Hobart, George Vere
        Jim Hickey: a story of the one-night stands 1904
See also ‘McHugh, Hugh’

Hobbes, John Oliver
        See Craigie, Pearl M. T.

Hobbes, Stephen
        C. S(c)hilander his chirurgerie tr. 1596

Hobbes, Thomas
        English works a 1679 (1839–45)
        Tracts a 1679 (1682)
        The art of rhetoric, with a discourse of the laws of England a 1679 (1681)
        Behemoth; or an epitome of the civil wars of England from 1640 to 1660 1679 (1680)
        De corpore politico: or, the elements of law, moral and politick 1650
        Decameron physiologicum: or, ten dialogues of natural philosophy 1678
        Elements of philosophy tr.; to which are added Six lessons to the professors of mathematicks of the institution of Sir H. Savile, in the University of Oxford 1656
        Mr. Hobbes considered in his loyalty, religion, reputation and manners. By way of a letter to Dr. Wallis 1662
—another ed., entitled Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners and religion of T. Hobbes. Written by himself 1680
        Homer’s Iliads tr. 1675
        Homer’s Odysses tr. 1674
        Humane nature; or the fundamental elements of policie 1650
        Leviathan, or the matter, forme, and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiasticall and civill 1651
        Of libertie and necessitie, a treatise, in answer to a treatise written by the Bishop of London-derry on the same subject 1654
        The questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance, clearly stated 1656
        Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society 1651
        Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry a 1679 (in Tracts, 1682, Pt. IV)
        or markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks and barbarismes of John Wallis 1657
        Thucydides’ Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian warre tr. 1629

Hobhouse, John C. (Baron Broughton)
        Historical illustrations of the fourth canto of Childe Harold 1818
        Italy: remarks made in several visits 1816–54 (1859)
        A journey through Albania, etc. 1813
        The substance of some letters written by an Englishman resident at Paris (i.e. J. C. Hobhouse), during the last reign of the emperor Napoleon 1815–16 (1816)

Hoblyn, Richard D.
        A dictionary of the terms used in medicine and the collateral sciences 1835
—ed. 2, 1844; ed. 8, enlarged 1858

Hobson, Hank
        Mission house murder 1959

Hobson, John
        Journal 1725–35 (in Yorkshire diaries, Surtees Soc. 1877)

Hobson, John Atkinson
        The problem of the unemployed 1896

Hobson, Laura Keane (Zametkin)
        The celebrity 1951 (UK 1953)

‘Hobson, Polly’ (Julia Evans)
        Titty’s dead 1968

Hobson, Richmond Pearson
        Nothing too good for a cowboy 1955

Hoby, Sir Edward
        A counter-snarle for Ishmael Rabshacheh 1613
        A curry-combe for a coxe-combe 1615
        A letter to Mr. T(heophilus) H(iggons) in answere of his first Motive 1609

Hoby, Sir Thomas
        Castiglione’s (B.) Courtyer tr. 1561 (1577)
        Travels and life, written by himself 1547–64 (Camden Soc., Misc. 1902)

Hoccleve, Thomas
        De regimine principum (The regement of princes) c 1412 (Roxb. Cl. 1860; E.E.T.S. 1897)
        Minor poems v.d. (E.E.T.S. 1892)
        La male regle (The misrule) 1406
        The mother of God c 1410
        The tale of Jonathas 1422

Hochstetter’s (F. von) New Zealand tr. 1867

Hockett, Charles Francis
        A course in modern linguistics 1958
ed. A Leonard Bloomfield anthology 1970
        A manual of phonology 1955

Hockin, Thomas
        A discourse of the nature of God’s decrees 1684

Hockley, William B.
        Pandurang Hàri; or memoirs of a Hindoo (anon.) 1826

Hodge, Frederick Webb
ed. Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico 2 vols. 1907–10

Hodge, Herbert
        Cab, sir? 1939

Hodge, Hiram C.
        Arizona as it is 1877

Hodges, John A.
        Elementary photography 1893 (1907)

Hodges, Henry
        Artifacts: an introduction to early materials and technology 1964

Hodges, Richard
        The plainest directions for the true-writing of English 1649

