
Mead or Mede, Joseph
        Works a 1638 (1672)
        Daniel’s weekes; an interpretation of part of the prophecy of Daniel 1643
        Diatribæ: discourses on divers texts of scripture 1642

Mead, Margaret
        Growing up in New Guinea: a comparative study of primitive education 1930
        Male and female: a study of the sexes in a changing world 1949

Mead, Richard
        Medical works a 1754 (1762)
        A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion and the methods to be used to prevent it (= Plague) 1720
        M.’s Medical precepts and cautions tr. T. Stack 1751

Meade, Elizabeth (‘Lillie’) Thomasina
        A sweet girl graduate 1891

Meade, Herbert
        A ride through the disturbed districts of New Zealand 1870

Meadows, C. J. Barr
        Clinical observations on affections of the digestive organs and of the skin 1875

Meager, Leonard
        The English gardener 1670
        The new art of gardening, with the gardener’s almanack 1697

Meals and manners, Early English
See Babees Book

Mean. The meane in spending: promising prayse to the liberall etc. 1598

Meanderings of memory, byNightlark’1852

Meccano magazine 1916–

Mechanics’ magazine, The 1823–71

Medawar, Peter Brian & Medawar, Jean Shinglewood
        The life science: current ideas of biology 1977

Medbery, James Knowles
        Men and mysteries of Wall Street 1870

Meddelelser om Grønland (Copenhagen) 1879–

Mede, Joseph
        See Mead or Mede, J.

Medical and physical journal, The 1799–1826

Medical annual, The 1883–

Medical communications (by a society for promoting medical knowledge) 1784–90

Medical essays and observations, revised and published by a society in Edinburgh 1733–44

Medical journal of Australia 1914–

Medical MS. at Stockholm, Extracts from a a 1400 (in Archaeologia XXX, 1844; Anglia XVIII, 1896)

Medical news (Philadelphia) 1843–1905

Medical record (New York) 1866–1922

Medical Research Council
        Mathematics and computer science in biology and medicine 1965
        A system of bacteriology in relation to medicine 9 vols. 1929–31

Medical temperance journal, The 1870–92

Medical times and gazette, The 1859–

Medicina gymnastica 1704
        See Fuller, F.

Medico-chirurgical transactions, published by the (Royal) Medical and chirurgical society of London 1815–72

Meditations on the life and passion of Christ c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1921)

Meditations on the supper of our Lord, and the hours of the passion, Bonaventura’s 13.. (E.E.T.S. 1875)

Medium ævum 1932–

Medley, Guido
        Kolbe or Kolben’s (P.) Present state of the Cape of Good Hope tr. 1731

Medley, The 1710–11 (1712)

Medulla grammatice(s c 1460 (various MSS.; 1499)

Medwall, Henry
        A goodly interlude of Nature c 1500 (Brandl 1898)

Medway, Gathorne (Gathorne-Hardy), Baron
        The wild mammals of Malaya and offshore islands including Singapore 1969

Medwin, Thomas
        The angler in Wales, or days and nights of sportsmen 1834
        Conversations of Lord Byron 1824 (1832)
        The Shelley papers, Memoir of P. B. Shelley and original poems and papers by P. B. Shelley 1833

Meehan, Thomas
        The native flowers and ferns of the United States 1878–80

Meeke, Robert
        Extracts from his diary 1689–94 (1874)

Meeting of gallants at an ordinarie or the walkes in Powles, The 1604 (Percy Soc. 1841)

Meglitsch, Paul Allen
        Invertebrate zoology 1967

Mehalah 1880
        See Baring-Gould, S.

Meidan Maregrete c 1250 (Seinte Marherete, E.E.T.S. 1862)

Meigs, J. Aitken
        Observations upon the cranial forms of the American aborigines 1866

Meister’s (J. H.) Letters written during a residence in England tr. 1799

Melayne, The sege off c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1880)

Melbancke, Brian
        Philotimus: the warre betwixt nature and fortune 1583

Melbourne Truth (title varies) 1902–

Melchior, Ib
        Sleeper agent [anon. tr.] 1975 (UK 1976)

Melismata 1611
        See Ravenscroft, T.

Mellis, John 1588
        See Oldcastle, H.

Mellor, Enoch
        Priesthood in the light of the New Testament 1876

Mellor, Joseph William
        A comprehensive treatise on inorganic and theoretical chemistry 1922–
        Modern inorganic chemistry 1912

Melly, Alan George Heywood
        Owning-up 1965

Melmoth, William
        Cicero’s (M. T.) Cato; or an essay on old age tr. 1773
        Letters on several subjects, by the late Sir T. Fitzosborne 1742–49 (1763)

Melody maker, The 1926–

Melrose, Selections from the records of the regality of 1605–1706 (S.H.S. 1914 etc.)

Melton, John
        Astrologaster or the figure-caster 1620
        A six-folde politician 1609

Melusine, compiled by J. D’Arras tr. c 1500 (E.E.T.S. 1895)

Melvil, Sir James
        Memoirs c 1610 (1683, 1735, Bannatyne Club 1827)

Melvill, James
        Autobiography and diary (1556–1601) with a continuation a 1614 (Wodrow Soc. 1842)
        Diary 1556–1601 a 1614 (Bannatyne Club 1829)

Melville, George J. Whyte
        Digby Grand, an autobiography 1853
        General Bounce; or, the lady and the locusts 1854 (1855)
        The gladiators, a tale of Rome and Judæa 1863
        Good for nothing; or all down hill 1861
        Holmby house, a tale of old Northamptonshire 1860
        Inside the bar; or sketches at Soakington 1862
        Kate Coventry, an autobiography 1856
        Katerfelto; a story of Exmoor 1875
        Market Harborough; or how Mr. Sawyer went to the shires 1861 (1862)
        Riding recollections 1875 (1878)
        Uncle John, a novel 1874

Melville, Herman
        Moby Dick, or the whale 1851
        Omoo; a narrative of adventures in the south seas 1847
        Pierre; or, The ambiguities 1852
        Redburn: his first voyage (UK ed. in 2 vols.) 1849
        Typee: a peep at Polynesian life 1846
        White jacket; or the world in a man-of-war 1850

‘Melville, Jennie’ (Gwendoline Butler)
        Ironwood 1972
        Nun’s castle 1974

‘Melville, Lewis’ (L. S. Benjamin)
        The life of W. M. Thackeray 1899

Memoirs of a Babylonian princess (Maria T. Asmar) written by herself tr. 1844

Memoirs of Captain Peter Drake, The 1754 (1755)

Memoirs of Emeric Count Teckely (by J. Le Clerc) tr. 1693

Memoirs of female philosophers, by a modern philosopher of the other sex 1808

Memoirs of..George Psalmanazar..written by himself a 1763 (1764)

Memoirs of the Nutrebian (Nubian) court 1747

Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1882–88)

Memorials of St. Giles’s, Durham v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1896)

Mencken, Henry Louis
        The American language: a preliminary inquiry into the development of English in the United States 1919
—(rev. ed.) 1921
—(ed. 3) 1923
—(ed. 4) 1936
—Supplement 2 vols. 1945–8
—(abridged ed. with new material by R. I. McDavid) 1963

Mendell, George H. & Craighill, W. P.
        Jomini’s (A. H. de) Art of war tr. 1862 (1879)

Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf
        The dictionary of drink and drinking 1965

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s (J. L. F.) Letters from Italy and Switzerland tr. Lady Wallace 1861 (1862)

Mendes da Costa, Emanuel
        Elements of conchology 1776
        A natural history of fossils 1757

Menken, Adah I.
        Infelicia (poems) 1868

Mennes, Sir John & Smith, J.
        Musarum deliciæ, or the muses recreation 1655 (1817)
        Wit restor’d 1658
        Witts recreations 1640 (1663)

Men’s hockey (‘Know the game’ series) 1950
—(rev. ed.) 1965

Mercantile marine magazine and nautical record, The 1854–60

Merchants’ magazine and commercial review 1839–70 (1851–60 with title Hunt’s merchants’ magazine and commercial review)

Mercier’s (B.) Fragments of politics and history tr. 1795

Mercier, Charles
        Sanity and insanity 1890

Mercurius academicus No. 1 1648

Mercurius caledonius 1661 (1861)