Hodges, Thomas
        A glimpse of God’s glory 1642

Hodges, Thomas
        The hoary head crowned 1652

Hodges, Walter
        The Christian plan exhibited in the interpretation of Elohim 1752 (1755)
        Elihu; or an enquiry into the principal scope and design of the Book of Job 1750 (1755)

Hodges, William
        Travels in India, during the years 1780–83 1793

Hodgins, Eric
        Mr. Blandings builds his dream house 1946 (UK 1947)

Hodgkin, Thomas
        Italy and her invaders 1880–99

Hodgkinson, Harry
        Doubletalk: the language of Communism 1955

Hodgson, Christopher P.
        Reminiscences of Australia, with hints on the squatters’ life 1846
        A residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate in 1859–60 1861

Hodgson, Frederick T.
        Stair-building made easy 1884

Hodgson, James T.
        Memoir of Francis Hodgson. With letters from Lord Byron and others 1878

Hodgson, John
        A history of Northumberland 1820–40

Hodgson, Shadworth H.
        The philosophy of reflection 1878
        Time and space; a metaphysical essay 1865

Hodkin, Frederick William & Cousen, Arnold
        A textbook of glass technology 1925

Hodson, James Lansdale
        Our two Englands 1936

Hody, Humphrey
        A history of English councils and convocations 1701

Hodza, Aaron C. & Fortune, George
        Shona praise poetry 1979

Høffding’s (H.) Outlines of psychology, tr. by Mary E. Lowndes 1891

Hoffman, Charles F.
        A winter in the west 2 vols. 1835 (UK ed., also 2 vols. 1835, with title —— in the far west)
        Greyslaer: a romance of the Mohawk 1840

Hoffman, Walter J.
        The beginnings of writing 1895

Hoffman, Tragedy of
See Chettle, H.

Hoffmeister’s (W.) Travels in Ceylon and Continental India tr. 1848

Hogan, Jeremiah Joseph
        The English language in Ireland 1927
        An outline of English philology 1934

Hogarth, David George
        The Nearer East 1902

Hogarth, George
        Musical history, biography, and criticism 1835

Hogarth, William
        The analysis of beauty 1753

Hogg, Alfred George
        Redemption from this world; or, The supernatural in Christianity 1922

‘Hogg, Cervantes’
        See Barrett, E. S.

Hogg, David
        Life and times of the rev. John Wightman (1762–1847) 1873

Hogg, Jabez
        The microscope 1854 (1861, 1867)

Hogg, James
        Poetical works a 1835 (1838–40
        Tales and sketches 1818–35 (1836–37)
        The Brownie of Bodsbeck, and other tales 1818
        Dramatic tales 1817
        The Jacobite relics of Scotland; being the songs, airs, and legends of the adherents of the House of Stuart, Collected by J. H. 1819–21 (1874)
        The mountain bard 1807
        Poems on different subjects 1806
        Queen Hynde. A poem 1825
        The queen’s wake; a legendary poem 1813
Scottish pastorals, poems, and songs
        The shepherd’s calendar 1829
        The three perils of man; or war, women and witchcraft 1822
        Winter evening tales 1820

Hogg, Robert
        The fruit manual 1860 (1862)
        The vegetable kingdom and its products 1858

Hogg, Thomas J.
        The life of Shelley 1858

Hoggart, Herbert Richard
        Auden: an introductory essay 1951
        The uses of literacy: aspects of working-class life, with special reference to publications and entertainments 1957

Holbrook, David Kenneth
        Flesh wounds 1966

Holbrook, John E.
        North American herpetology 1836–42

Holbrook, M. L.
        Hygiene of the brain and nerves 1878

Holcroft, Sir Henry
        Procopius’ History of the warres of the Emperor Justinian tr. 1653

Holcroft, Thomas
        Lavater’s (J. C.) Essays on physiognomy tr. 1793
        The life of Baron Frederic Trenck tr. 1788 (1886)
        Memoirs of Bryan Perdue 1805
        Memoirs, written by himself, and continued to the time of his death, from his diary, notes, and other papers a 1809 (1816)
        Stolberg’s (F. L. zu) Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily tr. 1796–97

Holden, Anne
        The girl on the beach 1973

Holden, Luther
        Human osteology 1855 (1878)
        A manual of the dissection of the human body 1851

Holder, Charles F.
        Marvels of animal life 1885

Holder, William
        A discourse concerning time 1694
        Elements of speech 1669
        A treatise on the natural grounds and principles of harmony 1694

Holderness glossary 1877
        See Ross, Frederick

Holdich, Benjamin
        An essay on the weeds of agriculture 1825

Holdsworth, Edward
        Remarks and dissertations on Virgil a 1746 (1768)

Holdsworth, Richard
        The peoples happinesse; a sermon preached upon 27 of March, being the day of his Majesties inauguration 1642

Hole, Richard
        Remarks on the Arabian Nights Entertainments 1797

Hole, Samuel R.
        A book about roses, how to grow and show them 1869 (1870, 1891)
        A little tour in America 1895

Holiday, Billie
        Lady sings the blues 1956 (UK 1958; new impr. 1973)

Holiday 1946–

Holinshed, Raphael
        The firste (laste) volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande 1577
—Continued to 1586 by John Hooker, alias Vowell (and Abraham Fleming) 1586–87 (1807–08)
        The Scottish chronicle (1805)

‘Holland, Clive’ (C. J. Hankinson)
        Mousmé 1901
        My Japanese wife 1895

Holland, Sir Henry
        Essays on scientific and other subjects contributed to the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews v.d. (1862)
        General view of the agriculture of Cheshire 1808

Holland, Henry Scott
        Christ or Ecclesiastes 1887 (1888)
        Logic and life, with other sermons 1882 (1885)
        Old and new 1900

Holland, John
        A treatise on the progressive improvement and present state of the manufactures in metal 1831–39

Holland, John Henry
        The useful plants of Nigeria 4 vols. 1908–22

Holland, Josiah G.
        Arthur Bonnicastle 1873
        The bay-path 1857
        Gold foil hammered from popular proverbs 1859
        History of Western Massachusetts 1855
        Kathrina 1868
        Lessons in life 1862
        Letters to the Joneses 1863
        The life of Abraham Lincoln 1865
        The marble prophecy 1872
        Miss Gilbert’s career 1860
        The mistress of the manse 1874
        Plain talk on familiar subjects 1865
        The story of Sevenoaks 1875
        Timothy Titcomb’s letters to the young 1858

Holland, Philemon
        Camden’s (W.) Britain, or a chorographicall description of England, Scotland, and Ireland tr. 1610 (1637)
        Livy’s Romane historie tr. 1600
        Pliny’s Historie of the world, commonly called the Natural historie tr. 1601 (1634)
        Marcellinus’ (A.) Roman historie tr. 1609
        Plutarch’s Philosophie, commonlie called, the Morals tr. 1603 (1657)
        Suetonius’ Historie of twelve Cæsars tr. 1606
        Xenophon’s Cyrupædia tr. 1632

Holland, Ray
        Self and social context 1977

Holland, Sir Richard
        The buke of the Howlat c 1450 (Bannatyne Cl. 1823; in Scott. allit. poems, S.T.S. 1891–92)

Holland, Robert
        A glossary of words used in the county of Chester 1886 (E.D.S.)

Holland, Lady Saba
        A memoir of the rev. Sydney Smith 1855

Holland, Samuel
        Don Zara del Fogo; a mock-romance tr. 1656 (1719)

Hollander, Zander
ed. The modern encyclopedia of basketball 1969

Hollands leaguer 1632
        See Goodman, N.