Mercurius pragmaticus 1647–49

Mercurius scoticus, or the royal messenger 1651

Mercurydictionary of textile terms, The 1950

Meredith, George
        The adventures of Harry Richmond 1871
        The amazing marriage 1895
        Ballads and poems of tragic life 1887
        Beauchamp’s career 1876
        Diana of the crossways 1885
        The egoist, a comedy in narrative 1879
        Evan Harrington 1861
Farina: a legend of Cologne
        Letters ed. C. L. Cline 3 vols. 1970
        Lord Ormont and his Aminta 1894
        Odes in contribution to the song of French history 1898
        One of our conquerors 1891
        The ordeal of Richard Feverel 1859
        Poems 1851
        Poems and lyrics of the joy of earth 1883
        Rhoda Fleming 1865
        The shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian entertainment 1856
        The tragic comedians 1880 (1881)
        Vittoria 1866 (1867)

Meredith, L. P.
        The teeth and how to save them 1872 (1878)

Meredith, Mrs. Louisa Anne
        Tasmanian friends and foes, feathered, furred and finned 1880

‘Meredith, Owen’
        See Lytton, E. R., 1st Earl of

Mereness, Newton Dennison
ed. Travels in the American colonies 1690–1783 1916

Meres, Francis
        Palladis Tamia, Wits treasury, being the second part of Wits commonwealth (by J. Bodenham) 1598 (1634)

Meretriciad 1761
        See Thompson, E.

Meriton, George
        The christian mans assuring house (a sermon) 1614

Meriton, George
        The praise of York-shire ale..To which is added, A York-shire dialogue, by G. M. gent 1685
        A York-shire dialogue in its pure natural dialect 1683 (also 1684, with an alphabetical clavis; Nine specimens, E.D.S. 1896)

Merivale, Charles
        The conversion of the Roman empire 1864
        The fall of the Roman republic 1853
        A general history of Rome 1875
        A history of the Romans under the empire 1850–62 (1865)

Merivale, Herman C.
        Faucit of Balliol 1882

Merlin or the early history of king Arthur, a prose romance c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1899)

Merline (poem) a 1650 (Bp. Percy’s Folio MS. I, 1867)

Merrett, Christopher
        Neri’s (A.) Art of glass tr. 1662
        Pinax rerum naturalium Britannicarum 1666 (1667)

Merrey, Walter
        Remarks on the coinage of England 1789

Merriam, George S.
        The life and times of Samuel Bowles 1885

Merrick, Arnold
        Albrechtsberger’s (J. G.) Methods of harmony, figured base and composition..adapted for self-instruction tr. 1834 (1844)

Merriman, Arthur Douglas
        A dictionary of metallurgy 1958

‘Merriman, Henry Seton’ (Hugh S. Scott)
        In Kedar’s tents 1897
        Roden’s corner 1898
        The slave of the lamp 1892
        The sowers 1896

Merriman, Roger B.
        Life and letters of Thomas Cromwell 1902

Merry devill of Edmonton, The 1608 (Dodsley; Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)

Merry drollery; or a collection of jovial poems, merry songs, with drolleries 1661 (also repr. J. W. Ebsworth 1875)

Merton, Robert King
        Social theory and social structure 1949
—(rev. ed.) 1957
—(rev. ed.) 1968

Merwin, Samuel & Webster, Henry Kitchell
        CalumetK’ 1901

Merz, John Theodore
        Leibniz 1884

Meston, William
        Poems a 1745 (1767)

Metabolism: clinical and experimental 1952–

Metal world, The: a weekly journal for engineers 1881–82

Metals handbook
See: American Society for Metals

Metaphrase on the epistle to the Colossians, A plaine and learned, written by a godly and judicious preacher c 1630 (annexed to J. Dod’s Ten sermons 1632)

Metcalf, Clell Lee & Flint, Wesley Pillsbury
        Fundamentals of insect life 1932
        Destructive and useful insects 1928
—(ed. 4) 1962

Meteorological Office
        See United Kingdom

Meteyard, Eliza
        The life of Josiah Wedgwood 1865–66

Metham, John
        Works, including the romance of Amoryus and Cleopes c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1916)

Metrical homilies, English c 1325 (ed. J. Small 1862)

Metronome 1885–

Metropolis, a novel, The 1819

Meun’s (J. de) Dodechedron of Fortune tr. Sir W. B. 1613

Mexia, P. 1613–19
        See Milles, T.

Meyer, Jerome Sydney & Hanlon, Stuart
        Fun with the new math 1966

Meyer, Kuno
        The voyage of old Irish saga. ed. and tr., with an essay by A. Nutt 1895–97

Meynell, Laurence Walter
        Double fault 1965
        Hooky gets the wooden spoon 1977
        The thirteen trumpeters: a Hooky Hefferman story 1973
        Virgin luck 1963

Meynell, Wilfrid
        John Henry Newman the founder of modern Anglicanism and a cardinal of the Roman church 1890

Meyrick, Sir Samuel R.
        A critical inquiry into antient armour etc. 1824
        Engraved illustrations of antient arms and armour 1830

Mezzrow, Milton & Wolfe, Bernard
        Really the blues 1946 (UK 1957)

Miall, Arthur Bernard
tr. C. Guenther’s A naturalist in Brazil 1931

Miall, Edward (Articles in)
        Nonconformist 1841–50

Miall, Louis C.
        The natural history of aquatic insects 1895

Miall, Stephen
ed. A new dictionary of chemistry 1940
—(ed. 2, by S. Miall & L. M. Miall) 1949

Michaux, François André
        Histoire des arbres forestiers de l’Amérique Septentrionale 3 vols. 1810–13

Michel, Francisque
        A critical inquiry into the Scottish language 1882

Michelin Tire Corporation
        New York City 1968

Michelin Tyre Company
        Michelin guide to Great Britain (ed. 7) 1923

Michell, John Henry & Belz, Maurice Henry
        The elements of mathematical analysis 2 vols. 1937

Michener, James Albert
        Chesapeake 1978
        The source 1965

Michie, John Grant
        Deeside tales or men and manners on highland Deeside since 1745 1872 (1908)

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters
        Papers Vol. X (for 1928) 1929

Michigan State Agricultural Society
        Transactions 1849–61

Mickle, William J.
        Camoens’ (L. de) Lusiad tr. 1776
        Poetical works a 1788 (1794; Chalmers 1810)

Micklethwaite, John T.
        Modern parish churches; their plan, design, and furniture 1874

Micmacs. An account of the customs and manners of the Mickmakis and Maricheets, savage nations now dependent on the government of Cape-Breton 1758

Microcosm, The, a periodical work by George Griffin (i.e. G. Canning, and others) 1786–87

Microscopical science, Quarterly journal of 1853–77

Middle-English medicine-book, A c 1450 (F. Heinrich, Ein mittelenglisches Medizinbuch 1896)

Middlemass, Jean
        Two false moves, a novel 1890

Middleton, Christopher
        The famous historie of Chinon of England 1597 (also E.E.T.S. 1925)

Middleton, Conyers
        The history of the life of M. T. Cicero 1741
        A treatise on the Roman senate 1747

Middleton, John
        View of the agriculture of Middlesex 1798

Middleton, Thomas
        Works a 1627 (Dyce 1840; Bullen 1885–86)
        The ant and the nightingale See Father Hubburd
        Any thing for a quiet life c 1626 (1662)
        The blacke booke: see M., T. 1604
        Blurt master constable or the Spanish night-walke 1602
        A chast mayd in Cheape-side, a comedy c 1620 (1630)
        The famelie of love 1607 (1608)
        Father Hubburds tales or the ant and nightingale 1604
—(another ed.) The ant and the nightingale or Father Hubberds tales 1604
        A game at chesse, a play 1624
        A mad world my masters, a comedy 1608
        The mayor of Quinborough, a comedy a 1627 (1661)
        Michaelmas terme 1607
        Micro-cynicon, sixe snarling satyres 1599 (Bullen)
        More dissemblers besides women 1622 (1657)
        No wit, no help, like a womans, a comedy c 1613 (1657)
        The phoenix 1607 (1630)
        A tricke to catch the old-one 1607 (1608)
Two new playes: viz. More dissemblers besides women; Women beware women
1622 (1657)
        The wisdom of Solomon paraphrased 1597
        A tragi-comodie called The witch a 1627 (1778)
        Your five gallants 1608

—— & Dekker, T.
        The roaring girle, or Moll Cut purse 1611

—— & Rowley, W.
        The changeling 1623 (1653)
        A courtly masque: the device called The world tost at tennis 1620
        A faire quarrell 1617 (1622)
        The Spanish gipsie 1623 (1653)

—— et al.
        The excellent comedy called The old law: or a new way to please you, by P. Massinger, T. Middleton, W. Rowley 16.. (1656)
        The widdow, a B. Johnson, J. Fletcher, and T. Middleton a 1627 (1652; Dodsley)

Middleton, Bp. Thomas F.
        The doctrine of the Greek article applied to criticism..of the New Testament 1808 (1833)

Midland counties historical collector, The 1854–56

Mid-Yorkshire glossary 1876
        See Robinson, C. C.