Holley, Alexander L.
        A treatise on ordnance and armor 1865

Holley, Marietta E.
        My opinions and Betsey Bobbet’s 1873

Hollingshead, John
        My lifetime 1895

Hollingworth, Richard
        An exercitation concerning usurped powers 1650

Hollingworth, Richard
        A full and true account of the penitence of John Marketman 1680
        A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor 1682
See also Vindiciæ Carolinæ

Hollinshead, William Henry
        Textbook of anatomy 1962

Holloway, Christopher John
        Language and intelligence 1951

Holloway, William
        A general dictionary of provincialisms 1838

Hollyband, Claudius (C. Desainliens)
        Campo di Fior, or else the flourie field of foure languages 1583
        A dictionarie French and English 1593
        The treasurie of the French tong 1580

Hollybush, John
        Braunschweig’s (H.) Most excellent homish apothecarye tr. 1561

Holman, Joseph G.
        Abroad and at home; a comic opera 1796

Holman-Hunt, Diana
        My grandmothers and I 1960

Holman-Hunt, William
        See Hunt, W. Holman

Holme, Randle
        The academy of armory, or a storehouse of armory and blazon 1688
—2nd vol. 1688 (ed. by I. H. Jeayes, Roxb. Cl. 1905)

Holme, Wilfrid
        The fall and euill successe of rebellion 1572 (repr. n.d.)

Holmes, Arthur
        The nomenclature of petrology, with references to selected literature 1920
        Principles of physical geology 1944
—(ed. 2) 1965

Holmes, Edward
        The life of Mozart, including his correspondence 1845

Holmes, Harry Nicholls
        Introductory colloid chemistry 1934

Holmes, John Clellon
        Nothing more to declare 1968

Holmes, Mary Jane
        Tempest and sunshine; or, Life in Kentucky 1854

Holmes, Oliver Wendell
        Writings v.d. (1891–92)
        Poetical works 1852 (1883, 1895)
        The autocrat of the breakfast-table 1858
        Elsie Venner; a romance of destiny 1860
        The guardian angel 1867
        John Lothrop Motley; a memoir 1878
        Medical essays 1842–82 (1883)
        Pages from an old volume of life. A collection of essays 1857–81 (1883)
        The poet at the breakfast-table 1872
        The professor at the breakfast-table 1860
        Ralph Waldo Emerson 1885

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (the younger)
        The Pollock-Holmes letters
See Pollock, Sir Frederick

—— & Laski, Harold Joseph
        Holmes–Laski letters: the correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J. Laski, 1916–1935 ed. M. DeW. Howe 2 vols. 1953

Holmes, Sarah Katherine (Stone)
        Brokenburn: the journal of Kate Stone, 1861–1868 ed. J. Q. Anderson 1955

Holmes, Thomas K.
        The man from Tall Timber 1919

Holmes, Timothy
        A treatise on surgery 1875

—— & Hulke, J. W.
        A system of surgery 1883 (ed. 3)

Holmesby (Capt. John), Voyages and travels, and wonderful discoveries of 1757

Holroyd (Maria J.), The girlhood of. Recorded in letters 1776–96 (1896)

Holroyde, Peggy
        Indian music 1972

Holst, Herman von
        John C. Calhoun 1882
        Constitutional and political history of the United States tr. by J. J. Lalor & A. B. Mason 1876–85

Holt, Edwin Bissell
        The Freudian wish and its place in ethics 1915

Holt, John
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster 1794

Holtby, Winifred
        Poor Caroline 1931
        South Riding 1936

Holtzapffel, Charles & John J.
        Turning and mechanical manipulation 1843–50

Holwell, John Z.
        Interesting historical events relative to the provinces of Bengal and the empire of Indostan 1765–71

Holwell, William
        A mythological, etymological, and historical dictionary: extracted from (J. Bryant’s) Analysis of ancient mythology 1793

Holy Land, The: being sketches of the Jews, and of the land of Palestine 1844

Holyday, Barten
        A. Persius Flaccus his Satires tr. 1616 (1673)
        D. J. Juvenalis and A. Persius Flaccus tr. a 1661 (1673)
        Of the nature of faith: a sermon 1654
        A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Aug. 5 1623 (1626)
        A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, March 24 1624 (1626)
        A survey of the world 1661
        Technogamia or the marriages of the arts. A comedie 1618

Holyoake, George J.
        The history of co-operation in England 1875–77

Holyoke, Francis
        Dictionarie etymologicall 1606 (Pt. 2 of Rider’s Dictionarie corrected 1606)
        Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum 1633 (4th ed. of prec.)

Holyoke, Thomas
        A large (Latin and English) dictionary, in three parts a 1675 (1677; an enlarged ed. of prec.)