Miege, Guy
        A new dictionary French and English with another English and French 1677
        The great French dictionary 1687–88
        The present state of Great Britain 1707

Mikes, H. George
        Down with everybody! 1951
        Milk and honey: Israel explored 1950

Milbourne, Luke
        The measures of resistance to the higher powers (a sermon) 1710
        Melius inquirendum (a sermon) 1709
        Notes on Dryden’s Virgil 1698
        The people not the original of civil power (a sermon) 1707
        The traytors reward (a sermon) 1704

Milburn, Clara Emily
        Mrs. Milburn’s diaries: an Englishwoman’s day-to-day reflections, 1939–45 ed. P. Donnelly 1979

Milburn, William
        Oriental commerce 1813 (1825)

Miles, Beryl
        The stars my blanket 1954

Military and sea dictionary, A 1702–11 (1711)

Military dictionary, A new 1760

Military engineering, Instruction in 1884 (ed. 3)

Mill, Humphrey
        A nights search 1640–46

Mill, James
        Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind 1829 (1869)
        Elements of political economy 1821 (1824)
        The history of British India 1817
—ed. with continuation by H. H. Wilson (1840–46)

Mill, John Stuart
        Auguste Comte and positivism 1865
        Autobiography 1873
        Considerations on representative government 1861 (1865)
Dissertations and discussions
v.d. (1859–75)
        Earlier letters ed. F. E. Mineka 2 vols. 1963 (Vols. XII & XIII of Collected works)
        The early draft of J. S. Mill’s autobiography ed. J. Stillinger 1961
        England and Ireland 1868
        Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy 1844
        An examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s philosophy 1865
        Inaugural address..St. Andrews 1867
        Letters ed. H. S. R. Elliot 2 vols. 1910
        On liberty 1859 (1865, 1869)
        Principles of political economy 1848 (1876)
        The subjection of women 1869
        A system of logic 1843 (1846, 1868)
        Three essays on religion 1874
1861 (1874)

Mill, William H.
        Five sermons on the temptation of Christ 1844
        Observations on the attempted application of pantheistic principles to the theory and historic criticism of the gospel 1840–44 (1861)

Millais, Sir John E.
        See Millais, John G. 1899

Millais, John G.
        A breath from the veldt 1895 (1899)
        The life and letters of Sir J. E. Millais 1899

Millar, Alexander H.
        Fife: pictorial and historical 1895

Millar, George Reid
        Horned pigeon 1946
        Maquis 1945

Millar, Margaret
        Ask for me tomorrow 1976 (UK 1977)
        The soft talkers 1957

Miller, Arthur
        All my sons 1947
        Collected plays 1957 (UK 1958)
        The crucible 1953 (UK 1956)
        Death of a salesman 1949
        The misfits 1961

Miller, Cincinnatus H.
        See Miller, Joaquin

Miller, Denis
        The Chinese jade affair 1973

Miller, Edward
        A guide to the textual criticism of the New Testament 1886

Miller, Edwin Cyrus
        Plant physiology, with reference to the green plant 1931

Miller, Henry Valentine
        Black spring 1936
        Nexus 1960 (UK 1964)
        Plexus 1953 (UK 1963)
        Sexus 2 vols. 1949 (UK 1969)
        Tropic of Cancer 1934
        Tropic of Capricorn 1939

Miller, Hugh
        The cruise of the Betsey..With rambles of a geologist a 1856 (1858)
        First impressions of England and its people 1847 (1861)
        Footprints of the creator 1849 (1874)
        My schools and schoolmasters 1854 (1857)
        The old red sandstone 1841 (1842)
        Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland 1834 (1850, 1857)
        The testimony of the rocks a 1856 (1857)

Miller, Hugh
        The open city 1973

Miller, James
        The sibyl’s leaves 1829

Miller, Joaquin
        First fam’lies in the Sierras 1875 (US 1876)
        Life amonst the Modocs 1873
        Songs of Italy 1878
        Songs of the sierras 1871

Miller, John
        A description of the province and city of New York c 1695 (1843)

Miller, Philip
        The gardener’s dictionary 1731–39 (1759, 1768)
—ed. T. Martyn (1807)
        A short introduction to the knowledge of..botany 1760

Miller, Samuel H. & Skertchly, S. B. J.
        The fenland past and present 1878

Miller, William
        A dictionary of English names of plants 1884

Miller, William A.
        Elements of chemistry, theoretical and practical 1855–57 (1860–62, 1867–69)

Miller, William H.
        The culture of pleasure (anon.) 1871 (1872)

Miller of Mansfield in Sherwood and Henery the second, The pleasant history of the 1651

Millerson, Gerald
        The technique of television production 1961

Milles, Thomas
        The catalogue of honor or treasury of true nobility 1610
        The treasurie of auncient and moderne times (Times storehouse etc.), translated out of P. Mexia & F. Sansovino 1613, 1619

Millett, Kate
        Flying 1974 (UK 1975)
        Sexual politics 1970 (UK 1971)

Milliken, E. J.
        ‘Arry ballads 1892

Millin, Sarah Gertrude
        The South Africans 1926

Millington, Thomas
        The true narration of the entertainment of his royal majesty (James I) 1603 (Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)

Mills, Charles
        The history of chivalry or knighthood and its times 1825
        The history of the crusades 1818 (1822)

Mills, Charles Wright
        The power elite 1956
        White collar: the American middle classes 1951

Mills, James
        Report to the Commissioner 1972

Mills, John
        Crevier’s (J. B. L.) History of the Roman emperors tr. 1755–61 (1814)

Mills, John
        An essay on the management of bees 1766
        A new and complete system of practical husbandry 1762–63

Mills, John
        Sacred symbology 1853

Mills, Mark A.
ed. The ancient ordinances and statute laws of the isle of Man 1821

‘Mills, Osmington’ (Vivian Collin Brooks)
        Enemies of the bride 1966
        Headlines make murder 1962
        Stairway to murder 1959

Mills, P. W. F.
        The elements of practical flying 1935

Millspaugh, Charles F.
        American medicinal plants 1884–87

Milman, Henry Hart
        Annals of St. Paul’s cathedral 1868
        Anne Boleyn, a dramatic poem 1826
        Fazio, a tragedy 1815
        The history of christianity 1840 (1863)
        History of Latin christianity 1854–55 (1864)
        The history of the Jews 1829 (1863)
        Samor, lord of the bright city, an heroic poem 1818

Milne, Alan Alexander
        First plays 1919
        Winnie-the-Pooh 1926

Milne, Christopher Robin
        The enchanted places 1974

Milne, James
        The romance of a pro-consul, being the personal life and memoirs of Sir G. Grey 1899

Milne, William
        See Morrison, Robert

Milner, Christina Andrea & Milner, Richard
        Black players: the secret world of black pimps 1973

Milner, George
        Country pleasures; the chronicle of a year, chiefly in a garden 1881

Milner, Isaac
        See Milner, Mary

Milner, John
        A treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England during the middle ages 1811

Milner, Mary
        The life of Isaac Milner, comprising a portion of his correspondence and other writings hitherto unpublished 1842

Milner, Thomas
        The gallery of nature 1845 (1846)

Milnes, Richard Monckton
        See Houghton, 1st Baron

Milton, John
        Works a 1674 (1851; Prose works 1738, 1753)
        Animadversions upon The remonstrants defence against Smectymnuus 1641
        An apology against..A modest confutation of the animadversions upon the remonstrant against Smectymnuus 1642
        Areopagitica; a speech for the liberty of unlicenc’d printing 1644 (Arber)
        At a vacation exercise in the colledge 1628
        A brief history of Moscovia a 1674 (1682)
        Colasterion: a reply to a nameles answer against The doctrine and discipline of divorce 1645
        Comus See Maske, below
        Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church 1659
        The doctrine and discipline of divorce 1643, 1644
        Of education, To Master S. Hartlib 1644
        in answer to a book intitl’d 1649
        The history of Britain, that part especially now call’d England 1670
        Il penseroso 1632
        The judgement of M. Bucer concerning divorce tr. 1644
        L’allegro 1632
        Lycidas 1637
        A maske presented at Ludlow castle 1634
        On the morning of Christs nativity 1629
        Paradise lost 1667
        Paradise regain’d 1671
        The passion (poem) c 1630
        Of prelaticall episcopacy 1641
        The readie and easie way to establish a free commonwealth 1659
        The reason of church-government urg’d against prelaty 1641
        Of reformation touching church discipline in England 1641
        Samson Agonistes 1671
        The tenure of kings and magistrates 1649 (1650)
        Tetrachordon: expositions upon the foure chief places in scripture which treat of mariage etc. 1645
        A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes 1659
See also Marsh, J.; Parker, H.; Washington, J.