Homans, Isaac S. (senior and junior) A cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navigation 1858

Home, Lord (Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home)
        The way the wind blows 1976

Home, Sir Everard
        Lectures on comparative anatomy 1814–28

Home, Henry
        See Kames, Lord

Home, John
        Works a 1808 (1822)
        Douglas: a tragedy 1756

‘Home, Julian’ (E. R. Christie)
        Sketches of Cambridge, in verse 1879

‘Home, Michael’ (Charlie Christopher Bush)
        The house of shade 1942

Home chat 1895–

Homer à la mode 1664
        See Scudamore, J.

Homes and gardens 1923–

Homilies. Certayne sermons, or homilies, appoynted by the kynges maiestie, to be declared and redde by all persones vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches 1547; the seconde tome of homelyes 1563 (1859)

Hone, Joseph
        The flowers of the forest 1980
        The sixth directorate 1975

Hone, William
        Ancient mysteries described 1823
        The every-day book 1825–27
        The table book of daily recreation and information 1827–28
        The year book of daily recreation and information 1832

Honest cavalier, A sober discourse of the; also, a serious epistle to Hodge 1680

Honyman, Bp. Andrew
        A survey of the insolent..libel entituled Napthali (anon.) 1668 (1669)

Hood, Thomas
        Works a 1845 (1869–73)
        Poems a 1845 (1875)
        Complete poetical works a 1845 (1906)
        Tylney hall 1834
        Whims and oddities, in prose and verse 1824–27
        Whimsicalities 1844

Hood, Thomas, Jr.
        Pen and pencil pictures 1857

Hook, Theodore E.
        Gilbert Gurney 1836
        Jack Brag 1837
        Love and pride (i.e. The widow and Snowdon) 1833; later edd. (1842–) The widow, and The marquess, or Love and pride
        The parson’s daughter 1833
        Sayings and doings 1824–28

Hook, Walter F.
        A Church dictionary 1842 (1871)
        Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury 1860–76

Hooke, Robert
        Posthumous works a1703 (1705)
        Micrographia, or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses 1665
See also Philosophical collections

Hooke, William
        New Englands sence of Old England and Irelands sorrowes 1645
        New Englands teares for Old Englands feares 1641

Hooker, Edward 1683
        See Pordage, John

Hooker, Frances H. 1873
        See Hooker, Sir J. D.

Hooker, John (J. Vowell)
        The description of the cittie of Excester ?1575 (in Holinshed, Chron. 1587, III. p. 1007)
        The Irish historie composed by Giraldus Cambrensis tr. 1586 (in Holinshed, Chron.) See also Holinshed, R.
        The lyffe of Sir Peter Carew c 1575 (in Archaeologia XXVIII)

Hooker, Sir Joseph D.
        Botany 1876
        The botany of the Antarctic voyage of the Erebus and Terror in 1839–43 1844–60
        A general system of botany by E. Le Maout and J. Decaisne, tr. by Frances H. Hooker and ed. by J. D. Hooker 1873
        Handbook of the New Zealand flora 2 parts 1864–7
        Himalayan journals 1854
        The student’s flora of the British Islands 1870

—— & Ball, John
        Journal of a tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas 1878
See also Huxley, Leonard

Hooker, Richard
        Works a1600 (1888)
        A learned discourse of justification 1586 (1612)
        Of the lawes of ecclesiasticall politie Bks. i–iv 1594; Bk. v 1597 (1617); Bks. vi–viii a 1600 (1648)

Hooker, Sir William J.
        Botany 1849 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
        The British flora 1830–33
        Journal of a tour in Iceland in 1809 1811 (1813)
See also Smith, Sir James E.