Milton, William Fitzwilliam, Viscount & Cheadle, Walter Butler
        The North-West Passage by land 1865

Milton Keynes Express 1973–

Milwarde, John
        Jacobs great day of trouble and deliverance, a sermon 1610

Minchin, Edward Alfred
        An introduction to the study of the protozoa, with special reference to the parasitic forms 1912

Minchin, George M.
        A treatise of statics 1877
        Uniplanar kinematics of solids and fluids 1882

Mind; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy 1876–

Mineralogical abstracts 1920–

Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, The 1876–

Miniature, a periodical paper, The 1804–05 (1806)

Mining review, The 1836–37

Ministry of…
        See United Kingdom. Ministry of…

Minor, The; or history of George O’Nial Esq. 1787 (1788)

Minor poems of the Vernon MS., The a 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1892–1901)

Minot, Laurence
        Poems a 1352 (1795; J. Hall 1887)

Minsheu, John
        id est Ductor in linguas The guide into tongues etc. 1617 (1627)
        Percyvall’s (R.) Dictionarie in Spanish and English..enlarged by..J. Minsheu 1599

Minstrel, The; or, anecdotes of distinguished personages in the fifteenth century 1793

Minter, Davide Caroline
ed. Modern needlecraft 1932

Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 1st Earl of
        Life and letters 1751–1806 (1874)
        Lord Minto in India, Life and letters 1807–14 (1880)

Minto, William
        Daniel Defoe (English men of letters) 1879
        A manual of English prose literature 1872

Miriam’s schooling 1890
        See White, William Hale

Mirk’s Festial: a collection of homilies by J. Mirkus c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1905)
See also Myrc

Mirror, The (by H. Mackenzie et al.) 1779–80

Mirror. A myrroure for magistrates ed. W. Baldwin 1559, 1563 (1571)
The firste parte of the mirour ed. J. Higgins 1574 (1575)
The last parte of the mirour 1574 (= Baldwin 1571)
The seconde part of the mirrour ed. T. Blennerhasset 1578
The mirour for magistrates (first and last parts combined) 1587
A mirour for magistrates, newly enlarged with a last part called A winters nights vision..with a poem annexed called Englands Eliza ed. R. Niccols 1610

Mirror of literature, amusement and instruction, The 1823–26

Mirror. The miroure of mans salvacionne c 1450 (Roxb. Club 1888)
        The mirrour of policie (from G. de la Perriere) tr. 1594 (1599)
        The myroure of oure Ladye, containing a devotional treatise on divine service etc. 1450–1530 (1530; E.E.T.S. 1873)

Miscellanea curiosa; containing a collection of some of the principal phænomena in nature etc. 1708

Miscellanea Scotica, a collection of tracts relating to the history, antiquities, topography, and literature of Scotland v.d. (1818–20)

Miseries of enforced marriage 1607
        See Wilkins, G.

Misogonus, A mery and pleasaunt comedie called c 1570 (Brandl 1898)

Misselden, Edward
        Free trade; or the meanes to make trade florish 1622

Missing friends, being the adventures of a Danish emigrant in Queensland (1871–80) 1892

Missingham, Hal
        A student’s guide in commercial art 1948

Missionary magazine, The 1796–1813

Mist’s Journal. A collection of miscellaneous letters selected out of Mist’s Weekly journal 1720–21 (1722)

Misyn, Richard
        The fire of love (Englished from Hampole’s De incendio amoris) 1435 (E.E.T.S. 1896)
        The mending of life and the rule of living (Englished from Hampole’s De emendacione vitæ) 1434 (ibid.)

Mitchell, Donald G.
        The battle summer, being transcriptions from personal observations in Paris during..1848 1849 (1852)
        Bound together: a sheaf of papers 1884
        Dream life: a fable of the seasons 1851 (1852)
        The lorgnette; or studies of the town by an opera-goer 1850
        Reveries of a bachelor 1850 (1852)
        Seven stories, with basement and attic 1864
        Wet days at Edgewood 1864

Mitchell, Geoffrey Duncan
        Sociology: the study of social systems 1959

Mitchell, Gladys Maude W.
        Laurels are poison 1942
        The murder of Busy Lizzie 1973
        The mystery of a butcher’s shop 1929
        Spotted hemlock 1958

Mitchell, Hugh
        Scotticisms, vulgar anglicisms and grammatical improprieties corrected 1799

Mitchell, James
        Smear job 1975

Mitchell, Margaret
        Gone with the wind 1936

Mitchell, Thomas
        The comedies of Aristophanes tr. 1820–22

Mitchell, Thomas L.
        Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia 1838 (1839)

Mitchell, W. Forbes-
        See Forbes-Mitchell, W.

Mitchison, Naomi Margaret
        We have been warned 1935

Mitford, A. B. Freeman-
        See Freeman-Mitford, A. B.

Mitford, Jessica Lucy Freeman
        The American way of death 1963

Mitford, Mary Russell
        Country stories 1837 (1850)
        Our village; sketches of rural character and scenery 1824–32 (1863)
        Recollections of a literary life 1852
See also L’Estrange, A. G.

Mitford, Nancy Freeman
        The blessing 1951
        Christmas pudding 1932
        Don’t tell Alfred 1960
        Love in a cold climate 1949
        Pigeon pie 1940
        The pursuit of love 1945

Mitford, William
        An essay upon the harmony of language 1774
An inquiry into the principles of harmony in language 1804
        History of Greece 1784–1818 (1829)

Mittelholzer, Edgar Austin
        Shadows move among them 1951

Mivart, St. George
        The cat: an introduction to the study of backboned animals 1881
        Dogs, jackals, wolves and foxes: a monograph of the canidæ 1890
        Lessons in elementary anatomy 1873
        On truth, a systematic inquiry 1889

‘Mixer, The’ (Henry Kirk)
        The transport workers’ song book c 1926

Model steam engine, The: how to buy, how to use, and how to construct it 1868 (1895)

Modell of wit, mirth, eloquence and conversation, The. Framed in ten dayes of a hundred curious pieces etc. (Boccacio’s Decameron) tr. 1625

Moderation display’d, a poem (by W. Shippen) 1704

Modern christianity a civilized heathenism (by H. W. Pullen) 1873 (1874)

Modern Gulliver’s travel, by L. Gulliver Jun. 1796

A modern junior dictionary, specially adapted for use in Australia and New Zealand 1944

Modern Language Association of America
        Publications 1889–

Modern language notes 1886–

Modern language review 1905–

Modern law review 1937–

Modern philology 1903–

Modern Scottish poets ed. D. H. Edwards 1881–97

Modern ship of fools, The (? by W. H. Ireland) 1807

Modern theatre, The, a collection of successful modern plays, selected by Mrs. Inchbald 1811

Modern times 1785
        See Trusler, J.

Moffat, Gwen
        The Corpse road 1974
        Deviant death 1973
        Miss Pink at the edge of the world 1975

Moffett, T.
        See Moufet, T.

Mogey, John McFarlane
        Family and neighbourhood: two studies in Oxford 1956

Moggridge, J. Traherne
        Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders 1873–74

Mogridge, George
        Old Humphrey’s observations 1839

Mohr, Charles Theodore
        Plant life of Alabama 1901

Moir, David M.
        Poetical works a 1851 (1852)
        The life of Mansie Wauch, taylor in Dalkeith 1824–28 (1839, 1849)

Molesworth, Mary L.
        The adventures of Herr Baby 1881

Molesworth, Robert
        Hotman’s (F.) Franco-Gallia; or, an account of the ancient free state of France tr. 1711 (1721)

Molinos’ (M.) Spiritual guide tr. 1688

Molins, James
        Anatomical and practical observations in St. Thomas’s hospital 1674–77 (1896)

Molle, John
        Camerarius’ (P.) Living librarie tr. 1621

Mollett, John W.
        An illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archæology 1883

Molloy, Charles
        Select letters taken from Fog’s Weekly journal 1728–31 (1732)

Molloy, Edward
ed. Radio and television engineers’ reference book 1954

Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald
        Royalty restored, or London under Charles II 1885

Molly Migg’s trip to the seaside (by J. Spilling) 1873

Moloney, C. Alfred
        Sketch of the forestry of West Africa 1887
        West African fisheries 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Moloney, Peter
        A plea for Mersey; or, The gentle art of insinuendo 1966