Hool, George Albert & Johnson, Nathan Clarke
        Concrete engineers’ handbook 1918

Hoole, Charles
        M. Corderius’s School-colloquies, English and Latine 1657 (1688)
See also Comenius

Hoole, John
        Ariosto’s (L.) Orlando furioso tr. 1783
        Tasso’s (T.) Jerusalem delivered 1763

Hoole, Samuel
        Discourses delivered in the parish church of All Saints, Poplar 1833

Hooper, Bp. George
        A discourse concerning Lent 1696
        An inquiry into the state of the ancient measures (anon.) 1721

Hooper, Bp. John
        Writings a1555 (Parker Soc. 1843–52)
        An answer vnto my lord of wynchesters booke 1547
        A declaracion of Christe and of his offyce 1547
        A declaration of the ten holy commaundementes 1548
        A godly confession and protestacion of the christian fayth ?1551
        An ouersight and deliberacion vpon the prophete Jonas 1550

Hooper, Johnson Jones
        Some adventures of Captain Simon Suggs 1845
—(another ed.) 1846

Hooper, Robert
        A compendious medical dictionary 1798
        Lexicon medicum; a new medical dictionary 1802
—(ed. 7, rev. by K. Grant) 1839

Hooper, W.
        Sketches from academic life 1886

Hooson, William
        The miner’s dictionary 1747

Hope, Alexander J. Beresford
        The Brandreths. A novel 1882
        The English cathedral of the nineteenth century 1861
        Essays 1844

‘Hope, Anthony’ (Anthony Hope Hawkins)
        The prisoner of Zenda 1894
        Tristram of Blent 1901

‘Hope, Ascott R.’ (A. R. H. Moncrieff)
        My schoolboy friends 1870

Hope, Frederick W.
        The coleopterist’s manual 1837–40

Hope, Sir Thomas
        Minor practicks; or, a treatise of the Scottish law a1646 (1726)

Hope, Thomas
        Anastasius: or the memoirs of a Greek 1819
        An essay on the origin and prospects of man 1831

Hope, Sir William
        The compleat fencing-master 1692 (ed. 2)
        A new, short, and easy method of fencing 1707
See also Solleysel, J. de

Hope, William Edward Stanton
        Digger’s paradise 1956

Hope, William H. St. John
        Inventories of Christ Church, Canterbury. ed. by J. Wickham Legg & W. H. St. John Hope 1902
        Windsor Castle. An architectural history 1913

Hopkins, Charles
        White-hall; or, the Court of England: a poem 1698
—another ed., The court-prospect, a poem 1699

Hopkins, Edward J. & Rimbault, Edward F.
        The organ; its history and construction 1855 (1877)

Hopkins, Ellice
        Rose Turquand 1876 (1880)

Hopkins, Bp. Ezekiel
        Works a1690 (1710, 1809)
        Discourses or sermons on several scriptures a1690 (1691–96)
        An exposition of the Lord’s Prayer 1692
        A sermon preached at the funeralls of the Honourable A Grevil 1663
        The vanity of the world 1668

Hopkins, Gerard Manley
        Further letters ed. C. C. Abbott 1938
—(ed. 2, by C. C. Abbott) 1956
        Journals and papers ed. G. Storey 1959
        Letters to Robert Bridges ed. C. C. Abbott 1935
—(2nd rev. impr.) 1955
        Note-books and papers ed. H. House 1937
        Poems ed. R. Bridges 1918
—(ed. 3, by W. H. Gardner) 1948
—(ed. 4, by W. H. Gardner & N. H. MacKenzie) 1967
        Sermons and devotional writings ed. C. Devlin 1959
        A vision of the mermaids (facsimile ed. of manuscript text dated 1862) 1929

Hopkins, John
        See Sternhold, T.

Hopkins, Keith
ed. Hong Kong, the industrial colony: a political, social and economic survey 1971

Hopkins, Manley
        A handbook of average 1857
        Hawaii; the past, present, and future of its island kingdom 1862

Hopkins, Matthew
        The discovery of witches 1647

Hopkins, William
        The Book of Bertram, or Ratramnus, concerning the body and blood of the Lord tr. 1686
        Seventeen sermons a1700 (1708)

Hopkinson, Diana
        The incense-tree 1968

Hopley, Catherine C.
        Life in the South 1863

Hoppe, A.
        Englisch-Deutsches Supplement-Lexicon 1871

Hopps, John Page
        First principles of religion and morality 1875
        The life of Jesus 1869

Hopton, Arthur
        A concordancy of yeares 1612
        Speculum topographicum; or the topographicall glasse 1611
